The Campsite

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Re: The Campsite

Post by Cearlan »

Peabody stands, his gaunt frame easily dwarfing both of you. "If you wish to keep their location a mystery, then I fully understand, but I would really like to see what you have assembled so far in case you drawing is somewhat out. We all know how you reporters have an eye for the imaginative now, don't we? But if you are reluctant to show it to me then why come here at all I wonder? Come now, I am certain I can offer you some help at least, but you have to meet me halfway."
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Re: The Campsite

Post by DrPeterson »


Henry sighs reluctantly and exchanges a glance with Jimmy.

"The thing is Mr Peabody, we've no idea how these markings came to be in this particular place I'd rather not divulge, but I can understand your scepticism despite Mr Vecchio's skilled copy.

If you'll excuse us for a moment, we'll be back shortly with what we managed to collect of the original.

Henry takes Jimmy with him to his car and divides the rocks between them. Leaving one in the trunk, he looks at the reporter with a sly grin.

"This piece must have washed away in the river."

They then proceed to bring the rocks to Peabody.

OOC: Sorry for the delay, guys, my wife made me go pick berries with her. Which was nice, but rather unconnected to the internet.
"He said we were all cooked but we were all right as long as we did not know it. We were all cooked. The thing was not to recognize it."
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Re: The Campsite

Post by Cearlan »

OOC,No problem, doing anything with the berries? thinking Sloe Gin here ;)

When they return to the office with the stones they see that Peabody has cleared a section of floor large enough to take the sections four or five times over and has a large blanket on the floor. Kneeling on the floor, he gently takes one of the pieces off you, pauses as he looks and sees what you know is the top of the madman's head. When you hand him the second stone he looks at the back and almost drops it as there before his eyes, is a perfectly formed section of someone's shoulder and neck on the inside of the stones. He says nothing but frowns deeply.resuming his task of placing the puzzle together. You both notice that he runs one hand across the inside of the stone as he checks each stone off against the drawing. Eventually he has the puzzle laid out on the floor bar the missing piece. He refers to the drawing you made earlier and looks at you with a quizzical raising of his eyebrow and a shake of his aged head. He covers the completed stone with the blanket.

"Gentlemen, the drawing you showed me earlier seemed to be complete, yet not it seem that there is a piece is missing. This either means that there was some inspired guesswork on your behalf to complete the drawing, or you are holding back one or more pieces of the ... pattern. Also let us turn this over and see what we have." As he has been speaking he slipped his hands under the blanket and he carefully manages to flip it over and uncovered the view of the stones from the inside. Revealed before you once more is the unmistakeable features of the wretch at the hospital. Peabody's face pales and he starts to tremble, his eyes darting everywhere at once. He moves quickly to close the blinds and locks the door, pocketing the key. "I think you owe me some kind of explanation as to why I should not get the police involved."
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Re: The Campsite

Post by DrPeterson »

Calamy sucks in his breath through his teeth and his eyes narrow as he witnesses Peabody's reaction. He straightens up, calmly holding his hands next to his body and speaks in a slow and confident tone.

"Now, Mr Peabody, relax. We understand your apprehension, but I can assure you we're working on this with the police. If you call the police department, ask for Albert Peartree, he's the officer in charge of the situation and describe me to him and he'll tell you that I, Henry Calamy, am working on the case with my associate here."

He pauses a moment and moves closer to the stones.

"If, however, you consider the likelihood that the police will just stash this away in a cardboard box in some archive where no one will ever get to look at it again, and if you consider the unique position which we are in now. A position from which we can shed some light on this mysterious text and maybe the even more mysterious figure on the obverse, then you'd do best to stay away from the phone for just a bit longer and then we can tell each other all we know about this here puzzle."

OOC1: Do you want to see some dice, Cearlan, or do we just talk this one out?
OOC2: We had a lovely crumble and there's still tons left to eat until we get to fight over who gets to use the toilet first. We didn't have enough room for more gin, we're still going through our elder flower gin. We're hoping to finish some bottles before the elder berries are ripe and need to put on liquor. ;)
"He said we were all cooked but we were all right as long as we did not know it. We were all cooked. The thing was not to recognize it."
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Re: The Campsite

Post by Cearlan »

OOC,No need for rolls, just pointing out the obvious flaw in your plan is all. 2) Glad you enjoyed the crumble, if not the after effects so much ;-)

"Alright then, let's say I accept you are working with the police on their case, then the fate of these fine stones would, as you suggest, probably lie in some archive locked away forever. Due to the alacrity with which you got these back here I assume you have the other stone in the same place. Why don't one of you go and get it. Now please don't insult my intelligence by denying you have it, whilst the other brings me up to speed on what we have here. Like I said before, we are on the same side here, if for different reasons." Looking at his fob watch he continues. "Look, the Society is officially closing down for the evening. why don't you ..." he nods towards Jimmy "... go and retrieve the other piece whilst Janice and Lester lock up. That will leave you and I to have a nice chat Henry Calamy."
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Re: The Campsite

Post by DrPeterson »

"All right, Mr Peabody, no more charades."

He nods his consent to Jimmy and tosses him the car key. Once he's left the room, Calamy scowls and looks at the older man.

"I'm a private investigator and was hired to assist in finding the missing Richard Cardigan. we did, but we were too late for young Cardigan. We found the stones at the site where they'd been camping. A lightning bolt had struck the stone and scattered in all directions."

He sighs wearily.

''As for the print of the body, I've no idea how it got there, but I'm thinking it couldn't have been there for very long."

He stands up and paces around the stones, looking from them to Peabody.

"I believe it's your turn now, what's your interest in these stones and what do they mean?"

OOC: Calamy was getting there, but that shrewd old bastard beat him to the chase ;)
"He said we were all cooked but we were all right as long as we did not know it. We were all cooked. The thing was not to recognize it."
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Re: The Campsite

Post by Cearlan »

"There now, that wasn't so hard after all, was it?" Peabody chuckles to himself. "Sorry if I came on a bit strong there but I don't appreciate people taking me for a fool. I may be getting on in years but up here is sharper than ever." Peabody adds, tapping his temple

"I was being perfectly honest with you before Mr Calamy when I said that I'd seen something like this in the library before, but cannot remember where - which would indicate, to me anyway, that it could not have been recently. Now what's this you say about a missing person ... sorry my work here is rooted firmly in the past and I am not very well versed in the news of the area. Where were the stones found exactly ... this information could help me narrow the search down considerably."

"My main interest in this is tangential I have to admit, but it has gripped my imagination somewhat. You see, I specialise in the genealogies of local families, the well to do and ancients of the town of Arkham and it's surrounding area mainly. You see Mr Calamy, I do like a good puzzle, and whilst this tale is of little concern to me in and of itself, the fact that I have seen something similar to your colleague's drawing before yet cannot remember where is the puzzle for me." Peabody frowns and purses his lips. and frowns as if considering something. "The sight of this relief on the inside of the stones has unnerved me somewhat, I know of a good restaurant nearby and once your friend has returned, let us retire there and refortify ourselves. I find I need little sleep these days, it's a sign of my advancing years ... Ah here is young Mr Vecchio returned again. If I may?" Peabody asks as he extends his hand. He kneels down and places the missing stone(s) in their correct place and stands back to see the overall effect. "Hmmm not the same but something similar - but where?" he mutters to himself

"I was just saying to Mr Calamay how little sleep I need these days and that I know of a fine Italian restaurant nearby, Anton's Restaurant over on Powdermill Street, and although it has a ... shall I say seedier element that use it ... the food is first rate and I get a generous discount." Peabody adds with a wink. "Once we have had our repast if you could drop me off back here I shall work through or until I get tired. Shall we gentlemen?"
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Re: The Campsite

Post by Priest »


I glance at Henry in a quizical manner, watching as the accademic studies the stones like a child presented with an unexpected gift.
"I know Anton's they do a good sauce, I am well known there. Not that that's a bonus"

OOC: While Dr Peterson has been picking berries and enjoying pie, I have been having relatives. Intended to use my tablet to give me internet access, but as they say "the best laid plans..." - Bloody tablet went kaput, so sorry about the silence.
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Re: The Campsite

Post by Cearlan »

OOC,Not a problem at all my friend. It's a sad truth that real life intrudes upon us all. At the end of the day this is a game, though played to high standards and very skillfully on here, bar my own mistakes of course :oops: :oops: :oops:

Peabody covers the stones up and locks up the Society. Once this is done he looks up at the leaden sky and says, "Well it's only a few blocks away, shall we walk of do you think perhaps your car may prove the safer option. This damnable weather is so changeable!"

Whichever option you choose you arrive at Antons and you are greeted enthusiastically by the proprietor himself as though you were long lost brothers. He shows you to his best table in a quiet spot in the corner where you can observe the comings and goings unobtrusively. Anton says to you "For you migliori amici Lapham and his good friends I will cook, myself, something special ... is there anything you do not like gentlemen." he asks Jimmy and Henry Pointing towards Jimmy he continues "You are Jimmy si? from the Advertiser I thought I recognised you. And you sir I have seen in here before but cannot recall your name. I never forget a face though." he adds turning towards Henry.

You inform Anton of your likes and dislikes and he takes a mental note then disappears into the back where you can hear him start to cook. A waiter appears and offers you all drinks. The sounds emanating from the kitchen sound as though Anton is going through there like a tornado in full flight, but the occasional smells that you catch on the air, Basil, Thyme, Oregano and a thousand and one other herbs you cannot begin to identify keep your tastebuds on their toes ... and it all serves to show just how hungry you both are as your mouths are watering by the time the food is served. The food when it arrives is of the highest standard you have ever tasted, fully complementing the rich aromas that assailed you earlier. During the meal, the conversation turns to the history of Arkham and of some of the families that helped to found the town which Peabody has managed to trace.

"Arkam's founders were by and large good God-fearing folk who just wanted to settle down and call someplace home, However, there were some families do not have such noble or good reputations however and of those it is perhaps not wise to speak after sunset, or so local superstition would have you believe. Now whilst I am not a particularly superstitious man, I have seen some things that make me tread with caution, call it folklore, some of which was in all probability passed on from local Indians. They knew a lot more than they have ever been given credit for, for both good, and ill as well. Obviously some tribes were more in tune with certain aspects of nature than others. But we are here to talk about your stones gentlemen." Peabody had lowered his voice to a hushed whisper as a few people had now entered the restaurant, but Anton, sensing that they desired privacy, kept the newcomers well out of earshot, still it did no harm to be careful. "Tell me where you found them and where you think they came from if you would be so kind?"
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Re: The Campsite

Post by DrPeterson »

Calamy's stomach makes an appreciative noise when he's presented with the food and he eagerly tucks in, paying close attention to what Peabody is saying. He has the feeling that this could be a long night after all and is glad he drove his companions here in his car.

Keeping his voice down, Henry decides to confide in the older man.

"The stones were found upriver, they were part of one of the pillars of the old Bowen Road Bridge. we're assuming that they were struck by lightning. At least that's what the official story is. I don't believe it to have been lightning, though, why would lightning strike a bridge pillar when there's a forest with tons of higher trees around?"

He leans back, looking at the other two men as he considers Peabody's words on the bad things, trying to not think about the figure that assailed him.

"Hockey religions and ancient Injuns are no match for rational thought. There must be some logical explanation that what this all means."
"He said we were all cooked but we were all right as long as we did not know it. We were all cooked. The thing was not to recognize it."
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Re: The Campsite

Post by Priest »


The sauce is far to good to allow unecessary coversation to spoil, so I resist the urge to add a comment about the integrity of the press. But to Henry's comment about hokey religions and injuns I nod somberley.
"So are you suggesting this has something to do with some hokey religion Dr?" I ask despite having a mouthfull of pasta
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Re: The Campsite

Post by Cearlan »

"Well, hokey or not, to you your phrasing, the indians did know the land a lot better than we do, and could well have known things that we have only just discovered. If it were not for the kindness and generosity of the local tribes around Plymouth Rock, then this nation would not have survived for long, and this was all based on the knowledge of the land."

Peabody chuckles to himself, "Though I wonder if they would have been as generous had they known of the devastation the "White Man" would bring upon them. A friend of mine in Texas struck oil in an area thought to be barren, but the local tribes knew better and tried to warn him off drilling there, sadly when the site suffered an earthquake and a massive fireball destroyed three quarters of the, I believe they are called rigs. My friend and some of his colleagues who were half friendly with the natives only survived due to the intervention of the local indians, though their minds are shattered as a result of the occurrences there. I cite this as an example of the possible knowledge the indigenous tribes may hold. Perhaps though these markings are not of local knowledge, maybe they were brought over from Europe many years ago." Peabody lapses into silence as his brow creases and he purses his thin lips in concentration.
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Re: The Campsite

Post by Priest »


I swallow the mouthfull of pasta, aware that some of the sauce has dripped onto my shirt, Should have used the napkin, I can here mother now yelling about hard to remove stains.
I'm not to sure where this conversation is going, or even if Dr Peabody has all his marbles. Still Henry seems to know what he's doing.
"So Dr, no hokey religion then, injuns perhaps?"
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Re: The Campsite

Post by DrPeterson »

Henry's frown betrays his scepticism, but he tries to remain civil nonetheless.

"I'm not sure I understand what you're getting at, Mr Peabody, are you insinuating that the place near the bridge was somehow "bad ground" or cursed or whatever and that the symbols are an Injun warning?"

Out of the corner of an eye Henry sees Jimmy drip the pasta sauce onto his shirt and thinks to himself how much he had like that shirt. That stain wasn't going to come out any time soon...
"He said we were all cooked but we were all right as long as we did not know it. We were all cooked. The thing was not to recognize it."
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Re: The Campsite

Post by Cearlan »

Peabody snaps out of his reverie in time to respond to Jimmy and Henry's questions. "Hmmm ... On no, no, no, I was not referring to the symbols as having Indian origins, weren't you listening dear boy - I said they were probably of European origin. The truth is I do not know their origin, but now that I am fortified I shall work on this until fatigue steals over me." Peabody gestures towards Anton saying "The cheque for the three finest meals you have produced my friend if you please."

Anton responds "Put your money away Professori, it is no good here as you well know."

"Anton, you continue to embarrass me and I insist upon paying for all three meals, after all, your friendship is more important to an old man like me than mere money could ever be."

"Si, Si Professori, and your friendship and that of your friends, old and new alike are just as important to me, and so if I like to cook for my friends, is this a crime ... No! So put your wallet away."

"No Anton, we will pay our way, for we never know when things may change, though I know I can always count on your friendship. I will not be swayed on this"

"Alright, alright Professori, you win, as you always do." Anton laughs as he goes to get the bill.

"The drawback of getting the discount is that we have to do this ritual dance every time I come here." chuckles Peabody.

Once the bill has been resolved Peabody asks; "Could I be dropped back at the society please, and if you drop by late tomorrow afternoon I may have some news for you."
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Re: The Campsite

Post by DrPeterson »


Henry shakes his head incredulously, but doesn't want to rile the man any further. Once the payment ritual has been completed, he gladly drives Peabody and Jimmy back to the Historical Society.

"Oh yes, would you mind terribly if I hung on to the drawing Mr Vecchio made? I may want to peer over it a bit tonight."

OOC: What would the time be? I'm assuming it's getting a little late to go visit the Asylum?
"He said we were all cooked but we were all right as long as we did not know it. We were all cooked. The thing was not to recognize it."
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Re: The Campsite

Post by Cearlan »

OOC, you had arranged to meet the gals at the asylum so let's say you have time to get there which would make it about 7-ish or just before. You were early customers at Anton's :) They will be along shortly if you plan on going straight there so a slight delay between the two groups.

Peabody looks at you with a perplexed look on his face, "Why yes European ... after all most of us came over from Europe at one stage of this nation's history or another, mainly to escape religious persecution. Is it so odd then that some less noble practices should fall into that category, such as the belief in ... well in things outside the common religious canons? Remember what I said about some of Arkham's first settlers not being the most upstanding individuals, there are two families that spring to mind here. Among Arkham's first generation were Keziah Mason and Goody Fowler, two suspected witches who brought with them from Salem a dark and hideous cult.

In 1692, Mason was apprehended by King's men from Salem; Fowler fled into the forests northwest of town. Mason was jailed but soon mysteriously escaped, never to be seen again. When the New England witch-scare ended, Fowler quietly returned to Arkham and resettled in her collage southwest of town. Here she indulged in evil until, in 1704, an angry mob dragged her to a hill west of Arkham and there hanged her by the neck. Her murderers were never arraigned or punished. After all, it is the victors that write history, not the vanquished."

Peabody nods when you ask for the drawing, "If you would follow me to my office then you can certainly have it." As you ascend the dark stairwell you hear the house creak and moan in the wind, but Peabody just looks at you down the stairs behind him, his cadaverous face lit only from below by your car's headlights and he says in a quiet voice "It's just the wind and the house settling down after the heat of the day, nothing to be alarmed about."

Whilst you were not alarmed, it was somewhat disconcerting seeing his ghoul-like features lit up that way suddenly appear out of the gloom. Reaching his office he unlocks and opens the door crosses over to his desk and retrieves the paper and hands it to you. "I will come down and lock the door after you then I may proceed with my work, and may I thank you for giving an old man such a challenge. Things like this are rare and need to be grasped with both hands when they do appear." Peabody walks you out to your car and shaking both your hands reminds you "Give me till late tomorrow afternoon when I should have some information for you - good or ill." As you drive away you see his stick like form go back into the house in your rear view mirror.
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Re: The Campsite

Post by Priest »


Out of respect for Peabodys age and experience I kept quiet through the journey back from the restaurant, although the way he kept banging on about evil and such I was definately wondering if the wheels were coming off his wagon.
As we turned a corner away from his place I finaly break my silence, "You know Henry, all that about witches and such is a matter of history. We learned about Mason and Fowler in first grade, always figured it was just to keep kids from misbehaving, you know like the boogy-man."
At this point I laugh although from the little I can see of Henry's face, I'm not sure if he's finding all this funny.
"Still theres no denying this looks a bit strange, but ghouls and ghosties? No sir I aint buying it." I look out the side window at normality passing by, "Anyway maybe the good sister has something for us."
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Re: The Campsite

Post by DrPeterson »


Even in the dimly lit car, Henry's scowl is obvious. He keeps his eye on the road and almost reluctantly talks to his companion.

"If you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be true, Jimmy, although I'm not quite convinced about witchcraft not being impossible..."

He fishes a cigarette out of his pocket and lights it as he is driving through the streets of Arkham.

"I don't know about Peabody, he seems a bit out of sorts. I don't even think I trust him, that's why I took the drawing back with us, we'd never have managed to take the stones back without offending him or rendering his help obsolete."

A cold shiver runs down Henry's spine as an image of the creature that grabbed him flashes before him and he tries to shake the image from him.

"Indeed, I'm hoping Atwater will have come to his senses. Maybe he'll be able to shed some light on this thing."
"He said we were all cooked but we were all right as long as we did not know it. We were all cooked. The thing was not to recognize it."
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Re: The Campsite

Post by Cearlan »

On to the Asylum then viewtopic.php?f=250&t=4561
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Horror on the Orient Express

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