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Re: Main group

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 8:37 pm
by Airbornexo
Thorson acknowledged the other soldiers with a nod and walked a little closer to them , unslinging the gun section of the thrower and checking the nozzles and hoses instinctively as he walked. He peered at the mass a little closer, "what the hell is that you're looking at a plant or something?"

Re: Main group

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 4:56 am
by Mr. Handy

"I'm not sure what the hell it is," says Dalton, "but it's no plant. That thing survived a whole bunch of grenades, and bullets don't seem to do a thing to it."

Re: Main group

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 9:07 am
by kabukiman
-Just finish it, ok?- says the officer- it killed two of our men.

Re: Main group

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 6:09 pm
by Airbornexo
With an expert hand, Thorson lets a couple of test-puffs of flame out of the nozzle. Then in a controlled burst hoses a long tongue of flame over the thing in the corner...

OOC - success, made roll by 7. What's the damage of a flamethrower?

Re: Main group

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 4:35 am
by Mr. Handy
OOC,The rulebook says 2d6+shock.

Re: Main group

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 2:27 pm
by kabukiman
OOC: roll a 2d6. Shoggots don't get a shock, but it's nasty for them anyway...

Re: Main group

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 8:19 pm
by Airbornexo
OOC - 2d6=7 :/

Re: Main group

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2014 8:56 am
by kabukiman
Sudenly the mass makes that strange noise, and it starts moving, in your direction. Somehow you know it's furious with you.

OOC: What do you do? Dodge or continue hiting it?

Re: Main group

Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2014 12:37 am
by Airbornexo
Gritting his teeth Thorson's instinctive reaction is to fire again.

Re: Main group

Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2014 5:11 am
by Mr. Handy

"Hit it with everything we've got!" calls Dalton.
OOC,Do I have one of the remaining grenades? If so, I'll throw it at the shoggoth. If not, I'll just shoot at it with my rifle. Is it close enough to us for point blank bonus?

Re: Main group

Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2014 7:30 am
by Airbornexo
Thorson grits his his teeth so hard together at the sight of the enraged creature that he nearly cracks a tooth. However he somehow manages to keep his cool and plays fire out of the weapon in his shaking hand again. His aim isn't true this time and the gouts of flame splash the cavern wall missing the incomprehensible mass...

Re: Main group

Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2014 4:52 am
by Mr. Handy
OOC,That might still hit. If it's within your DEX (10) in feet, the point blank bonus applies, doubling your effective skill. Even if it's not that close, you get a bonus to hit very large targets. For every full 10 points of SIZ above 30 it is, you get +5 to your effective skill. This means that as long as it's SIZ 70 or larger, you still hit, and the average SIZ of a shoggoth is 84.

Re: Main group

Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2014 9:12 am
by kabukiman
OOC: You hit it, because it's great mass AND you are very close. Throwing grenades is dangerous, but you can try.

You finally see it. A mass of bubbles with eyes and mouths screaming "Tekelili! Tekelili!". It's doesn't belong to this world, it's a nitghmare from some madmen dream.
OOC2: please roll san.

Re: Main group

Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2014 10:40 pm
by Airbornexo
OOC - damage for the hit 2d6=5 and San fail 1d100=82 uh-oh!

Re: Main group

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2014 4:42 am
by Mr. Handy

Not wanting to risk a grenade with the creature so close to Thorson, Dalton trains his rifle on the thing and puts a bullet in it - for all the good it might do.

Re: Main group

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2014 9:32 am
by kabukiman
When you think that the thing will hit you, it say a last "Tekelili" and stops. Dead (was it really alive?).
OOC: Roll a 1d6/1d20 for sanity loss.

Re: Main group

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2014 5:56 pm
by Airbornexo
OOC - yow! San loss- 1d20=13

Re: Main group

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2014 9:27 am
by kabukiman
Fire. You get fascinated with fire. Things burning are pretty. The flames dancing... how didn't you see it before? That's why you have come to this job. To burn things.

The cave is now in silence. But at least there is ligth, with the thing burning. The fire is something sane.

OOC: The scenario is also finished. I will write an ending in some days. I hope you all enjoyed, thank you for you patience and sorry for any mistakes.