Trail of Cthulhu - Tests and Contests

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Abdul Alhazred
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Trail of Cthulhu - Tests and Contests

Post by Abdul Alhazred »


Tests occur when the outcome of an ability use using a General Skill is in doubt.

The Keeper sets a Difficulty Number ranging from 2-8. The player has to roll this or more on a single D6, and has the option to spend any number of points from their relevant ability pool (the number after the ability in their stats). These points are added to the result of the die roll. Once spent in this way, the ability pool for that stat is reduced by the amount spent, and not replenished until the character is out of danger and in a safe place for at least an hour. Even then, only three abilities can be refreshed and this will only occur once in this scenario.

As an example, Viscount Exeter is fleeing from a cultist across a moonlit hillside. In front of him is a 5ft high drystone wall. He'll need to pass an Athletics test to cross the wall without injury. Not knowing the difficulty number is a lowly 3 he decides it's crucial he get over, so he assigns 3 points of his current Athletic pool to the attempt. He rolls a 2 which would have meant failure, but his spend increases his result to 5 - success! Viscount Exeter elegantly vaults the wall and continues his escape.

If the attempt fails it cannot be reattempted unless the character can find a credible rationale for another attempt (such as using another ability to achieve the same end). Additionally, another attempt must involve a points spend in excess of the first (failed) attempt.

Players with the same ability can co-operate to increase their chances of success, but I'll cover this if and when it occurs during the scenario.


Contests occur when two characters, (one often being a NPC), actively attempt to thwart each other.

Each participant acts in turn, with the participant with the lowest rating going first. The first to fail their test (which in broad terms is handled as above with difficulty numbers, spends, etc.) is the loser. Going second is an advantage - you can win without rolling!

Combats are slightly different in the tests continue until one participant/side is the clear winner, and here whoever goes first has the advantage.

I'll explain more if required during the game, but this and my post about Investigative ability spends should give you an idea of the relevance of your character's statistics.

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