Act IV: 'Something Awful'

In Leagues of Adventure the characters are all middle and upper class Victorians who go on wild adventures in response to wagers, handsome payments from rich patrons, invitations from adventuring leagues, or
simply out of sheer boredom. Opportunities abound to thwart dastardly deeds, discover lost cities, mingle with new cultures, and plumb the darkest depths of the globe.

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Re: Act IV: 'Something Awful'

Post by DrPeterson »

"I would have suspected as much."

Wellington sits up in his chair.

"A man the likes of Mr Carrington-Fforbes would not jeopardise his position through direct action unless forced to do so through unusual and unforeseen circumstance. He would have used intermediaries of less savoury reputation, and would probably not have contacted them directly, but through some other man, perhaps his butler. I'm afraid that until we find more compelling evidence we can not yet hope to either confirm or disprove Carrington-Fforbes position as a suspect."

He drinks his sweet tea and continues.

"However, my sources have uncovered more concerning the whereabouts of Mr Smalls. The man has gone missing after quitting his home for the day. Due to the labyrinthine nature of the sewers and because of her husbands proficiency at navigating them, Mrs Smalls raised the alarm when her husband failed to appear. The search party found little evidence of his being there, except for the remains of the lunch his wife had been so kind as to provide him. Though I fear Mr Smalls to be lost to his wife and our investigation, there was one other detail which stood out. One of the searchers swears he saw a huge creature with fiery eyes down in the sewers."

Wellington puts the cup down on its saucer.

"I would recommend a short visit to the Sewerage Company, to perhaps ascertain ourselves of the company's planned expansions and obtain a map of that area of the sewers and afterwards we should pay a visit to this man Albert Symonds to see he'll be so kind as to show us to where he saw the beast."

"Lord Roxborough, I would be much relieved were you to bring some of your more specialised equipment with on the second part our trip."
"He said we were all cooked but we were all right as long as we did not know it. We were all cooked. The thing was not to recognize it."
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Re: Act IV: 'Something Awful'

Post by Papa Gateau »

Indeed! Indeed! Roxborough's eyes light up at the thought of hunting.
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Re: Act IV: 'Something Awful'

Post by Tabs »

"I have a distrust of Carrington-Fforbes, I'm unsure as to why, but as you said, he seems to be above board," says Klevendon. "A sad end for Mr. Smalls, no doubt. Meeting the beast in the sewers, well . . ."--Klevendon shivers, and pops a forkful of bacon into his mouth. "Yes, if we do venture into the sewers, let us have Mr. Roxborough fully equipped for anything," he repeats, "anything!"
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Re: Act IV: 'Something Awful'

Post by carnage_lee »


Nellie listens to Wellington as she continues to eat her breakfast. She raises an eye brow at the evident dislike that the renowned detective has for Lord Carrington-Fforbes she does mentally concede the point that someone of his standing would be inclined to utilise others to do his 'dirty work'.

The sad information of the missing sewerage worker, with a shiver she pictured the terrible wound on the horse as it lay on the table in Professor Atwood's examination room. It was easy to believe that an unarmed man would not fare much better than the poor beast.

Nelllie puts down her cutlery and sips some tea, alarmed by the look in Roxborough's eye as he, no doubt, imagines hunting the creature in the dark vaulted tunnels beneath the streets of London. Listening to Klevendon she nods slowly, "Obtaining a map of the sewerage networks would be invaluable." Nellie looks about hoping their conversations are not being overheard, the subject hardly fitting to the surroundings. "We know where the creature has surfaced, namely behind the King's Head, might it be a better plan to lure the creature back there?" Nellie looks directly at Roxburgh seeking his input.
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Re: Act IV: 'Something Awful'

Post by Papa Gateau »

Yes, a map would be very useful, always good to know the lay of the land, what! he smiles towards Nellie

As to luring the creature, that may be a little more tricky - we don't really know about its appetites and I think we may struggle getting a horse down there! We could try with a few stray curs I suppose - carnivores being carnivores, they may be enough to tempt it out.

At the very least we should begin our search at the Kings Head - we can be a little more discrete about entering the tunnels and there ought to be some decent tracks to follow.
there is a definite glint in Roxborough's eyes at thought of actually hunting something, especially below the streets of London!

Roxborough leans across the table Anybody mind if I help myself to a little more...? as he generously refills his plate with bacon, black pudding, sausage, mushrooms, tomato.
Roxborough thinking:   off hunting! How jolly! Hmm...I think that should be sufficient, a nice second helping before the kidgeree!  
Yeah, well, sometimes nothin' can be a real cool hand.

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Re: Act IV: 'Something Awful'

Post by DrPeterson »

"Well then, if we're all finished."

Wellington looks Roxborough before continuing.

"I suggest we get ahead and go to the Sewerage Company."

He finishes his drink, dries his lips with his napkin and stands.
"He said we were all cooked but we were all right as long as we did not know it. We were all cooked. The thing was not to recognize it."
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Re: Act IV: 'Something Awful'

Post by Papa Gateau »

A look of panic crosses Roxborough's face and he sputters around a mouthful of food "What! What? We haven't finished breakfast yet! It's the most important meal of the day don't you know? What..what...what about the kedgeree...? he looks imploringly at the rest of his companions.

His voice drops to a pitiable whisper The kedgeree? No one going to wait for the kedgeree....
Yeah, well, sometimes nothin' can be a real cool hand.

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Re: Act IV: 'Something Awful'

Post by carnage_lee »


Nellie calmly sips some more of her delicious breakfast blend tea as Wellington makes his declaration and suddenly becomes more animated.

Nellie can't help but sigh listening to Roxborough, putting her cup back on its saucer she draws breath "You misunderstood, I meant that we could attempt to lure the creature into the alley, after all it has hunted there before. It seems to me that the luring the creature would be easier than traipsing around underground?" Nellie shudders at the thought.

In no hurry to vacate her seat, Nellie then addresses the detective, "Have you considered what Carrington-Fforbes motive would be for releasing a creature into the very tunnel system that he is improving, the man would lose a fortune... imagine what the press would print if it were to become known. From what I read about the man, he is driven by his status and the 'fame' that being associated with great works of engineering bring with them, successful projects... might the reverse motive be more logical? Does it not make more sense that the dis-crediting of Carrington-Fforbes and his company is the force behind the plot we have to unravel?"

With that, Nellie, rather pointedly but daintily takes a bite of her buttered toast.
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Re: Act IV: 'Something Awful'

Post by DrPeterson »

Wellington looks rather cross at the young woman.

"Miss Bly, if by my exposition I have given you the assumption that I am convinced that Mr. Carrington-Fforbes is the guilty party in this mystery, then I shall have to do my best to rectify this gross misunderstanding. I have merely elaborated to you all the process by which to eliminate or confirm all suspicion.
Indeed, to assume I would make so bold a statement without due cause is unthinkable.

This is an entirely different version of the detective than the one that was brooding not a minute ago.

"I shall have the waiter arrange for a cab to be brought forth. We have much work to do and the sooner we depart, the better for it."
"He said we were all cooked but we were all right as long as we did not know it. We were all cooked. The thing was not to recognize it."
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Re: Act IV: 'Something Awful'

Post by Tabs »

"Now, now, ladies, gentlemen, please! Let's not fall out over a difference or misunderstanding," soothes Klevendon. "Anyway, I believe it was myself who wondered about Carrington-Fforbes, but please,"--he smiles--"don't hold my foolish assertions against me!"
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Re: Act IV: 'Something Awful'

Post by Priest »

A rather haughty looking individual, dressed in the ubiquitous uniform dress of the hotel staff, advances to your table. With a glance that reminds you of someone having found something unpleasant on his boot heel, he speaks, in the clipped tone that one expects from a well trained hotel employee, "Please keep the noise down, so as not to upset the other clientile - thankyou"

By the fact that he hovers it is obvious that he is expecting the overheard request for a cab to be repeated.
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Re: Act IV: 'Something Awful'

Post by DrPeterson »

Wellington glares at the waiter as he stuffs his pipe.


"Would you be so kind as to summon a cab for our party, my good man."
"He said we were all cooked but we were all right as long as we did not know it. We were all cooked. The thing was not to recognize it."
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Re: Act IV: 'Something Awful'

Post by Priest »

The haughty official, professionally ignoring the glare from Wellington, smiles, nods, then snaps his fingers at a red coated attendant, "Jenkins...Be so kind as to see the gentleman's group to a cab".
At another hand gesture several uniformed waiters rush to your table to begin the labourious, given the amount of crockery having been used by Roxborough alone, task of clearing for further use.

Within moments Jenkins returns with the news that a cab is being held for your use. It seems that the professionalism of the hotel staff is not to be underestimated. Upon such dedication to duty and speed of implementation the Empire is structured.

As you rise a female at a nearby table flutters her eyelashes at you in coquetish manner, "I say, aren't you Mr Horatio Wellington the famous consulting detective, thought by many to be second only to the renowned Sherlock Holmes of Baker Street?"
She raises and indicates a newspaper, "It says here that you are at present investigating a plot to destroy the Empire and assassinate our beloved Queen. I trust we may sleep sound in our beds at night knowing that the future of both are safe in your hands?"

Around the room glasses, well tea cups, are raised in a general salute to the Empire and the Queen.
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Re: Act IV: 'Something Awful'

Post by Tabs »

"Some would say, my lady," says a charming Klevendon, "that Mr. Wellington is the pre-eminent detective of our glorious Empire." He stops there, aware that his words are a little too unctuous. "Don't believe everything you read!"
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Re: Act IV: 'Something Awful'

Post by Priest »

At Klevendon's words she colours slightly, "indeed Sir, though I have no idea to your meaning." She glances once more to the newspaper, "It would appear that the writer of this article, a Mr..." again she peers at the newspaper, "...Oswald Mattison seems quite certain of his sources"
She folds the newspaper, showing a neatness much to be admired, and smiles towards you, "And you Sir, are you Mr Wellington's 'Dr Watson' so to speak?"
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Re: Act IV: 'Something Awful'

Post by Tabs »

Klevendon flushes and chortles,--very embarrassed--he casts a sidelong glance at Wellington.
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Re: Act IV: 'Something Awful'

Post by DrPeterson »

Wellington is highly pleased with the praise to his skill, and even more so by the correction issued Klevendon and he allows for an almost charming smile to grace his aquiline features.

"You may rest assured, madam, no keener minds nor stouter fellows could be called upon to safeguard the Queen and the Empire!"

He claps Klevendon on the shoulder and exclaims:

"Come, Doctor Klevendon, we must away, crime shan't stop itself!"

In sudden good humour he puts on his coat and makes ready to leave.
"He said we were all cooked but we were all right as long as we did not know it. We were all cooked. The thing was not to recognize it."
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Re: Act IV: 'Something Awful'

Post by Priest »

At the entrance the doors are opened by a uniformed attendant who also leads you to, and assists your entry into, one of the many carriages that line the pavement outside.

Once comfortably ensconced the driver, his lower face muffled by a thick tartan scark as defence against the morning chill, opens the small grating and enquires your destination.

"Where to?" suddenly his eyes, barely glimpsed beyond the grill, flicker with recognition, "Why Mr Wellington sir you does me great 'onour by using me 'umble cab. I recognises you from seeing you at the hinvestigation of the murder of that Chinaman, Dr Lieu, over Catford way a couple of years back. Now I see from this mornins edition of the 'Speaker' that you and your companions are hinvolved in a most urgent case to save us from the Russians"
At the mention of Russians he leans away from the grill and you hear him spit, "Bloody Russians...beggin your pardon Miss...I was in the Crimea, lost some good mates there"
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Re: Act IV: 'Something Awful'

Post by DrPeterson »

Wellington leans back in the seat, obviously pleased with all the recognition.

It would appear my colleagues and I are in all the papers today... You wouldn't happen to have a copy on you, would you, melad?
"He said we were all cooked but we were all right as long as we did not know it. We were all cooked. The thing was not to recognize it."
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Re: Act IV: 'Something Awful'

Post by Priest »

Previously Wellington said:   It would appear my colleagues and I are in all the papers today... You wouldn't happen to have a copy on you, would you, melad?  
For a moment or two the face disapears from view, then, accompanied by rustling sounds a copy of the Speaker is thrust through the small opening.
"It would be me 'onour to 'ave you read me copy of the paper. You see your latest hinvestigation has made the front page"
"Right Sir, where to?"
We do not see things as they are, we see things as we are.
- Anais Nin
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