Act V: 'Into the Sewers'

In Leagues of Adventure the characters are all middle and upper class Victorians who go on wild adventures in response to wagers, handsome payments from rich patrons, invitations from adventuring leagues, or
simply out of sheer boredom. Opportunities abound to thwart dastardly deeds, discover lost cities, mingle with new cultures, and plumb the darkest depths of the globe.

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Re: Act V: 'Into the Sewers'

Post by Priest »

Within moments the terrible tearing an cruching sounds stop. Other than the rapidly diminishing sounds of Stan's departure, the sound of panicky breathing all around you, some far off dripping sounds and the clicking of the Stonway, now somewhat faster. An ominous silence has descended.
The oppening of the overspill tunnel, where you had first seen the two workmen, is still ablaze with light, but nothing can be seen moving within.
Klevendon,The burst of activity from the [i]Stonway[/i] may be down to your rough treatment, but you don't think it is. The clicking sound is growing faster and the green glow of the dial shows that something is moving towards you from the rear.
Wellington,Although the happenings have distracted you attention somewhat, you are have a feeling that something is behind you.
Nellie,You hear a noise behind like many small feet running towards you.
Roxborough,Rifle cocked and ready for action, despite being unable to see anything beyond the oppening. The sudden alertness displayed by the others has the small hairs rising on the back of your neck. And you have the feeling that you are being stalked like that time in Bengal with the tigers.
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Re: Act V: 'Into the Sewers'

Post by carnage_lee »

[img] ... ie-Bly.png[/img

"Something's coming...." Nellie gasps out as the approaching noise snaps her out of the shock of what happened in the next passageway. She swings around, lantern aloft to try and see what may be approaching... "sounds like.. feet.. scampering... ohh no! " Nellie can't see anything beyond the pool of light that her lantern illuminates.

"Rats... RATS" she yelps in a panicked voice...
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Re: Act V: 'Into the Sewers'

Post by Tabs »

OOC:   The overspill tunnel, how large is its entrance--can we get into it from the tunnel we are in?  
Klevendon seizes hold of Ms. Bly, more from fright than a desire to protect the "weaker" sex. "The Stonway indicates something behind us!"
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Re: Act V: 'Into the Sewers'

Post by Priest »

Previously Tabs said:   OOC: The overspill tunnel, how large is its entrance--can we get into it from the tunnel we are in?  
OOC:   You estimate the tunnel is about two feet in diameter, a tight squeeze even for Nellie. The map shows the Tunnel that the pipe links to as running parallel with the one you are in for a distance before heading off towards the Thames. The map also shows that the tunnels had split into two, yours and the one that the workmen were in, about half a mile back before the entrance behind the Inn  
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Re: Act V: 'Into the Sewers'

Post by carnage_lee »

Horatio Wellington

The detective scowls at the interruption of the workmen, he hadn't even had time to let the others what he had deduced from his inspection of the dead tramp. He stuffs his revolver back into a pocket only to withdraw it once more as the dreadful noises come through from the adjacent tunnel. Just from listening it's all too easy for the detective to deduce the events. Their quarry had also been hunting... and with more luck! Then before he could react to those events Miss Bly had let out a yelp about rats... then he realises that he too is aware of something....

From his position near to the body he peers back down the tunnel, trying to make out if anything is approaching.

"Can anyone see what is coming?" he asks "Keep that lantern still!" he barks out, the dancing shadows created by the moving lantern making any observations difficult.
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Re: Act V: 'Into the Sewers'

Post by Tabs »

Roxborough turns round and backtracks, pushing aside the others, peering into the gloom of he tunnel. " 'Rats' you say? I need a shotgun then!"

Klevendon fumbles in his backpack for a crowbar.
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Re: Act V: 'Into the Sewers'

Post by Priest »

Alerted by Nellie's gasp, the Stonway's increased clicking, you all turn to face the way you had come.

First come shadows, that dance and change size in the glare of the lantern. Then without break those shadows are replaced by a heaving, seething mass of fur that rushes in a skittering swarm towards you.

However, as they hurtle towards you, you feel that you are not the focus of their attention, you are simply blocking their escape route from something else
OOC:   The horde of sewer rats inflict minimal damage, scratches an a few minor bites, being more intent on escape than attack, so it is unecessary at this stage to move to Combat. However...  
As the last of the furry, nightmare horde, flee past into the darkness, another larger shadow appears down the tunnel possibly some 150 yards away in the gloom.
It halts, and the tunnel is filled with that strange whistling sound, broken by a series of horse barks. Wth a slow deliberate step, the sound of which causes the hairs to rise on your necks, a creature of unknown species steps into the glare. It raises its long scaly snout and sniffs at the air, small eyes reflect the lanterns light giving it an evil yellow stare, as reported by Jacobs. It stands about six feet from its foot to the tip of its nose. Two short weak looking arms hang almost inefectualy at its waist. The lantern seems to reflect dully from scales that cover its body, it is the creature of nightmares.

It looks toward you as if sizing you up, and in contemplation raises a toe on which a long, wicked looking talon slowly proceeds to tap rythmicaly on the brick floor of the sewer.
OOC:   Please roll for Initiative. Each of you has an initiative rating which will give you the order in which you may act. This gives the number of dice to be rolled, as usual the number of even dice are calculated as successes, and the more successese the higher on the initiative list you will be. This may be found under your Secondary Attribute listing. None of you has a skill or talent usable at this stage but the number of dice to be rolled may be increased by the expenditure of Style Points.  
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Re: Act V: 'Into the Sewers'

Post by carnage_lee »

Nellie Bly
OOC:   Initiative (5)[dice]0[/dice]  
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Re: Act V: 'Into the Sewers'

Post by carnage_lee »

Horatio Wellington
OOC:   Initiative (7)
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Re: Act V: 'Into the Sewers'

Post by Tabs »

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Re: Act V: 'Into the Sewers'

Post by Priest »

Initiative,6d6 1d6 → [4] = (4) 1d6 → [3] = (3) 1d6 → [3] = (3) 1d6 → [4] = (4) 1d6 → [6] = (6) 1d6 → [2] = (2)
OOC:   Initiative as follows: Wellington, Raptor, Roxborough, Klevendon and last but not least Nellie. So Wellington has first action  
The long talon still taps as the mouth opens to reveal sharp white teeth. It snaps at the air, and produces a series of three hoarse barks.
It seems to be gathering itself for some action as Wellington...
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Re: Act V: 'Into the Sewers'

Post by carnage_lee »

Horatio Wellington

The detective moves a few steps closer towards the beast, once again pulling out his revolver. Taking those few steps puts him in front of Miss Bly with the light of the lantern behind him, putting himself into a better position to fire his revolver.

Ah he moves his keen analytic brain makes observations "Those claws on its feet look dangerous, obviously what caused the slashing wound that felled the horse behind the pub.. those jaws, no doubt full of needle sharp teeth would be ideally suited to tear and lacerate flesh, obviously a carnivore, some lizard-like qualities." he thinks as he takes up a position to shoot should the creature move nearer.
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Re: Act V: 'Into the Sewers'

Post by Papa Gateau »

Roxborough turns to face the creature, taking a bead on it's head.
Roxborough thinking:   Yes!, YES! This is what it's all about! Look at that magnificent beast! Oh my I'm sure there's some fine dining to be had from it. Must take a head shot, don't wan't to ruin too much of the flesh.  
Years of experience as one of the finest game hunters of his generation lends an almost zen like calmness to his movements, his breathing stills as he trains his massive rifle on the creatures head.
Priest,how are talents and boosts used?
Yeah, well, sometimes nothin' can be a real cool hand.

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Re: Act V: 'Into the Sewers'

Post by Priest »

Papa G,I have added a post in the Rules section about Talents. Your Talents are; [b]Accuracy:[/b] [b]Prerequisites: [/b]None your character can attack with pinpoint accuracy, picking targets out of a crowd, hitting them behind cover, and aiming for their vulnerable spots. [b]Benefit:[/b] Your character makes Called Shots at a re¬duced penalty. He may ignore up to a –2 penalty for tar¬geting a specific location—such as when an opponent is wearing armor, or hiding behind cover. This Talent also reduces penalties for attacking opponents smaller than your character. [b]Normal:[/b] When making a Called Shot to hit a specific target, your character suffers a penalty between –1 and –8, depending on the size of the target area, the amount of cover the opponent has, and other factors. [b]Advanced:[/b] You may buy this Talent up to four times. Your character may ignore an additional –2 Called Shot penalty per Level (e.g., the first purchase allows him to ignore up to a –2 penalty, the second allows up to a –4, and so on). [b]Boosted:[/b] simply gives you Accuracy at advanced. It means your character has purchased an additional level of Accuracy [b]Long Shot:[/b] Allows you to double the range of your weapon. Use Elephant gun ranges x 2 [b]Called Shot[/b] Sometimes your character will want to strike a specific target location, such as an object held in an opponent’s hand, or a weak spot. Conversely, your character may want to avoid hitting something such as a friend grappling with an opponent. Both scenarios require a Called Shot, and the attack roll suffers a number of penalty dice equal to the opponent’s Defense rating or the Size rating of the object being attacked. In your case taking carefull aim at the creatures head will mean a Called Shot. But remeber with the initiative order he may move prior to your fire.
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Re: Act V: 'Into the Sewers'

Post by Priest »

The creature snaps wildly at the air, barks once more and launches itself, claws striking flakes from the brick flooring of the tunnel, towards you, Wellington being closest seems to be its target.
By God!, you think, It has a certain swiftness to its actions
OOC:   As Wellington has the Initiative he may open fire. The speed of the creature will allow him three shots from his pistol before the creature is upon him.
Your Attack Rating is 8 dice (character sheet - Firearms 5 + Hvy Pistol 3) this will be compared with the creatures defence rating. You may, of course add Style points to increase the number of dice you roll.  
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Re: Act V: 'Into the Sewers'

Post by carnage_lee »

Horatio Wellington

Wellington raises his revolver in a fluid and practised motion... trying to follow the loping gait of the creature he fires...
OOC:   Shot 1*

Shot 2*

Shot 3*
*2 style pts per shot added  
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Re: Act V: 'Into the Sewers'

Post by Tabs »

Klevendon doesn't know what to do. He flinches at each shot, the tunnel echoing with the bangs. He raises his crowbar and prays fervently that Roxborough will stop the beast.
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Re: Act V: 'Into the Sewers'

Post by Priest »

Wellington, showing all the coolness and panache that one would expect from such a foremost detective, fires three shots in rapid succession, despite the obscuring cloud of gunsmoke it appears that all three bullets hit their target.
OOC:   Lee, Please roll 9d6 for damage. Each shot has a damage rating of 3L.  
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Re: Act V: 'Into the Sewers'

Post by carnage_lee »

OOC:   Phew! I was convinced that the first 2 shots at least, were poor. Glad I spent the pts :)

Damage roll
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Re: Act V: 'Into the Sewers'

Post by Priest »

Boom! Boom! Boom!! goes Wellington's pistol and he is rewarded by the sound of bullets hitting flesh. With a scream of pain the creature, at full stretch, crumples into a heap of sliding horror at the bold detctives feet.
We do not see things as they are, we see things as we are.
- Anais Nin
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