Compartment 8

This Sleeping Car connects to the Social Car and the Sleeping Car thread below. Rooms 1 - 4 are Single Cabins, 5 - 8 are Double Cabins, and 9 is a Cabin Suite with a double bed.
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Compartment 8

Post by Laraqua »

Germany, 10:40

This Double Cabin has a Pullman-style bed that folds into a comfortable sofa during the day and can be unfolded to reveal a bunk bed that isn't terribly wide but which has expensive cotton sheets freshly pressed and a roll-like pillow. The bed currently sits as a couch with wavy green-blue upholstery. A sink in a lovely, closing vanity is fitted into the corner and it provides both hot and cold water, as well as containing a little cupboard underneath that provides a glimpse at the porcelain pipes as well as access to additional storage space. There is, naturally, a button that will summon the Cabin Steward as well as an emergency brake pull with a warning beneath that threatens an expensive fine if you are to pull it without good reason. There isn't much room in this compartment, especially with any hand luggage brought onboard, but it is beautiful.

There is a luggage rack above the bed-sofa and there is an inlaid, fold-out table crouches beneath the window and shortly above this table is a little shelf containing a lamp with a red lamp shade, a weighted vase containing a single red flower and a glass ash tray. Spring-loaded roller blinds can be drawn up to view the outside world or to gain more privacy. Half of the window glass can be slid down to allow wind in, odours out or merely to stick one’s head out the window to get a good view of the surrounding countryside rushing past. Between each compartment stands the mosaic-floored cabinet de toilette where passengers may make use of a sink and mirror to wash their faces and apply make-up. This is shared between the two compartments and when one door is opened, the other door locks.
A single large case sits beside the bed and is quite sizable with two locks upon it,inside there is a complex array of strange devices, linking wires that keep it from opening entirely, and slowly turning cogs. Certain fluids within the test tubes fluoresce bizarrely.
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Re: Compartment 8

Post by TheVaultTech »

Khan enters, mysteriously devoid of any luggage, and looks around the room with a big silly grin on his face. He happily jumps onto the nearest bed and spreads out as much as he can. Sighing happily, he greets the other resident in German.
German,"Greetings,friend, how are you?"
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Re: Compartment 8

Post by Laraqua »

It seems it'll have to wait until night time for him to claim the upper bunk (or lower, whatever his preference) as the bed is currently folded into a sofa. The room itself is tiny and cramped with barely enough room to turn around beside the sofa. All of the fittings and fixtures are quite luxuriant, however. Laying upon the sofa, for the moment he thinks he sees a handsome man facing the door out of the corner of his eye. Did he just enter? He greets him but as he turns his eyes directly toward him, the man disappears. There's a slightly charred stain lying on the wall by the watch chain that wasn't there before.
Show,sorry I also should have mentioned. The introductory posts will also let you know if there's anyone else in the compartment and he isn't here currently. Luckily the confusion has allowed me to put in a dose of another plot. I also forgot to include his gear tag in this compartment. I've added that to the first post but it's locked so you'd need to lock pick it to read the tag.
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Re: Compartment 8

Post by TheVaultTech »

Khan raises a scraggly brow at the stain, then rises from the couch and examines the area.
Spot Hidden,91;
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Re: Compartment 8

Post by Laraqua »

Khan seems too distracted by the ashen mark to notice anything else. Or perhaps its the exquisite detailing that keeps distracting you? You can hear the faintly raised burble of voices from Compartment 9 to your right. It sounds like someone is having an argument.
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Re: Compartment 8

Post by TheVaultTech »

Khan could never leave people to themselves, he moves from the ashen stain and puts his ear to the wall to see if he can hear what's being argued about
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Re: Compartment 8

Post by Laraqua »

The conversation in the other compartment is in English but two names Herr Schiller and [/b]Herr Johannes Sprech[/b] are mentioned as well as a couple leading Nazi officials. It seems like a man is berating a woman judging by his aggressive and domineering tone and her submissive but somewhat petulant tone (and fewer words).

You can also hear a conversation in the corridor through the door to the corridor that is being conducted in German. That German voice gives him chills just to hear it. "I am surprised that there are two archaeologists aboard this train alongside our fair Fraulein Shefira Roasch and yet you weren't aware of her. How far will you be travelling aboard the train in one journey? Will you be stopping elsewhere before returning?"

You know Shefira Roasch isn't a German name.
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Re: Compartment 8

Post by TheVaultTech »

Khan whispers, "Nazis... it had to be Nazis..."
Khan keeps his ear to the wall to try and gleam more info.
Listen,1 !);
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Re: Compartment 8

Post by Laraqua »

Khan recognises the voice as belonging to Doctor Konstantin Heydrich a notoriously stern and humourless man who worked for the Institut für Wehrwissenschaftliche Zweckforschung ("Institute for Military Scientific Research"), under the Ahnenerbe. You had been sitting on the street when you last heard that voice. Doctor Konstantin Heydrich and his older brother SS-Obergruppenführer Reinhard Tristan Eugen Heydrich were having a conversation about how the Nazi cleansing programs would be good for scientific progress and about how necessary testing procedures involving archaeological items picked up by Herr Johannes Sprech would require many such individuals. Apparently there were a number of startling discoveries to be made involving researches into the Crawling Chaos and that they would be aided by British and Turkish spies in some sort of secretive organisation known as the Brotherhood of the Black Pharoah who could be identified by an upside down ankh that they word in service to their ridiculous notion of a God. You also recall that Dr. Konstantin Heydrich had an SS-Rottenführer as a guard.

And yes, this is the conversation they had while seated at a table under the awning of a café with you only a half dozen feet away and desperate not to draw attention to yourself.

OOC: There's nothing more to listen to at present as the man in the corridor is having a conversation with another PC and unless that PC posts by tomorrow the two will be auto-moved into the next corridor toward their destination. So I thought I'd make it a Luck roll and give you an information dump for that lucky number 1. Don't worry, this is only the tip of the plotty iceberg you will encounter aboard this train.
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Re: Compartment 8

Post by TheVaultTech »

Khan wipes his brow, now sweating profusely, and sits on the couch and shivers. He holds his head in his hands and thinks very hard about what to do next. He has only a scant few level-headed ideas and decides to simply lie down and try to calm down. He tries to take his mind off of the current situation by writing a bit of his book.
Art: Write Book,
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Re: Compartment 8

Post by Laraqua »

Germany, 10:55

This Double Cabin has a Pullman-style bed that folds into a comfortable sofa during the day and can be unfolded to reveal a bunk bed that isn't terribly wide but which has expensive cotton sheets freshly pressed and a roll-like pillow. The bed currently sits as a couch with wavy green-blue upholstery. A sink in a lovely, closing vanity is fitted into the corner and it provides both hot and cold water, as well as containing a little cupboard underneath that provides a glimpse at the porcelain pipes as well as access to additional storage space. There is, naturally, a button that will summon the Cabin Steward as well as an emergency brake pull with a warning beneath that threatens an expensive fine if you are to pull it without good reason. There isn't much room in this compartment, especially with any hand luggage brought onboard, but it is beautiful.

There is a luggage rack above the bed-sofa and there is an inlaid, fold-out table crouches beneath the window and shortly above this table is a little shelf containing a lamp with a red lamp shade, a weighted vase containing a single red flower and a glass ash tray. Spring-loaded roller blinds can be drawn up to view the outside world or to gain more privacy. Half of the window glass can be slid down to allow wind in, odours out or merely to stick one’s head out the window to get a good view of the surrounding countryside rushing past. Between each compartment stands the mosaic-floored cabinet de toilette where passengers may make use of a sink and mirror to wash their faces and apply make-up. This is shared between the two compartments and when one door is opened, the other door locks.
A single large case sits beside the bed and is quite sizable with two locks upon it,inside there is a complex array of strange devices, linking wires that keep it from opening entirely, and slowly turning cogs. Certain fluids within the test tubes fluoresce bizarrely.
The first few pages are easily written but soon Khan realises he's hungry. Perhaps he could order breakfast or brunch through the conductor? Or head out to the lounge car and see if there is anyone else around?

OOC: Sorry about the wrong time stamp / location earlier. This one is good now.
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Re: Compartment 8

Post by TheVaultTech »

Khan readjusts his crusty old jacket, and takes a deep breath. He slowly approaches the door- every step as dreadful as a pistol being pressed to the chest, until he reaches it. He opens it, and tries to sneak out without seeming suspicious or nervous. He heads towards where he believes the dining car is, and quickly shuffles towards it.
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Re: Compartment 8

Post by Laraqua »

He can see two men disappearing down the corridor toward one of the other sleeping cars and then turns in the other direction.

Is it bad that I listen to this about ten times a day?

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