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Lily Gavigan

Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2013 4:48 am
by Laraqua
Name: Lily Thompson
Age: 21
Sex: Female
Occupation: Would-be starving artist
Birthplace: New York City, USA

STR: 8
CON: 9
SIZ: 12
DEX: 12
APP: 12
POW: 16
INT: 14
EDU: 13

Luck: 80%
Idea: 70%
Know: 65%

Hit Points: 11
Sanity: 75
Maximum Sanity: 99
Magic Points: 16
Damage Bonus: +0

Appearance and Personality:

There's something not quite right about Lily. She looks like a lovely young woman who wasn't put together quite right, or a porcelain doll that looks a bit too real. Her eyes are a dull gray, and perpetually wide, as though something has frightened her. She wears long, old dresses in dark and severe colors, highlighting the pallor of her skin and giving the impression that she belongs in another time.

The way she moves is heavy and artificial, and the expressions on her face seem plastic and stiff. At the worst of times, she resembles a corpse.

Perhaps this is fitting, because Lily is fascinated by the subject of death. She doesn't seem to fully comprehend it, like a young child. Her attempts at understanding come through in her paintings, where she illustrates ghosts, skeletons, and strange afterlifes.

Socially, Lily has a tendency to talk too fast and ask too many questions. She is curious, always prodding, and occasionally inappropriate. The concepts of grace and tact are all but alien to her.

She also fiercely resents authority, which is the biggest reason for her poor education despite her family's wealth. Getting into places she shouldn't is one of her favorite rebellious pastimes, followed by shouting matches and colorful insults.


Lily is the child her family would prefer not to acknowledge--she is one of a few dark stains on their reputation, due to her ability to get into trouble as well as her general strangeness. She has utterly refused to give any nice young men the time of day, and in a last-ditch effort to get her out of the house, her parents have sent her to live with her more well-behaved and wealthy older brother.

Charles is more than happy to take care of her, and provide her with all the material comforts she desires... if she obeys him without question. As far as Lily knows, her brother is motivated by the notion that she cannot take care of herself. She is irresponsible, immature, and needs to be protected from the outside world. Therefore, she is not permitted to leave his house, socialize with anyone he does not approve of, or send any letters or packages.

Such a life is lovely and decadent, but lonely and stifling. Lily yearns for something greater than this existence, and something about Charles unnerves her. He may be the family favorite, but he is an angry, violent man, and she occasionally catches him looking at her in strangely possessive, greedy ways.

Through the years, Lily has found herself increasingly desperate to get out and see the world, and has finally resorted to begging and pleading for some time away from the house. To her surprise, Charles has agreed, and has even bought tickets for a trip on the Orient Express to Istanbul. His one condition is that she stay within his sight at all times.

Lily's intention, of course, is to leave him behind forever.

(non-default skills bold, professional skills in italics, hobbies preceded by a dot)

Accounting (10%):
Anthropology (01%):
Archaeology (01%):
Art (05%): (Oil Painting) 75%
[/i]Art (05%): (Graphite Sketching) 45%[/i]
Astronomy (01%):
Bargain (05%):
Biology (01%):
Chemistry (01%):
Climb (40%):
Conceal (15%):
Craft (05%):
Credit Rating (15%):
Cthulhu Mythos (00%): 3%
Disguise (01%):
Dodge (DEX x 2%): 24%
Drive Auto (20%):
Electrical Repair (10%):
Electronics (01%):
Fast Talk (05%): 65%
First Aid (30%):
Geology (01%):
Hide (10%):
History (20%):
Jump (25%):
Law (05%):
.Library Use (25%): 35%
Listen (25%):
Locksmith (01%):
Martial Arts (01%):
Mechanical Repair (20%):
Medicine (05%):
Natural History (10%):
Navigate (10%):
.Occult (05%): 55%
Operate Heavy Machinery (01%):
.Other Language: French (01%): 51%
Own Language: English (EDU x 5%): 65%
Persuade (15%):
Pharmacy (01%):
Photography (10%):
Physics (01%):
Pilot (01%):
Psychoanalysis (01%):
Psychology (05%): 45%
Ride (05%):
.Sneak (10%): 40%
Spot Hidden (25%): 75%
Swim (25%):
Throw (25%):
Track (10%):

Fist/Punch (50%):
Grapple (25%):
Head Butt (10%):
Kick (25%):

Handgun (20%):
Machine Gun (15%):
Rifle (25%):
Shotgun (30%):
SMG (15%):



-A frilly hat
-A fine dress
-High-heeled shoes
-Her sketchpad
-Ticket to Jeanette Sleeping Car Compartment 8
-Tarot card, Major Arcana 13: Death
-Royal Shade of Pale which is a small book of poetry that focuses on a rather surrealist depiction of artistic nobility through the ages


-Hat box, containing hats
-Suitcase 1, containing:
---Beneath the dresses is a battered copy of The Well of Loneliness
--A few collections of Dickinson poems

Baggage car:
-Suitcase 2, containing:
--A small easel
--Oil paints
--Cleaning supplies

Charles has all of her identification, all of the money, and other important things she'll need to stay close to him for.

Re: Lily Thompson

Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2013 6:26 am
by Laraqua
Edward Gavigan's from London so perhaps after he took over the Penhew Foundation in 1921 after his old boss, Aubrey Penhew, went off and disappeared on an Egyptian expedition, he grew a little too cold and demanding so his wife fled with the two kids to New York on a cruise liner. Surprisingly enough, he was willing to retain her finances so long as she maintained an address in New York (but no other city) and let him visit on the Christmas to New Year break. Willing to avoid scandal, and somewhat afraid of him, she agreed.

There were a few odd people who did befriend your mother, including a eugenicist called Eugene Vanderklei, who has remained good friends with Charles though Charles has less time for him these days.

In 1925, when he died, your mother was still alive and found that the finances all went to his son, Charles Edward Gavigan, who reacted quite oddly and badly to his father's death. His accent and everything became all the more strongly British at the time and he demanded the family return to London to manage the estates. Although he were only fifteen at the time, he was convincing enough and your mother greedy enough.

Your mother died of cancer a few years back.