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Paris Platform Bookstore

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 7:57 am
by Laraqua
Pirouette Une Librarie, Paris, 18:30
Theme Music: Lucienne Boyer - Parlez Moi D'Amour
This bookstore has bookcases dedicated to other languages alongside the usual ones dedicated to other genres (which are predominately in French). Most of the books are mass market paperbacks with a fairly sizable split between classic literature and pulp fiction, largely in the romance genre. There's not much in the middle. The bookstore owner has a rather sympathetic look on his face as he regards the four black individuals (two well-dressed men, a woman and a little girl) perusing his store contents.

One of the black men has scars on his face that draws askance looks from fellow browsers though he wears a tailored suit. At present he seems rather bored. The unscarred older man seems to be considering the blurbs on two different books of poetry while the woman giggles at some of the romantic fiction blurbs.

The woman beside him says:
French Conversation,"Come now, you don't intend to read on the Orient Express, do you?"
The older man simply gives her a sidelong smile before putting one of the books down and crouching down to better examine the bottom shelf.

The scarred man looks bored and taps his foot in irritation. The three parallel horizontal scars that adorn his forehead isn't particularly extensive but it does draw the eye. The scars seem oddly symmetrical.
Anthropology roll or Know roll for those who have visited Africa,The scars are tribal scarification that identify him as a man from the Dinka tribe of South Sudan. The scars represent rugged courage to the tribe.
The little girl simply snuggles her face into her doll, hugging it tightly, as she shyly glances around the store. She doesn't look your way.

Re: Paris Platform Bookstore

Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2013 1:21 pm
by Nero

Vergil ducked quickly into the doorway of the handsome establishment. It looked like a majority of the titles were in French and mass market garbage to boot. He sighed but walked to the counter anyway, eye-ing the group of Africans along the way. He looked the clerk or possibly owner in the eyes and spoke smooth German, with a sort of Amerio-Saxon accent.
German Conversation,"Do you speak German?"

Re: Paris Platform Bookstore

Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2013 1:35 pm
by Laraqua
The clerk seems confused. "Monsieur?"

Re: Paris Platform Bookstore

Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2013 2:09 pm
by Nero

He sighed and shook his head before speaking French to the clerk.
French Conversation,"I am in the business of books, rare books. Do you happen to keep a selection on hand of antiquarian books?"
He glanced his watch.

Re: Paris Platform Bookstore

Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2013 5:16 am
by Laraqua
The bookseller smiles at him.
French Conversation,"Yes, we have antiques. We have antique Jane Austens, Les Miserables, Dante's Inferno ... what are you looking for?"

Re: Paris Platform Bookstore

Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2013 5:25 am
by Nero
He glanced his watch a second time, now more anxious than before.
French,"Shall we speak in a more secluded part of the store? I'd rather not share my business with all of Paris."

Re: Paris Platform Bookstore

Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2013 5:34 am
by Laraqua
The black family come over to the counter and the older one puts two books down. They're period pieces set in revolutionary France by the look of the titles and the covers. Likely a bit dry. Vergil is forced to wait to one side while the shopkeeper serves them though at least this should mean that they'll soon have the store to themselves. Hopefully.

The older black manthen has to go and say,
French Conversation,"Do you have more by this author?"
The storekeeper smiles at him,
French Conversation,"I'm not sure. If you have one moment I can go and see?"
The older black man then has to go and say,
French Conversation,"Of course. We have time. We're happy to wait."
The younger man seems put off by this but doesn't say anything against it.

Re: Paris Platform Bookstore

Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2013 5:40 am
by Nero
Vergil eyed the younger black man with careful suspicion and sighed heavily tapping his foot on the floor boards. He glanced away for a moment to some book covers that lay scattered on the counter. He looked again at his watch, but he appeared to have time for a quick chat if the owner was hasty.

He snaked his hand around and grabbed his wallet from his back pocket placing it in his right thigh pocket so he could keep a good eye on it. He had been warned about traveling abroad, and even more so about people of color.

Re: Paris Platform Bookstore

Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2013 6:06 am
by Laraqua
The bookstore owner browses through the books on the shelves for a short while and then returns with two more books.
French Conversation,"Here you are then."
Payment is arranged and then the family leave the store talking among themselves. Finally Vergil is alone with the store owner and has his undivided attention. Considering how high the shelves are stacked in this place - right up the walls - there should be something of value here. The place even has an antique book smell intermingled with the chemical scent of freshly inked paper.

Re: Paris Platform Bookstore

Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2013 6:12 am
by Nero
He smiled and saw the family off quickly as he then began to speak to the owner.
French,"I am looking for pieces of a certain play called [i]The King In Yellow[/i] and a tome by an anonymous monk titled [i]The Conqueror Worm[/i]. I am, to be honest, not expecting you to have them but would like to know if you have any contacts that may have. I must be off on the Orient Express so time is of the essence if I am to board in a timely fashion, so please speak quickly."

Re: Paris Platform Bookstore

Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2013 8:23 am
by Laraqua
French Conversation,"Not at present but there was a fellow who dropped by and offered to sell me a play that I believe had that name. He had multiple copies that he had self-published. Is that what you mean? I agreed but he has only just left to catch the ... why, the Orient Express as well. Perhaps you could meet him aboard the train?"

Re: Paris Platform Bookstore

Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2013 2:14 pm
by Nero
French,"Can you give me a name or description of this man?"

Re: Paris Platform Bookstore

Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2013 3:30 am
by Laraqua
French Conversation,"His name was a little strange ... Abbey? Yoby? Felby? I regret to say I am not so sure. Medium height, blond hair, eyes that are not brown and not green but a little of both. You are eager for this book, no?"

Re: Paris Platform Bookstore

Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2013 4:03 am
by Nero
French,"I assure you, very eager. I appreciate your help."
Vergil smiled and turned quickly, almost dancing out the door heading towards the newspaper stand.

Re: Paris Platform Bookstore

Posted: Fri Aug 02, 2013 12:47 am
by Laraqua
Pirouette Une Librarie, Paris, 18:45
Theme Music: Lucienne Boyer - Parlez Moi D'Amour
This bookstore has bookcases dedicated to other languages alongside the usual ones dedicated to other genres (which are predominately in French). Most of the books are mass market paperbacks with a fairly sizable split between classic literature and pulp fiction, largely in the romance genre. There's not much in the middle. The male bookstore owner is busily looking through a newspaper as the store was empty before you walk inside. Upon hearing the bell over the door ring, he folds the newspaper carefully and places it under the counter so that he is obviously ready to serve you.