Compartment 4

This Sleeping Car connects to the Private Car and the Sleeping Car thread below. Rooms 1 - 4 are Single Cabins, 5 - 8 are Double Cabins, and 9 is a Cabin Suite with a double bed.
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Compartment 4

Post by Laraqua »

Paris, 19:15

This Single Cabin has a Pullman-style bed that folds into a comfortable sofa during the day and can be unfolded to reveal a single bed that isn't terribly wide but which has expensive cotton sheets freshly pressed and a well-fluffed pillow. The bed currently sits as a couch with colourful upholstery. A sink in a lovely, closing vanity is fitted into the corner and it provides both hot and cold water, as well as containing a little cupboard underneath that provides a glimpse at the porcelain pipes as well as access to additional storage space. There is a luggage rack over the window which contains a locked wooden case on top of a gentleman's dressing case. An inlaid, fold-out tables crouches beneath the window holding a writing case and shortly above this table is a little shelf containing a lamp with a peach-coloured lamp shade, a weighted vase containing a single red flower and a glass ash tray. There is, naturally, a button that will summon the Cabin Steward as well as an emergency brake pull with a warning beneath that threatens an expensive fine if you are to pull it without good reason. There isn't much room in this compartment, especially with any hand luggage brought onboard, but it is beautiful.

Spring-loaded roller blinds can be drawn up to view the outside world or to gain more privacy. Half of the window glass can be slid down to allow wind in, odours out or merely to stick one’s head out the window to get a good view of the surrounding countryside rushing past. Between each compartment stands the mosaic-floored cabinet de toilette where passengers may make use of a sink and mirror to wash their faces and apply make-up. This is shared between the two compartments and when one door is opened, the other door locks. There are two bell-pushes in the compartment, one that buzzes and lights a white light outside to alert the conducteur who sits out in the corridor all day and all night.

Night time apparel and two empty hangers hang from a nub by the door beside which sits the perfect place for a gentleman's pocket watch.
Little Cupboard beneath the sink,contains two bags - one containing silk underwear and the other containing evening shoes and slippers. A camera sits in the space in between.
Writing Case contains,expensive pens, stationary and ink wells.
Quartered Spot Hidden on examination of Writing Case reveals,something special about the writing case. There's bound to be a catch here somewhere to reveal a secret compartment. But where? It's very well made.
Gentleman's Dressing Case,is largely empty but contains a wash kit.
Locked Wooden Case,contains 2 glasses and four bottles of Bordeaux 1929.
Quarter Spot Hidden Check inside locked Wooden Case,reveals a hidden compartment.
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Re: Compartment 4

Post by aine »


Once the porters have left, Cecil looks around him; it's a beautifully appointed compartment but dashed small. He pokes his head into the cabinet de toilette and shivers in mock horror. "Oh well, old chap, it's either this or a life time of Trout." He returns to the compartment and starts to explore it, looking for somewhere to hang his suits and bemoaning the absence of his batman.
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Re: Compartment 4

Post by Laraqua »

There are three hangers attached to the rail beside the luggage rack and the door that could be used to hang a suit.
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Re: Compartment 4

Post by aine »

Cecil unpacks. As there is little room for hanging, he leaves his linen suit and shirts spare shoes in the case, and hangs up his evening dress and night time apparel behind the door. He tucks his evening shoes and slippers in the cupboard with his silk underwear in its separate bag. The locked spirits case goes on the luggage rack and the writing case on the small shelf. His camera goes in the cupboard.

All this takes a few minutes, he is so absorbed that he doesn't see the train pull away from the station. "What? Oh! Au revoir fair Paris." He sticks his head out of the window to watch the train gathering speed and wonders when he'll next see Paris again and how she'll weather the approaching storm. Once they are on the way, he leaves the closed and mostly empty luggage on the seat and presses the bell for the attendant. While he waits, he pulls out an opened letter from his pocket. It is addressed to him and he rereads it,

"Dear Lord Horfield, Earl of Bla bla bla...we'd like you to consider returning to... as part of the war effort --- Damn! If only I could have left before I got this. Drat Francis and his efficiency. I'll reply tomorrow, saying 'with regrets etc, already in Italy when I received your correspondence , I can head to 'Nople and do what I can there, please forward instructions to... hmm, maybe the Tokatlıyan at Tarabya but it was going down hill; terrible linen last time. The staff will know the best hotel in Constantinople."

(Edit - form of address)
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Re: Compartment 4

Post by Laraqua »

There comes a knock at the door. Quick, brisk, but light enough to avoid being rude.

Now who could that be?
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Re: Compartment 4

Post by aine »

With the letter still in his hand, Cecil moves to the door and opens it, "Excellent, punctual as always! Come in, come in, my luggage for the baggage car is ready. Tell me, what time is dinner?"
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Re: Compartment 4

Post by Laraqua »

Even as the last few words leave his lips, he realises that he is entirely mistaken. Rather than the conductor he sees two familiar faces that he hadn't expected to see aboard the train. Farooqi Al-Rassam and his son, Amadi - who is dapper as ever and with that everlasting mischevious glint in his eye.
"I'm up for a bit of a rummage in the Baggage Car if you are," said Amadi, rubbing his hands together. His accent was mostly Oxford English with a trace of exoticism. "So long as you can get us in. Might get us into all kind of secrets."
"Please try not to get any trouble until after we've passed through Germany," said Farooqi with an obvious Iraqi accent. "I don't particularly wish to be caught out and left in Germany before the war begins. I don't mind the Germans but I imagine travel will be a bit more restricted once that has occured."
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Re: Compartment 4

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Cecil is astonished, "By Jove! Sayyid Farooqi Al-Rassam, and Amadi, what a pleasant surprise. What on earth are you doing aboard the 'Express? We must celebrate, come in, I have a fine vintage you must try." He turns back into the cabin and remembers how small it is, "That's if you don't mind squashing up, what. Or we can move to the bar if you prefer? How did you know I was here? Were you spectators of my flying leap aboard as the train departed?"

He grins at Amadi, "I see you are still up to your old tricks, Amadi. Well, you mustn't lead me astray anymore; I'm an old respectable gentleman now, you know." He says with a twinkle in his eye, not believing it for a moment and daring Amadi to challenge it. "And you are right, Farooqi, we wouldn't want to get marooned in poor old Germany; might get a tad unpleasant." He says darkly. "Plus German cuisine has never agreed with me; too much emphasis on pickled cabbage."
ooc,Would this normally be posted in the corridor thread, as anyone else in the corridor would be able to hear them? I have no idea how an English lord would address a wealthy, senior, arab but I'm assuming they are friends enough to be on first name terms. And does he know them from England and/or his time in the East?
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Re: Compartment 4

Post by Laraqua »

"Please no liquor," said Farooqi gently, glancing sidelong down the corridor..
Amadi steps inside. "At least not in public." He takes a quick look around and then sits down. "When will you get yourself a Private Car? It would make this all a fair sight easier." He grins, looking ready to get up to some mischief. He certainly seems legitimately happy to see an old friend.
"I think I'll leave you boys to it for now," said Farooqi. "I'm sure you have much to discuss. And yes, we did see your feat of acrobatics. Most impressive. If there are more British gentlemen like yourself than the Germans won't know what hit them if they incite Prime Minister Chamberlain to war." He sighs. "Regrettably it does seem like there are a number of Germans aboard this train. They seem quite friendly with each other as well."
Amadi says in a low muttered voice, "One German approached an Eastern European woman who had been crying and she burst into fearful hysterics! I think she fears the oncoming German invasion or something similar. When a second German approached her she grabbed his arm and started spouting the most interesting things in Latin. I couldn't catch all of it, mind you."
"Very well, I shall leave you to your gossip," said Farooqi. "Perhaps we will dine together at the First Dinner Call?"
OOC,from both places more than likely. [b]Amadi[/b] attended Oxford University while [b]Farooqi[/b] did visit occasionally and you're one of the few non-racist rich people his son may have met. From that point on he would be able to visit them in the East. As for cross-posting in the corridor ... normally I would say yes but at this stage there's unlikely to be anyone crossing it and there's no one there currently. You may, of course, read both the Corridor and Compartment threads for so long as the door is open so that may change if any PC enters.
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Re: Compartment 4

Post by aine »

"Absolutely, Farooqi, I'm looking forward to it." When the older gentleman has left, Cecil pulls his suitcases onto the floor. "I did ask about a larger cabin but this is all they had. I assume some old hag of a duchess has the private car or I'd be in it. Mind you, one's awfully conspicuous in the private; scallywags trying to see in through the windows and the conductor keeping an eye on every blessed move one makes."

He puts his letter in his writing case and pulls down the spirits case and says with a smile, "Now, lets continue your education in the art of the grape. I have a fine '29 here, just reaching maturity. Lets see if you can distinguish the grape and the vineyard." He opens the case and a bottle of wine and pours it into two glasses; one of which he passes to Amadi. "Ought to let it breath somewhat but here goes- Bottoms up!" He savours the wine and watches Amadi as the young man does the same.

"It sounds like you are wading in secrets already, Amadi; 'What is the case of the strange Eastern European lady - and why does she speak in ancient tongues? Who are the suspicious German creatures who lurk in the corridors of the Orient Express?" He says in a mock B-movie trailer voice. "Can our two loveable, handsome rogues save the day?" He grins. "Seriously though, are you and your father heading home before all hell lets loose?"
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Re: Compartment 4

Post by Laraqua »

"Naturally we can save the day," said Amadi, before turning serious. "We are returning, unfortunately. I would much prefer to spend my days in England, irritations of British opinions of me aside. However I am my father's heir...." He sighs. "As to the strange Eastern European lady, she accused the man of being a doctor who would torture Jews or something similar. It was rather ... convoluted the way she spoke. Very rhythmic and poetic. I think she knew him. He didn't seem to know her but he seemed rather stunned. I'll point him out to you when we go down the corridors." Amadi pulls out an inverted ankh he has tied to a leather thong around his neck, twisting it around his finger. "We really must make the most of this final trip. Whereabouts are you headed, by the way?"
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Re: Compartment 4

Post by aine »

"I am fleeing the octopus-like arms of a romance-sapping succubus. At least, she and my mother are arranging our engagement and the wedding will soon follow." He pauses and is struck by a brilliant idea. "You wouldn't be interested in an heiress would you? I'm sure she'd like you much more than me. No, perhaps not. And I wouldn't really wish 'The Trout' on anyone. I also don't want to be stuck in Old Blighty when the war starts so I'm on the 'Express until Constantinople and then I'll see from there. I'm sure to find some ruckus where our side needs a willing hand."

He watches Amadi over his wine glass. "I suppose your father will want you to keepout of the main 'fray as you already have an important job: providing new generations of Iraqis." He grins as Amadi grimaces, "Does Farooqi already have your second in command chosen?"

He swirls the wine in his glass; watching the colours, lost in thought. "This will indeed be the last 'trip'." He looks at Amadi, "So yes, here's to making the most of it!" He toasts the air. "So we are looking for a poetic, fluting gypsy and an evil German surgeon. We could attempt to sit near them at dinner, providing overhearing their conversation doesn't put us off our soup."
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Re: Compartment 4

Post by Laraqua »

"Enough conversation about brides," said Amadi. "Let us discuss mischief instead! We should indeed sit by the fainting gypsy and the German surgeon if we get the chance. Perhaps you know of a way to find out more about them? Or about that mysterious Private Car? Whoever hires on a Private Car and attaches it to the Orient Express must be a mighty person indeed and, if female, might be a worthy replacement for your trout."
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Re: Compartment 4

Post by aine »

Cecil laughs, "I'm wouldn't be interested in her just because she's rich; I have enough money to fund half a dozen trouts." He pours them each another glass and then puts the cork back in the bottle which he gives to Amadi. "Here, secrete this back to your cabin for Farooqi to enjoy in private; he won't get to taste much more of this kind of thing for a while if war breaks out." He then takes a beautiful fountainpen and some paper out of his writing case and, speaking aloud, he writes:

"1) Private car. Request lowdown from car attendant or, failing that, consign one of three remaining bottles of '29 as suitable ice breaker gift to said private car."

He looks up at Amadi, "If they appreciate the wine then they are probably worth getting to know but it could equally be a risky waste of wine." He continues writing,

"2) Employ devious tactics to acquaint with a) fainting gypsy b) German surgeon."

He stops writing, "I doubt they'll be sitting together so we have to choose one or the other. I vote for the lady; she'll be more garrulous than an uptight German and she knows him but not vice versa so she should have more to say about it. Do you speak German? Of course, the dining car may be crowded so we may have no choice. Plus, you'll have to maneuver Farooqi into a suitable chairwithout him realising." He continues writing,

"Either in dining car or in the bar car. Or, failing that, overhear conversation."

He stops and looks at what he has written, "Gosh, my writing is appalling. Have you got anything to add? Of course we could also fall back on the old 'lighter for a smoke' ploy except that I don't smoke. He hands the paper to Amadi and drinks more wine. "Which cabin are you and your father in?"
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Re: Compartment 4

Post by Laraqua »

Paris, 19:30

"Farooqi and I are sharing Compartment 5," said Amadi. "I only speak English, Arabic and a little Latin unfortunately. The German surgeon did first approach her and attempt to speak in English so we shouldn't need to speak his native tongue. Do you speak German? As for seating, well, we three could sit together and invite the surgeon along with us, perhaps? Normally he would be in the Second Service but as there's only one First Class car they may be willing to make an exception due to the preponderance of seating. I wouldn't be surprised if we all dined together. There is room for fifty in the Dining Car, after all. It is a short passenger list this time."

The conductor knocks on the door and says clearly, "Dining service in the Dining Car, Monsieur."
"Hmm, well, I shall go put this in my compartment and meet you in the Dining Car," said Amadi. "Oh wait, you don't know what he looks like. Perhaps if you wait in the corridor I will be back soon." He drops his amulet back under his vest and rubs his hands together. "This will be fun. Finally! Someone to make mischief with."
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Re: Compartment 4

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Cecil grins, "Absolutely! I was expecting to chat to old ladies and their lap dogs on this trip. I'm glad you're along." He gets up and puts away the spirits case, locking it and putting the key in his wallet. "That amulet, did you have it at Oxford? I don't recall ever seeing you with it before. It looks old; Egyptian?" He steps over his luggage to open the door for Amadi. "Drat the attendant, I thought he'd be here to clear these away by now. I'll collar him on the way to the dining car. Are you dressing for dinner Amadi? I always do but I won't be long; I'll meet you in the dining car if I don't see you on the way."
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Re: Compartment 4

Post by Laraqua »

"I think I already am well-dressed enough," said Amadi. "I prefer the more American style of dining in an exceedingly well-tailored suit good enough for boarding but if it would scandalise you I can go and change." He looks thoughtful and pulls out the inverted ankh once more, gazing down at it with a troubled expression. "It's ... nothing. Just an ... Oxford club I was in the process of joining before the encroaching war called me back. Just an ... interesting sort of thing. Nothing worth troubling yourself over." He tucks it back away and forcibly brightens. "But poor decisions are all in the past, eh? Let us look to the future of poking our noses in where they don't belong."
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Re: Compartment 4

Post by aine »

"No, no, do as you wish, old chap. I'll be two ticks." He lets Amadi out and turns, thoughtfully, to change. While he does so, again bemoaning the absence of Francis, he considers the young Arab and his amulet. "Obviously doesn't want to talk about it, poor blighter. I wonder which club it was, there are so many; the sporting clubs, literary and politics..." He wracks his brain over anything with Egyptian connections. "I can't imagine he'd be interested in the Archeology lot; wet blankets most of them, not his style at all. There were some odd, secret ones with select membership though; I wonder if he got caught up in one of those. Like poor old Stibbons and the Refectory Illuminites." He shudders, "Nasty business."

He finishes dressing. Puts his wallet in his pocket, and leaves the cabin. He knocks briefly at cabin five and looks up and down the corridor for the car attendant.
ooc,roll for club knowledge from his time at Oxford. [url=]1d100=10[/url] Now moved to the corridor thread.
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Re: Compartment 4

Post by Laraqua »

France, 22:00

This Single Cabin has a Pullman-style bed that folds into a comfortable sofa during the day and can be unfolded to reveal a single bed that isn't terribly wide but which has expensive cotton sheets freshly pressed and a well-fluffed pillow. The bed currently sits as a couch with colourful upholstery. A sink in a lovely, closing vanity is fitted into the corner and it provides both hot and cold water, as well as containing a little cupboard underneath that provides a glimpse at the porcelain pipes as well as access to additional storage space. There is a luggage rack over the window which contains a locked wooden case on top of a gentleman's dressing case. An inlaid, fold-out tables crouches beneath the window holding a writing case and shortly above this table is a little shelf containing a lamp with a peach-coloured lamp shade, a weighted vase containing a single red flower and a glass ash tray. There is, naturally, a button that will summon the Cabin Steward as well as an emergency brake pull with a warning beneath that threatens an expensive fine if you are to pull it without good reason. There isn't much room in this compartment, especially with any hand luggage brought onboard, but it is beautiful.

Spring-loaded roller blinds can be drawn up to view the outside world or to gain more privacy. Half of the window glass can be slid down to allow wind in, odours out or merely to stick one’s head out the window to get a good view of the surrounding countryside rushing past. Between each compartment stands the mosaic-floored cabinet de toilette where passengers may make use of a sink and mirror to wash their faces and apply make-up. This is shared between the two compartments and when one door is opened, the other door locks. There are two bell-pushes in the compartment, one that buzzes and lights a white light outside to alert the conducteur who sits out in the corridor all day and all night.

Night time apparel and two empty hangers hang from a nub by the door beside which sits the perfect place for a gentleman's pocket watch.
Little Cupboard beneath the sink,contains two bags - one containing silk underwear and the other containing evening shoes and slippers. A camera sits in the space in between.
Writing Case contains,expensive pens, stationary and ink wells.
Quartered Spot Hidden on examination of Writing Case reveals,something special about the writing case. There's bound to be a catch here somewhere to reveal a secret compartment. But where? It's very well made.
Gentleman's Dressing Case,is largely empty but contains a wash kit.
Locked Wooden Case,contains 2 glasses and four bottles of Bordeaux 1929.
Quarter Spot Hidden Check inside locked Wooden Case,reveals a hidden compartment.
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Re: Compartment 4

Post by aine »

Cecil has a quick look over his belongings and then makes his toilette. He changes into his silk pyjamas and is just about to climb into bed when he has a thought. He takes Pius' wallet from his jacket and his revolver from the case which he relocks. He puts both under his pillow and then gets into bed and goes to sleep.
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