War of the Dead (Specifics)

War of the Dead is a campaign that takes your character from the first stages of the zombie outbreak and into a world forever changed. The normal rules of society, law, order, and decency are out the window. Gone.
Forget about them. Luxury isn’t a good movie, a new video game, or finally affording that dream home. It’s being able to fall asleep at night, managing to wake up the next morning, and having survived another day without becoming a Living Dead. It’s being able to find food enough to keep you moving throughout the day, or something to burn to keep warm when the nights get cold. Welcome to the war for survival . . . the War of the Dead.

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War of the Dead (Specifics)

Post by Priest »

Okay this will be stuff specific to the 'War of the Dead' story. Some of it will be new, some not.


It’s important to note that the modern day concept of the zombie in film and literature is owed almost in its entirety to George A. Romero, beginning with his 1968 film “Night of the Living Dead.” In the setting of War of the Dead, Romero never made that film or any of its sequels and, as a result, the concept of the Living Dead never existed in film or print.
Characters in War of the Dead are totally unfamiliar with the Living Dead. The idea of the dead reanimating, the possibility of a bite being one possible method of Infection, or the need to destroy the brain when combating the Living Dead is alien to them when the outbreak first takes place. Such knowledge should come only through experience, and through life-and-death encounters. (War of the Dead – Daring Entertainment)
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Re: War of the Dead (Specifics)

Post by Priest »

Raleigh, North Carolina

The War of the Dead (alternative begining) begins in Raleigh, North Carolina. Although the situation as it develops will allow little time for sightseeing here is a little background on the city.
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Re: War of the Dead (Specifics)

Post by Priest »

New Benny Rule

The Living Dead might be slow, but they’re extremely hard to put down for good. When forced into combat in a world full of flesh-eating ghouls, sometimes a character suddenly finds himself capable of great feats as the adrenaline pumps through his body. The following new rule allows for such actions in the War of the Dead.

Heroic Determination
The character may spend a benny and gain the benefit of any one Combat Edge for the duration of the round.
The character need not meet the requirements for the Combat Edge, except for other Edges (for example, Improved Nerves of Steel requires Nerves of Steel).
This represents the character pushing his natural ability beyond its threshold. The drawback is that while spending a benny for a much needed combat Edge for 1 round might sound like a real asset, it leaves you with fewer bennies to spend on soaking wounds to avoid becoming infected.
Legendary Edges cannot be gained through Heroic Determination.

New Hindrances

Guilt (Minor)
The character suffers a deep guilt over some past action or failure to act. As a result, he must make a Spirit roll at the beginning of each session. A failure on the roll indicates the character begins with 1 less benny. This is cumulative with the effect of the Bad Luck Hindrance.

Haunted Memories (Minor/Major)
The character is susceptible to reliving a past tragedy. The trigger must be chosen when this Hindrance is taken (for example: a particular smell, a specific location, a certain song, a specific phrase, et cetera). If the Hindrance is Minor, the character must make a Spirit roll each round or be unable to take any actions. If the Hindrance is Major, the character must make a
Spirit roll each round at a –2 or be unable to take any actions. The Spirit rolls are only required while the character is still within the vicinity of what triggered (or could trigger) the flashback (for example: at the location, in the presence of the person that uttered the phrase, while the song is playing, while the aroma is still in the air, et cetera).

Psychologically Unstable (Minor/Major)
The character is just not all there. For a Minor Hindrance, the character suffers from brief memory lapses, depression, or
tends to argue with himself. For a Major Hindrance, the character contains more than one personality (determine a trigger for a personality switch), or some similar problem.

Responsibility to Others (Minor/Major)
The character has friends or family members for which he is responsible.
The responsibility is defined when the Hindrance is gained. It could be a spouse, child, sibling, parent, lover, friend,ex-spouse,
et cetera. The other character is an Extra, never a Wild Card. If the character is responsible for only one other individual, then the Hindrance is Minor. If the character is responsible for more than one person (such as his family), then the Hindrance is Major.
The Game Master is encouraged to be creative with this Hindrance when using it during an adventure. For example, the person could be known for getting into trouble and biting off more than they can chew, constantly forcing the character to rush to the rescue. Should the person or people ever die, the character must replace this Hindrance with another at an equal rank (Minor or Major, or 2 Minors for a Major). Some suggestions are: Death Wish, Delusional, Guilt, Haunted Memories, Mean, and Psychologically Unstable.

New Edges

Professional Edges

Urban Scavenger
Requirements: Novice, Spirit d6+, Survival d6+, Tracking d6+
The character is adept at finding food, shelter, and supplies— and avoiding the Living Dead— within urban areas. Scavengers gain +2 to Stealth, Survival, and Tracking when in towns and cities.
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Re: War of the Dead (Specifics)

Post by Priest »

Special Considerations

There are also a few Edges from the Savage Worlds rulebook that don’t quite fit into the zombie genre, and thus are not applicable.
They are as follows;
Arcane Background, Arcane Resistance, Improved Arcane Resistance, New Power, Power Points, Rapid Recharge, Improved Rapid
Recharge, Soul Drain, Champion, Gadgeteer, Holy/Unholy Warrior, Mentalist, Wizard.
We do not see things as they are, we see things as we are.
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