CH1-2 Helping With Police enquiries (ALL)

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Re: IC - CH1 - Helping With Police enquiries

Post by ImpInTraining »

Greg says, "Good luck," to the both of them.
ooc,Once the people are done with their interviews, what has been happening with them? Do they get escorted out - in handcuffs? Do they ever come out of the interrogation rooms?
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Re: IC - CH1 - Helping With Police enquiries

Post by ghill »

OOC: Greg,Greg hasn't really noticed anyone else being called up for interview. At this point Liz and Clayton look like they are the first.
About ten minutes after Liz and Clayton dissapear the police sargeant returns with the same two police constables. "Dr Hammer, Mr Greenberg can you please make yourselves known to the constables"

Assuming they go quietly Greg now goes to his Interview and Jacob goes to his
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Re: IC - CH1 - Helping With Police enquiries

Post by BenTheRat »

Clayton turns when they call his name. "Yea, right here." Then to the others he was talking with. "Piece of cake, I'll be back in 5 minutes, try not to miss me too much." He smiles and follows the police to the next room.
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Re: IC - CH1 - Helping With Police enquiries

Post by ImpInTraining »

Before Greg leaves, he gives Jacob his cell phone number - not that he has his cell phone on him. "... you know, in case we need to try to reconvene later for something, but they have managed to split us up."

That being done, he reports to the police and is led to his own little private piece of interrogation hell... he's sure.
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Re: IC - CH1 - Helping With Police enquiries

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Liz waves to Jacob Greenberg and approaches him. "Mr. Greenberg?" she says. "I'm Liz Penhaligon. I saw you come in earlier, and I understand that you're a solicitor. I was wondering if you would represent me."
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Re: IC - CH1 - Helping With Police enquiries

Post by BenTheRat »

Clayton returns back to the room we were waiting in, looking like he wants to talk. Anyone who comes back in from the police he says hello to.
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Re: IC - CH1 - Helping With Police enquiries

Post by royya »

Mr. Handy wrote: Liz waves to Jacob Greenberg and approaches him. "Mr. Greenberg?" she says. "I'm Liz Penhaligon. I saw you come in earlier, and I understand that you're a solicitor. I was wondering if you would represent me."

Nodding to Liz
"Yes off course miss, I'm a solicitor and since I'm not a suspect and managed to get myself free without restraining conditions I'm willing to offer my services."
He waves happily with the forms he got as his ego flies high.
"Please tell me what they told you, what you replied, what you saw and if you remember anything from that girl …"

Seeing the boy named Clayton, Jacob sees another potential customer and waves him.
"You can speak to me later, I'm Mr. Greenberg - a solicitor."
He returns his attention to Liz, waiting for her reply.
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Re: IC - CH1 - Helping With Police enquiries

Post by ghill »

OOC: Clayton,Clayton wont be allowed back into the room without making a convincing argument to the constable on the door ([b]difficult Persuade or fast talk roll.[/b]). No problem if he wants to waite around outside, but the police aren't letting anybody back in. There are any number of places where Clayton can watch the exits and spot the guys when they leave. If you succeed in the skill roll then stay on this thread. If Clayton decides to go home go to - [url=]home again home again.[/url] if Clayton decides to hang around outside go to [url=]Watching the detectives.[/url]
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Re: IC - CH1 - Helping With Police enquiries

Post by Mr. Handy »


"Thank you," says Liz. "Since you managed to get yourself released, I'm even more certain you're the right person for the job. I'd better explain everything from the beginning. I just got back from my hols in Paris and I was really exhausted. Somehow I got lost and ended up in the Departures area. I saw a Costa Coffee nearby, sat down, and bought a cup of tea. I also took out my laptop and went online to update my status. At around a quarter to nine, I felt a tug on my sleeve and looked over. That's when I saw the girl. I'd never seen her before. I looked into her eyes, and it was like they were burning. Then I can't remember what happened for the next few minutes, but I think I can piece it together from the CCTV footage they showed me.

"Interestingly, the video went black at precisely the same time my memory cuts out. There's a phenomenon called 'missing time' that is similar to what we all seem to have experienced. Sometimes people have reported that a block of time is just cut out, and they have no memory of it. At the same time, clocks stopped and electronics went haywire. It's been associated with UFOs and alien abductions, but personally I think some sort of electromagnetic interference is a more likely explanation. Our nervous systems are electrical, so it's possible that the same thing that affected us could have affected the cameras. I can only speculate about this, though. Dehydration isn't normally associated with missing time. I can see it happening if you're missing hours, but not for just a few minutes.

"I'm not sure how much time is missing from the video, but it resumed well before my memory does. When it did, it showed me talking to the girl. I nodded and bent down to get my bags, and the girl knelt down too. Then we both stood up and walked out of range of the camera, leaving my bags and computer behind. At some point she must have nicked my passport, because they found it on her. I certainly wouldn't have given it to her. I didn't even know it was gone until they showed it to me. Then they showed footage from a different camera at the passport desk. The girl and I walked up to the desk, and when she talked to the man there this camera went black for a bit too. I think she must have done the same thing to him that she did to me. When the image came back, she looked around before walking through the checkpoint to board the plane she was found on. I just remained motionless there for a couple of minutes before rubbing my eyes while the police were coming. I don't know how she got past the desk with my passport. She doesn't really look like me, but somehow she must have convinced the guard that she was me. She must have also had a boarding pass to get on the plane.

"When I came to, the man at the desk had his hands up. He pointed at me and accused me of trying to go through, saying that he stopped me. The video proves that I didn't, though, and the coppers didn't believe him either. They told me to turn around and put up my hands with my palms out, which I did. There were four policemen behind me, all holding guns. The eldest man then searched me, which was highly improper. What, they couldn't radio for a policewoman and hold little unarmed me at bay until she got there? Worse still, I'm only barely eighteen. For all he knew, I could have been a couple of months younger. He didn't even ask if I was a minor. When he was done, he told me he didn't think I was a threat and that I could either come along and help them with their enquiries or he could arrest me under the 2006 Terrorism Act. I went along, which I would have done anyway even without the threat. They did arrest the Border Control Officer at the desk, who kept insisting that he didn't do anything and that he stopped me from going through.

"Later I was taken back to the interview room where there were two detectives, White and Allen. They started recording the interview and stated the date and time. They asked me to identify myself, which I did. Then Detective White said that I understand that I have been arrested on suspicion of activities preparatory to a terrorist act, namely smuggling the girl onto the airplane. He explained my rights to me and asked me to talk them through my day up to the point where I met the girl. I pointed out that I hadn't been arrested, that I was helping them with their enquiries and that it was the Border Control Officer they had arrested. Then I told them about my day up to the point where I met the girl, just like I told you.

"They seemed surprised that I hadn't been arrested and halted the interview, stopping the recording. Detective White asked me to wait just one moment, which turned out to be a few minutes. He came back after fetching the constable who had brought me in and had the constable arrest me and read me my rights. First they tell me I can come along or else they'll arrest me. I come along and they arrest me anyway! That's not cricket. Detective White says they're arresting me as a formality and that they wouldn't bother if they hadn't found my passport on the girl and the CCTV footage hadn't shown us together. Then he asked if I wanted to see the footage, and he showed it to me without waiting for an answer. I asked why there were bits missing, but they ignored the question. I told them I'd cooperated with them fully and came there to help, and that arresting me may be a formality to them, but it wasn't to me. Then I said while we were being formal, I was formally asking for a solicitor, which I had the right to do since they'd gone and arrested me. They halted the interview again and Detective White stomped out to get a constable to take me back.

"Then Detective Allen told me that they were only arresting me to keep from getting their arses sued off, which didn't make sense to me. He said that he tends to think that people who ask for solicitors have something to hide, but that he doesn't think I do. He said the worst anyone could say about me was that I'd been gullible and let a gypsy girl nick my passport, but that if I got a solicitor in then he's not going to let me tell them anything and that they need as much information as possible about the case because the people who did this would need solicitors. That's when he showed me photos they'd taken of the girl. They were awful. She had these burn scars and tattoos in this bizarre pattern all over her body, with glyphs and runes in. The patterns looked vaguely familiar, but the symbols and glyphs didn't look like any traditional occult markings to me. Some of the scars and marks were old, but some were fresh and still oozing over older markings, so whoever had done this to her had done over a long period of time.

"I told the detective that I wanted to help and that's why I'd come here, and that it seemed to me that arresting someone without cause would make them more likely to sue, not less. I also said that if I'd wanted to sue I'd have plenty of cause already, what with the improper search and the denial of medical treatment for our symptoms. The search would be on that video, so he must have seen it - unless that bit got blacked out too. But I don't think so, that only seemed to happen when the girl was around, and she was gone by then. They stopped the video right before the part where I was searched. He insisted that it was procedure to arrest me and it's a lot easier for someone to build a case against them if they don't follow it - which they hadn't done anyway. He brushed off my complaints about our ill treatment and said that I could sue, but he guaranteed the case would be thrown out of court. I told him that I didn't say I was going to sue, merely that there would be plenty of reasons, that other people were more upset than I was and one of them happened to be a solicitor, and that if he really wanted to avoid a lawsuit he should tell his colleagues to treat us properly. I also told him that the tattoos looked a bit familiar but I couldn't place them, and I offered to help with the problems with their cameras since I know a bit about them and a lot about computers. I asked again why there were bits missing, and if there was a fault or the video was edited. He said he couldn't discuss the CCTV evidence with me and that they wouldn't be using my help, but he thanked me for the offer. He said he was sorry our feathers had been ruffled, but that they had to use the full extent of their powers in investigating a possible terrorist incident."
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Re: IC - CH1 - Helping With Police enquiries

Post by BenTheRat »

Clayton heads back for the room they were all waiting in when the constable steps in front of him, "You're not allowed back in there."

Clayton was kind of taken aback. "What? Well I need to go back in there. The detectives said I could, I left my drink and other stuff in there, my lawyer is in there, uh, uh, uh..." The constable stops Clayton right there. "Stop embarrassing yourself and just leave now lad."

Clayton lowers his head at how badly he did trying to persuade the constable and goes outside and waits at the exit for any of the others to come out.
Persuade roll,[url=]Difficult Persuade check. Base is (15) (1d100=97)[/url]
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Re: IC - CH1 - Helping With Police enquiries

Post by royya »

Jacob Turns to Liz after listening to her patiently.

Miss Penhaligon, this talk was off the record. I was released as well but I'm still a suspect as all of you since I was interacting with the girl in a manner I do not remember like you. The police and the state won't allow me to represent you but I promise you that I will help you, me and some others over here to clear their names with other methods.

Jacob replies confidently and adds

Now I have personal interest in the case, it seems that both of us were not the only ones suffering from the same symptom. I suspect that everyone here, including the doctor I spoke to earlier, do not recall the events that followed their strange interaction with the girl.

He leans over and whisper

We should leave. There are too many prying eyes over here. I would like to have your cell-phone number. I already have the doctor's number. Maybe we can help each other to clean the accusations and I already have some ideas such as finding similar cases of blackened and maybe some information about the girl and the tattoos your spoke about. I haven't seen them my self but I'll be happy to see a sketch of the glyphs you seen.

He hands her his business card and intends to walk over and hand one for Greg as well.
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Re: IC - CH1 - Helping With Police enquiries

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"I haven't actually been released yet," says Liz, taking the card. "I'm sure they're going to want to finish the interview once I get a solicitor. I didn't tell them yet that I can't remember what happened with the girl, as we didn't quite get to that bit before they halted it. They won't give me back my mobile until they let me go, but I'll give you my number and email addy." She rattles them off. "I'll try to draw what I saw from memory later. Thank you for your help. It's too bad you can't represent me, but do you have any colleagues that you'd recommend?"
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Re: IC - CH1 - Helping With Police enquiries

Post by royya »

Jacob hands Liz the firm name so she would be able to use their services.
"Ask for David Bluemental, tell him Jacob sent you, goodluck"

With that Jacob goes to Dr. Greg, apologies before the police doctor that examines him and hands Greg his card.
"We should speak, there are matters of concern, contact me as soon as you are released"
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Re: IC - CH1 - Helping With Police enquiries

Post by ghill »

OOC:,Jacob: What is Jacob going to do now? Go home,try and arrange another flight, waite in the departures for the others, Go back to his office...something else?
As Liz finishes talking she notices a young man standing patiently off to the side. "Excuse me Miss Penhaligon, my name is Roger Parry, I'm the duty solicitor. Detective Sargeant Allen suggested you wanted to see a solictor before you went any further. Am I correct in thinking you've already arranged legal representation? There's no problem if you want to waite for your own solicitor, but if your case is anything like the others ,I can probably have you out of here in about ten minutes."
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Re: IC - CH1 - Helping With Police enquiries

Post by royya »

ooc,Jacob's plan is to go home and notify his hosts in Israel that he canceled his flight due to some emergency private things that came up. Trying to arrange a second flight out of the UK is not a wise thing for someone who is a suspect. He will stay in London, maintain a low profile and think what to do next. I guess that he will try the numbers of Liz and Greg in the evening and for now will try to recall or google the internet about past events like this "Terrorist girl" ; "blackout memories with a girl" and such.
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Re: IC - CH1 - Helping With Police enquiries

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OOC: Jacob,Jacob will go to [url=]home again home again[/url]. I'll post to this thread later. However can we have a [b]spot hidden[/b] as he leaves the lounge. If he succeeds he spots Clayton watching the lounge doorway from the comfort of a Coffee house - if Jacob decides to approach him or visa versa go to [url=]Watching the detectives[/url]
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Re: IC - CH1 - Helping With Police enquiries

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"Yes, thank you," Liz says to Roger Parry. "Ten minutes is a lot faster than the solicitor I was going to call could get here from London, and I gather my case is very much like the others. As long as I can still get my own solicitor later, I'd be glad to have your help." She fills him in on what she told Jacob.
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Re: IC - CH1 - Helping With Police enquiries

Post by royya »

Spot hidden 25% (1d100=3)
On hiw way outside, Jacob spots Clayton and decide to approach the man.
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Re: IC - CH1 - Helping With Police enquiries

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Roger Parry listens intently to Liz, asks her the occassional question but seems happy with her version of events. "OK I'll have to tell them I'm acting on your behalf at the moment, most people normally go for their familly solicitor at a later date, especially if it goes to court, which I'm pretty confident this wont. I'll have to look at the CCTV footage but if what you say is true then I don't think we'll have any problems. Between you and me I think someone higher up had a bit of a panic attack when the girl walked through security and straight onto a plane and they came down all heavy handed, its only been a couple of years since the little boy from the midlands did almost exactly the same thing at Gatwick

Roger dissapears to talk with the Detectives and returns fifteen minutes later with a smile on his face "OK Liz you've been released without bail so you're free to go. I did agree with the detectives that you would make yourself for questioning. All this means is if the police want to question you again, its at your convenience and at a location of your choosing. I assume thats OK"
OOC: Liz,Assuming Liz is happy with the arrangements, she signs some paperwork, has her belongings returned to her and may leave the lounge - she's not escorted out but is clearly not expected to hang around. When she leaves please make a [b]Spot Hidden[/b] to see Clayton and Jacob. However, if no one sees one another or decides not to approach she should go [url=]here and awaite events[/url]
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Re: IC - CH1 - Helping With Police enquiries

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"Yes, that will do nicely," says Liz, smiling back. "Thank you so much, Mr. Parry. Good day to you." She signs the necessary papers, collects her belongings, and is about to head out when she catches sight of Clayton and Jacob. She walks over to them. "Hullo, gents."
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