CH1-2 Heathrow Interviews - Dr. Greg only

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CH1-2 Heathrow Interviews - Dr. Greg only

Post by ghill »

The police constable ticks Greg's name off his list and leads him over to a trio of meeting rooms which have been turned into makeshift interview suites, opening the door to the first room he seats him at a small table, behind the table sit two detectives along with audio and video equipment.

The detectives switch the recording equipment on, and then introduce themselves as Detectives White and Allen, stating the date and time. They then ask Greg to identify herself for the interview tape

Without looking up from a sheaf of papers on the table infront of him the man who introduced himself as Detective White starts talking "Dr Hammer, you understand you have have been arrested on suspicion of activities preparatory to a terrorist act; namely the smuggling a young girl onto an airplane. He goes onto explain Greg's rights, emphasising that if he remain silent, then a jury will be informed of this fact if the matter goes to court.

Finally, he looks up talk us through your day, up to the point where you met the girl at the airport please.
OOC: Greg,I have perhaps rushed through this a bit so feel free to have Greg interject if you wish.
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Re: IC - CH1 - Heathrow Interviews - Dr. Greg only

Post by ImpInTraining »

Greg responds, "Arrested... or detained? Because I was under the impression that we were merely being detained for questioning. If I am arrested, then I need to speak with my lawyer, and the US Embassy right away. I believe it is my right as a United States Citizen... as well as a phone call."
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Re: IC - CH1 - Heathrow Interviews - Dr. Greg only

Post by ghill »

Detective White looks at Greg as though weighing him up. He leans over to the tape recorder Detective White ending interview at <gives the exact time> and switches the recorder off he then looks at Greg again. You're absolutely right sir, how forgetful of us. You are entitled to a phone call if that is what you so desire, and I can arrange for the duty solicitor to be present right now if you so wish. Detective White starts to get out of his seat and then as though having second thoughts adds "Although if you don't mind me saying people in my experience people who think they need a solicitor present normally think have something to hide. Oh and just to be clear doctor you have been arrested but not charged. I could if I chose have you charged with resisting arrest contrary to Section 38 of the Offences against the Person Act 1861, as amended by section 63(3) of the Police Act 1964 and section 10(2) of the Criminal Law Act 1967 and have three police constable act as witnesses to that effect. Punishment not exceeding 2 years inprisonment. Your choice I suppose sir, shall we give the embassy a ring, ask them to send some one over because you've been arrested and charged with resisting arrest or would you like to waive your right to legal representation so we can get this interview over and bloody done with. Your choice sir
OOC:,Arrested is not the same as charged in the UK, being arrested simply means the police may detain you, keep you locked up for 24 hours for questioning. So you have been arrested (detained) for questioning all he's telling Greg is on what grounds he was arrested. None of which means Greg is not fully in his rights to a) have a phone call, b) have a solicitor present.
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Re: IC - CH1 - Heathrow Interviews - Dr. Greg only

Post by ImpInTraining »

Greg chuckled, "Really, that fiasco in the bathroom? You really think that would fly as resisting arrest? I have a dozen doctor friends who would testify tomorrow on my behalf that my behavior was quite obviously one of confusion, and I think after that, you and your boys might be in for some unlawful use of force charges." He shrugged and leaned backwards, "I know my rights. I did nothing wrong here. I didn't even know that lady. So let's go ahead and do things by the book, shall we? I'm sure my lawyer will love to know that we may have all been infected with some biological agent and your doctors did nothing to confirm or deny this even after my medical opinion was offered on the subject." He lifted an eyebrow, "What would they call that in court, public endangerment perhaps?"
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Re: IC - CH1 - Heathrow Interviews - Dr. Greg only

Post by ghill »

OOC:,[b]Psychology[/b] roll please.
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Re: IC - CH1 - Heathrow Interviews - Dr. Greg only

Post by ImpInTraining »

Psychology - succeeds!,[url=]Psychology (60%) (1d100=29)[/url]
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Re: IC - CH1 - Heathrow Interviews - Dr. Greg only

Post by ghill »

OOC: Psychology,Greg reads a gamut of emotions from the faces of the two detectives. White is clearly angry at Greg's remarks, but there is clearly also an underlying source of distress although Greg could not say what that is without actually talking to White. Detective Allen is also distressed although not as badly as White, he also has a look of frustration rather than anger at Greg's remarks
Detective White stands up and pushes his chair back "F*ck this, I'll go and get a constable to escort him back to his seat and get them to arrange a call to the sceptic's embassy" he then storms out of the room slamming the door behind him.

Detective Allen looks at Greg with a weary smile on his face. "He's got a 12 year old daughter Emily, spitting image of this girl, understandably he's a bit upset at the turn of events." Allen starts to ruffle through the papers infront of him looking for something.

Its a bit like a US Cop show, first thing they do is call for their lawyer. First thing I think when someone asks for a solicitor is they have something to hide. Personally, I'd be happy to talk to you without arresting you, but thats not the way it works any more, we have to cover our arses stop people suing our arses off. Welcome to 21st century policing. he looks up from his search and gives Greg a weak smile.

The thing is you get a solicitor in here or even worse one of the embassy lawyers and they won't allow you to say anything. Because the people who did this, they'll need solicitors, f*ck me will they need solicitors. Allen pulls a set of large size photos out of a manilla folder and fans them over the table.

The photos show the young girl stood against a height chart holding a white paper smock to her chest, she is covered head to toe in scars, tattoos and burns. Other photos show the scars in detail, with rules held up for scale. The burn scars meld into one, forming a complex spiralling pattern; tattoos pick out highlights and fill the spirals with complex glyphs and runes. Examining the photo's closely show that they were created over an extended period of time; some are older and faded, some are still fresh and still oozing, layered over older scars.
OOC:,Can I have: [b]SAN LOSS[/b]: [0/1] for viewing the extent of the girls scarring [b]Art Medicine [/b] Alternatively Greg can look straight ahead and ignore the detective until his escort arrives.
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Re: IC - CH1 - Heathrow Interviews - Dr. Greg only

Post by ImpInTraining »

Greg looked at the pictures. He had seen worse, not personally ... but in his classes - and never anything done deliberately to this extent. It was quite a horrific sight, but he held it together. "Oh my god... that's awful. Who would do such a thing?" he asked with sincerity.

For as long as he was allowed, he viewed the pictures and observed them in a medical mindframe establishing some facts about the girl from the photos alone. He could tell that the damage done to her was done deliberately and with some sort of pattern in mind, but the artistic nature of it all escaped him.

"Look, I don't want to be an ass... and god knows it looks like you guys could use help with this." He backpeddles quickly from the comment that could be taken wrong. "Not that you guys aren't capable... it's just clear that you are both quite frustrated." He leaned in and said, "If you promise me a few things, I'll wave the call for the time being in interest of getting to the bottom of it all."

He held up a finger and started counting ticking off more fingers as he went, "1 - I want a first aid kit so I can properly treat myself from the damage that your boys did to me in the bathroom. 2 - I want someone to check us out for biological or chemical agents... a blood test would be nice. At this point, I don't think any will be present as our symptoms have faded... but if there are any abnormalities in our blood work we need to establish that as soon as possible. It could be crucial to your case. 3 - Allow me to assist with your investigation. I've already missed my flight back anyway. With any luck, I can use what I learn in a medical journal entry someday... maybe even make a name for myself. Naturally, none of what I learn will be made public until such a time that you deem it is ok in order to keep the facts of your investigation out of the lime-light. Having seen my share of CSI episodes, I know how important that can be for the successful resolution of a case such as this."
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Re: IC - CH1 - Heathrow Interviews - Dr. Greg only

Post by ghill »

MEDICINE roll:,These cannot be just self-harm scars and cigarette burns,some of these injuries could only have been inflicted by another person.
Detective Allen looks at Greg and smiles again, Dr I cant actually see any injuries but if you have any they must be dealt with by the Police Doctor, arse covering again I'm afraid just in case you decide to sue us at a later date. I'm sure you understand he's very busy at the moment, but I believe he's already been told of your concerns about unussual symptoms. You can discuss with him the necessity of doing bloodwork. As for assisting us, its simply not allowed we can't stop you making your own enquiries when your free, but assist us in some semi offical capacity, no not going to happen. So if that is a precondition for assisting us then we're shit out of luck.

At this point Detective White comes accompanied by a woman constable. "The constable will take you to the phone, the embassy is already on the line, you can cry yer eyes out to them."
OOC:,There is no need to RP the conversation with the US Consular office, just tell me what you want to ask them. The Consular office cannot get you out (you are subject to UK laws). However, it will work to protect your legitimate interests and ensure you are not discriminated against. They can provide a list of local attorneys, visit you, inform you generally about local laws, and contact your family or friends. Getting either a solicitor or a consular rep on site is going to take at least an hour or so.
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Re: IC - CH1 - Heathrow Interviews - Dr. Greg only

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Greg looks back blankly, "That's unfortunate. Then I guess I'll keep what I noticed about the photos to myself as well. You know, cooperation is a two-way street." As he started out, he said "I expect to speak with the doctor soon, at the very least. I was trying to be pleasant, but you make this impossible. I'm afraid I must insist."

He stood up and went to make his phone call, informing the US Consular office of the situation, asking for representation because he felt not only was his concerns not being taken seriously, but their negligence of taking immediate action (i.e. the bloodwork) may result in hiding of the true facts of the event. He asks that they contact his hospital to advise of his situation so they may extend his leave of absence and not think he's just abandoned his job. He doesn't want to worry any of his immediate family, so that's all he asks for.
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Re: IC - CH1 - Heathrow Interviews - Dr. Greg only

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Greg is returned to the empty seating area, it looks as though everyone has been taken away for interviews. After a 5 minute waite a thin grey haired gentleman in a pin stripe suit and wearing prince-nez spectacles walks upto him. Dr Hammer? I'm Dr Taylor the duty Police Medical Examiner. I understand you need medical attention.
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Re: IC - CH1 - Heathrow Interviews - Dr. Greg only

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Greg nodded and looked frustrated glancing up to the doctor, "Yeah. Look... I sustained minor injuries from the cops in the bathroom as they needlessly took me down - like I was some sort of threat. But what's more important ... you need to draw blood from us. From all of us as soon as possible. That girl had an effect on us, which leads me to believe it might be biological or chemical in nature. Proof of this influence could still be in our blood stream, but naturally... the longer you wait to draw blood, the less chance it will still be in our system. Hopefully you understand the importance of what I'm suggesting more than those idiot police officers." He frowned and furrowed his brow, "If I stand the chance of going to prison for something I can't even remember, I want a sample of my blood as evidence to my innocence... provided it shows proof of what I'm suggesting."
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Re: IC - CH1 - Heathrow Interviews - Dr. Greg only

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Dr Taylor see's to Greg's injuries (all healed) while listening to Greg's comments. He then gives Greg a reasonably thorough checkover (temperature, BP, eyes, breathing etc). "Dr Hammer, I'll take blood as a matter of proffessional courtesy but frankly you're showing no untoward symptoms, nor are any of the others who were brought here. So whatever it was, was remarkably quick. If you tell me where your staying I can probably get the results to you by end of play."

Greg now returns to Helping with enquiries
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Re: IC - CH1 - Heathrow Interviews - Dr. Greg only

Post by ImpInTraining »

"I know we're not showing symptoms... now. But had the jerk-offs heeded my concerns when I brought it up originally, we were all showing symptoms. Hell, don't take my word for it, ask the others, how many were showing signs of dehydration? How many of them hallucinated and then blacked out? The fact that no one acted on those concerns in a timely fashion shows me the lack of professionalism in place. The police are only interested in making a big arrest, maybe a... " he used his fingers as parenthesis, "'whole terrorist cell' to make the news rather than get to the truth of the matter." He shook his head, "I even offered to help them with their investigation, and they turned me down. Sure, I bet you're a fine doctor yourself, but a second opinion on strange cases like these could really help open the eyes, don't you think?" He folded his arms across their chest, "But they're not interested in that... like I said. They just want the most sensational outcome they can muster rather than the actual facts of the matter. Got to make the 6 O'clock news all shiny."

He unfolded his arms and pulled up a sleeve, "Please... draw my blood and have it tested. I'll even submit a few strand of hair - they can show toxins far longer than blood. But mark my words, there was some foreign substance at work here. And if you're not taking steps to try to prove that, you're doing all of us an injustice."
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Re: IC - CH1 - Heathrow Interviews - Dr. Greg only

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Dr Taylor looks at Greg with a tired look in his eye. "Those are my work colleagues your talking about Doctor. Perhaps things are different in the States but this is the UK and after 25 years of fighting terrorists the police here generally want the least sensational of outcome." With that Dr Taylor packs away his things and put the samples into evidence bags, standing up he looks at Greg again. "I'll make sure you're informed of any irregularities as soon as I have the results." He then walks away.
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Re: IC - CH1 - Heathrow Interviews - Dr. Greg only

Post by ImpInTraining »

"Thank you," Greg says. And then before the doctor leaves, he says "Some of those scars on the girl... they couldn't have been done by her. A physical impossibility. Someone did that to her." He shrugged and looked up at the doctor, "Gathered that from the pictures. Figured you should know, since it's your case."

He wishes the doctor luck, then paces about waiting for something to happen.
ooc,Do I go back to the other thread where Handy and them are posting, or just hang here? And BTW - no power at my house so my posting for the next few days may be sporadic.
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Re: IC - CH1 - Heathrow Interviews - Dr. Greg only

Post by ghill »

Dr Taylor looks back at Greg once more and Greg realises the look on the doctors face is not so much tired as haunted. "Thankyou Dr Hammer, I had figured that from examining the girl myself, but its nice to have ones theories confirmed"

Yep,you're stuck back in the business lounge until your solicitor arrives.

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