Innsmouth Horror (ic)

The sleepy seaside town of Innsmouth harbors a dark secret. The diabolical Deep Ones have infiltrated and taken over, led by the Marsh family. With the aid of Mother Hydra, they plan to bring forth Quachil Uttaus, which will spell doom for us all unless a small band of unlikely heroes can uncover and thwart their schemes.

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Re: Innsmouth Horror (ic)

Post by Tabs »

Turn 9 Upkeep
ooc: Silas passes his personal story, I Won't Give In!: "'I know now that there are things more terrible than death, and I refuse to let that siren's song claim me like it has so many of my family.' Seal one open gate of your choice. Silas is devoured." The gate chosen is Yuggoth at Marsh Refinery, the Dhole is returned to the cup. Due to the "Lurking Horror" ability of Mother Hydra a Vampire is placed in the Outskirts


"Yes, Silas. Do not be alarmed by my appearance. I judge that you have much to learn about your family heritage. Follow me, there is someone else I'd like you to meet."

"But-- Who?--

Henry Marsh--Silas' father--turns tail, literally, and swims like a crippled frog; he moves through the water, into the vast city of Y'ha-nthlei. Silas follows, loping along the seabed in his father's wake.

The dwelling is a rocky igloo, into which Henry Marsh glides with deceptive ease; deceptive, because Silas has to claw his way inside a claustrophobic tunnel, before scrabbling into the domed living space. Silas' father is waiting inside, and he immediately proffers a crystal decanter containing a ruby jelly.

"Silas, imbibe this nectar--a gift from Mother Hydra--to hasten your transition."

"Please, wait-- It is all too much-- You go too fast-- I don't understand what is happening."

"Look deep into my eyes, son; there you will find the answers...."

And Silas does. After many moments a resigned Silas lowers his gaze from his father's eyes.

"So, father, when I returned and found our house in Pitman Street deserted, you were not dead, as I thought?--and mother, too. Oh, I asked the neighbors what had happened to you both, of course I did, but no one knew; or at least, they pretended not to.

"I was young, in mind and spirit, in the spring of '21, and my ship had just returned from the South Seas...I think I am trying to say that I didn't care enough about you two to delve deeper into your apparent disappearance: my parents were gone, that was all."

Henry Marsh places a comforting hand upon his son's shoulder.

"Now, we are all together again."

"How can that be? We are different."

"We are the same. It seems you still do not fully understand. have not eaten the ruby jelly."

Silas smiles--it is a wicked smile, born of hopelessness, but without fear.

"I'll never be like you."

"But, Silas, you already are."

A purple haze illuminates the rear of the igloo. A beautiful nymph slides towards Silas, her naked breasts shifting as if there is a swell in the water surrounding them; his eyes fall away from her navel to the fine, kelp-like hairy mound between the nymph's legs. The nymph speaks in a tone of infinite yearning.

"Silas. Silas. With magic you can be whoever you want: for all time. We-- You are immortal."

Silas snatches up the crystal decanter and cracks its neck upon the floor; he holds it out as if to toast his parents, the splintered glass is glittering crazily.

"Eternity: lusting after my mother! I don't think so."

"Stop! Please, Silas, please join us. There is nothing else, but oneness with Mother Hydra, and she is subject to the Lords of the Universe. There is no 'God,' no heaven or hell, all human religion is simply a superstition. We--the Deep Ones--are the chosen beings. We are reality."

"All of that sounds mighty fine, but I prefer to believe in nothing at all, especially not this new perversity. You, queen toad, and your ideas, are the nightmare of a drowning man."

"Silas, please--"

"Fuck you."

Silas sweeps the splintered glass across his throat, biting deeply into the flesh, severing arteries and veins in a frenzy of hatred and disgust; the water round Silas becomes a crimson cloud of blood.

And as Silas slips away, his brain starved of oxygenated blood, one final scene plays out in his mind.

Silas Marsh is surrounded by his Arkham life: Jimbo with his chalk, the blue-rinse slattern mouthing angry obscenities, the Zombie with only half of its head, a foul chimney, a crying child, his mother and father, a bloated worm, the adorable monkey.... They dance round him with staccato movements--stilted syncopation--slapping their knees and hooting aloud like Hiawatha. An ant with a bulbous, bandaged head, charges into the crowd of dancers and scatters them all as if they are ninepins and it is a boulder; the ant grows, and transforms into a towering, terrific lion.

The lion--Quachil Uttaus--positions itself above Silas who is stricken by fear; it unwraps a strip of cloth from round its head, dust showers upon Silas which chokes and blinds him; a vile mouth is revealed, with row upon row of tiny teeth. Quachil Uttaus squats beside the seaman and begins to nibble daintily at Silas' toes; the excruciating pain is like matchsticks hammered under his nails. Silas Marsh is devoured.
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Re: Innsmouth Horror (ic)

Post by Tabs »

Mandy Thompson
Turn 9 Upkeep, Library
No changes.

Turn 9 Movement, Unvisited Isle -> Science Building
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Re: Innsmouth Horror (ic)

Post by Mr. Handy »

Turn 9 Movement
Abyss (1st area)->Abyss (2nd area)

Hank and his father continue to walk towards the light.
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Re: Innsmouth Horror (ic)

Post by DSIGFUSS »


Turn 9 Arkham Movement
ooc,[url=]Horror check vs. Ghost (1d6=2)[/url]; Roland loses 2 Sanity. Roland fights the ghost check (-3) Pass, Roland kills Ghost 2 successs. roll:
Roland, at his wits end, pulls out his bottle of Holy water and launches it at the ghost.

Stand next to this Holy Fire Mr.Hendrix.. You son of a b#tch!

The liquid hel-fire burns until there is nothing left of the ghost but castles made of sand....
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Re: Innsmouth Horror (ic)

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Turn 9 Movement
French Hill - Miskatonic Un - Merchant District
ooc,Ursula evades the two Shoggoths. Spending 3 clue tokens to cast Voice of Ra successfully and then passsing her evade checks. I made the rolls and posted them but screw the post up somehow and lost it. Dang! ANyways. That's the truth and I'm stickin to it.
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Re: Innsmouth Horror (ic)

Post by Tabs »

Turn 9 Movement, Library -> Miskatonic U.
ooc,Exhibit Mythos card: [url=]Lore check (1d6=3, 1d6=3, 1d6=5)[/url]; Mandy gains 1 Clue token. Reading Cultes des Goules: [url=]1=, 1=[/url], fail.
"Will madam try the lucky dip?"

The cardboard box has the Eye of Horus painted onto it. Laughing at the improbability of finding anything useful, Mandy's hand burrows into the straw.
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Re: Innsmouth Horror (ic)

Post by Tabs »

Turn 9 Arkham Encounter, Science Building
ooc,Patrice spends her gate trophy to R'lyeh and gains 2 Clue tokens.
The Science Building is empty. Patrice wanders up and down the linoleum corridors.

"Hello! Anyone here?"

She plucks up courage and tries to open a heavily studded door with the legend 'Electrical Experimentation' stencilled upon it. Patrice pushes at the door knob, it sticks, she pushes harder and the door is flung open with her still holding on. In the far corner of the room, and sat on the floor--hunched, facing the wall, a man in a white lab coat is beating furiously at something; Patrice almost has a decline when she imagines what the man is doing.

"For God's sake, what kind of vermin are you?"

The man swivels round on his buttocks: he is clasping a rubber hammer. He looks like a true doofus, complete with buck teeth.

"It was gonna blow--again--the hammer seems to work."

"Not very scientific? I'd have thought."

The doofus laughs and shrugs.

"Yeah, I guess so."

"Look...sir, I have this fascinating goldbug; do you think the Science Building would tell me all about it?"

Patrice reaches into her skirt pocket. The doofus is shocked and alarmed, misinterpreting the words and action.

"Whoa tigress, now steady on!"
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Re: Innsmouth Horror (ic)

Post by DSIGFUSS »


Turn 9 Arkham Encounter
Graveyard - General Store
ooc,Roland uses research materials to pass Luck (-2) check - Fail Spend 1 clue token - Fail Spend Clue Token 2 - Pass roll: I forgot to add one clue token to Roland during Upkeep for having less than 2.

Roland moves to General Store and draws 3 cards.
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Re: Innsmouth Horror (ic)

Post by Tabs »

Turn 9 Arkham Encounter, Merchant District: no encounter.
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Re: Innsmouth Horror (ic)

Post by Mr. Handy »

Turn 9 Other World Encounter
Abyss (2nd area)
OOC,[url=]Luck(-2) check to find a weapon in the Abyss (2d6.hits(5)=2)[/url]. [b]Hank[/b] gains the first Weapon in the Common Items deck. Not that he needs it, but still cool to have.
Hank and his father wander through the eerie, faintly lit tunnel. Hank nearly trips over something lying on the ground. "Look, Pa!" he says. "I think it's a weapon!"
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Re: Innsmouth Horror (ic)

Post by Tabs »

Turn 9 Mythos
Charity Case! (Innsmouth)
Esoteric Order of Dagon, gate burst: R'lyeh.
Monsters: Cultist and Maniac.
Movement: Fire Vampire -> Miskatonic U. [Mandy has a lower Sneak than Ursula] and Ghoul -> Innsmouth Shore.
Clue Appears At: Devil Reef and Police Station.
Headline: The investigator with the lowest Sanity may move to Arkham Asylum and be delayed to restore his Sanity to its maximum. [Patrice]

Patrice gains 1 Clue token from her "Ominous Dreams" ability.
Ruby Standish is strangled.
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Re: Innsmouth Horror (ic)

Post by DSIGFUSS »


Turn 10 Upkeep
General Store
ooc,Roland canges his Fight/ Will to 4/2 and takes one clue token
He buys the SABRE

Turn 10 Upkeep

Merchant District
ooc,Ursula makes no changes.
Last edited by DSIGFUSS on Fri Jun 10, 2011 12:09 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Innsmouth Horror (ic)

Post by Tabs »

Patrice spends 2 Clue tokens to avoid drawing a Dust card.
Turn 10 Upkeep, Arkham Asylum, Lore <3 Luck >2.

Patrice wakes and stretches her arms, her body shudders with a delicious yawn; she emits a sound like a cross between a purr and a growl; her lips ride up at the corners and she repeats the stretch, milking it for every drop of pleasure. She opens her eyes, and is startled by the unfamiliar ceiling of a strange cell. And the room is a cell, there are even bars at the tiny window.

She leaps out of bed, and runs bare footed upon a concrete floor to the window, where she grasps the bars. Outside, an orange hued dust is swirled by an angry storm; Patrice thinks of the Sirocco wind which blows from the Sahara....


Patrice whirls round in alarm and beholds an elderly doctor; the naked lightbulb reflects dazzlingly from his spectacles. She is conscious of the cotton shift she is wearing, the thin stuff barely covers her knees.

"My clothes, where are they?"

"Beside the bed, inside this cabinet."

"Where am I?"

"Arkham Asylum. Ms. Hathaway, you fainted at the Science Building."

"Did I?..."

"I am Dr. Oetker."

Patrice ignores the introduction and marches over to the cabinet. The doctor places a restraining hand upon her arm which she shakes off with irritation.

"There is so little time-- I need to get dressed--"

"Ms. Hathaway, you are not going anywhere. As your doctor, I will not allow it!"

Patrices pulls her jacket out from the cabinet, a fine sand sprinkles the concrete floor of the cell.


Dr. Oetker is staring past her to the window.

"Yes. The local fisherfolk say that there is a storm over Innsmouth."

"Where's my violin?"

The door to the cell closes softly and its latch turns: the door is locked.
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Re: Innsmouth Horror (ic)

Post by Mr. Handy »

Turn 10 Upkeep
Abyss (2nd area)
OOC,[b]Hank[/b] increases his Fight from 3 to 5 and decreases his Will from 2 to 0 (+1 from [b]Pa[/b]).
Hank frowns at the little gun he found. "This dinky thing?" he says, shrugging. "I like my shotgun better." He brandishes it, steeling himself for battle as he advances. "I have a bad feeling about this."
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Re: Innsmouth Horror (ic)

Post by DSIGFUSS »

ooc - Sorry if I'm posting out of turn but only have time at work to post.... Now or never.

Turn 10 Upkeep, Merchant District, no changes.
Turn 10 Movement, Merchant District - Miskatonic University - Science Building.
ooc,Nothing but insane thoughts of misbegotten panties...


Turn 10 Movement
General Store - Rvertown - Merchant District - Miskatonic U.

Lore check to gain a Clue token from the Egypt Exhibit (1d6=5, 1d6=2, 1d6=5), :)
ooc,Roland battles the Fire Vampire (he has 6 dice) : Wasted him Wish I had time to post a description here... Roland
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Re: Innsmouth Horror (ic)

Post by Tabs »

ooc: Rewind to before DSIG's movement post.
Turn 10 Upkeep, Miskatonic U., no changes.

Mandy browses the makeshift Egypt Exhibit. The supposed antiquities are displayed on paste tables which are covered by tarpaulin. Miskatonic University streets has the feel of a decrepit outdoor market. She examines various bandaged limbs that are moth eaten and, frankly, revolting. The vendor, a portly gentleman with kind eyes, spots her interest.

"That is one of King Tut's wives forearms; honestly, it is. Only $7."

"Um, I don't think so. My cat brought in something similar last week."

A head appears at the vendor's shoulder, swivels, and begins to suck on his neck. The head belongs to another man; she has never witnessed such an open display of homosexuality. The vendor's mouth opens and a stream of incandescence beams from the orifice, the head bursts. Mandy drops to the ground in terror and scrambles beneath the paste table. Shouts, screams, pandemonium; in between the fingers covering her face she sees many pairs of legs scattering in panic, like rats fleeing a sinking ship.

Turn 10 Movement, Arkham Asylum.

The door to the cell is unlocked.

"Ms. Hathaway, you have a visitor."

Patrice remains motionless upon the bed, she is facing the white tiles of the wall, with her knees drawn up to her chin. She turns her head to the visitor, it is a teenager in an ill-fitting houndstooth suit; he has a hesitant manner.

"I-- I brought this...."

He produces Patrice's violin from behind his back. "You dropped it at the Science Building."

"Oh! I thought I'd lost it. Thank you, Mr.?--"

"Dorian Minks Jr., at your service, madam."

"Patrice Hathaway, pleased to meet you, Dorian."

She frowns. "Just a moment, aren't you the laboratory technician from the Science Building?"

"Yes. It was I who called the asylum when you collapsed upon the floor."

"I suppose I ought to thank you for that, too."

"The asylum: this grubby's pretty grim, isn't it?"

They laugh together. Patrice takes the violin and rests it upon her feet.

"Well, thank you once again, Dorian."

"Ms. Hathaway...."


"I was wondering-- I mean-- Would you like to go to dinner with me?"

"Ha! I'm old enough to be your m-- well, your older sister. But it is a charming request, all the same. I bet you only stopped wearing shorts last summer."

Dorian Minks is crestfallen--for a moment--and then smiles impishly.

"My friends tell me that older women--"

Patrice jumps up off the bed and points to the door.

"Get lost, creep!"
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Re: Innsmouth Horror (ic)

Post by Mr. Handy »

Turn 10 Movement
Abyss (2nd area)->Independence Square

Hank and his father are suddenly caught up in a swirl of bright light. When it fades, they find themselves back in Independence Square.
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Re: Innsmouth Horror (ic)

Post by Tabs »

Image Turn 10 Movement, Miskatonic U. -> Train Station. She could have continued to Innsmouth, but it's a dangerous place. Maybe, Hank can blaze a trail to the Esoteric Order? Also, she can give Hank some $s when he passes by the Train Station.

All is quiet....

Mandy--under the paste table, upon hands and knees--delicately reverses, until she bumps into--what? Her cow eyes see a black man, wearing a garish waistcoat.

"Shhhh! Keep still, woman."

Mandy mouths the words.

"Is it safe?"

The man slowly shakes his head. He squints through the gingham tablecloth, then he points forward and whispers.

"It's over there. Don't move."

She hesitates for a heartbeat...and bolts in the opposite direction; she cracks her forehead on the underside of the table, before emerging into the empty street like a rabbit from it's burrow with a terrier on its tail; and sprints, her eyelids closed, fists pumping and throat emitting a high pitched keening sound, akin to a screech. Mandy's legs tangle with something, she stumbles and crashes to the road; a huge, skinny rodent, like King Rat in a jacket and fez, bounds away, yelping.

The figure standing in front of Mandy beckons to her with a finger that has a tip of flame; she reads the gesture as, "I want you." She wets herself.

"Quick, sir, oi thinks dat dame is to be exploded!"

Roland Banks nods to Malone. He draws the Enchanted Knife and advances to confront the Fire Vampire....
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Re: Innsmouth Horror (ic)

Post by Tabs »

Image Turn 10 Arkham Encounter, Arkham Asylum: "You are mistaken for an inmate. Doctor Mintz has the guards subdue you and conducts an experiment. Make a Will (-1) [2] check"--Patrice automatically fails--"to discover the results. ...If you fail, his memory drug fails miserably, resulting in lost knowledge...." Patrice discards her Luck skill.

She strums the strings of the violin like it is a miniature guitar, accompyaning the soft tones with a sweet hum, that Pattie learnt in the nursery as a child....

"My name is Dr. Mintz."

"When am I getting out of here?-- 'Minks,' you say? I met your lovely son earlier."

"My son died in infancy, Mrs. Knoop."

Dr. Mintz snaps his fingers, and three burley men, trundling a trolley before them, enter Patrice's cell. The doctor signals impatiently to the men. "Okay, do it, but watch her, she'll claw your eyes out!"

Rough hands seize her wrists and ankles, and begin to pull and tear at her clothing....

Patrice Hathaway, naked and lying face-down upon the trolley, the buckles of the leather belts pinching her flesh, cries outraged tears. Dr. Mintz pulls a sheet over her trembling body. "You have a 'potty mouth,' Mrs. Knoop, which is why we had to gag you.

"Take her to the basement!"

The trolley, with Patrice, has been pushed up to a corner of the basement; the room is lit brilliantly by an array of lightbulbs. She examines the black mould and the rising damp that is beading liquidly upon the wall. She cranes her neck, and sees a policeman and Dr. Mintz; the doctor is snapping latex gloves on and holding a jumbo suppository that he dunks in a jar of clear jelly. He hunkers down beside Patrice, "In ten minutes, bitch, you will confess to Deputy Digby where you hid the child's body."
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Re: Innsmouth Horror (ic)

Post by Mr. Handy »

Turn 10 Arkham Encounter
Independence Square
OOC,[url=]Fight check (Fight 5 - 2 [Abyss] = 3 dice) to close/seal the Gate to the Abyss at Independence Square (3d6.hits(5)=2)[/url]. [b]Hank[/b] succeeds in closing the Gate to the Abyss. He spends 3 of his own Clue tokens and 2 from Patrice to seal the Gate. He takes the Gate trophy. Dark Young, Ghoul, and Formless Spawn are returned to the monster cup. I can also give [b]Mandy[/b] the Derringer when I see her.
"Now, son!" shouts Pa.

Hank furrows his brow, plants his feet on the ground, raises his arms, and concentrates on the swirling energy overhead. Gritting his teeth, he summons all of his strength. Gradually the whirlwind begins to dissipate until finally nothing is left. "I did it!" cheers Hank.
Doctor Who/CoC Campaign:
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