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Cast of Characters (Player Sheets)

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 2:07 am
by Job
Current Player Characters Guests Who've Expressed Interest as Alternate Players
  • Captain Impossible, possibly playing a miner/technician
Available Pre-Generated Characters
Below is a list of characters who departed New York City for Antarctica as members of the expedition, but their owners have dropped from the game. These characters are available for running by new players. If you choose to play one of these characters, we'll need to convert them from D20 statistics to Call of Cthulhu rules.

Re: Cast of Characters (Players)

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 8:37 pm
by Anatomist
== Øyvind Raknes - Dogsled Driver ==

Øyvind Raknes,Name: Øyvind Raknes [url=]Shellback Certificate[/url] Age: 35 Sex: Male Occupation: Dog Sled Driver Yearly Income: College, Degrees: none Birthplace: Kautokeino, Norway [b]Appearance & Personality:[/b] [b]Appearance:[/b] Øyvind is a tall and massive Scandinavian. He is quite reserved one because he does not speak English very well, and second because he is sober. When drunk, Øyvind tells you all, even the most embarrassing things, the only good thing that it takes a lot of effort to get him drunk. He gives the impression of being a good person and he is fairly good looking. [b]Background:[/b] [img][/img] [b]Background:[/b] It is not that much to say about him. He drooped school at age 15 and went to work with the Lapp people north of his town. 5 years ago it came a adventurer/explorer to the Lapp lands searching greater knowledge of the aurora Borealis and the people and myths in northern Norway. He was an Canadian that had a mountain gear store and a book store in New York. Øyvind had been fascinated with the stories John told him in his almost a year long expedition. He had taken with him many books about myths, archaeology, tarot, and such many more books. Øyvind read them all, slowly but he read them all. Øyvind was now in New York on visit to his friend John, selling him huge stack of reindeer skins. He had seen an ad in the newspaper searching for explorers. He had been in NY 2 months, and it was time to leave back home or sign up for the adventure of his life. He send a letter with the Hotel piccolo. Languages Spoken: English, Norwegian Characteristics STR 17 CON 16 SIZ 14 DEX 15 APP 17 INT 11, Idea 55 POW 11, Luck/SAN 55 EDU 13, Know 65 Sanity: 55 current Sanity: 55 phobias/mental disorders: Apiphobia (Bees) Hit Points: 15 current Hit Points: 15 Magic Points: none current Magic Points: none Damage Bonus: +1d4 [b]Skills:[/b] (professional one in italics, .private preceded by a dot; non-base scores bolded) Occupation Skills: 260 Hobby Skills: 110 Accounting (10%): Aircraft Maintenance (05%): Anthropology (01%): Archaeology (01%): Art (05%): Astronomy (01%): Bargain (05%): Biology (01%): Block (DEX x2): 30 Chemistry (01%): Climb (40%): Conceal (15%): Craft (05%): Credit Rating (15%): Cthulhu Mythos (00%): Disguise (01%): [i]Dodge[/i] (DEX×2): 30% [b]50%[/b] Drive Auto (20%): [i]Drive Dog Sled[/i] (20%): [b]70%[/b] Electr. Repair (10%): Explosives (01%): Fast Talk (05%): [i]First Aid[/i] (30%): [b]60%[/b] Geology (01%): .Hide (10%): [b]30%[/b] History (20%): .Jump (25%): [b]35%[/b] Law (05%): Library Use (25%): [i]Listen[/i] (25%): [b]45%[/b] [color=#0000FF][b]+2 = 47% [/b][list]Sept 17-19: +1 TEACHER CREDIT - For teaching "Mountain Rules" class, Sept 13-16: +1 TEACHER CREDIT - for teaching Mountain Rules class[/color][/list] Locksmith 01%): Martial Arts (01%): Mech. Repair (20%): Medicine (05%): [i]Meterology[/i] (05%): [b]10%[/b] Natural History (10%): [i]Navigate[/i] (10%): [b]50%[/b] [color=#0000FF]+1 = 51% (Sept 12th D Halperin's & C Bardier's Aerial Navigation class)[/color] Occult (05%): Opr. Hvy. Mch. (01%): Other Language (01%): Own Language (EDU×5%): 65 Persuade (15%): Pharmacy (01%): Photography (10%): Physics (01%): Pilot (01%): [i]Polar Survival[/i] (01%): [b]51%[/b] Psychoanalysis (01%): Psychology (05%): Radio Operator (01%): Ride (05%): .Sneak (10%): [b]30%[/b] [i]Spot Hidden[/i] (25%): [b]50%[/b] Swim (25%): Throw (25%): [i]Track[/i] (10%): [b]50%[/b] Hand-to-Hand: Fist/Punch (50%): [color=#0000FF]+1 = 51% [list]+1 for Successful skill upgrade roll for boxing matches[/color][/list] Head Butt (10%): Kick (25%): Grapple (25%): Firearms: .Handgun (20%):[b]30[/b] Machine Gun (15%): .Rifle (25%): [b]75%[/b] Shotgun (30%): SMG (15%): [b]Property/Equipment carried on expedition:[/b] [b]Equipment:[/b] [Dogs] Sled (12 dog pack) in wood whit metal skies anchors x2 Thirteen point line x4 Dog Rations (1 week) [b]Wardrobe[/b] 4 worn collared shirts, various colors, clean and neat – $6.00 3 worn trousers, grey, black, and dark blue, clean, pressed with a crisp pleat - $6.00 1 pair of new work boots - $4.00 7 pairs of tighty whiteys - $1.00 7 pairs of black socks - $1.00 1 worn grey parka – $20.00 1 leather bomber jacket, lightly worn -$20.00 2 mechanics uniforms - $3.00 1 pair of worn, tan wool gloves – $4.00 2 grey wool scarves – $3.00 2 woolen sweaters, on grey and one dark blue - $8.00 [b]Smith and Wesson M1917 Revolver --.45ACP --capacity: 6[/b] [b]Schmidt Rubin M1911 Rifle/Carbine --7.5mm M11 --capacity:6[/b] [b]Various[/b] Leather Holster fitted for hiding the gun in the small of his back - $5.00 Flashlight - $3.00 Hooded Lamp Lamp Oil Average set of carpentry tools -$10.00 Climbing Gear Bree gear x2 Ski gear x2 sunglasses (3) whip (2) dogs (9) sled (One man sled) blankets (9) mask (2) ski (2) ropes (100 mt) x4 Akkevit (5 liters) (simmilar to wiskey) Backpack [b]Money:[/b] Original savings - $2,000. Yearly income - $2,000.

Re: Cast of Characters (Players)

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 1:21 pm
by royya
Father P.J Rucker
P.J Rucker,Name: Paul James Rucker [url=]Shellback Certificate[/url] Age: 47 Sex: Male Occupation: Priest / Scientist Yearly Income: College, Degrees: PhD in Chemistry and Paleobiology (Harvard University) / Master of Divinity from Brown University Birthplace: Boston, Mass Appearance & Personality: Father Rucker is a very ordinary looking man. He is 5’11" and 160lbs. He has curly brown hair and a meticulously trimmed morning shadow beard. His complexion tends to be a little on the dark side. He generally moves about slow and cautiously, but there is something in his gate that appears to defy his age. Father Rucker will most often be found wearing his every day priestly vestiges, either a black suit or black sweater and trousers. It is almost impossible to separate him from his hooded black cloak which he tends to wear in even the most uncomfortable weather. Background: Father Rucker was born in Boston, Mass on January 30, 1886. His parents recognized his genius early own and went to great lengths to encourage and feed his quest for knowledge from an early age. Dr Rucker received a B.Sc in chemistry from Harvard University, and then went on to obtain a PhD in both Chemistry and Paleobiology (geobiology), his fields of interest are also Archeological and Geo-chemistry. He then studied a Master of Divinity from Brown University. The elder Rucker became quite disappointed and disillusioned when his only child decided to enter the priesthood. Father Rucker petitioned the Roman Catholic Church and was accepted into the Jesuit Order. While pursuing his Jesuit training he developed a number of interests which were not well accepted by the church. Prior to the completion of his training Father Rucker left the church and pursued PhD's in Chemistry and Paleobiology at Harvard University. While pursuing his graduate studies at Harvard University Father Rucker and Dr. Moore became acquainted and formed a strong friendship while admiring each others accomplishments. Upon graduation Father Rucker completed a fellowship at Miskatonic University where he later became a renown instructor and scientist. After serving many years a Professor for the University Father Rucker suddenly abandoned academics to once again pursue the ministry. Father Rucker has spent the last 18 months as a priest in a small Roman Catholic Church. Characteristics STR: 13 CON: 14 SIZ: 13 DEX: 16 APP: 11 INT: 18 , Idea: 90 POW: 15 , Luck: 65 / SAN:65 EDU: 21 , Know: 99 Sanity: 60 current Sanity: 60 Max Sanity: 94 phobias/mental disorders: Hit Points: 14 current Hit Points: 14 Magic Points: 15 current Magic Points: 15 Damage Bonus: +1d4 Skills: (professional one in italics, .private preceded by a dot; non-base scores bolded) Accounting (10%): Aircraft Maintenance (05%): Anthropology (01%): [i][b]Archaeology[/b][/i] (01%): 52% Art (05%): Astronomy (01%): Bargain (05%): [i][b]Biology[/b][/i] (01%): 77% Block (DEX x2): 32% [i][b]Chemistry[/b][/i] (01%): 75% Climb (40%): [color=#0000FF]+3 = 43% [list]Sept 12: +1 for taking G & N Sorensen's Technical Climbing class Sept 16, 17, 18: +1 for taking G & N Sorensen's Technical Climbing class Sept 22, 23, 24: +1 for taking G & N Sorensen's Technical Climbing class [/list][/color] Conceal (15%): Craft (05%): Credit Rating (15%): Cthulhu Mythos (00%): 05% Disguise (01%): Dodge (DEX×2): 32% Drive Auto (20%): Drive Dog Sled (20%): Electr. Repair (10%): Explosives (01%): Fast Talk (05%): First Aid (30%): [i][b]Geology[/b][/i] (01%): 76% Hide (10%): [i][b]History[/b][/i] (20%): 50% Jump (25%): Law (05%): [i][b]Library Use[/b][/i] (25%): 40% [b].Listen[/b] (25%): 55% [color=#0000FF]+1 = 56% (Sept 17-19: TEACHER CREDIT - For teaching "Antarctic Paleobiology" class)[/color] Locksmith 01%): Martial Arts (01%): Mech. Repair (20%): Medicine (05%): [b][i]Meterology[/i][/b] (05%): 30% Natural History (10%): Navigate (10%): [b].Occult[/b] (05%): 25% Opr. Hvy. Mch. (01%): Other Language (01%): 61% [Latin] Other Language (01%): 21% [German] Own Language (EDU×5%): 95% [English] Persuade (15%): [color=#0000FF]+1 = 16% (Sept 13-16: TEACHER CREDIT - For teaching "Antarctic Paleobiology" class)[/color] Pharmacy (01%): Photography (10%): Physics (01%): Pilot (01%): Polar Survival (01%): [color=#0000FF][b]+4 = 5% [/b] [list]Sept 12th: +1 for taking Ø Raknes' & F Guerini's Mountain Rules class Sept 13, 14, 15: +1 for taking Ø Raknes & F Guerini / Mountain Rules Sept 16, 17, 18: +1 for taking Ø Raknes & F Guerini / Mountain Rules Sept 22, 23, 24: +1 for taking Ø Raknes & F Guerini / Mountain Rules[/list][/color] Psychoanalysis (01%): [b].Psychology[/b] (05%): 55% Radio Operator (01%): Ride (05%): Sneak (10%): [i][b]Spot Hidden[/b][/i] (25%):80% Swim (25%): Throw (25%): Track (10%): Hand-to-Hand: Fist/Punch (50%): Head Butt (10%): Kick (25%): Grapple (25%): Firearms: Handgun (20%): Machine Gun (15%): Rifle (25%): Shotgun (30%): SMG (15%): Property/Equipment carried on expedition: -Coly M1877 "Lightning" .38 Revolvers -2 cases of rounds -An assortment of books and manuscript, blank papers, pencils, chalks. -Holy Bible -A trunk full of misc items -Mechanical Toolset (hammer, nails, screws, screwdriver, monkey wrench, little saw) -Clothing (Assorted Priestly vestiges) -Outdoor Clothing (wool-lined leather gloves, Parka, heavy boots) -Pocket Knife -Waterproof map of the Antarctic in case -Binoculars -First Aid kit -Compass -Magnifying glass -Rucksack -Water bag, 1 gallon -Two-person tent -Thermal blanket, 2 qty -Bedroll -Kerosene lantern and one gallon of fuel -Emergency Flare, 5 qty -Grappling hook and 50’ of rope -Shovel and Pick -Wire and Bolt cutters -Flashlight, 3 cell -Geology and Archaeology tools (small pick, various solvents to identify minerals, colander, simple scales) -Strong metal vials -Flashlight batteries, 6 qty -Oiled Canvas Duffel [spoiler][b]GM notes:[/b] Dr. Rucker is a scientist who gained some knowledge of the mythos via scientific inquiry. After being called in to identify what he thought were some ancient fossils, the Dr. soon realized that these artifacts were not of terresterial origin. His exposure to these artifacts eventually lead to a fanatic interest in the Mythos, he believed that by studying the mythos he could ascertain the exact origin of the artifacts. Unfortunately his dedication to this endeavor went too far, and the good Dr. opened some mythical doors which should have remained shut In an attempt to maintain a grasp on reality and his sanity Dr. Rucker turned to religion, to escape the dread, fear, and nighmares. The last 18 months in the ministry has set his mind and spirit at ease, but he also feels that there are still questions that he must answer, and he believes that the answers can be found in the fossil remains of antartica. Rucker, his use and knowledge of Mythos is very limited. He had a very minor encounter which cost him sanity. Still, this minor encounter was frigtening enough that he sought religion for peace and solitude. The mythos aspect of his character is moreso an explanation of who and why he is what he is, rather than a core aspect of his personality. I think it helps to explain why a well known scientist would leave his passion and studies for the peace and tranquility of the church. He is by no means an expert in the mythos, though he believes the mythos can explain the origin of some of the weird artifacts he has encountered. He is by all means a priest and will conduct himself as one.[/spoiler]
priest.jpg (9.55 KiB) Viewed 2883 times

Re: Cast of Characters (Players)

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 8:06 pm
by Anatomist
== George Barrow - Professor ==

Appearance & Personality:
George Barrow - Professor,Name: George Barrow [url=]Shellback Certificate[/url] Age: 40 Sex: Male Occupation: Professor Yearly Income: College, Degrees: PhD Biology/chemistry Birthplace: Cuidad de Mexico Appearance & Personality: [b]Background:[/b] George Barrow was born in Mexico City 1890. Hes father a English teacher that fall in love with Asunción Barros one of his students. At age 5 they went to live Deep into the jungle living there to age 15, it was here he discovered his love to the living things, from the insects to the big cats of the Mexican jungle. He was send to a boarding school in Boston when he turned 16 living in this city the rest of his life, dedicating himself to numerous studies in biology and biochemistry at the University. The last five years of his life he had being studying the effects freezing on many kinds of bacteria, how low could the metabolism of a cell go without being destroyed?. In what rate would a biological entity decompose under certain environmental conditions? Was low temperatures a beneficial factor for some specific kind of bacteria and fungus? He had many projects going on and sample picking was one of the thing he used his free time at. He did a lot of travel to Canada and Alaska searching for new and undiscovered microorganisms, chemical substances, plants, animals, etc. He had made it his mission to discover more antibiotics as the penicillin discovered by his colleague Alexander Fleming in 1928. He had tried uncountable combinations of natural and synthetic chemical mixtures on all kind of pathological bacteria he had in his hands. Making this one of his main obsessions for the implications it could have for humanity. In Boston he was part of a group of bachelors that enjoyed cigars and cognac in a gentlemen club called 'questio physiologus et prodigium ' a.k.a. 'The searchers for the natural and unnatural'. Not being rare, tales from the most doubtful sources, about Yetis, lake monsters, supernatural beings and such things... The old Bartholome, one of his clubb friends. Had a more excentric hobby. He studied the occult and had a private library, with manuscripts of dead languages, pictures and photography of ancient symbols, books of demonology. Bartholome was a decendent of a Gypsy family that settled down hundreds of years ago and no longer counted as a true Gypsy, he was obbsesdt with a family legend obsessed about ancient rituals and guarding demons. George always heard the stories out, but never believed them. George had been contacted by a friend now living in New York. John Clinter told him about this expedition being formed by Dr.moore and an other gentleman. Dr. Moore was a colleague in science and very well known person for both John Clinter and George B. George thought of this new opportunity to study samples almost non man had seen before, a few days. Contacting his lawyer and employer at the sixth day to announce that he probably would be traveling for an undetermined time, just like Darwin in his time, to maybe come back with a great discovery. He sat down to write a letter to the expedition leader Mr. Starkweather. Languages Spoken: Spanish, English Characteristics STR 8 CON 11 SIZ 9 DEX 12 APP 10 INT 17, Idea 85 POW 13, Luck/SAN 65 EDU 18, Know 75 Sanity: 65 current Sanity: 65 phobias/mental disorders: none (to rational :P) Hit Points: 10 Current Hit Points: 10 Magic Points: none current Magic Points: none Damage Bonus: none Skills: (professional one in italics, .private preceded by a dot; non-base scores bolded) 60 Accounting (10%): Aircraft Maintenance (05%): Anthropology (01%): Archaeology (01%): Art (05%): Astronomy (01%): Bargain (05%): [i]Biology [/i](01%): [b]75%[/b] Block (DEX x2): [i]Chemistry[/i] (01%): [b]65 [/b] .Climb (40%): [b]50%[/b] [color=#0000FF]+1 = 51% [list]Sept 16, 17, 18: +1 for attending G & N Sorensen's Technical Climbing class [/list][/color]Conceal (15%): Craft (05%): Credit Rating (15%): Cthulhu Mythos (00%): Disguise (01%): .Dodge (DEX×2): [b]51%[/b] Drive Auto (20%): Drive Dog Sled (20%): Electr. Repair (10%): Explosives (01%): Fast Talk (05%): .First Aid (30%): [b]50%[/b] .Geology (01%): [b]13%[/b] .Hide (10%): 61% History (20%): Jump (25%): Law (05%): [i]Library Use[/i] (25%): [b]60%[/b] Listen (25%): Locksmith 01%): Martial Arts (01%): Mech. Repair (20%): Medicine (05%): Meterology (05%): [i]Natural History [/i](10%): [b]51%[/b] Navigate (10%): Occult (05%): Opr. Hvy. Mch. (01%): Other Language (01%): Own Language (EDU×5%): [i]Persuade[/i] (15%): [b]70%[/b] Pharmacy (01%): Photography (10%): Physics (01%): Pilot (01%): .Polar Survival (01%): [b]31%[/b] [color=#0000FF]+3 = 34% [list]Sept 16, 17, 18: +1 for attending Greene's & Watkins' Antarctic First-Aid class Sept 13, 14, 15: +1 for attending P. Sykes' Intro to Cold-Weather Clothes class Sept 12th: +1 for attending P. Sykes' Intro to Cold Weather Clothing class [/list][/color]Psychoanalysis (01%): [i]Psychology [/i](05%): [b]55%[/b] Radio Operator (01%): Ride (05%): .Sneak (10%): [b]14%[/b] [i]Spot Hidden [/i](25%): [b]51%[/b] Swim (25%): Throw (25%): Track (10%): Hand-to-Hand: Fist/Punch (50%): Head Butt (10%): Kick (25%): Grapple (25%): Firearms: [i]Handgun[/i] (20%): [b]51%[/b] Machine Gun (15%): Rifle (25%): Shotgun (30%): SMG (15%): Property/Equipment carried on expedition: [b]Equipment[/b] [b]Wardrobe[/b] 4 worn collared shirts, various colors, clean and neat – $6.00 3 worn trousers, grey, black, and dark blue, clean, pressed with a crisp pleat - $6.00 1 pair of new work boots - $4.00 7 pairs of tighty whiteys - $1.00 7 pairs of black socks - $1.00 1 worn grey parka – $20.00 1 leather bomber jacket, lightly worn -$20.00 2 mechanics uniforms - $3.00 1 pair of worn, tan wool gloves – $4.00 2 grey wool scarves – $3.00 2 woolen sweaters, on grey and one dark blue - $8.00 2 Sets of polar clothes: breathing mask, jacket, pant, boots, gloves and cap. [b]Science gear: [/b] Microscope set Dissection set (Including big knifes) Medical set for humans Medical set for animals Various books on biology, chemistry, anatomy and comparative pathology. [b]Various[/b] Flashlight Hooded lamp Lamp oil Blankets Sunglasses x2 Climbing Gear Backpack Smith and Wesson M1917 Revolver --.45ACP --capacity: 6 Amo x2 boxes a 24 rounds

Re: Cast of Characters (Players)

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2011 4:18 am
by Seon
GM Eye Only.Need Approval before working further on BG.

Name: Ernest Roosevelt
Shellback Certificate
Age: 32
Sex: Male
Occupation: Writer/Explorer
Yearly Income: ???
Colleges, Degrees: Graduate of the Misaktonic University. MD in Psychiatry.
Birthplace: Arkham

Background: He was born and raised in Arkham, a town which he constantly described as being dreary and boring. His parents both worked in the nearby asylum and wished for him to continue the "family profession."

Unfortunately for them, Ernest spent more of his time inside the dusty museums and libraries of Arkham, reading about wonders of far off lands and looking at the arts of people long past. His curiosity about the world around him soon developed into a full fledged hunger for knowledge.

As soon as he graduated from the Misaktonic University, Ernest devoted his life to staying as far as physically possible from his hometown as possible. He traveled around the world, writing novels based on his experiences to pay for his expenses.

His parents were not happy.

He visited Egypt and climbed to the top of the Pyramids despite the guide's warnings that it was "Too Dangerous" to do so. He walked along the walls of China and visited the Taj Mahal in all its glory. Still, he knew that there were so much about this world that he did not know yet.

With that in mind, he turned to the Antarctic, a land so far untouched by humanity and still full of mysteries, just waiting to be discovered.

Languages Spoken: English


STR: 11
SIZ: 11
DEX: 12
APP: 15
INT: 17 (IDEA: 85)
POW: 13 (SAN/LUCK 65)
EDU: 16 (KNOW 80)

Sanity: 65
Current Sanity: 65
Phobias/Mental Disorders: None. Yet.

Hitpoint: 13
Magic Points: 13
Current Magic Points:13
Damage Bonus: None

Occupation Skills: 320
Hobby Skils: 170

Accounting (10%):
Aircraft Maintenance (05%):
Anthropology (01%):
Archaeology (01%): 70
Art (05%): 65
Astronomy (01%):
Bargain (05%):
Biology (01%): 01%
Block (DEX x2): 24
Chemistry (01%):
.Climb (40%): 70
Conceal (15%):
Craft (05%):
Credit Rating (15%):
Cthulhu Mythos (00%):
Disguise (01%):
Dodge (DEX×2): 46%
Drive Auto (20%):
Drive Dog Sled (20%):
Electr. Repair (10%):
Explosives (01%):
Fast Talk (05%): 20
First Aid (30%):
Geology (01%): 01%
.Hide (10%): 60
History (20%): 60
.Jump (25%): 45
Law (05%):
Library Use (25%): 50
Listen (25%):
Locksmith 01%):
Martial Arts (01%):
.Mech. Repair (20%): 40
Medicine (05%):
Meterology (05%): 05%
Natural History (10%):
Navigate (10%):
Occult (05%): 50
Opr. Hvy. Mch. (01%):
Other Language (01%):
Own Language (80%):
Persuade (15%):
Pharmacy (01%):
Photography (10%):
Physics (01%):
Pilot (01%):
Polar Survival (01%):
Psychoanalysis (01%): 50 +1 = 51%
  • +1 Sept 12th: Successful check for deranged man in Panama
Psychology (05%):
Radio Operator (01%):
Ride (05%):
Sneak (10%):
Spot Hidden (25%): +1 = 26%
  • +1 Sept 12th: Ernest successfully noticed the escaping man's trail in Panama
Swim (25%):
Throw (25%):
Track (10%):

Fist/Punch (50%):
Head Butt (10%):
Kick (25%):
Grapple (25%):

.Handgun (20%): 70
Machine Gun (15%):
Rifle (25%):
Shotgun (30%):
SMG (15%):

Property/Equipment carried on expedition:
4 worn collared shirts, various colors, clean and neat – $6.00
3 worn trousers, white, black, and dark blue, clean, pressed with a crisp pleat - $6.00
2 pairs of rather thick winter jacket. White and Grey.- $20
7 pairs of socks- various colors-$4
3 pairs of Mother's Woolen Scarves.Various Colors. Priceless.
1 pair of winter boots -$4
7 pairs of tighty whiteys- $1
2 pairs of woolen gloves -$4
1 woolen sweater, white - $8
1 white parka - $8
1 Balaclava-$4

The More Important Stuff

-Edible Objects
1 Flask containing Whiskey (half Liter)
3 cans of food

-Wintery Essentials
Snow Shoes
A can of fuel (enough to keep the little lamp going for a couple of hours)
Matchbox (20 matches)
A little lamp

-Explorer's Essentials
Climbing Gear
-Ice Pick
Flashlight (electric)

-Essential Writer's Kit
Writer's Notepad
Pen and pencils

--3 Flares
-Colt M1911 .45 Caliber (Capacity 7) (When things get too complicated)
--2 clips of ammunition
-Utility Knife

White Top Hat, White Suit, white gloves, Red Neckties, and a cane (wear in case of insanity breakout)
Playing Cards
Books to read (includes magazines such as the Astounding Stories and Weird Tales)

Re: Cast of Characters (Players)

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2011 4:26 am
by Mr. Handy
You should use the character creation rules in the rulebook, not the Quick Start rules, which shortchange starting characters. I think they were based on an earlier edition. Characters get EDU x 20 occupational skill points and INT x 10 hobby skill points. The stats for that character were higher than average, but for the most part within normal range. It's that EDU of 35 that was out of whack. Even the Time Lord in my Doctor Who/Call of Cthulhu campaign only has an EDU of 30, and he's 147 years old (though that is young by Time Lord standards). 13 sounds more reasonable, which means he should get 260 occupational skill points.

The Quick Start rules also cap starting skills at 75, whereas the rulebook does not. It's really up to you whether or not to impose a limit on starting skill levels.

Katie Wright - Pilot
GM ONLY,[u][b]BtMoM Accomplishments[/b][/u] [url=]Shellback Certificate[/url] [color=#0000FF]Sea Legs acquired[/color] [url=]Character creation rolls (STR, CON, POW, DEX, APP, SIZ, INT, EDU) (3d6=15, 3d6=15, 3d6=9, 3d6=17, 3d6=8, 2d6+6=12, 2d6+6=10, 3d6+3=17)[/url] [url=]Annual income roll (1d10=2)[/url] Name: Katie Wright Age: 23 (born December 17, 1909) Sex: Female Occupation: Pilot Yearly Income: $2,500 College, Degrees: M.S., Physics, Ohio State Birthplace: Dayton, Ohio Appearance & Personality: [img][/img] Katie is a tall, slender redhead with rather plain looks, though she could probably be pretty if she put in the effort. She moves with grace and athleticism, and is a good deal tougher than she might appear at first glance. She is a very determined person, and once she decides what she wants, she does not give up until she gets it. Background: Katie was born in Dayton, Ohio and is a cousin twice removed of Wilbur and Orville Wright. She was born on the sixth anniversary of their historic first flight, and she has always been fascinated by flying. She has wanted to be a pilot ever since she was a little girl, and whenever people told her that girls couldn't fly airplanes, it only made her more determined than ever to prove them wrong. She studied long and hard in school and logged many hours to get to where she is today. Her accomplishments have earned her even the grudging respect of men who had once belittled her. She knows and keeps in touch with well-known aviators, including Charles Lindbergh and Amelia Earhart. Now she has an astounding opportunity to join the Starkweather-Moore expedition to Antarctica, to go where no one - man or woman - has gone before, and she intends to grab it with both hands. Languages Spoken: English [u]Characteristics[/u] STR 15 CON 15 SIZ 12 DEX 17 APP 8 INT 10, Idea 50 POW 9, Luck/SAN 45 EDU 17, Know 85 Sanity: 45 current Sanity: 45 phobias/mental disorders: None Hit Points: 14 current Hit Points: 14 Magic Points: 9 current Magic Points: 9 Damage Bonus: +1d4 Skills: (professional one in italics, .private preceded by a dot; non-base scores bolded) Accounting (10%): [i][b]Aircraft Maintenance (05%): 60%[/b][/i] Anthropology (01%): Archaeology (01%): Art (05%): [i][b]Astronomy (01%): 6%[/b][/i] Bargain (05%): Biology (01%): Block (DEX x2): 34% Chemistry (01%): [b].Climb (40%): 60%[/b] Conceal (15%): Craft (05%): Credit Rating (15%): Cthulhu Mythos (00%): Disguise (01%): Dodge (DEX×2): 34% Drive Auto (20%): Drive Dog Sled (20%): [i][b]Electr. Repair (10%): 50%[/b][/i] Explosives (01%): Fast Talk (05%): [b].First Aid (30%): 55%[/b] Geology (01%): Hide (10%): History (20%): Jump (25%): Law (05%): Library Use (25%): Listen (25%): [color=#0000FF][b]+1 = 26%[/b][/color] [list][color=#0000FF]Sept 22-24: +1 to Listen skill for teaching of Aerial Navigation course[/color][/list] Locksmith (01%): Martial Arts (01%): [i][b]Mech. Repair (20%): 55%[/b][color=#0000FF]+4 = 59%[/color][/i] [list][color=#0000FF]Sept 22-24: +4 to Mech Repair for repairing broken refrigeration equipment[/color][/list] Medicine (05%): Meterology (05%): Natural History (10%): [i][b]Navigate (10%): 60%[/b][/i] Occult (05%): [i][b]Opr. Hvy. Mch. (01%): 41%[/b][/i] Other Language (01%): Own Language: English (EDU×5%): 85% Persuade (15%): Pharmacy (01%): Photography (10%): [i][b]Physics (01%): 41%[/b][/i] [i][b]Pilot Civil Prop (01%): 76%[/b][/i] Polar Survival (01%): [color=#0000FF][b]+ 2 = 3%[/b][/color] [list][color=#0000FF]Sept 22-24: +1 for taking Peter Sykes' Introduction to cold-weather clothes and equipment Sept 22-24: +1 for taking W Moore's Antarctic Exploration class[/color][/list] Psychoanalysis (01%): Psychology (05%): Radio Operator (01%): Ride (05%): Sneak (10%): [b].Spot Hidden (25%): 65%[/b] Swim (25%): Throw (25%): Track (10%): Hand-to-Hand: Fist/Punch (50%): Head Butt (10%): Kick (25%): Grapple (25%): Firearms: Handgun (20%): Machine Gun (15%): Rifle (25%): [b].Shotgun (30%): 45%[/b] SMG (15%): Property/Equipment carried on expedition: Lockheed Vega monoplane Parachute Remington Model 11A semiautomatic 12-gauge shotgun Extra 12-gauge shotgun shells Tool kit (with specialized tools for aircraft maintenance and repair) First aid kit Swiss Army Knife Compass Maps Suitcase with changes of clothes Cold weather clothing Binoculars Climbing gear Various reading material about the Antarctic Wristwatch Mirror Lighter Flashlight Canteen Toiletries Diary Pencils

Re: Cast of Characters (Players)

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 5:58 pm
by BenTheRat
Martin Louis LeBlanc

GM Only,Tried to use skills from original character Name: Martin Louis LeBlanc Age: 31 Sex: Male Occupation: Photojournalist Yearly Income: $2,000 College, Degrees: BA, McGill University Birthplace: Montreal, Quebec Appearance & Personality: Martin LeBlanc is a thin man of average height, exhibiting a worldly air about him. He always seems to be coming from somewhere on his way to somewhere else. He is very personable (when he stays in one place long enough) and has his share of female 'acquaintances' all over the world. Martin is a well-traveled individual who feels right at home in South America, the US or Africa. He has a focused view on events and tries to remain detached from any politics that are present. This has allowed him to survive in some tight situations up until now. Background: Born January 17, 1902 in Montreal, Quebec and is a Canadian citizen.. Martin grew up in a a large family (7 brothers and 2 sisters). His father was a beat cop who worked all his life to make ends meet. Martin did very well in school and was accepted at the prestigious McGill University. He did not apply himself fully as his newfound interest in photography took hold and graduated without distinguishing himself. He has since found his niche and continues to put out quality material. He has never been married. Languages Spoken: English, French, Spanish, German Characteristics STR 10 CON 16 SIZ 11 DEX 17 APP 15 INT 14, Idea 70 POW 15, Luck/SAN 75 EDU 17, Know 85 Sanity: 75 current Sanity: 74 phobias/mental disorders: Large Birds or shadows that could be large birds Hit Points: 14 current Hit Points: 14 Magic Points: 15 current Magic Points: 15 Damage Bonus: +0 Skills: (professional one in italics, .private preceded by a dot; non-base scores bolded) Accounting (10%): Aircraft Maintenance (05%): Anthropology (01%): Archaeology (01%): Art (05%): Astronomy (01%): Bargain (05%): Biology (01%): Block (DEX x2): 34% [i][b]Chemistry [/b][/i](01%): 26% [b].Climb [/b](40%): 60% [i][b]Conceal [/b][/i](15%): 25% [i][b]Craft (writing)[/b][/i](05%): 45% Credit Rating (15%): Cthulhu Mythos (00%): Disguise (01%): Dodge (DEX×2): 34% [b].Drive Auto [/b](20%): 40% Drive Dog Sled (20%): Electr. Repair (10%): Explosives (01%): Fast Talk (05%): First Aid (30%): Geology (01%): Hide (10%): [i][b]History [/b][/i](20%): 40% Jump (25%): Law (05%): [b][i]Library Use[/i][/b] (25%): 75% [i][b]Listen [/b][/i](25%): 45% Locksmith (01%): Martial Arts (01%): Mech. Repair (20%): Medicine (05%): Meterology (05%): Natural History (10%): Navigate (10%): Occult (05%): Opr. Hvy. Mch. (01%): [b].Other Language: English[/b](01%):41% [b].Other Language: Spanish[/b](01%):31% Own Language: French (EDU×5%): 85% [i][b]Persuade [/b][/i](15%): 45% Pharmacy (01%): [i][b].Photography [/b][/i](10%): 75% Physics (01%): Pilot Civil Prop (01%): Polar Survival (01%): 01% [color=#0000FF]+4 = 05% [list]Sept 14: +1 for taking Peter Sykes' Introduction to cold-weather clothes and equipment class. Sept 14: +1 for taking Ø Raknes & F Guerini / Mountain Rules class. Sept 15, 16, 17: +1 for taking Peter Sykes' Introduction to cold-weather clothes and equipment class. Sept 15, 16, 17: +1 for taking Ø Raknes & F Guerini / Mountain Rules class[/list][/color] Psychoanalysis (01%): [b][i]Psychology [/i][/b](05%): 50% Radio Operator (01%): Ride (05%): Sneak (10%): [b][i]Spot Hidden[/i][/b] (25%): 50% [b].Swim [/b](25%): 35% Throw (25%): Track (10%): Hand-to-Hand: Fist/Punch (50%): Head Butt (10%): Kick (25%): Grapple (25%): Firearms: [b].Handgun [/b](20%): 50% Machine Gun (15%): Rifle (25%): Shotgun (30%): SMG (15%): Equipment: 4 worn collared shirts, various colors, clean and neat 3 worn trousers, grey, black, and dark blue, clean, pressed with a crisp pleat 1 pair of leather work shoes 1 new brown parka 1 pair of worn, tan wool gloves 2 woolen sweaters, on black and one dark blue 2 sets long winter underwear .45 Revolver (100) .45 rounds Duffle Bag Shaving Kit and toiletries Gold pocket watch (heirloom from grandfather) Wind-up alarm clock 1 fountain pen and ink 20 pencils 5 writing tablets 2 sets of stationary - Box Camera - (120 Exposures) Film - Folding Pocket Camera - (60 Exposures) Film - Developer Kit - 144 8by10 Photo Paper - Photo Lab Equipment

Wade Watkins sheet - played by Jrod

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 7:36 pm
by jrod
Name: Wade Watkins

Age: 43
Sex: male
Occupation: Physician
GM Only,[url=]Shellback Certificate[/url] Yearly Income: $3,750.00 College, Degrees: Doctor of Medicine Birthplace: Troy, NY Appearance & Personality: A full head of blonde hair, scattered with some greys. Clean shaven at all times to match his quiet lifestyle. Wade is a grave man, busied in charts, exact in sums, and a master of the art of tactics. Background: After receiving his Doctor of Medicine Degree in 1923, Wade Watkins did his intern in the bustling city of Columbia. There he learned the Spanish language and enhanced his working knowledge of the human body and the related pathologies. Languages Spoken: English, Latin, and Spanish. [u]Characteristics [/u] STR 10 CON 14 SIZ 14 (based on 6'2" height) DEX 16 APP 10 INT 18 POW 16 EDU 20 Sanity: 80 current Sanity: 80 phobias/mental disorders: Hit Points: 14 current Hit Points: 14 Magic Points: current Magic Points: Damage Bonus: +0 [u]Skills[/u] Occupational/Professional Skill Points (= EDU X 20): 400 (should be highlighted in italics text) Personal/Private/Hobby Skill Points (= INT X 10): 180 (should be preceded by a dot (".")) Any skill with points added upon creation of character: (should be highlighted in bold text) Accounting (10%): Aircraft Maintenance (05%): [b].Anthropology (01%): 10%[/b] [b].Archaeology (01%): 10%[/b] Art (05%): [b].Astronomy (01%): 5%[/b] Bargain (05%): [b][i]Biology (01%): 50%[/i][/b] Block (DEX x2): 32% Chemistry (01%): [b].Climb (40%): 50%[/b] [color=#0000FF][b]+ 2 = 52% [/b] [list]Sept 14th: +1 for G & N Sorensen's Technical Climbing class Sept 15, 16, 17: +1 for G & N Sorensen's Technical Climbing class [/color][/list] Conceal (15%): Craft (05%): [b][i]Credit Rating (15%): 25%[/i][/b] Cthulhu Mythos (00%): Disguise (01%): [b].Dodge (DEX×2): 50%[/b] Drive Auto (20%): Drive Dog Sled (20%): Electr. Repair (10%): Explosives (01%): Fast Talk (05%): [b][i]First Aid (30%): 75%[/i][/b] [b].Geology (01%): 6%[/b] [b].Hide (10%): 25%[/b] History (20%): [b].Jump (25%): 35%[/b] Law (05%): Library Use (25%): Listen (25%): [color=#0000FF][b]+ 2 = 27%[/b][/color] [list][color=#0000FF]Sept 22-24: +1 for teaching "Antarctic First Aid" class Sept 25-27: +1 for teaching "Antarctic First Aid" class[/color][/list] Locksmith 01%): Martial Arts (01%): Mech. Repair (20%): [b][i]Medicine (05%): 75%[/i][/b] Meterology (05%): Natural History (10%): Navigate (10%): [b].Occult (05%): 20%[/b] Opr. Hvy. Mch. (01%): [b][i]Other Language - Latin (01%): 40%[/i][/b] [b].Other Language - Spanish (01%): 25%[/b] Own Language (EDU×5%): 99% Persuade (15%): [b][i]Pharmacy (01%): 75%[/i][/b] Photography (10%): Physics (01%): Pilot (01%): [b][i]Polar Survival (01%): 20%[/i][/b] [color=#0000FF]+[b]3 = 23% [/b] [list]Sept 14th: +1 for taking Ø Raknes & F Guerini / Mountain Rules class Sept 15, 16, 17: +1 for taking Ø Raknes & F Guerini / Mountain Rules class Sept 22, 23, 24: +1 for taking Ø Raknes & F Guerini / Mountain Rules class[/color][/list] [b][i]Psychoanalysis (01%): 75%[/i][/b] [b][i]Psychology (05%): 25%[/i][/b] Radio Operator (01%): Ride (05%): [b].Sneak (10%): 25%[/b] Spot Hidden (25%): Swim (25%): Throw (25%): Track (10%): [u]Hand-to-Hand:[/u] Damage Bonus: +0 Fist/Punch (50%): Head Butt (10%): Kick (25%): Grapple (25%): [u]Firearms:[/u] [b].Handgun (20%): 41%[/b] Machine Gun (15%): [b].Rifle (25%): 50%[/b] Shotgun (30%): SMG (15%): [u]Property/Equipment carried on expedition:[/u] 2 boxes of cigars Hunting knife - $3.75 2 2-quart canteens - $3.38 Mess kit - $1.29 Bedroll - $2.79 Survival blanket - $3.25 Candle-lantern - $1.00 24 wax candles - $0.70 Waterproof matches in tin - $2.50 Electric torch, 3 cell - $3.10 6 flashlight batteries - $1.80 Duffle Bag - $3.00 4 worn collared shirts, various colors, clean and neat – $6.00 3 worn trousers, grey, black, and dark blue, clean, pressed with a crisp pleat - $6.00 1 pair of lesther work shoes- $4.95 7 pairs of tighty whiteys - $1.00 7 pairs of black socks - $1.00 1 new brown parka – $35.00 1 pair of worn, tan wool gloves – $4.00 2 woolen sweaters, on black and one dark blue - $8.00 5 pairs white socks - $0.75 Leather Shoulder Holster - $5.00 Winchester M1895 w/scope - $40.00 (48) rounds 6x binoculars, $25 Healing kit, purchased by himself, that includes -$30.00 - Stethoscope - Thermometer - Restraints - Bandage kit - Hot water bag - Ice bag - Aspirin - Smelling salts - 2 ampules of morphine - Scissors - 2 boxes of matches - First aid manual Medical kit [$50.00] -100 pairs of surgical gloves -scalpel set -suturing kit -alcohol -hypodermic syringes -gauze bandages -thermometer (alcohol) -stethescope -scissors -morphine Wind-up alarm clock [$3.00] Shaving Kit and toiletries - $3.00 Expensive wristwatch [$25.00] Umbrella [$1.79] 3 Notebooks [$0.60] 20 pencils [$0.20] Expensive trunk [$13.95] Rented flat [$650.00] Savings Left - $10,012.03

Re: Cast of Characters (Player Sheets)

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2011 6:17 am
by taokan
Camille Bardier (Played by Taokan)
(Offense Option) 4
Name: Camille Claud Bardier
Shellback Certificate
Age: 26
Sex: Female
Occupation: Pilot
Yearly Income: $4,500 USD
College, Degrees:
Birthplace: Nice, France

Appearance & Personality: Standing 5’2" at 125lbs, Camille has a trim and lithe physique. Her short-cropped brown hair is thin and, when not hidden under a flight cap, curly, tracing whorls across the olive skin of her cheeks and shoulders. She has a small mole on the right side of her mouth and a rarely seen dimple on the same side. Camille dresses casually, almost sloppily, and can usually be found wearing trousers, plain brown or black shirts, and her flight coat. She always wears the flight wings she received from graduating from Ecole d'Aviation des Freres in France, and always keeps four matches in her pocket for good luck. For formal occasions, Camille wears the official French Air Force uniform.

Camille always seems to be in constant motion, even when at rest. Always tapping her foot or shifting her weight or mouthing the words of a song to herself, the young pilot can oftentimes come off as restive or jittery. Her mouth, too, seems to be constantly moving-- when not behind the wheel she proves to be possessed of a short temper and a sharp tongue that has landed her in trouble more often than not.

Background: The only child of Oriel Delonger and Seaton Bardier, a renowned pilot himself, Camille was born in Nice, France on January 8, 1907. After her mother Oriel died giving birth to her, her father obsessively tried to form her into the perfect pilot, taking her to multiple air shows by the time she was one year old. She didn’t have a typical childhood in any sense of word- raised wherever her father’s will took her, she traveled the world extensively. Whenever the small family was in any area longer than two weeks, her father hired tutors to ensure she had all the skills she would need. Her few friends were made up of distant relatives and pilots her father introduced her to, so Camille ended up spending most of her time learning how to fly and drive any available transport. When her father ended up taking her to a French flight school when she was sixteen, she quickly received her flight license a month after her first flight. Quickly taking leave of her controlling father, Camille took part in explorations to New Guinea, the North Pole, parts of the East, civilian and military air shipments, and two air races. Her second air race (and first win) was one started by the recently famous Amelia Earhart, having the winnings presented personally by Miss Earhart.

Languages spoken: French, English, and a smattering of Russian


Str: 12 (+1)
Con: 15 (+2)
Siz: 6
Dex: 18 (+4) (includes +1 ability score increase at 4th level)
App: 9 (-1)
Int: 14 (+2), Idea: 70
Pow: 14
Luck: 70 / San: 70
Edu: 17 / Know: 85

Sanity: 70
Current Sanity: 69 (1 point loss from witnessing Lawrence's suicide)
Max. Sanity: 99
Phobias/mental disorders: Pnigophobia or Pnigerophobia- Fear of choking of being smothered.

Hit Points (= SIZ + CON / 2): 11
current Hit Points: 11
Magic Points: 14
Current Magic Points: 14
Damage Bonus: 0

Occupational/Professional Skill Points (= EDU X 20): 340 (should be highlighted in italics)
Personal/Private/Hobby Skill Points (= INT X 10): 140 (should be preceded by a dot ("."))
Any skill with points added upon creation of character: (should be highlighted in bold text)

Accounting (10%):
Aircraft Maintenance (05%): 40%
Anthropology (01%):
Archaeology (01%):
Art (05%):
Astronomy (01%):
Bargain (05%):
Biology (01%):
Block (DEX x2):
Chemistry (01%):
.Climb (40%): 40%
Conceal (15%):
Craft (05%):
Credit Rating (15%):
Cthulhu Mythos (00%):
Disguise (01%):
Dodge (DEX×2):
Drive Auto (20%):
Drive Dog Sled (20%):
Electr. Repair (10%): 25%
Explosives (01%):
Fast Talk (05%):
First Aid (30%): +1 = 31 (Sept 13: Greene's & Watkins' Antarctic First-Aid class)
Geology (01%):
Hide (10%):
.History (20%): 40%
Jump (25%):
Law (05%):
Library Use (25%):
Listen (25%):
Locksmith (01%):
Martial Arts (01%):
Mech. Repair (20%): 20%
Medicine (05%):
Meterology (05%):
Natural History (10%):
Navigate (10%): 60% 30%
Occult (05%):
Opr. Hvy. Mch. (01%): 10% +1 = 11% (Sept 13: Eriksson's Pabodie Ice-Drill Operation class)
.Other Language - Russian (01%): 20%
Own Language: English (EDU×5%):
.Persuade (15%): 20%
Pharmacy (01%):
Photography (10%):
Physics (01%):
Pilot Civil Prop (01%): 75%
Polar Survival (01%):
Psychoanalysis (01%):
Psychology (05%):
Radio Operator (01%): 20%
Ride (05%):
.Sneak (10%): 20%
Spot Hidden (25%):
Swim (25%):
Throw (25%):
Track (10%):

Fist/Punch (50%):
Head Butt (10%):
Kick (25%):
Grapple (25%):

Handgun (20%): 60%
Machine Gun (15%):
Rifle (25%):
Shotgun (30%):
SMG (15%):

Property/Equipment carried on expedition:

5 pairs of ladies underclothes [$1.00]
3 wool turtlenecks (black, brown) [$5.85]
4 pairs of work trousers (black, brown, grey, dark green) [$8.00]
2 woollen sweaters (brown, grey) [$18.96]
1 pair hiking boots (black) [$4.95]
1 formal Dress Uniform [$45.00]
1 mechanics uniform - [$3.00]
1 flight jacket [$20.00]
8 pairs heavy wool socks (brown) [$7.25]
2 fur winter hats [$4.00]
1 heavy parka (brown) [$40.00]
1 woollen scarf (dark green) [$5.00]
1 pair fur/woollen gloves (brown) [$4.00]
4 pair woollen "long johns" (white) [$6.25]
1 pair flight googles [$5.00]
1 pair mountaineering goggles [$6.25]
2 Sets of polar clothes: breathing mask, jacket, pant, boots, gloves and cap.

Mechanic’s tool kit [$75.00]
Compass [$3.00]
2 three pint canteens [$2.50]
Climbing gear [$15.00]
Small camp stove [$24.78]
1 kerosene lamp [$8.00]
6 flasks of kerosene [$6.00]
8 waterproofed packs of matches [$6.00]
Ground blanket [$10.00]
2 cover blankets [$10.00]

Star Modelo A pistol -- .38 ACP -- capacity: 6 [$30.00]
Ammo x2 cases of 24 rounds [$6.50]
1 hunting knife [$10.00]

Re: Cast of Characters (Player Sheets)

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2011 12:33 pm
by Túrin Turambar
James R. Poole - Cartographer and Surveyor, as well as climbing expert (Played by Túrin Turambar)

GM only,Name: James R. Poole [url=]Shellback Certificate[/url] Age: 34 (We'll start the game September 1933) Sex: Male Occupation: Cartographer/Surveyor Yearly Income: $5,000 College, Degrees: Aberdeen University, Masters degree in Geography Birthplace: Aberdeen, Scotland Appearance & Personality: James R. Poole is in his mid-thirties. His hair is dark brown and has an ordinary haircut. A moustache, brown eyes and masculine nose and cheek bones complete his looks. He is a rather average sized man, though fit and ropily muscular. He dresses practically, but always looks presentable. Often seen in casual clothes, but is always well-dressed when working physically. James is a rather silent person, seldom being the centre of attention in larger groups, except when forced to in a professional situation. In those cases he handles it without problems, but mostly he listens more than he talks. Because of this, he may not know everyone well, but he is well liked by those he befriends for his loyalty and kind character. Mixing intellectual and academic sides of his personality, James enjoys reading and poetry (especially works from the Romantic era) as well as mountain climbing and hiking. Apart from his literary interest, he is not that well oriented in the humanities or in languages, but he knows quite a lot when it comes to science. Being dutiful and careful with details, James can be perceived as dry or perfectionist by some, while superiors generally appreciate his work. In the face of danger James is no coward, but he is definitely more cautious than many other men on adventurous expeditions and would rather put safety first than charge right into the unknown. Background: Born and raised in Aberdeen by upper middle-class parents, he finished school with good grades and proceeded to a Masters degree in Geography from the University of Aberdeen. After that he has worked as a cartographer in Glasgow. He is betrothed since a year back to his childhood love and comrade, a certain miss Emily Cunningham. A few months earlier, James's parents died in quick succession and wanting a change in his life, he brought Emily with him to the United States, where he has worked as a surveyour in Wisconsin for a while. When he heard about the expedition, he immediately felt that it suited him and applied, supported by miss Cunningham, who is happy for him, even though she will miss him dreadfully while he is away. The couple has decided to get married when he returns. Being a strong woman, Emily knows that he might not return, but still counts on that he can take care of himself. James knows that the same applies to his bride-to-be and thus goes adventuring with a firm intention of getting the most out of the expedition. Languages Spoken: English (native) Characteristics STR 14 CON 17 SIZ 13 DEX 12 APP 12 INT 16 , Idea 80 POW 14 , Luck/SAN 70 EDU 19 , Know 95 Sanity: 70 current Sanity: 70 maximum Sanity: 99 phobias/mental disorders: - Hit Points: 15 current Hit Points: 15 Magic Points: 14 current Magic Points: 14 Damage Bonus: 1d4 Skills Occupational/Professional Skill Points: (=EDU X 20): 380 (should be highlighted in italics) Personal/Private/Hobby Skill Points: (=INT X 10): 160 (should be preceded by a dot (".")) Any skill with points added upon creation of character: (should be highlighted in bold text) Accounting (10%): Aircraft Maintenance (05%): Anthropology (01%): Archaeology (01%): Art (05%): Astronomy (01%): Bargain (05%): Biology (01%): 01% [color=#0000FF][b]+5 = 06%[/b] [list]Sept 22, 23, 24: +1 for taking Father Rucker's Paleobiology class Sept 22, 23, 24: +1 for taking George Barrow's Antarctic Flora and Fauna Sept 17, 18, 19: +1 for attending Father Rucker's Paleobiology class Sept 14, 15, 16: +1 for attending Father Rucker's Paleobiology class Sept 13th: +1 for attending Father Rucker's Paleobiology Class[/color][/list] Block (DEX x2): 24 % [b][i]Chemistry (01%): 35 %[/i][/b] [b].Climb (40%): 75 %[/b] Conceal (15%): Craft (05%): Credit Rating (15%): Cthulhu Mythos (00%): Disguise (01%): Dodge (DEX×2): 24 % Drive Auto (20%): Drive Dog Sled (20%): [b][i]Electr. Repair (10%): 45 %[/i][/b] Explosives (01%): Fast Talk (05%): First Aid (30%): [b][i]Geology (01%): 75 %[/i][/b] Hide (10%): History (20%): [b].Jump (25%): 45 %[/b] Law (05%): [b][i]Library Use (25%): 60 %[/i][/b] Listen (25%): Locksmith 01%): Martial Arts (01%): [b][i]Mech. Repair (20%): 75 %[/i][/b] Medicine (05%): Meterology (05%):[color=#0000FF] +2 = 7% [list]Sept 17, 18, 19: +1 for attending Pierce Albemarle's Antarctic Weather class Sept 16: +1 for attending Pierce Albemarle's Antarctic Weather class[/color][/list] [b].Natural History (10%): 20 %[/b] [b][i]Navigate (10%): 75 %[/i][/b] Occult (05%): [b][i]Opr. Hvy. Mch. (01%): 25 %[/i][/b] Other Language (01%): Own Language (EDU×5%): 95 % Persuade (15%): Pharmacy (01%): Photography (10%): [b][i]Physics (01%): 59 %[/i][/b] Pilot (01%): Polar Survival (01%): Psychoanalysis (01%): Psychology (05%): Radio Operator (01%): Ride (05%): Sneak (10%): Spot Hidden (25%): Swim (25%): Throw (25%): Track (10%): Hand-to-Hand: Fist/Punch (50%): Head Butt (10%): Kick (25%): Grapple (25%): [b].Hatchet (Ice axe) (20%): 60 %[/b] Fighting Knife (Hunting Knife) (25%): Firearms: Handgun (20%): Machine Gun (15%): [b].Rifle (25%): 70 %[/b] Shotgun (30%): SMG (15%): Inventory Property/Equipment carried on expedition: Original savings - $11,000 Yearly income - $5,000 Spent - $855.50 Wardrobe 1 wool pea coat, navy - $8.00 3 cotton flannel shirts, red & black pattern- $4.50 3 cotton work shirts, light blue - $4.50 3 pair work dungarees, dark blue- $24.00 2 wool turtleneck sweaters, gray and natural - $15.38 5 pair woollen ‘long johns’ (cream) - $7.50 6 pair ragg wool socks, gray - $4.75 2 leather belts, black or brown - $7.00 1 sealskin fur cap, natural - $16.95 1 pair mountaineering boots with hobnail soles - $3.85 1 pair of leather work shoes - $4.95 1 pair well-worn wool gloves, black - $4.00 1 knitted wool scarf - $5.00 1 sealskin snow suit (hooded parka with fur ruff, pants with suspenders, gauntlets, boots) - $120.00 1 pair snow goggles - $2.00 1 treated canvas hooded poncho - $2.89 1 wool dress suit, dark gray - $29.50 1 cotton dress shirt, white - $1.95 1 silk tie, red & blue - $3.69 1 evening overcoat - $10.00 Toolset that includes: - Full range of mechanic tools (purchased new) – $50.00 .30-06 Bolt-Action Rifle w/scope - $75.00 (48) rounds - $3.80 Ice axe - $24.00 Hunting knife - $3.75 Swiss Army knife - $1.98 Rucksack - $5.45 2 2-quart canteens - $3.38 Folding camp shovel - $1.09 Camp stove - $5.85 Mess kit - $1.29 Bedroll - $2.79 Survival blanket - $3.25 Ground cloth - $1.79 Candle-lantern - $1.00 24 wax candles - $0.70 Waterproof matches in tin - $2.50 Electric torch, 3 cell - $3.10 6 flashlight batteries - $1.80 Military compass - $2.45 6x binoculars, $25 Water-resistant Wristwatch with expandable wristband and cap, $20 Map case - $1.29 Map (waterproof), Antarctica - $1.90 Climbing gear (36 pitons with rings, piton hammer) - $12.90 Half-inch diameter hemp rope, 150’ - $5.40 Sturdy trunk - $3.95 Rented Room - $300 per year (paid up for 1 year) Shaving Kit and toiletries - $3.00 Wind-up alarm clock - $1.00 1 fountain pen and ink - $1.00 20 pencils - $0.20 5 writing tablets - $1.00 2 sets of stationary - $2.00 Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque by Edgar Allan Poe The Complete Poetical Works of Lord Byron The Odyssey by Homer

Re: Cast of Characters (Player Sheets)

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 1:56 am
by Ewoklord
Douglas F. Orgelfinger - Graduate Meteorologist (Played by Ewoklord)

Name: Douglas Orgelfinger
Shellback Certificate
Age: 27
Sex: Male
Occupation: Graduate Assistant Meteorologist
Yearly Income:
College,Degrees: Bachelor’s Degree in Meteorology
Birthplace: Boston, Massachusetts

Appearance & Personality: Doug is a tall, lanky, and generally clumsy looking guy. He has dark brown hair, fair skin, and grey-ish blue eyes. If one features stands out about his face, it’s that he has an almost absurdly pointed nose, but otherwise looks quite average.

Born in a middle class family, Doug put his mind to the skies, and studied hard for his meteorology degree. After getting his Bachelor’s, he looked for opportunities to practice his field. This trip is the first time he has been out of New England.

Languages Spoken: English (85%), German (31%)

STR: 11
CON: 17
SIZ: 15
DEX: 10
APP: 14
INT: 17, Idea (85%)
POW: 12, Luck/SAN (60)
EDU: 19, Know (95)

Sanity: 60
current Sanity: 60
phobias/mental disorders:

Hit Points: 16
Current Hit Points: 16
Magic Points: 12 Current Magic Points:
Damage Bonus: +1d4

Occupational/Professional Skill Points (= EDU X 20): 380 (these skills should be highlighted in italics)
  • These 380 points must be spend on the following metorologist occupation skills = Meteorology, Chemistry, Library Use, Geology, Physics, Astronomy, one additional language, and any one other skill as a personal specialty. Ewoklord, you'll need to shift some skill points - currently you only have 203 points applied to these skills.
Personal/Private/Hobby Skill Points (= INT X 10): 170 (these skills should be preceded by a dot ("."))
  • These 170 points can be spent in any skills.

    So you have a total of 380 + 170 = 550 skill points to allocate and currently you only have applied 388. Since only 203 points of these 388 are currently allocated to occupational skills, you should add the 162 unallocated points to occupational skills. The numbers between Occupational skills vs. Personal skills won't be perfect if you do this, but since you started with Orelfinger's character sheet, this will make it close enough.
Any skill with points added upon creation of character: (should be highlighted in bold text)

Accounting (10%):
Aircraft Maintenance (05%):
Anthropology (01%):
Archaeology (01%):
.Art: Writing (05%): 54%
Astronomy (01%): 70%
Bargain (05%):
Biology (01%):
Block (DEX x2):
Chemistry (01%): 51%
Climb (40%):
Conceal (15%):
Craft (05%):
Credit Rating (15%):
Cthulhu Mythos (00%):
Disguise (01%):
Dodge (DEX×2):
Drive Auto (20%):
Drive Dog Sled (20%):
Electr. Repair (10%):
Explosives (01%):
Fast Talk (05%):
First Aid (30%):
Geology (01%): 54%
Hide (10%):
History (20%):
Jump (25%):
Law (05%):
Library Use (25%): 52%
Listen (25%):
Locksmith 01%):
Martial Arts (01%):
Mech. Repair (20%):
Medicine (05%):
Meterology (05%): 84%
.Natural History (10%): 32%
Navigate (10%):
Occult (05%):
Opr. Hvy. Mch. (01%):
Other Language (01%):
Own Language (EDU×5%):
Persuade (15%): 75%
Pharmacy (01%):
.Photography (10%): 35%
Physics (01%): 63%
Pilot (01%):
Polar Survival (01%):
Psychoanalysis (01%):
Psychology (05%):
Radio Operator (01%):
Ride (05%):
Sneak (10%):
.Spot Hidden (25%): 54%
Swim (25%):
Throw (25%):
Track (10%):

Fist/Punch (50%):
Head Butt (10%):
Kick (25%):
Grapple (25%):

Handgun (20%):
Machine Gun (15%):
Rifle (25%):
Shotgun (30%):
SMG (15%):

Property/Equipment carried on expedition:

2 White button down collared shirts
1 Tweed jacket
1 Suit Jacket
Assorted pants
1 Beaten up fedora
1 Ushanka
Heavy cold weather clothing

Useful Things:
Meteorologist's Kit
Notepad and pencils
Climbing gear
2 Canteens
Does this work?

Re: Cast of Characters (Player Sheets)

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2014 2:24 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Investigator Name: Pierce Albemarle
Sea Legs Acquired
Age: 45
Sex: Male
Occupation: Surveyor, meteorologist
Colleges, Degrees:
Birthplace: Scotland
Keeper visibility,[i][b]Pierce[/b] works for The Royal Meteorological Office (The Met Office) with ties to the ministry of defence (Air Ministry). He's been working on projects for climate predictions and has been occupied during the trip with all kinds of measuring and calculations. His job is in much part book keeping. That, paired with his appetite for outdoormanship in the wilds mad the expedition a close fit. To have been accepted by the more funded German expedition would have suited The Met more. Not only because it would have gleaned some in-depth information about foreign affairs. When reaching the white continent, the floor of the world, [b]Pierce[/b] is bound to find evidence of solid ground beneath the icy wastes. He has a knack of predicting weather changes and knowing how dangerous certain conditions are. A good man to have next to oneself in a snow storm. He has a mission for the Air Ministry to photograph all aircrafts used by the Germans on the ice shelves, they suspect the Germans are using something new and exciting. [/i] Mental Disorders: Sex: M Age: 45 STR: 10 DEX: 13 INT: 15 Idea: 75 CON: 8 APP: 9 POW: 11 Luck: 55 SIZ: 12 SAN: 55 EDU: 21 Know: 105 99-Cthulhu Mythos: 99 Damage Bonus: none [color=#008000][b][i]Accounting 33%[/i] [/b][/color] Tweaked Airplane Maint. 5% Anthropology 1% Archaeology 1% [color=#008000][b]Astronomy 31% Tweaked [i]Bargain 36%[/i][/b][/color] Tweaked Biology 1% Block 26% Chemistry 1% [b][color=#008000]Climb 70% [/color][/b] Tweaked Conceal 15% Credit Rating 15% Cthulhu Mythos 0% Disguise 1% Dodge 26% Drive Auto 20% Drive Dog Sled 20% Electrical Repair 10% Fast Talk 5% First Aid 30% [color=#008000][b]Geology 21%[/b][/color] Tweaked Handgun 20% Hide 10% History 20% Jump 25% Law 5% [i]Library Use 74%[/i] Listen 25% Locksmith 1% Machine Gun 15% Martial Arts 1% Mechanical Repair 20% Medicine 5% [b][color=#008000]Meteorology 79%[/color][/b] Specific for the scenario. [i]Natural History 75% [/i] [i]Navigate 65% [/i] Occult 5% Operate Hvy. Machine 1% Persuade 15% Pharmacy 1% [b][color=#008000][i]Photography 42%[/i][/color][/b] Tweaked [b].[/b]Physics 41% [b].[/b]Polar Survival 46% Psychoanalysis 1% Psychology 5% Radio Operator 1% Ride 5% Rifle 25% Shotgun 30% Sneak 10%[i] Spot Hidden 80% [/i] Submachine Gun 15% [b].[/b]Swim 45% Throw 25% [b].[/b]Track 55% Fist/Punch 50% Head Butt 10% Kick 25% Grapple 25% Equipment for the expedition: 1 12 gauge shotgun 1 box of 12G shells (100 shells) 1 case, 24, bottles of whiskey, ´medicinal and arctic emergency equipment` 3 cases of Australian wine, white, 36 bottles 3 cases of Australian wine, red, 36 bottles dried food for one week of rations 12 chocolate bars 50 assorted mallets, hoops and cabin hooks 1 climbing pikes, arctic 2 bundles of 300 feet rope 1 set of climbing gloves, no finger tips, rubber grip 4 pair of long johns and long sleeved under shirts 2 pair of Arctic boots, with attached spikes in front 2 anorachs, (arctic standard) 4 pairs of wool socks 1 sheep skins 2 gloves, thermic 1 ice pikes, testing ice/snow thickness 2 ´ice picks´, worn around the neck to gain grip when sliding.... 2 storm kitchen, with carosene cannisters, 1 liters 4 boxes storm matches / 100 matches each 1 shovel 1 5 liters bag of salt A pair of binoculars A chronograph A barometer A windometer 3 quicksilver thermometers 1 steak thermometer 1 HAM Radio 2 backpacks, one for climbing, one for weather onservations A photographic camera, tripod, extra lenses Maps of known Antarctica, three white maps of uncharted areas of the South Pole And three suits, of course [ooc]I guess he likes to come prepared. He hates to run out of good wine.[/ooc] Call of Cthulhu is a registered trademark of Chaosium Inc.

Re: Cast of Characters (Player Sheets)

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 1:11 am
by Job
Fráncisco “Paco” Andreás Guerini
Mountain Guide

Keeper and Player only,Investigator 4 – offense option Height: 5’8” Weight: 170 lbs. Hair: Black Eyes: Green Age: 29 Str: 16 (+3) Dex: 14 (+2) Con: 16 (+3) Int: 10 (±0) Wis: 16 (+3) Cha: 12 (+1) Hit Dice: 4d6+12 HP: 30 Defense: +0 AC: 12 (base 10 + Dex +2) -- touch: 12 (base 10 + Dex +2) -- flat-footed: 10 (base 10) Init: +2 (Dex +2) Speed: 30’ Current Sanity: 80 Max. Sanity: 99 20% sanity: 16 Saves: Fortitude +7 (Inv4 +4 + Con +3) Reflex +3 (Inv4 +1 + Dex +2) Will +6 (Inv4 +1 + Wis +3 + Iron Will +2) BAB: +3 - Melee +6 (Inv4 +3 + Str +3) -- Unarmed (1d3 + Str +3 subdual) -- Ice axe (1d6 + Str +3 piercing/Crit. 20/x4/Medium/6 lb.) -- Hunting knife (1d4 + Str +3 piercing/Crit.19-20/x2/Small/2.5 lb.) - Ranged +5 (Inv4 +3 + Dex +2) -- Hunting knife (1d4 piercing/Crit.19-20/x2/Rng. 10’/Small/2.5 lb.) Skills Current Skill Points: 56 Skill Points per Level: 8 (base 8) Appraise ±0 (Int ±0) Balance +9 (7 ranks + Dex +2) Bluff +1 (Cha +1) Climb +10 (7 ranks + Str +3) Concentration +3 (Wis +3) Craft (untrained) ±0 (Int ±0) Diplomacy +1 (Cha +1) Disguise +1 (Cha +1) Drive +2 (Dex +2) Escape Artist +2 (Dex +2) Forgery ±0 (Int±0) Gather Information +1 (Cha +1) Handle Animal +5 (4 ranks + Cha +1) Heal +5 (2 ranks + Wis +3) Hide +2 (Dex +2) Innuendo +3 (Wis +3) Intimidate +1 (Cha +1) Knowledge (geography) +5 (5 ranks) Knowledge (local – Punta Arenas, Chile) +4 (4 ranks) Knowledge (untrained) ±0 (Int ±0) Listen +3 (Wis +3) Move Silently +2 (Dex +2) Operate Heavy Machinery +1 (1 rank) Performance (untrained) +1 (Cha +1) Research ±0 (Int ±0) Ride +2 (Dex +2) Search ±0 (Int ±0) Sense Motive +3 (Wis +3) Speak Other Language (English) +5 (5 ranks) Spot +7 (4 ranks + Wis +3) Swim +5 (2 ranks + Str +3) Use Rope +9 (7 ranks + Dex +2) Wilderness Lore +13 (7 ranks + Wis +3 + Skill Emphasis +3) Feats: Endurance (1st level) Skill Emphasis (Wilderness Lore) (1st level) Weapon Proficiency (melee weapons) (Offense option bonus) Iron Will (3rd level) Languages Spanish (native), English Equipment: Original savings - $6000.00 (3 * $2000.00 at start). Yearly income - $2000.00 Wardrobe 1 wool waistcoat, brown and tan - $8.00 3 cotton flannel shirts, blue or tan - $4.50 3 pair wool “Jaeger” trousers, tan or green - $24.00 2 alpaca wool sweaters, gray - $15.38 5 union suits, faded red - $7.50 6 pair ragg wool socks, gray - $4.75 2 leather belts, black or brown - $7.00 1 sealskin fur cap, natural - $16.95 1 pair mountaineering boots with hobnail soles - $3.85 1 pair of leather work shoes - $4.95 1 pair well-worn wool gloves, black - $4.00 1 alpaca wool scarf - $5.00 1 sealskin snow suit (hooded parka with fur ruff, pants with suspenders, gauntlets, boots) - $120.00 1 pair snow goggles - $2.00 1 treated canvas hooded poncho - $2.89 1 wool dress suit, black - $29.50 1 cotton dress shirt, white - $1.95 1 silk four-in-hand tie, black - $3.69 1 fur-lined overcoat - $37.50 Rosary beads - $0.05 Gold St. Christopher medal and chain - $5.00 Ice axe - $24.00 Hunting knife - $3.75 Swiss Army knife - $1.98 Rucksack - $5.45 2 2-quart canteens - $3.38 1-quart vacuum thermos - $5.00 Folding camp shovel - $1.09 Camp stove - $5.85 Cooking kit - $8.48 Mess kit - $1.29 Bedroll - $2.79 Survival blanket - $3.25 Ground cloth - $1.79 Candle-lantern - $1.00 24 wax candles - $0.70 Waterproof matches in tin - $2.50 Electric torch, 3 cell - $3.10 6 flashlight batteries - $1.80 Jeweled compass - $2.45 Map case - $1.29 Map (waterproof), southern Patagonia - $1.90 Climbing gear (36 pitons with rings, piton hammer) - $12.90 Half-inch diameter hemp rope, 150’ - $5.40 Spanish-English dictionary - $0.89 Expensive trunk - $13.95 Savings left – $5580.84 Appearance: Fráncisco is of average height and solidly built, possessing long, ropy muscles that give the mountaineer strength without bulk. His brushy black hair and mustache usually need trimming. Bright green eyes, inherited from his mother, are framed by deep crow’s feet at the corners, the legacy of his years in the sun’s glare amid rock and ice. A long straight nose separates high cheekbones – his mouth is framed by thin lips above an angular jaw. The skin of his hands is rough to the touch, callused by stone. Paco dresses simply – wool waistcoat, flannel shirt, leather belt, wool pants and socks, and hobnail mountaineering boots (replaced with leather shoes in town). He keeps a pair of woolen gloves in his pocket and a scarf in his rucksack, along with a pair of darkened snow goggles. Paco has an expedition-weight sealskin coat with fur ruff and pants as well as sealskin snow boots and mittens for the most arduous conditions. He owns one dark suit, usually in need of pressing, that he wears to Mass and on holidays. Around his neck is a small gold St. Christopher medal, a gift from his mother. Personality: Fráncisco exhibits the bold confidence of the mountaineer but without the brashness that afflicts some of that profession. He is passionately dedicated to his craft, courageous but not foolhardy. Few other endeavors capture his interest, and Paco may seem shy or aloof in other settings – he is clearly in his own element the minute he steps on rock or ice, however. The Chilean mountaineer is a loyal and courteous guide – comfortable in his roles ranging from lead climber to porter, he is deferential to the expedition leader, asserting himself only where issues of extraordinary hazard present themselves. Fráncisco is an observant Catholic, attending Mass regularly, a habit ingrained in him from childhood by his deeply conservative and religious father. He has few interests that don’t involve climbing, skiing, or trekking – he can be captivated for hours by a maps of mountain ranges, however. Paco drinks infrequently – wine with meals, the occasional beer with friends or clients, or a sip of brandy from the flask he keeps in his rucksack – and he does not smoke. He keeps a small circle of close friends, nearly all fellow mountaineers. Paco has dated casually over the years, but he has not maintained a steady relationship with a woman since his days working at the cannery in Valdivia, where he was involved with a supervisor’s daughter named Katerina for about a year before departing with Reichert in 1924. Phoebe Guerini, Fráncisco’s mother, passed away suddenly and unexpectedly in 1930, and Fráncisco’s contact with his father José is infrequent, consisting mostly of the occasional brief letter. Background: Fráncisco Guerini was born in Valdivia, Chile on 24 December 1903. Descended of Austrian immigrants who arrived in Chile in the 1850s, his father José was a mechanic from Santiago who moved to Valdivia to practice his trade repairing the motors and winches of the fishing boats that plied the harbor – his mother Phoebe was a former British Army nurse raised in China who traveled to South America following the Boxer Rebellion. Fráncisco is their only child. As a boy Fráncisco early displayed a passion not for the sea but for the mountains. He would take long hikes along the rivers and over the mountain passes of the Lakes District, scrambling up the peaks that overlooked the coast. Young Paco’s enthusiasm for mountain sports did not excite his father, who pressed him to learn the mechanics’ trade or some other regular livelihood, particularly as Fráncisco was a diffident student. Fráncisco eventually took a job working at a salmon cannery in his late teens but continued to indulge his passion for climbing whenever possible. Passing through Valdivia on his way to southern Patagonia in 1924, the famous Argentinean geologist and explorer Frederick Reichert heard of the young Chilean climber and extended an invitation to Fráncisco to serve as a porter on a trip to reconnoiter the fjords around the Fitz Roy glacier. Paco eagerly accepted the offer and joined Reichert and his team for the next three seasons exploring the cordilleras and glaciers of northern Patagonia. After Reichert’s party returned to Argentina, Fráncisco settled in Las Torres and began offering his services as a guide, earning a meager but pleasant living. In 1931, he was contacted by Italian missionary Father Alberto De Agostini to join an expedition to the Southern Patagonia Ice Cap – he spent the next two years working with the explorer and his Courmayeur climbing companions, recording several first summits in the process. In 1932 Fráncisco was accepted as a member of the Club Andino de Chile in recognition of his accomplishments as a mountaineer in Patagonia. He relocated to Punta Arenas in 1932, where he makes his home at present. Last edited by The Shaman; Saturday, 23rd July, 2005 at 05:28 PM. Reason: updated character sheet