Campaign SUMMARY and Status

To quote from James Starkweather, our expedition commander: "We will travel back to the campsight and last resting place of our colleagues from Miskatonic University, led by professor Charles Lake, some two years ago. We intend to confirm their amazing discoveries and to map and climb the Miskatonic Mountain range, reported to be the highest peaks in the world. Once we've reached those peaks, we will continue further. We will continue beyond the mountains. Beyond those mountains where we intend to perform an aerial survey of the lands on the far side of that range, into uncharted territory that has never before seen by the human eye. To uncover the secrets…"

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Campaign SUMMARY and Status

Post by Job »

"Little by little they rose grimly into the western sky; allowing us to witness various bare, bleak and blackened the reddish Antarctic light against the provocative background of iridescent ice-dust clouds. In the whole spectacle there was a persistent, pervasive hint of stupendous secrecy and potential revelation... I could not help feeling that they were evil things--mountains of madness whose farther slopes looked out over some accursed ultimate abyss."
--H.P. Lovecraft

This website contains the play-by-post game for Chaosium's "Beyond the Mountains of Madness" campaign for the Call of Cthulhu roleplaying game. This game describes the actions of a team of players--and the results thereof--when confronting horrific creatures and events during their expedition to Antarctica.

  • SYNOPSES - Contains lists of short summary phrases with links to story areas -- this is a great place to find your way around our tale!
  • CHAPTER COMPLETED - Prologue: Within this starting thread, our intrepid adventurers applied via letter to Commander Starkweather to join the expedition. Some main NPC's were introduced. Those player characters that were accepted on the expedition attended a fundraising banquet which was interrupted by a gunman.
  • CHAPTER COMPLETED - Chapter 1: Arrival in New York City: Our player characters arrived in New York City, visited their ship, the U.S.S. Gabrielle, and began preparations for the journey. They attended daily briefings from Commander Starkweather and Professor Moore, the expedition's main scientific leader. Some players began nosing around the ship, looking for information about fellow shipmembers.
  • Chapter 2: Death of a Sea Captain - Chapter Under Way. Following the unexpected death of the SS Gabrielle's Captain in NYC, members of the expedition investigate suspicious circumstances (beginning Sept 7th, 1933, game time, and the investigators can only take actions until Sept 11th when the U.S.S. Gabrielle departs).
  • Chapter 3 - Not started; This is a chapter in the campaign book that the players have not yet begun to explore.
  • Chapter 4: Departure - Chapter Nearly Complete. Wherein preparations are completed and the characters board the SS Gabrielle to get their cabin assignments and meet their shipmates. The action takes place as the expedition is scheduled to depart New York City for Antarctica within the next 2 days (gametime). Unfortunately, final preparations are interrupted by unexpected chaos.
  • CHAPTER COMPLETED - Chapter 4a: Late Additions - Following the departure of the expedition from New York City, a number of world explorers found the mettle to apply for late admission. Herein, their stories are woven into the tale.
  • Chapter 5: At Sea - NYC to Panama - Chapter Under Way. The SS Gabrielle disembarks and the crew settles into their routines for the long journey
  • Chapter 5: At Sea - Panama to Austrailia - Chapter Under Way. Continuation of the SS Gabrielle's travels across the Pacific Ocean, this thread covering the leg from Panama to Australia.
  • CHAPTER COMPLETED - Chapter 5a: Øyvind Raknes' Experience - Øyvind Raknes awakens one evening on the ship and investigates the cause.
REFERENCE AREA THREADS Below are scans of the actual cover of my BtMoM book. You can just start to see some wear and tear occuring at the edges and corners, like it's Keeper...
*Copyright - Chaosium Inc.
*Copyright - Charles and Janyce Engan

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