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Character Creation

Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 9:53 am
by Raiko
This thread is to carry on the character creation chat from the recruitment thread. Please just discuss backgrounds here now, don't post completed characters yet. I'll post the completed characters in a separate topic later.

To recap here is the cast so far:

Laraqua: Maksim Mikhailovich Rukov, Russian aviator, twin brother of Timour (submitted)
thewhatchamacallit: Timour Arseni Rukov, former Russian aviator, twin brother of Maksim (submitted)
imme: Elizabeth Downing, New York dilettante
coffee demon: Andrei, Former Russian soldier
decrepit: Female Character
Grafster: Johnny Wong Former PI, works for Elizabeth's Family (submitted)

No rush for characters yet, we'll aim to start in one week from now, but I'll begin earlier if we are all ready sooner.

Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 12:15 pm
by thewhatchamacallit
I have a small modification or two for my PC I'll follow up a little later with a PM.

Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 12:27 pm
by Raiko
Grafster asked a couple of questions about backgrounds, character sheets, etc.
And imme asked some character generation questions as well.

You can make your background as long or short as you like. A couple of paragraphs plus a photo will do, providing you are happy that you’ve detailed enough personality or history for me and the others to imagine your character properly.

On the other hand, if you want to write a short novel about your character, feel free. :)

If you want some of your background to be ‘secret’ then that’s fine, as long as you write up both the ‘public’ and ‘secret’ backgrounds yourself. The public stuff will be put online, the private stuff will only be known by me, and any other player that you PM it to. Just make sure that the public stuff has enough detail for the other players and for anyone who just reads the game.

I'm very flexible regarding your ‘careers’ - so you can selected careers, professional skills and interests as you see fit. The careers in the investigator's companion aren't 'balanced' anyway, so I just let players create a character that they like. I rely on my 110 attribute points house rule to keep the playing field level. Please mark up your professional skills & hobbies/interests separately on your sheet though (italics for professional skill, hobbies proceeded by a dot).

Credit Rating:
Any of you characters who exist within the 1920’s New York ‘party scene’ should have above-default credit rating skills; Elizabeth (and possibly Andrei?) should have a high credit rating.
Points spent on this skill won’t be wasted as it will take precedence over persuade/fast talk in most ‘non-street’ social encounters. Persuade & Fast Talk will still be very useful of course, but in many situations will be unnecessary for those of the right ‘social standing’.

Please try to provide at least one photograph of your character, I’m trying to find a suitable one for each and every NPC in the campaign :shock: If you want to provide additional photos of your character and their property, possessions, weapons, history, etc. then go for it, but don’t feel obliged, one photo is enough.

Character Sheet:
Please use the following template, once your character is approved you can post it into the ‘Cast of Characters’ thread so that we can both make changes to it.
Name :
Age :
Gender :
Occupation :
Birthplace :


INT : (Idea )
POW : (Luck )
EDU : (Knowledge )

phobias/mental disorders:
maximum Sanity: 99
Hit Points:
Magic Points:
Damage Bonus:

Appearance & Personality:


Family members:

SKILLS : (Important: Non-default skills BOLD, Professional Skills ITALICS, Hobbies preceded by a DOT)

Accounting (10%):
Anthropology (01%):
Archaeology (01%):
Art (05%):
Astronomy (01%):
Bargain (05%):
Biology (01%):
Chemistry (01%):
Climb (40%):
Conceal (15%):
Craft (05%):
Credit Rating (15%):
Cthulhu Mythos (00%):
Disguise (01%):
Dodge (DEX×2):
Electr. Repair (10%):
Fast Talk (05%):
First Aid (30%):
Geology (01%):
Hide (10%):
History (20%):
Jump (25%):
Law (05%):
Library Use (25%):
Listen (25%):
Locksmith (01%):
Martial Arts (01%):
Mech. Repair (20%):
Medicine (05%):
Natural History (10%):
Navigate (10%):
Occult (05%):
Opr. Hvy. Mch. (01%):
Other Language (01%):
Own Language (EDU×5%):
Persuade (15%):
Pharmacy (01%):
Photography (10%):
Physics (01%):
Pilot (01%):
Psychoanalysis (01%):
Psychology (05%):
Ride (05%):
Sneak (10%):
Spot Hidden (25%):
Swim (25%):
Throw (25%):
Track (10%):

Fist/Punch (50%):
Head Butt (10%):
Kick (25%):
Grapple (25%):

Handgun (20%):
Machine Gun (15%):
Rifle (25%):
Shotgun (30%):
SMG (15%):


Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 12:33 pm
by Raiko
thewhatchamacallit wrote: I have a small modification or two for my PC I'll follow up a little later with a PM.

That's fine, I've not had chance to review the submissions yet anyway, I've just skimmed through each one. I'll have a proper look at them today.

You can all make changes to your characters until we start the game.

Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 1:01 pm
by Laraqua
Hmm, is it possible then for me to get a little Psychoanalysis - career reason being that my character is nice enough to deal with frightened recruits, trying to calm them down enough for them to move on. Perhaps we got shot down once and had to make our way back. Perhaps my character's merely met a few shaken up recruits. Although, if Persuade or Fast Talk could work for this or if you don't think my character has enough reason, then I won't bother. It's just a thought.

Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 1:07 pm
by thewhatchamacallit
Does anyone have or plan on having the drive auto, natural history or Medicine skills?

I'm thinking we'll need them at least once or twice in the game and a level near or above 40% could be an asset to the party.

Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 1:22 pm
by Raiko
Laraqua wrote: Hmm, is it possible then for me to get a little Psychoanalysis - career reason being that my character is nice enough to deal with frightened recruits, trying to calm them down enough for them to move on. Perhaps we got shot down once and had to make our way back. Perhaps my character's merely met a few shaken up recruits.

Works for me. 8)
Laraqua wrote: Although, if Persuade or Fast Talk could work for this or if you don't think my character has enough reason, then I won't bother. It's just a thought.

I'd say that Persuade or Fast Talk would work for 'minor shell shock', but more serious cases would require Psychoanalysis skill.
thewhatchamacallit wrote: Does anyone have or plan on having the drive auto, natural history or Medicine skills?

I'm thinking we'll need them at least once or twice in the game and a level near or above 40% could be an asset to the party.

I won't comment on the other skills, but I do like car chases, and abstact car-chase rules work so much better in a play-by-post game than a tabletop one. :)

Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 1:31 pm
by thewhatchamacallit
And on that note I will definately be finding a machinegun in every city we travel to :lol:

Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 1:42 pm
by Laraqua
Ooh, I've kinda wanted Drive Auto at good speeds. If I up Psychoanalysis to a small amount and Drive Auto to a decent amount, that could be good, right? There's bound to be some skill i don't need so much of. Unless someone else wants to dibs?

Hang on, I've already got Drive Auto at 50%. It'll be easier for me to improve past that then for anyone else to start at base and improve (if they've already worked out their skills). Not that someone can't decide they want it more than me. I'm willing to not have it.

Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 1:46 pm
by thewhatchamacallit
It's always good to have a back up anyway. What if you're shot up and were being chased as we try to get you to a hospital? At that point it'd be nice to have a back-up, right? :D

Plus in a group this size it'll be easy to have specialists. No need for us all to spread our skill pionts thin over twenty skils when all we need is each person to have a high rating in three or four each.

Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 1:55 pm
by Laraqua
Hmm, well, I've got high Social skills (barring Credit Rating) and high mechanical, pilot and drive skills (well, reasonably so). What's everyone else got?

Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 1:57 pm
by Decrepit
I'd be willing to pick up some (or all?) of the medical skills here. My brief look suggests that women physicians in the States in the 1920s were uncommon but far from unheard of. That'd be just one option, and she wouldn't have to be from the States, either. Heck, she wouldn't have to be female, either, but it might be kind of fun to stretch the 1920s assumptions a bit.

Any other gaping holes in the group composition? As I'm coming in comparatively late, I wouldn't mind some suggestions, as it looks like you-all have pretty well-developed backgrounds already (and I'm really busy the next 2-3 days, too).

Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 2:00 pm
by thewhatchamacallit
I have decent to high combat skills, knife fighting, guns, thrown weapons, tracking. With moderate to good pilot aircraft and navigate skills and hobby skills like persuation, he's a playboy after all :wink: .

Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 2:02 pm
by Laraqua
Locksmith, Law, most of the sciences, the physical movement ones (Conceal, Hide, Track, Climb). At least, that's as far as I know. So, if you're one of them doctors living out rural, you might have physical movement, too, but then how'd you know the lady friend?

Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 2:05 pm
by thewhatchamacallit
He could be a vet, looked after her dogs and horses or some such as well as other animals at neighbouring ranches. Just a thought.

Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 2:42 pm
by imme
(Not completely settled on things yet, but I'm thinking something along these lines:) Elizabeth will have some skills based on her privileged upbringing (painting, credit rating, ride) and education (french, history, archaeology, latin). Since good looks and credit rating don't help with the parents, she also has Fast Talk and Persuade. It looks like her outdoorsish skills (besides ride) are going to be limited to Rifle and Swim. While she may be enthusiastic about "roughing it", she doesn't have the experience to actually know much about how to do it. Do you think anybody will be willing to take her camping? :D

Regarding personality: First off, I don't think she likes going by her full first name (only her parents and tutors call her Elizabeth). I'm not sure which (of the many possible) shortenings she prefers, or if she uses multiple nicknames. Initial impressions of her are that she is young, enthusiastic, and adventurous. Very used to wealth and getting her way, but not in a spoiled brat way. Very independent and enjoys trying to be a "modern woman", who can "rough it", shoot, drink, and swear (although she hasn't really gotten the hang of the last). Getting to know her a bit better, one gets the impression that the "modern woman" schtick is a mask that she is trying on, and occasionally she'll find herself surprised to be in it. Especially when tired (when it's harder for her to keep up the brave exterior), it will be apparent that she does have a more tender side and is sometimes unsettled by her own attempts to break out from her parents and become "her own person". She may be a daddy's girl afterall, but would never in a thousand years admit it.

It's fun watching characters come together, isn't it?

Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 2:44 pm
by coffee demon
Decrepit wrote: I'd be willing to pick up some (or all?) of the medical skills here. My brief look suggests that women physicians in the States in the 1920s were uncommon but far from unheard of. That'd be just one option, and she wouldn't have to be from the States, either. Heck, she wouldn't have to be female, either, but it might be kind of fun to stretch the 1920s assumptions a bit.

Any other gaping holes in the group composition? As I'm coming in comparatively late, I wouldn't mind some suggestions, as it looks like you-all have pretty well-developed backgrounds already (and I'm really busy the next 2-3 days, too).

Yeah, it sounds like some kind of veterinarian would work well! You could be a bit of a wildwoman yourself - maybe Elizabeth's best friend, who also watches her horse's health part-time.

This would give you a chance to take a few outdoorsy skills too. Maybe you're from the English countryside, but moved to upstate NewYork where Liz's family owns land. You could have learned hunting skills (Track, etc) from your dad back in in Moors. Or whatever. :)

Still not started on Andrei - he's going to be entirely from the basic CoC book, I hope thats OK. I imagine a medium credit rating (the money is running low, though), and officer-skills: Rifle proficiency, History, Drive Auto, Ride Horsee (or whatever its called), a few languages, Psyhology, First Aid... He's not going to be a professional Driver or anything, but I'll try to give it as many points as I can.

Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 4:45 pm
by imme
Decrepit, people have posted some good ideas already, but I'm going to throw another one out there for variety. Your character could have been struggling to become a physician, Elizabeth heard about it (nothing like the upper crust to spread info like wildfire) and thought the idea of a female doctor was exciting, so convinced her parents to sponsor you. (I'm also thinking of having an older brother pursuing some kind of respected career, so he could have been working to be a doctor himself, and sponsoring your character also appealed to Elizabeth in that it would have teased her brother a little. Or not.) This could have either resulted in a friendship between the two characters, or there may have been little interaction, but your character would still be closely tied to the Downings.

Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 11:22 pm
by Decrepit
imme wrote: Decrepit, people have posted some good ideas already, but I'm going to throw another one out there for variety. Your character could have been struggling to become a physician, Elizabeth heard about it (nothing like the upper crust to spread info like wildfire) and thought the idea of a female doctor was exciting, so convinced her parents to sponsor you. (I'm also thinking of having an older brother pursuing some kind of respected career, so he could have been working to be a doctor himself, and sponsoring your character also appealed to Elizabeth in that it would have teased her brother a little. Or not.) This could have either resulted in a friendship between the two characters, or there may have been little interaction, but your character would still be closely tied to the Downings.

I was kind of thinking along those lines. More as it develops ...

Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 11:51 pm
by coffee demon
Decrepit, after we figure out what your relationship with Elizabeth (Liz, Lizzie?) is, we should discuss your knowledge/relationship with Andrei as well. If you two are good friends, your character and Andrei might have some interesting interactions. Or maybe you know the Downing family as a whole, so only met me in large gatherings. Not enough for us to get more than a passing impression of each other.

I'm treating myself to making Andrei's character this weekend. :)

Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 11:53 pm
by Raiko
imme wrote: DecrepitThis could have either resulted in a friendship between the two characters, or there may have been little interaction, but your character would still be closely tied to the Downings.

You can go whichever way you like Decrepit, but a close friend of Elizabeth would be easier to explain in the party than someone who just has ties to her family.

Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 4:40 am
by imme
Raiko, the character sheet you posted has the base skill level for Credit Rating as 25%. My (possibly outdated) CoC book has it at 15%. Do I really have 10 more points than I thought I did? :D

Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 7:08 am
by Raiko
imme wrote: Raiko, the character sheet you posted has the base skill level for Credit Rating as 25%. My (possibly outdated) CoC book has it at 15%. Do I really have 10 more points than I thought I did? :D

No sorry. :oops:

I'll correct any mistakes on the tempate.

Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 7:14 am
by Raiko
It should all be correct now.

Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 7:23 am
by coffee demon

Do I roll 3D6 for each Characteristic, or are we using some other method? Or is that the "110 Attribute Points" you're talking about? If so, that would apply to STR, DEX, INT, CON, APP, POW, SIZ, and EDU?

Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 9:25 am
by Raiko
coffee demon wrote: Question:

Do I roll 3D6 for each Characteristic, or are we using some other method? Or is that the "110 Attribute Points" you're talking about? If so, that would apply to STR, DEX, INT, CON, APP, POW, SIZ, and EDU?

No you don't roll 3d6.

Yes you spend the 110 points on your attributes, within their normal ranges (eg STR 3-18, SIZ 8-18, EDU 6-21, etc).

Then modify EDU & the physical attributes normally for age.

Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 9:38 am
by Grafster
I’m going to need to carve up Johnny’s background a bit.
Right now I have a lot of text from his crippled San Francisco PI and some notes on the new character (who is probably not going to have been a police officer but more of a trained criminologist/lawyer/aide).

Raiko’s got the old character sheet; and I don’t plan on deviating from it too much.

Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 2:18 pm
by Raiko
I've decided to allow one more player into the game.

Hello warhammer!

I really am too nice to be a CoC Keeper. :twisted:

I'm not sure if you can all think where your party is a little weak.

I'd say you could do with an academic type, but I've not seen Decrepit's doctor so I don't know.

Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 2:32 pm
by warhammer
Hey all,

Thanks for letting me in. 8)

I'll submit a character concept within the next few hours.


Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 6:26 pm
by coffee demon
The more the merrier! Welcome!

Andrei is actually an ex-Military Officer. His strengths will be Persuade, Law, Navigation, and Languages. He's also a big man, but doesn't have a lot of experience fighting. He can drive a car, but probably not perfectly.

I have a feeling we're a little short on the History/Academic side of things.

Lets see:
2 x soldier/pilots (prob. good with guns, airplane pliots, one is a con-artist?)
1 x military officer (law, navigation, politics, big and strong)
1 x dilettante (jack of all-trades, a bit? some History background i thought)
1 x PI (martial arts, investigative skills)
1 x doctor

Yeah, we're definitely missing out on the academic. Would be nice if you knew how to drive a car, maybe, but if not I'm sure we'll find a way. We can always hire a driver, there's a bit of money in the group :)

Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 6:42 pm
by Raiko
There are actually at least two good drivers in the team already. :)

Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 4:03 pm
by Raiko
How's everyone doing?

I'm hoping to begin on Wednesday, if everybody's submitted a character by then. :)

Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 4:22 pm
by Raiko
If anybody needs any help give me a shout.

I'll review the character sheets that I've already received later today.

Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 6:17 pm
by coffee demon
I'm going to finish my character Sunday night. Hopefully that gives us enough time?

Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 8:53 pm
by Raiko
That's fine. :)

Just Curious

Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 9:49 pm
by coffee demon
Raiko, do you have Character Sheets for eveyone but me? There hasn't been a lot of talk in this thread in the last few days... I hope everyone's still gung-ho about playing!

Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 10:09 pm
by imme
Gung-ho and itching to start! :)

Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 10:22 pm
by thewhatchamacallit
Agreed, I'm all set, just waiting patiently.

Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 11:37 pm
by Decrepit
Raiko, I'm pm'ing my proposed character--Dr. Caroline Ward, a medical doctor whose career has been aided greatly by Elizabeth and her family. I'll still have to figure out the connection to some of the other characters.

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 12:44 am
by Raiko
coffee demon wrote: Raiko, do you have Character Sheets for eveyone but me? There hasn't been a lot of talk in this thread in the last few days... I hope everyone's still gung-ho about playing!

Sorry I’m always busy at weekends, I’ve got a big family :)
I always manage to read new posts over the weekend, but sometimes I struggle to post myself. I post a lot during the week though.

I’ve received a character sheet from everyone except Coffee Demon & Decrepit so far. Imme’s and Warhammer’s characters are complete unless they want to modify anything themselves. The other three had minor comments to resolve before we start.

EDIT: I’ve just got Decrepit’s character while I was writing this.

Laraqua: Maksim Mikhailovich Rukov, Russian aviator, twin brother of Timour (submitted)
Thewhatchamacallit: Timour Arseni Rukov, former Russian aviator, twin brother of Maksim (submitted)
Imme: Elizabeth Downing, New York dilettante (submitted, accepted)
coffee demon: Andrei, Former Russian soldier, Courting Elizabeth
Decrepit: Caroline Ward Doctor, close friend of Elizabeth(Submitted)
Grafster: Johnny Wong Former PI, works for Elizabeth's Family, Chaperone (submitted)
Warhammer: Thomas Allan, Lawyer (submitted, accepted)

Warhammer’s lawyer Thomas Allan needs to have a connection with the other characters, he tends to look after the interests of the “little guys” so he isn’t likely to work for Elizabeth’s family. He’s also from a humble background so he’s not a school friend.

He does speak good French so maybe he met Elizabeth and/or Andrei there. He’s also got good enough Credit Rating to have initially met her at a party or other function (he could even make it a ‘love pentagon’ ;)). Maybe he’s a friend of Decrepit’s doctor, and so also knows Elizabeth through her. His knowledge of Hieroglyphics means he could have met Elizabeth in Egypt, or through her interest in classics.

I’d prefer all the characters to have a connection to either Elizabeth or Andrei (I’m assuming that the Rukov twins are friends of Andrei rather than Elizabeth). We need to get you all together over 2-3 days as a result of one Telegram addressed to Elizabeth.

Decrepit: You said in your PM that you were thinking of connections to the other characters, this isn’t necessary as you only need to know Elizabeth. Though you can think of a link if you like.

One more thing, imme asked for help selecting a hunting rifle for Elizabeth, I’m going to have a look, but if anybody is more knowledgeable about 1920s weapons please suggest something. :)

Everyone can start to post their characters into the "Cast of Characters" thread now, this will help to finalise the connections between characters.

It's better for you to post your own characters than for me to do it, as then we can both edit them when necessary.

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 12:56 am
by Raiko
One more thing:

Grafster: Imme PM'd me a question regarding Johnny Wong:
Imme wrote: is it safe to assume that Johnny Wong was chaperoning Elizabeth her entire last few years traveling the world? (I was also wondering if she's ever seen him in a fight and knows his kung fu skills, or just thinks of him as an old family retainer.)

This was my reply:
Raiko wrote: I'm kind of assuming that Johnny has chaperoned Elizabeth for a while. Unless Grafster thinks otherwise assume that he has done, and that Elizabeth has seen his Martial Arts in action.

Please could you have a think about it and then post what you think here.

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 1:41 am
by thewhatchamacallit
Who's to say he hasn't offered to tutor her at one point. Also she has likely seen him practice at one point or another over the years.

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 2:17 am
by imme
First character posted. I win! :D Unless death/insanity goes in order of character posted. :shock:

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 7:48 am
by coffee demon
Just submitted mine! I can't wait to start!

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 8:55 am
by warhammer
Raiko wrote: Warhammer’s lawyer Thomas Allan needs to have a connection with the other characters, he tends to look after the interests of the “little guys” so he isn’t likely to work for Elizabeth’s family. He’s also from a humble background so he’s not a school friend.

He does speak good French so maybe he met Elizabeth and/or Andrei there. He’s also got good enough Credit Rating to have initially met her at a party or other function (he could even make it a ‘love pentagon’ ;)). Maybe he’s a friend of Decrepit’s doctor, and so also knows Elizabeth through her. His knowledge of Hieroglyphics means he could have met Elizabeth in Egypt, or through her interest in classics.

I’d prefer all the characters to have a connection to either Elizabeth or Andrei (I’m assuming that the Rukov twins are friends of Andrei rather than Elizabeth). We need to get you all together over 2-3 days as a result of one Telegram addressed to Elizabeth.

It would be cool with me if Thomas had met Elizabeth at a party and befriended her there. The exact nature of their relationship would still be uncertain as we begin playing. If that's ok, he could have a (very mild) crush on her, which for the time being he wouldn't admit to; I'm thinking this could offer good roleplay opportunities. :)

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 10:07 am
by Raiko
Wow, she's going to be a popular lady. :) As long as they are good enough friends for her to think of involving him in the team, the party link is fine.

For anyone who just wants to post a hyperlink to their photo, no problem I'll post them on my imageshack account later (can't access it from work).

Laraquar: I edited your date of birth (the game starts on 12th Jan 1925). If you'd rather keep the same DoB then he's a year older.
BTW: I'd thought that Maksim & Timour were twins, but obviously not (ages 25 & 30). Probably my mistake though :oops:

Here's how we stand at the moment:

Laraqua: Maksim Mikhailovich Rukov, Russian aviator, twin brother of Timour (submitted, accepted)
Thewhatchamacallit: Timour Arseni Rukov, former Russian aviator, twin brother of Maksim (submitted, accepted)
Imme: Elizabeth Downing, New York dilettante (submitted, accepted)
coffee demon: Andrei, Former Russian soldier, Courting Elizabeth (submitted)
Decrepit: Caroline Ward Doctor, close friend of Elizabeth(Submitted, accepted)
Grafster: Johnny Wong Former PI, works for Elizabeth's Family, Chaperone (submitted)
Warhammer: Thomas Allan, Lawyer (submitted, accepted)

I've not heard from Grafster over the weekend, but he's probably busier at weekends (like me :)).

It's looking good for a Wednesday start (or earlier).

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 10:11 am
by Laraqua
You're right about us being twins. I just coulda sworn he'd written up 25 as the age over in one of the older forums, or perhaps in a message to me, but upping the age to 30 makes plenty of sense to me, so I'll go with whatever he ends up submitting.

Thanks for looking through it.

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 10:31 am
by coffee demon
(Whoops this post was about Thomas's relationship, didn't realise it was already sorted... delete this post.)

Elizabeth's Rifle..?

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 10:51 am
by coffee demon
Raiko wrote: One more thing, imme asked for help selecting a hunting rifle for Elizabeth, I’m going to have a look, but if anybody is more knowledgeable about 1920s weapons please suggest something. :)

I did a little web-research... looks like the most popular American rifle at the time was this, Springfield Rifle:

It would be considered a "30-06 bolt action rifle" with 5 rounds in a clip.

Theres a British version with 10 rounds in a clip as well.

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 11:59 am
by thewhatchamacallit
Laraqua wrote: You're right about us being twins. I just coulda sworn he'd written up 25 as the age over in one of the older forums, or perhaps in a message to me, but upping the age to 30 makes plenty of sense to me, so I'll go with whatever he ends up submitting.

Thanks for looking through it.

Cool, 30 seemed more logical, I think Laraqua, you had mentioned it previously and I totally agree.

Also I believe the Springfield was a WWI military rifle, more than a hunting one.

Seems to me the standard 30-06 deer hunting rifle or a Winchester 30-30 would more aptly fit the bill. Maybe a quick google of lion-rifles would produce a better subsititute such as the Mauser Model 71/84 or the Mauser Karabiner 98k- both seen here; ... ry_to_1920

But its a mute point really if all she wants is a hunting rifle a generic 30-06 bolt action, damage- 2d6+4, 1/2 per round, 5 shot per load should do the trick.

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 2:12 pm
by thewhatchamacallit
Curious if any other character has a phobia. I personally like to mention one or two fears per character as they are an excellent way to make every PC that much more human and add suspense and thrills at appropriate or better yet inappropriate moments :D .

Timour is claustrophobic, Maksim much like Indiana Jones is ophidiophobic. Just wondering if anyone else is determining a fear for their PCs?

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 2:19 pm
by Laraqua
I considered claustrophobia but feared it would get in the way of being a pilot, however, it wouldn't be surprising for someone to have a phobia of small spaces - except in one particular instance. For example, I can imagine through classical conditioning, a claustrophobic finding respite in a closet because that closet was her safe place long before claustrophobia - although, in that instance, they're probably not the biggest claustrophobes you can get.

And yeah, Maksim is like Indiana Jones! :P No, it wasn't intentional. I just couldn't think of any other one that fit. Arachnophobia's too cliche. Fear of the dark? Nah. Xenophobia so doesn't fit, nor does fear of women.

C'mon, at least have anxiety attacks or shell shock, people! Let's all be slightly nuts.

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 2:25 pm
by thewhatchamacallit
Bi-planes had open cockpits so I didn't figure they'd feel to restrictive with Timour's arms and head out in the open wind.

Now a fear of heights and high speeds might have been determental. As much a s a sailor with a fear of water or a claustrophobic tank crewman :lol:

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 2:27 pm
by imme
Nah, Elizabeth's much too sweet and had much too delicate an upbringing for anything to have caused a phobia. (There'll be plenty of time for that later.) Besides, she's already got enough to deal with by being at the center of a love pentagon. Wait! She's at the center of a pentagon?! We haven't even started IC yet. :shock:

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 2:31 pm
by thewhatchamacallit
Seems like she's got her own cult starting. maybe we should change the name of the adventure to Iä Elizabeth :wink:

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 3:04 pm
by Laraqua
I dunno... I think Doctor Caroline Ward might have a very interested Maksim enjoying her company.

We're such a group of attractive people. Poor Andrei! Poor Thomas Allan! Surrounded by such supermodels.

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 4:23 pm
by Decrepit
Forget Nyarlathotep; that can't end well, anyway. Let's just hang out and go to parties. :D

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 4:27 pm
by thewhatchamacallit

Question, How does Credit Rating work (get the impression I don't own the manual :D ) :?:

Is there a roll required if you want to purchase something?

Having a low CR how will it affect my PC?

When gambling for cash would my luck act as my skill?

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 5:51 pm
by Raiko
thewhatchamacallit wrote: Sweet!

Question, How does Credit Rating work (get the impression I don't own the manual :D ) :?:

Is there a roll required if you want to purchase something?

Having a low CR how will it affect my PC?

When gambling for cash would my luck act as my skill?

Credit Rating is actually more like "social class." As your character has been depraved of his Russian social standing, and is living (relatively poorly) in another country a low Credit Rating isn't surprising.

It will often be the first interpersonal roll that I make, but a descent persuade or fast talk can often get around a low credit rating.

So long as Elizabeth survives money isn't going to be an issue in the game.

For gambling that would depend on the game, something almost entirely based on luck (roulette?) would just use the luck stat, something like poker could be roleplayed I guess using luck, fast talk and psychology.

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 5:59 pm
by coffee demon
I think Andrei is going to start with the normal human fears at "normal levels:"

Afraid of heights
Afraid of tiny spaces
Afraid of being covered in bugs

Etc... But not to the point where he becomes a gibbering mess when it happens.

If anything, his biggest fear is looking stupid in front of a bunch of other people. But he doesn't gibber/pee himself when this happens either...

..yet. :D

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 6:00 pm
by coffee demon
You guys might all be good-lookin', but Andrei is a really good guy when you sit down and talk to him...

So there! :shock: Who needs looks anyways?!?

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 6:07 pm
by thewhatchamacallit
Good to know. I think, given his skills and attributes he's more for roulette and keno, gambling that relies more on pure luck over odds figuring. Though as he progresses maybe I branch him out into Texas hold'em and the skills required.

I'm assuming his APP is still going to help him considerably in social situations. After all there are no handsome homeless. :D

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 3:08 am
by imme
Raiko wrote: As your character has been depraved of his Russian social standing,

:lol: Haha, you're already depraved.

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 3:47 pm
by thewhatchamacallit
I'm depraved :lol:

I'm also dying to get a look at Johnny's stats.

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 9:28 am
by Grafster
thewhatchamacallit wrote: I'm depraved :lol:

I'm also dying to get a look at Johnny's stats.

Heeeres Johnny!

(not much to see really but there you go)

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 12:08 pm
by thewhatchamacallit
Nothing to complain about there. A solid looking character all the way around.