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IC-Ep 1-The Doctor Is In(Karin/Sofia)

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 4:24 am
by Mr. Handy
Sickbay - Styx Base, Pluto
0600 GMT - Tuesday, August 9, 2112

Captain Karin Bauer was sitting at her desk waiting for her next appointment, a routine physical exam for Private Sofia Torres. The geeky computer specialist was usually in decent shape in spite of her sedentary job. She did spend a lot of her free time in the Simulation Suites, and whatever she did there seemed to give her enough exercise. The appointment was at 0600 hours - an arbitrary distinction in the perpetual night on Pluto, but one to which their internal biological clocks adhered. Right on time, the buzzer rang. Karin opened the door, and there stood Sofia for her appointment.
OOC,Both of you feel free to converse and roleplay.

Re: IC-Ep 1-The Doctor Is In(Karin/Sofia)

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 11:50 am
by aine
"Morning Sofia." Karin smiles wryly. "Well in theory anyway. Come on in, this won't take long, same as usual." She smiles encouragingly and walks back into the med bay, leaving the door open. She pats the bed, indicating for Sofia to sit on it, and turns on the scanner. Then she pulls up Private Sofia's files on the computer. "I'll just be a minute."

Re: IC-Ep 1-The Doctor Is In(Karin/Sofia)

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 2:44 pm
by BenTheRat
"Morning Capt'n" Sofia walks in and sits on the bed. "Hope this won't take to long, have a error on the servers backup last night I need to look into."

Re: IC-Ep 1-The Doctor Is In(Karin/Sofia)

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 4:52 am
by Mr. Handy
Karin pulled up Sofia's file on her computer terminal. Everything from her last checkup, performed just after the base had been set up a few weeks ago, had been in the normal range, with no sign of any health problems. This exam was to ensure that she remained healthy.

Re: IC-Ep 1-The Doctor Is In(Karin/Sofia)

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 9:44 am
by aine
"Don't worry, we've been here long enough for you to have fully adjusted so it really is just routine."
Karin types on a keyboard, the bed reclines and there is a soft hum as the scanner starts its progress up the private's body. Karin waits for the readings to be plotted next to the previous session's charts for comparison.

Re: IC-Ep 1-The Doctor Is In(Karin/Sofia)

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 3:25 pm
by BenTheRat
"Cool. So I guess you did a scan on Captain Desjardins as well?" Sofia said looking a bit uncomfortable.

Re: IC-Ep 1-The Doctor Is In(Karin/Sofia)

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 5:31 pm
by aine
(Rather preoccupied) "Hmm? Everyone has to have the checkup, even the General." She watches the charts uploading. "Why? I hope you two haven't had too much down-time imbibing."

Re: IC-Ep 1-The Doctor Is In(Karin/Sofia)

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 6:49 pm
by BenTheRat
"oh no, nothing like that. I was just wondering if you and her ever hung out? You know us girls have to stick together." Then Sofia was immediately sorry she said anything at all.

Re: IC-Ep 1-The Doctor Is In(Karin/Sofia)

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 2:59 am
by Mr. Handy
OOC,[b]Karin[/b], please roll Medicine.

Re: IC-Ep 1-The Doctor Is In(Karin/Sofia)

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 9:45 am
by aine
Karin is a little surprised at the comment from the, usually, very meek private but there was some truth in what she said. You're right Sofia, I spend far too long with my nose in my research. Maybe I should subscribe a girls' night in for us all. Karin frowns at the computer screen.Sorry, can you lie really still and not talk for a moment; the readings aren't coming through properly.

Re: IC-Ep 1-The Doctor Is In(Karin/Sofia)

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 2:50 pm
by BenTheRat
Sofia lays back and smiles thinking to herself, Yea that would be awesome.

Re: IC-Ep 1-The Doctor Is In(Karin/Sofia)

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 9:44 pm
by aine
(Half to herself) "I hope those server errors are not in some way effecting the computers in here."

Re: IC-Ep 1-The Doctor Is In(Karin/Sofia)

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 10:12 pm
by BenTheRat
Sofia answers without even thinking. "Doubt it, probably just some power glitch. You know they never got that power coupler working just right. Whenever there's a hiccup, the backup loses sync."

Re: IC-Ep 1-The Doctor Is In(Karin/Sofia)

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2011 4:08 am
by Mr. Handy
As far as Karin could tell, the medical lab's computers were functioning properly. Of course, Sofia was the real computer expert, and what she said sounded right.

Karin completed the examination. Sofia was still in good health. After months in space and a few weeks on Pluto, that was a good sign. In the long term, everyone's health might deteriorate, but a relief crew was due to arrive next year so that they could return to Earth.
OOC,[b]Karin[/b], you may also roll Psychology to assess [b]Sofia[/b]'s mental health.

Re: IC-Ep 1-The Doctor Is In(Karin/Sofia)

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2011 7:39 am
by aine
"Drat, I'm not concentrating. I had Caps Lock on! It's coming through fine now." Karin has a good look at the charts.

Re: IC-Ep 1-The Doctor Is In(Karin/Sofia)

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2011 2:51 pm
by BenTheRat
Sofia sits up as the familiar sound of the scanner beeps to indicate its done. "So how am I looking doc?"

Re: IC-Ep 1-The Doctor Is In(Karin/Sofia)

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2011 6:11 pm
by Mr. Handy
Karin Bauer,[b]Sofia[/b] seemed very well adjusted, and it was a good sign that she wanted to come out of her shell. Her tone of voice was very admiring when she spoke of [b]Captain Juliette Desjardins[/b], which wasn't unusual. A lot of people regarded the dashing pilot as a hero.

Re: IC-Ep 1-The Doctor Is In(Karin/Sofia)

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2011 8:43 pm
by aine
"Well considering where we are you are in fine fettle. Don't spend too long on those computers, make use of the simulation room and make sure you're free for that night off."Karin winks as she shuts down the scanner. "You are free to go Sofia, I'll mark you down for a successful exam." Karin scribbles some notes down on her pad.

Re: IC-Ep 1-The Doctor Is In(Karin/Sofia)

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 4:08 am
by Mr. Handy
Before Sofia could leave, an alarm began to ring. "Attention!" shouted a voice from an unseen speaker. "Security breach in Tertiary Storage!"

Re: IC-Ep 1-The Doctor Is In(Karin/Sofia)

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 4:24 am
by BenTheRat
Sofia yells "thanks" as she sprints out of the med lab and next door to her computer lab. From there she should be able to bring up all the video and see whats going on.
OOC,I'm assuming an advanced base like this would have video everywhere and from my computer control I should be able to access it all. Let me know if that is wrong.