Kim - Solitude (Airbornexo only)

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Kim - Solitude (Airbornexo only)

Post by Dave Syrinx »

In the half slumber Kim hears a conversation accompanied by distant gun fire. An intense signal wakes her up and she recollects her latest hours. The fire alarm, the directors, the silence - then this.

The room is no much more than a walk in closet with a large control panel on the far wall. A first aid cabinet and some washing equipment. A locker with a fire hose as well as two handheld fire extinguishers. Her own toolbox with essential equipment sits by a worn office chair. Half of the duct tape is spent on the cracks in the door facing the corridor and the air vent hole in the ceiling. She had had to remove the vent and push a washing rag up the gap. Then she had secured it with more of the duct tape. It served well as a barrier but made the circulated air less comfortable to breathe. That must be why she fell asleep when she´d tried not to. Good thing she woke up to that shrill alarm.
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Re: Kim - Solitude (Airbornexo only)

Post by Dave Syrinx »

I added Kim´s sheet: Kim I´ll create a proper name tag and post on the cast list later.
The soul trembles before emptiness and desires contact at any price. Doctor Glass

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Re: Kim - Solitude (Airbornexo only)

Post by Airbornexo »

Kim sprang to her feet, feeling slightly foolish about falling asleep. She cocked her ear listening to the sounds of gunfire and fought down the panic that was rising in her gut. Moving to the her toolkit she upended the box into her backpack and slung it up onto her shoulder, she might have to move fast...still no damn signal on her cell phone either and the battery was flashing 9% so she flipped the phone off and threw in into her pack as well.

Now, a weapon....she glanced at the extinguisher 'well beggars can't be choosers' she mused and took one, it would make a dent in someone's head if it came to that...
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Re: Kim - Solitude (Airbornexo only)

Post by Dave Syrinx »

Just outside the door she hears footsteps. "Got a locked door!" "Adjacent to the one where dr. Sanchez is at." "Fire alarm hub - it says on the door. I move on further in. Following the trail." It´s the man with the accent. He moves past the door further to the right away from her position.
Bits and pieces from an argument comes back to her when she grabs the extinguisher.
Two people arrived outside the secured door when she was slipping in and out of consciousness. A man was carrying a suitcase and refused to explain what was in it to a female. The woman threatened the man with a gun and she said she´d not hesitate to use it.
The man confessed to starting the situation in the hive and to take biological samples he was working with. Apparently out of here. He had a buyer that would pay an exorbitant amount of money and provide a new identity. Probably a rival company.
They talked about sharing the profit then shots were fired. She remembers nothing more as all went black.
She hears vaguely from the room next door. "Be careful, whoever you're running up against is armed." After a pause. "Found Dr. Sanchez. She's in bad shape. Doubt she's going to make it. I could get some answers from her, but to bring her back to consciousness is surely going to kill her. Directions?"
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Re: Kim - Solitude (Airbornexo only)

Post by Airbornexo »

'What the hell is going on?' thought the young mechanic as she pressed herself into a corner, gunfire was way above her pay grade.
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Re: Kim - Solitude (Airbornexo only)

Post by Dave Syrinx »

The woman just outside in the corridor whispers something.

Then another voice, feeble, the one from before Kim fell out of consciousness "Oh, shit."

"Are... you UBCS?" A pause. "So I am totally screwed ... You´re not here to rescue me... right?"

From outside in the corridor comes. "Good, she seems lucid."

From the area of Guns & Ammo, to the west of the maintenance area comes three rapid shotgun blasts followed by rapid gun fire from a sidearm. At least twenty shots are fired, with a little pause between every double tap.
The soul trembles before emptiness and desires contact at any price. Doctor Glass

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Re: Kim - Solitude (Airbornexo only)

Post by Dave Syrinx »

Kim hears the woman outside fiddle with some gear after the gun shots. "In the area the shots come from lies a Guns & Ammo store. Sounds like we have a late shopper."
The soul trembles before emptiness and desires contact at any price. Doctor Glass

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Re: Kim - Solitude (Airbornexo only)

Post by Airbornexo »

Gulping down her nerves she gently clicks the lock off the door and risked cracking it open to peep outside.

OOC - she is ready to slam and re-lock the door if she feels threatened.
Last edited by Airbornexo on Thu Feb 17, 2011 9:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Kim - Solitude (Airbornexo only)

Post by Airbornexo »

OOC,In the event the door is electronically locked. Kim fiddles with a nearby panel to short out and open the door [url=]1d100=65[/url] which is an electrical repair success by 4%. If of course that is possible.
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Re: Kim - Solitude (Airbornexo only)

Post by Dave Syrinx »

First she removes the duct tape, then flips the lock open and pulls the door open, holding the fire extinguisher in a tight grip she looks right and left. The German speaking man has moved along the corridor to the right and vanished. To the left a soldier wearing an environ suit with a harness, holding an MP5 looking into the room next to Kim´s. She is listening to a message from the comms in her visored helmet. A patch on her suit reads "Hale". She is partially angled away from Kim. Directly to the right in the corridor is a pantry alcove where she use to make coffee and sit down to relax. It´s out of sight from the UBCS officer, but she knows that that's the direction the other officer went.
Across from her current location is a restroom and to the right of that is a conference room with the door wide open. It´s modeled to seat fourteen people. Even further to the right is a storage area with plenty of shelves for supplies needed for the everyday maintenance of the mall. (Cleaning agents, various machines and spare parts)

On the wall facing away from the corridor, opposite from the double doors leading out to the main mall, are three back doors leading to the closest stores. A sports store, a paper and books store, a food chain diner. These doors need a key card - which Kim has, of course.
The soul trembles before emptiness and desires contact at any price. Doctor Glass

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Re: Kim - Solitude (Airbornexo only)

Post by Airbornexo »

"Hey Hale...Pssst....Hello....What the hell is going on?" Kim's reedy voice barely raises above a whisper and her throat feels dry and cracked...

OOC - Still prepared to slam the door if she is threatened.
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Re: Kim - Solitude (Airbornexo only)

Post by Dave Syrinx »

Hale turns towards the sound, frowning behind the visor, machine gun at the ready, aiming at the mechanic. "Collins! We have a responsive unknown, right here."

"Down on your knees and hold your hands on the floor." She says while she takes a step out in the corridor to get a better angle.

"Get the answers from the director, I´ll check this one and see if we can help her out. She seems in better condition that that other girl."

"Don´t be afraid we just want to make sure you´re not... affected."
She scrutinizes Kim. "Are you wounded?"
The soul trembles before emptiness and desires contact at any price. Doctor Glass

"It is invigorating, being asked personal questions." "Makes one feel desired." Luv (BR2049)
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Re: Kim - Solitude (Airbornexo only)

Post by Dave Syrinx »

Hale, it should be Hale. Not Crawford. Sorry. Will edit.
The soul trembles before emptiness and desires contact at any price. Doctor Glass

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Re: Kim - Solitude (Airbornexo only)

Post by Airbornexo »

"No I'm not hurt," Kim complies with the soldiers request and allows herself to be checked over.

"Has there been some sort of terrorist attack? I thought I heard shooting?"
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Re: Kim - Solitude (Airbornexo only)

Post by Dave Syrinx »

The UBCS officer looks her over more closely. "We are here to evacuate any survivors. Now, we need to extract you and the director." "Terrorists? Sure...The people in the mall seem to have been subjected to a nerve gas, rendering them mad. We believe it´s highly contagious."

At ease with the cursory examination, Hale continues.

"What were you doing in there?"
The soul trembles before emptiness and desires contact at any price. Doctor Glass

"It is invigorating, being asked personal questions." "Makes one feel desired." Luv (BR2049)
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Re: Kim - Solitude (Airbornexo only)

Post by Dave Syrinx »

OOC: Need to wait for further player input from the other threads.
The soul trembles before emptiness and desires contact at any price. Doctor Glass

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Re: Kim - Solitude (Airbornexo only)

Post by Dave Syrinx »

Back in business! Continue in this thread instead: Incursion
The soul trembles before emptiness and desires contact at any price. Doctor Glass

"It is invigorating, being asked personal questions." "Makes one feel desired." Luv (BR2049)

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