IC-SWORD-Best Laid Plans(Strike Force Alpha)

A new day dawns, and with it new horrors. Tensions are rising at Warren Air Force Base, where traitors lurk behind the scenes and the fate of the world may be at stake. A daring mission to Montana is launched, where an isolated ranch receives new visitors - and trouble. In Omaha, the zombie menace seems to be over. The few surviving law enforcement personnel attempt to restore order, but criminals are not going to make it easy for them. Preparations for evacuation are underway at Brooks High School, and a dangerous new threat lurks.

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IC-SWORD-Best Laid Plans(Strike Force Alpha)

Post by Mr. Handy »

Z-Day + 1 - 6:30 AM Mountain Time - Warren Air Force Base, west of Cheyenne, Wyoming
In the briefing room-
2nd Lt. Rebecca Doolittle walked into the briefing room ahead of the others. She had been cleared to return to duty this morning and was eager to get back into the air. She would be flying a team to a dangerous situation, but it was the ground forces that had the hard part. All she had to do was get them where they were going, and she wouldn't be doing that alone. The pilot, a captain she didn't recognize, was already seated.

Airman Catherine Rourke and Airman Gary Simpson arrived together. Both were veterans of the various crises that had befallen the quarantine clinic the day before. Catherine had been eager to volunteer for this mission, desiring action more than anything. Gary, though he still bore a minor wound from the previous day's fighting, still wanted to go too. Staff Sergeant Jessica Valdez entered behind them with Airman Marcus Winters, the sole surviving member of her squad. Like the others, they too had been at the quarantine clinic, though they had been sent later in the afternoon as reinforcements.

Staff Sergeant Larry Dauterive entered the briefing room. The military policeman from Louisiana already had some knowledge of this mission's purpose, which was why he had volunteered. The last person to arrive was Airman Kevin Osbourne. The Security Forces sniper had been used to shooting targets that couldn't shoot back yesterday, and he looked forward to trying his skills against enemies that could.

Major Nelson Harris stood behind the podium, waiting for everyone to be seated. The grim-faced officer was ready for action and determined to succeed. When everyone had arrived, he began speaking. "Welcome to the briefing for Strike Force Alpha," he said. "All of you are here because you volunteered for an unspecified off-base mission. It is possible that not all of us will survive. This mission will be one of extreme danger. Even if you return alive and uninjured, you will still risk exposure to infection and will need to be placed under quarantine until such time as it can reasonably be determined that you are not infected. If anyone has a problem with any of this, this is your last chance to back out."
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Re: IC-SWORD-Best Laid Plans(Strike Force Alpha)

Post by He-who-is-Expendable »

Kevin smiles "With all due respect sir, I joined the USAF to kick wholesale ass for my country. if I wanted to walk through life, leaving my balls at every door marked 'dangerous' I would have made sharpshooting a hobby and stayed in school long enough to get a nice high paying job sitting on my ass all day. I am not turning back"
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Re: IC-SWORD-Best Laid Plans(Strike Force Alpha)

Post by Mr. Handy »

In the briefing room-
Catherine Rourke grinned at Kevin. The young, tough-looking redhead wasn't the prettiest, but Kevin wouldn't win any beauty contests either. "Please tell me you're not married," she said. She turned back to the major. "I'm ready, sir. Bring it on!"

The others nodded or remained silent. None of them were as enthusiastic as these two, but they were willing to continue.

"Very well," said Major Harris. "Everyone gather around. What I have to tell you does not leave this room." He took up a pointer and walked over to the briefing table, where a map of the northwestern United States was laid out. Warren Air Force Base, just west of Cheyenne, Wyoming, was in the southeast corner of the map. The major pointed at a seemingly empty region of northern Montana, near the Canadian border. "Our objective is here. This is a snatch and grab mission. We are to intercept two civilians who are believed to be on their way to this location. They are known to be heavily armed and dangerous and will likely be hostile. We must capture at least one of them, preferably both, alive and bring him back for interrogation. Both men have been wounded. They go by the names of Nitro and Deadeye and are members of a neo-Nazi skinhead group formerly operating out of southwestern Nebraska called the Prairie Militia Society. They have intelligence vital to base security. Nitro is an explosives expert, and Deadeye is a skilled sniper. They have abducted a female civilian named Lara Voronova. Rescuing her is a secondary objective. She may have intel of her own, but she is unlikely to know as much as the men. If we fail to take them alive, bringing her back to base becomes our primary objective. She will likely be grateful to us if we rescue her, but the information I give you in this briefing is not to be shared with her. Her allegiances are unknown, and there are concerns that she may be a Russian operative. She is not to be trusted.

"We will be inserted via a Huey Iroquois helicopter in transport configuration. It is lightly armed, and it will not be sticking around. Our destination is barely within its operational range. We are wheels up at 0715 hours with an ETA of 0845 hours. The Huey will return to base after making the insertion and will return at 1800 hours. If we are not at the insertion point at that time, it will return to base. It will make one more attempt to retrieve us at that location tomorrow morning at 0600 hours. If we do not make this final rendezvous, we will all be regarded as MIA and no further attempts will be made to locate us.

"Our targets are believed to be the only surviving members of the PMS. They are on their way to this location-" the major indicated the spot on the map again, just southeast of Scobey, Montana, "because it is the compound of another neo-Nazi group called the Aryan Brotherhood. They will most likely seek to join up with them now that their own group has been wiped out. The girl was held captive by the PMS, and they could use her as a bartering chip with the Aryan Brotherhood. We expect that they have stopped for the night somewhere along their route, so there should be enough time to head them off before they arrive at the compound. However, if they have traveled through the night, they may reach it before we do. In that case, it may be necessary to infiltrate. The Aryan Brotherhood's manpower is estimated at about 200 men, but that was before yesterday and they may have since taken casualties. I wouldn't count on it, though.

"I am the commanding officer of Strike Force Alpha. Technical Sergeant Valdez, you will command Fire Team 1, which will consist of yourself, Airman Marcus Winters, Airman Kevin Osbourne, and a female civilian, one Julie St. James. She is a park ranger who has knowledge of wilderness survival and has made it through the first day out there unscathed. More importantly, she has met our targets and will be able to recognize them. Staff Sergeant Dauterive, you will be in charge of Fire Team 2, which will also include Airman Catherine Rourke, Airman Gary Simpson, and another female civlian, Katarina Iliescu. Ms. Iliescu has even more intimate knowledge of our targets. She was once held captive by the PMS like Ms. Voronova, but thanks to the efforts of Ms. Saint James and others, as well as her own efforts, she managed to get free. She killed the PMS leader herself, with a grenade."

Catherine whistled. "I like this girl," she said. "Can't wait to meet her, sir."

Major Harris continued as if he hadn't been interrupted. "The female civilians are to be protected and respected. They are capable in a fight, but you are not to put them at risk." He stepped back. "Questions?"
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Re: IC-SWORD-Best Laid Plans(Strike Force Alpha)

Post by He-who-is-Expendable »

Kevin smiles and winks at Catherine before speaking up "Well sir, far as I see it, with my shooting and a park ranger's familiarity of the neighborhood, our far shooting Nazi friend doesn't have a chance, over-rated nick-name or not. hell, I've always wanted to fight some Nazies, and after I take out the sniper in a way that will leave him still capable of twitching, I seriously doubt Mr Unstable Liquid is going to be able to do much of anything, unless, of course, he throws better then an NFL qourterback. the only question for me is, the Sniper. do we Really need him alive? a good sniper can still cause major casuelies from a good position even if he gets shot where it hurts. I need to know that I wont catch flak for sending him to Riech-Heavan if the **** hits the fan and he is waiting for us."
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Re: IC-SWORD-Best Laid Plans(Strike Force Alpha)

Post by Mr. Handy »

In the briefing room-
"We need at least one of them alive," said Major Harris. "If you have to kill the sniper, that's acceptable as long as you make sure you bring in the other one alive. We'd like them both, but we'll take what we can get. The park ranger doesn't have familiarity with this particular neighborhood where we're going - she was stationed in western Nebraska. But she can survive and find her way pretty much anywhere, and she's pretty good with a bow and a pistol from what I hear."
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Re: IC-SWORD-Best Laid Plans(Strike Force Alpha)

Post by He-who-is-Expendable »

Keven nods "understood. thats all I need to know, Sir. I'll be ready to roll whith the rest of the team as soon as they are."
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Re: IC-SWORD-Best Laid Plans(Strike Force Alpha)

Post by Mr. Handy »

In the briefing room-
"Sir," asked Technical Sergeant Jessica Valdez, "what if the skinheads don't survive to reach the compound?"

"In that case," said Major Harris, "we are SOL. It's possible, of course, but these guys are survivalists. We will need to verify that they didn't get to the compound ahead of us somehow if they don't show up. If we do that and there's no sign of them by the time the chopper returns for us, we go home."

Staff Sergeant Larry Dauterive raised a hand. "Sir?" he asked. "What sort of intel are these guys supposed to have?"

"I'm sorry, Sergeant. That information is on a need to know basis - and you don't need to know. It's not our job to question them. That's for the specialists in the Security Forces back here. All we have to do is bring them in."

"Supposin' they're hurt bad and won't survive the trip back, sir?"

"Then I'll handle the interrogation personally. Airman Winters is a medic, so it'll be his job to keep them alive as long as possible."

"When will the civilians be joining us, sir?" asked Gary Simpson.

"They'll meet us at the chopper, probably at a little past 0700 hours."

"Sir, how are we supposed to infiltrate the compound if it becomes necessary?" asked Marcus Winters. "Most of us aren't skilled at that, we're badly outnumbered, and we've got civilians in tow."

"We'll do the best we can with what we've got, Airman. We'll adapt, improvise, and overcome. We don't have everything we'd like, so we have to do the best we can with what we've got left." He paused, but there were no further questions. "Dismissed!"

The pilot and Lt. Rebecca Doolittle stood up. "This way, please," he said. "We'll take you to our bird."
Doctor Who/CoC Campaign:
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Re: IC-SWORD-Best Laid Plans(Strike Force Alpha)

Post by He-who-is-Expendable »

Keven gets up and follows her "yes ma'm"
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Re: IC-SWORD-Best Laid Plans(Strike Force Alpha)

Post by Mr. Handy »

In the briefing room-
Kevin Osbourne and the others followed the pilots outside to where a Stryker was waiting for them. It drove them across the base to a landing pad near a hangar, where a helicopter was waiting for them. They all emerged and boarded the helicopter, whose two machine gunners were already aboard.
OOC,The pilot who spoke is male. [b]Rebecca Doolittle[/b] is the co-pilot. Everyone is moving to the thread linked below.
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