CH3-04 Down by the shore

A chance occurrence in London's Heathrow Airport leads to a desperate search to find answers to terrible lost knowledge.

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Re: CH3-04 Down by the shore

Post by ghill »

Greg ONLY,Nope you're OK at the moment, you've only lost three SAN so far so you are still looking after yourself so no HP loss. [i]Only after you lose 5 SAN you lose one HP as well.[/i] However, you automatically heal D3-1 at the end of every week. So at the moment, you are OK physically mentally another matter.
OK, Greg falls into the same pattern of long days and little sleep but seems to be making significant headway on the next section he still isn't finished until a week after everyone else has completed their tasks.

Andy starts writing the article he's promised, Jock. Liz is tied up with computer work and Jacob spends his time looking at the output she gets from her little forays.
OOC:   Everyone but Greg can I have any other actions. Jacob will look at all the other data which Andy and Liz found while trawling the British Library. if you really have no ideas what to do next then we can do Idea roll but there are more clues you have discovered you simply need to see the links.  
OOC:   BtRat, can I have another 5 rolls.  
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Re: CH3-04 Down by the shore

Post by BenTheRat »

OOC:   uggh, this is a lot of rolls. So how many weeks has it been, kind of losing track. I think I should be at full health now.

If 2 weeks, week 1: [dice]0[/dice] week 2: [dice]1[/dice]  
Greg continues working on the translations, making notes and if finds anything he feels is relavent, he will pass it onto the others right away.
POW Rolls,1: [dice]2[/dice] 2: [dice]3[/dice] 3: [dice]4[/dice] 4: [dice]5[/dice] 5: [dice]6[/dice]
OOC:   The first was a critical success, so not sure if that helped the next roll that barely failed. The last 2 I failed horribly though.  
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Re: CH3-04 Down by the shore

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Liz begins to sift through the data she got from Kush Nderton, but there's just too much of it for her to make much sense of it.
OOC,Library Use roll (60% skill) sifting through the data from Kush Nderton: [dice]0[/dice]
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Re: CH3-04 Down by the shore

Post by ghill »

Jacob spends the week looking at all the notes Andrew and Liz made while working in the British Library he also starts to write some fairly comprehensive notes of his own as well as looking at the dates for travel arrangements pulled from the charity and making phone calls to a Rabbinical School where he seems to have friends.

Jacob: Fomalhaut the star which keeps getting referenced in your notes it's not normally in the Northern sky, I think it probably was visible if this City of Yb is where I think it might be or have been, but it will be visible in the Northern sky this year in about two months time coincidentally all those Charity workers for whom Kush Nerdton has made travel arrangements the last one arrives the day before Fomalhaut is at its zenith.
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Re: CH3-04 Down by the shore

Post by Mr. Handy »


"I don't think it's a coincidence at all," says Liz, "That must be when they're planning whatever they're planning to do, and we have until then to stop them. There may not be enough time to translate the whole thing. We may have to focus on the more relevant parts, such as the ones concerning Malta, and the end of the story."
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Re: CH3-04 Down by the shore

Post by ghill »

Greg has thoroughly read the thesis - Actually he can confirm that as far as Gossham is concerned the Maltese islands were where the Verbti sought refuge from the great flood.
Greg,While Greg will have to continue his research his original ideas about this section describes a method both to summon and banish Cuthugha.
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Re: CH3-04 Down by the shore

Post by BenTheRat »

Greg sends out a message to everyone else. "It looks like the Verbti worship the god Cuthugha, and if my guess is correct, they want this because it describes a way to summon him. It also describes how to banish him, so if they do summon him, we could try to banish him. Back to research, I'll keep you updated."
Greg research,I'm going to spend some extra time on how to banish Cuthugha. I got the bad feeling, we are going to need it.
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Re: CH3-04 Down by the shore

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"Yes, that would be good to know," replies Liz. "We may need to send that thing back to its dimension or whatever."
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Re: CH3-04 Down by the shore

Post by carnage_lee »

Andy Wade

Andy starts to write an article for publication but keep stopping, revising and never quite getting the proper slant on the story that would make it publishable. The problem is with confirming his suspicions - he quickly realises that no 'sane' editor would publish the 'real story'. He needed concrete evidence, there wasn't any, the pieces all fitted but could not be confirmed.

Despondent, Andy spends his time sifting through the data they've gathered, liaising with Liz and Jacob.

Talking things through with the others:

"So, it looks like all of Rudaj's 'goons' will be on Malta at the same time... that looks ominous... if Rudaj needs to enact some ceremony, and that seems likely from the murals then that's when it's going to happen. Ohh, Liz are there any travel plans for these people after whatever they might be planning?"

OOC:   Sorry for not being around recently, should be back in the swing of things now.  
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Re: CH3-04 Down by the shore

Post by Mr. Handy »


"Let me check," says Liz, looking through the data.
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Re: CH3-04 Down by the shore

Post by ghill »

Liz quickly determines that without exception the tickets were all one way to Malta
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Re: CH3-04 Down by the shore

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"Looks like after they do their thing, they don't intend to come back," says Liz.
OOC,Are they all going by commercial flight, or are any of them (i.e, [b]Rudaj[/b]) taking a private plane?
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Re: CH3-04 Down by the shore

Post by ghill »

Liz,She can't see any tickets for Rudaj and all the other tickets are all on commercial flights.
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Re: CH3-04 Down by the shore

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"Rudaj, if he's going, isn't flying commercial," says Liz. "He prolly has a private jet, though. The others all booked tickets on commercial flights, but with them arriving on different days, there's no real way to stop them going. If they'd all been going the day before, I could have maybe hacked the airline and got them bumped off the flight, or grounded it."
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Re: CH3-04 Down by the shore

Post by ghill »

OOC:   Liz can probably confirm that nearer to the time when flight plans are logged and jets booked, it is a simple thing for her to plant something which will notify her of that effect.  
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Re: CH3-04 Down by the shore

Post by ghill »

The remainder of the month passes a somewhat thinner and more tired Greg finally completes his work on the second section. He is able to confirm that in his opinion Maltese archipelago was a series of massive Messa's in a desert and the abandoned city the Verbti sought refuge in when fleeing there enemies was located at the foot of one of these Messas when the great flood came (creation of the Mediterranean by failure of the Gates of Hercules) the Verbetoi simply climbed to the top of the Messa.

He also confirms that major ceremonies were timed to coincide with the appearance of Fomalhaut in the night sky and their temples were orientated to ensure its light entered their temples inner sanctums.
Greg,You now understand the spells Summon and Dispell Cuthugha/Verbti
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Re: CH3-04 Down by the shore

Post by BenTheRat »

"I fear they are going to try and summon their god," Greg says. "I think we need to go stop them, to send it back."

Is there anything needed to dispel Cuthugha/Verbti? If so, I'm going to try and get everything we need now.
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Re: CH3-04 Down by the shore

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"Yes, and we'd best hurry," says Liz. "We're running out of time, and we have to come up with a plan fast. We'll need to smuggle weapons into Malta somehow. Maybe Alex could help with that, or he might know someone else who can."
OOC,How many of these people have booked flights to Malta?
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Re: CH3-04 Down by the shore

Post by ghill »

BenTheRat wrote:"I fear they are going to try and summon their god," Greg says. "I think we need to go stop them, to send it back."

Is there anything needed to dispel Cuthugha/Verbti? If so, I'm going to try and get everything we need now.
Greg thinks he has two of the items the rod and the book which aid in the conduct of the ritual, but actually he simply needs to say the words. However, if Rudaj has a load of people supporting his ritual it will succeed unless it can be disrupted while Greg tries to banish Verbti

Liz can find travel details for about 40 people although some of those are clearly wives and kids. So maybe 15 males between the age of 18-40.
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Re: CH3-04 Down by the shore

Post by Mr. Handy »


Liz shares what she's found out. "We're going to need reinforcements too," she says. "Or explosives. Preferably both. I don't think we can fight these blokes just by ourselves, even if they don't have gnarly powers. Maybe Alex knows some people and would be willing to help us out."
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