The Trial (Tristan)

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The Trial (Tristan)

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Tristan is escorted by the red eyed seal deep into the Ijirraat den. He passes all sorts of arctic animals along the way with red eyes blazing in his direction. Figg calls out ahead to them.


Let the human pass! He will show you all… the true path of our kind lies with the Norse ways… the old ways!! Make way for Tristan! Prophet to our people!

As the path winds ever downward, it finally opens up into a massive ice cave over 50 feet high and no less than 100 feet in diameter. Icicles larger than most men dangles precariously from the cave’s ceiling. The cave was empty and its floor smooth, save a small pool of water lit by an alcohol filled trough similar to those Tristan had seen in the upper levels of the Ijiraat den.

Tristan looked closer, He could see six slightly raised circular pillars of ice behind the fire lit pool. They were perhaps only 3 to 4 feet high but from this distance they were hardly noticeable. In front of the pool was a flat stone heavy with strange carvings.
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Re: The Trial (Tristan)

Post by Voodoo »

Gathering ever ounce of confidence in him, Tristan marches right into the center of the chamber, directly in front of the large stone. Once there he begins to cast his gaze around the large cave at the gathered Ijiraat.
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Re: The Trial (Tristan)

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Tristan moves up to the stone and the pool begins to stir. A massive walrus breaks the water and clumsily lifts itself onto the ice. It casts a glance at Tristan and shakes its tusks before taking its place atop one of the circular ice columns.

Soon a seal surfaces a little more gracefully and plops itself next to the walrus on its own column of ice.

More Ijiraat spectators begin to file in to the ice cave. Arctic animals of all shapes and sizes.. birds, polar bears, wolves, caribou, lemmings, rabbits and much much more take positions around the pool to watch the upcoming event.

One of the rabbits hops up and takes a place on one of the ice columns. A massive polar bear follows the rabbit and snarls at the walrus as he passes.

Figg smiles looking up at Tristan.


Exciting! Isn’t it son of Odin? We have not had a gathering of this magnitude since we were exiled to this island. This should be very interesting.

A giant odd looking snow owl flies down from the icicle filled ceiling and takes its position at the head of the circular ice columns. It spread its wings and addresses the crowd.


Silence! I will have silence during this most important meeting!

Ah hoo hem! I would first like to welcome the 5 dens and their mothers for attending this gathering.


Dalia-zob, from the eastern shore den.


Friedafendorat from the flatlands burrows


Mol-gatorus from the western shore den


Kor-Gamon from the ice flows


The owl looks around with a 360 degree turn of its head.

Where is Balok?

Just then, as if waiting for his introduction, a massive beast of a whale bursts through the pool, cracking the ice all along its edges. A whale larger than any animal Tristan had even seen send waves of ice cold water splashing in all directions. Soaking the small Ijiraat mammals crowding the pool for a better view.


Ooc- roll dodge.
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Re: The Trial (Tristan)

Post by Voodoo »

Dodge roll,[url=]45[/url]
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Re: The Trial (Tristan)

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Tristan leaps up onto the stone column in front of the pool and is one of few not to get soaked by the massive whale splashing about in the pool.

The owl flies overhead and calls down to the massive mammal still splashing about his lumbering glory.


Balok!!! We had all agreed! No Ijiraat would enter the burrows in whale form!!

Balok sinks back down into the water and turns on his side so only his one massive eye can be seen protruding from the clear water.


The Deep Den refuses to follow your laws Vorgabagomon. If you wish our participation in this mockery of the old ways... then Balok will show himself as he pleases.

Vorgabagomon, the snow owl hoots his objection but returns to his high place on the tallest podium.

Very well... let us begin! Bring forth the Son of Odin!

A chorus of cheers and growling erupts through the cavern and Tristan gets the impression that the Ijiraat are more that divided on his presence here in the burrows.

Figg climbs on top of the stone Pillar that Tristan had already rested himself upon.


He is here Vorgabagomon! May I present to you Tristan, son of Odin, companion to the Gunharr and link to the gods of Asgard.

Another chorus of cheers and angry growls wash over Tristan at the mere mention of Asgard.

Then let him speak! Why are you here Tristan Odin's son?
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Re: The Trial (Tristan)

Post by Voodoo »

ooc- Sorry, I didn't realize you had responded already.

Tristan strolls into the center of the chamber.

"We set out in a mighty host. We came to this land in search of a Secret and a Rune. We are here looking for Odins last Rune. We have battled creatures that seem born straight out of nightmares. All in search of that which our Father Odin has left for us."

Tristan falls silent, Casting his gaze around the chamber in an effort to gauge the reaction from those assembled, before continuing.

"I have had many trials upon this land and seen many of my closest brothers die here as well. But during all this I happened upon a most curious fellow. I met Figg when I had thought all hope for my survival was lost. He saved me, And told me a tale of a people, A people searching for the path to Asgard. I stand before you as a humble son of the All-Father. And should you wish it, I would be honored to lead your people down that path, TO ASGARD!!"

ooc- Should I need it here is my persuasion roll 22
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Re: The Trial (Tristan)

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Tristan finishes his speech to an uproarious applause from those Ijiraat he believes to be in favor of the defection. The cries of any creatures opposed to Tristan’s words were drowned out by the thunder that was Ijiraat that believed Asgard was their future.

As the cheers begin to die down, the owl running the meeting stretches his wings and a thick silence falls over the crowd.

The Polar Bear Kor-Gamon scratches thick groves into his ice podium with his long black claws and growls.


RRRRRGH! Blasphemy! Sedna has always been with us. You will all freeze in the infinite snow for this treachery.

The owl flashes Kor-Gamon a look that actually makes the bear cower slightly.


We have had our talks on this issue Korgamon. Your views on this matter are clear. We are here to question the Odin’s son, not frighten the people with opinions and conjecture.

Kor-Gamon winces but continues.

Very well then boy! How long have your people served these gods?
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Re: The Trial (Tristan)

Post by Voodoo »

Bowing low to show his respect for the gathered leaders, Tristan turns to address Kor-Gamon, "Mighty Kor-Gamon, My people truely are Sons of Odin for we have always served the Lords and Ladies of Asgard. They are the ones who made my people who they are today. We were nothing more then savages living in the dirt and barely surviving before they came to us."
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Re: The Trial (Tristan)

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Kor-Gamon snarls.. Tristan cannot tell whether the snarl was for good or for bad. he was not used to guaging the emotions of animals.


Well said Tristan Son of Odin! I understand your feelings... And would you turn from them? If someone offered you more than Odin's Hall?
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Re: The Trial (Tristan)

Post by Voodoo »

"The answer to that is simple enough. No, We would never turn away. But for my people there is nothing more then the glory and honor that awaits us in the halls of Valhalla. We shall stand at the sides or our gods and do battle with their enemies. We could ask for no better way to spend our life after this."
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Re: The Trial (Tristan)

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Kor-Gamon stands up on two legs and addresses the masses. His massive height of 16 feet is a spectacle to behold.


No better way my brothers! No better way than to stand at the sides of our gods! No better way!

Kor-Gamon turns back to Tristan plopping himself back down on the ice with a loud hollow “THUD”


So I ask you this Tristan Odin’s Son…. Why should my people turn their back on our gods for yours?

Figg hops up onto Tristan’s pant leg and scurries up to his shoulder whispering in his ear.


Careful Tristan.. Kor-Gamon is baiting you. If you admit that we should not defect to Asgard then you will die here today. If an Odin’s son cannot find reason then there is none. They will tear you apart!
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Re: The Trial (Tristan)

Post by Voodoo »

Mighty Kor-Gamon, is it defection to find salvation in the bosom of another when old lords or ladies have turned their backs on you? I do not ask you to defect from your lady as it is she who seems to have forgotten you. When I look upon you I see a mighty people that have been cast aside to find their own path. I believe that Asgard is that path for you.
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Re: The Trial (Tristan)

Post by DSIGFUSS »

The white venerable rabbit Friedafendorat lifts her head and stands on her hind legs sniffing the air around her.


Well said son of Odin. Let us not forget brothers and sisters… It was Sedna who abandoned us! Once we swam freely with the goddess… She has had no contact with the Ijiraat in a quarter century. What are we to think? Banished from the spirit world for the past transgressions of but a few… Our dead to wonder the outlands… What are we to think? How are we to respond?

Then the giant whale Balok blows a spout of water high into the air.


The Deep Den has heard this inane prattle before. We will not listen to it! From either side! We wish to know of the sincerity of the offer. Will the Norse gods live up to their word.

Balok's eye glows bright red revealing much of the creatures intense emotion on this matter.

Tell us son of Odin. Why should we trust your gods?
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Re: The Trial (Tristan)

Post by Voodoo »

Mighty one, Why should anyone trust in a higher power then themselves? We turn to the gods for guidance and leadership and a promise of something better after this small existence of ours is over. These are the things we seek by following the gods. Now the difference is in the fact that MY gods have never turned their backs upon me and my people. They have shown themselves worthy of the trust and faith that ask for. For I am convinced that my place in the halls of Valhalla is assured. If you could claim the same from your goddess then this would never have been up for discussion.
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Re: The Trial (Tristan)

Post by DSIGFUSS »

OOC- Spot Hidden check
ooc- Viking Mythos check

The whale blows water high into the air. Whether that meant that he was satisfied with Tristan's answer or not, the mountaineer had no clue.

Vorgabagomon nods his head and then turns a wing to the massive walrus Mol-gatorus.


Mol-gatorus.. Is there a question you would like to ask the son of Odin? I appreciate your patience.

The walrus Mol-gatorus barks three times and scratches his tusks along the side of his thick hide.


There is no reason to add to the confusion involved in this debate Vorgabagomon. My silence has been in protest to Kor-Gamon's disruptive tactics.


Why you obese sea slug!!

Precisely my point! Though I do have some questions of my own I'd like to ask of the boy!

Proceed. Wise One!

The massive walrus shudders, sending ripples of fat over his body.

Ahem! In our own pantheon of gods, there are those divine that are liked by their subjects much more than others. Aningan for example raped her sister Malina. Nanook kills hunters that worship him. I ask you. What gods do you trust the most with your well being! And which gods the least?

Kor-gamon, who's hair was standing straight on end, settles back onto the ice grinning eagerly for Tristan's response.

A hush falls over the crowd.

ooc- roll before posting please. It might change things.
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Re: The Trial (Tristan)

Post by Voodoo »

ooc- Viking mythos 19
ooc- spot hidden- 3
ooc- I can't get IC to work so these were hand rolled. Also I can already see the trap im heading for with this question, As it is loki they are thinking of following it would be rather dumb of Tristan to point out that he is one of the least favorable gods. Good thing I have Hel to throw under the bus as the goddess least interested in Tristans well being.
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Re: The Trial (Tristan)

Post by DSIGFUSS »

ooc- Nice.

Tristan looks casually down into the icey pool and notices a long silver scaled swimming in circles around the whale. Tristan recognizes the fish as one native to his homeland. His instincts are spot on as he recalls a story about Loki turning himself into a fish to escape punishment by the gods.
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Re: The Trial (Tristan)

Post by Voodoo »

All those of Asgard care about the well being of their chosen children. Obviously there are those that are more concerned with the souls and not so much the flesh but that is their job. Only a fool would expect those that watch over the dead to care what happens to the flesh of a mortal follower. Lord Loki and his brother Thor and Father Odin have always been especially concerned with our welfare. While saying this Tristan tries his best to avoiding looking at the god turned fish. Loki and his games are legendary but Tristan doesn't have enough information yet to even guess at what the god is playing at with these creatures. Tristan couldn't help but think it is more then simple follower recruitment. And should it happen that Tristan helps the lord of lies then it doesn't hurt to have a god indebted to you.
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Re: The Trial (Tristan)

Post by DSIGFUSS »

A wide spread murmur of approval rolls through the crowd of Ijiraat like foam over ocean waves. Kor-Gamon paces with a long scowl on his face. The other Ijiraat den mothers seem to be nodding despite themselves. The eye of the great whale seems unblinking as ever.

Figg takes the opportunity to manipulate the crowd and speaks out with a surprisingly loud but squeaky voice.


You see. The norse gods are more concerned with their subjects. We serve a human pantheon regardless of the gods and godesses that rule over us. Norse or Inuit. Whether we be Frost Giants or Quallipak.... Dwarves or Ijiraat, we will never be the chosen to the devine. But those with conscience that serve the Norse live on into the afterlive. For eternity in Asgard. Those worthy in the very halls of Valhalla and dine alongside our glorious queen's brother. What do we owe her. Our dead turn to dust and still the spirit world remains closed to us.

The slender seal Dalia-Zob nods in agreement as well but attacks Figgs words.


Only for a century more Figgsalandomon... Then Sedna will free us from our curse.

Friedafendorat interjects.


The spirit world is collapsing on itself with plague. There will be nothing left to return to. We should do as the son of Odin would council.

Kor-Gamon growls...


Fine words Norseman... Do you really beleive that Odin would have us? Is there a place for the Ijiraat.. creations of the sea godess Sedna? Will Odin dine with me Odin's son?
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Re: The Trial (Tristan)

Post by Voodoo »

Odin cares not for who created you, Mighty one. As long as you live your life with honor then Odin will always have a place in his hall and at his table for you. And I will even say that I hope for the honor one day of dining in Odins hall with you as well.
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