London Clues & Leads

At long last the Stars are almost Right. Soon Nyarlathotep's plans will come to fruition. Then the world will be changed irrevocably -- but not quite yet. Pesky human investigators have learned much, but can they survive long enough to make sense of what they know?

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London Clues & Leads

Post by Raiko »

Clues relating to the London Chapter of Masks of Nyarlathotep:
Clues Pointing to London:
  • The London Notes of Jackson Elias – Crazy scrawled, handwritten notes written by Jackson Elias during his visit to London, shortly before his murder in New York.
  • Penhew Foundation Business Card – Found at the scene of Jackson Elias’ murder at the Hotel Chelsea in New York.
  • Miriam Atwright – Harvard University Librarian and friend of Jackson Elias. Told the investigators that Nethaniel Moore (another friend of Jackson’s) might be in danger in London.
London Locations:
  • Blue Pyramid ClubAbdul Azeem al-Sayed, one of the “Egyptian Murderers,” possessed a membership card for this club, located in London’s Soho district.
  • Bow Street Police Station – The Egyptian Murders suspect Abdul Azeem al-Sayed died under mysterious circumstances in this police station’s cells.
  • The British Museum – Gwen works here. She was attacked and her collegue Alison murdered, by cultists – the so called “Egyptian Murderers.” Andrei suspects that the attackers wanted access to books stored in the British Museum Library’s “Resticted Section.”
  • Ivory Wind – A ship, probably docked in the Limehouse district. Transporting crates of mysterious machinery from the Penhew Foundation, possibly to Ho Fong Imports, Shanghai.
  • New Scotland Yard – The headquarters of London’s Metropolitan Police. Inspector Barrington and Sergeant Jones work from here.
  • The Penhew Foundation – Archaeological organisation founded by the late Sir Aubrey Penhew, and based at 35 Tottenham Court Road. A Penhew Foundation business card was found at the scene of Jackson Elias’ murder.
    Elizabeth and Caroline visited the foundation and were given a tour by the duriector Edward Gavigan.
    Johnny staked out the foundation at night and followed a mysterious lorry from the foundation to a seedy warehouse in the Limehouse district owned by a man called Punji.
  • “Punji’s” Seedy Warehouse – A heavily guarded warehouse in the notorious Limehouse district’s docklands. Used to store the crates from the Penhew Foundation, which were quickly collected by sailors from the Ivory Wind.
  • The Scoop – Weekly London tabloid newspaper, mentioned in Jackson’s London Notes. Johnny and Timour visited The Scoop on Fleet Street and met Mickey Mahoney.

London NPCs:
  • Abdul Azeem al-Sayed – The only attacker arrested for the murder of Alison ??? (Gwen’s assistant) at the British Museum. Al-Sayed later mysteriously suffocated in the cells of Bow Street Police Station.
  • Sir Aubrey Penhew – Co-Leader of the ill fated Carlyle Expedition to Africa of 1919. Believed to have been murdered in Kenya. Founder of the London based Penhew Foundation. Owned several stately homes, including a large house in London.
  • Edward Gavigan – Current director of the Penhew Foundation, Elizabeth and Caroline met Edward and were given a tour of the foundation.
    Johnny watched Edward leave the foundation, but elected to follow a mysterious lorry rather than trailing him.
  • The Egyptian Murderer – Name given by the press to a serial killer operating in London, most of the killers victims are ethnic Egyptians, hence the name. Gwen was rescued from a murderous group of Arabs who were probably the “Egyptian Murderers,” their methods were the same. One of the attackers Abdul Azeem al-Sayed, had a membership card for the Blue Pyramid Club.
  • Professor Fiennes – Scholar from Cambridge (a University City outside London) who committed suicide after studying the British Museum's copy of the Pnakatic Manuscripts. Before his suicide Fiennes removed a large number of pages form the book, but he also left a coded message that Andrei was able to partially translate.
  • Inspector James Barrington – Scotland Yard detective leading the investigation into the so called Egyptian Murders, mentioned in Jackson Elias’ scrawled London Notes.
  • Sergeant Jones – Scotland Yard Detective, trusty sidekick of Inspector Barrington.
  • Miles Shipley – Mad artist, painted many horrific masterpieces in his attic studio, may be able to ‘paint the future.’ One of his paintings showed Andrei, Maksim and Nethaniel at the scene of Alison’s murder at the British museum. Another depicted the colossal beast that attacked Timour in his dream after Erica Carlyle’s party, the beast towered over an African mountain, figures in the foreground wore the masks of the Bloody Tongue cult. Elizabeth bought the painting of the murder scene.
  • Miles Shipley’s Mother – Creepy old lady. Elizabeth got a glimse of her shadow flickering in the candlelight, it did not look like a human’s shadow.
  • Mickey Mahoney – The one man staff of “The Scoop,” a weekly London newspaper mentioned in Jackson’s London notes. Mickey
  • Tewfik al-Sayed – Owner of a spice shop in the Soho District of London (Johnny noted the address). Appears to have been – at one time – Scotland Yard's prime suspect in the Egyptian Murders case.
  • Professor Wilson – One of the curators of the British Museum, Gwen's boss and friend, he has access to the Black Library below the museum.
Clues leading outside London:
  • Alan Groot – Survivor of an attack by the fog creature. Currently a resident of the Brown Institute, an asylum in Glasgow, Scotland
  • Doctor Ali Kafour – Staff member of the Egyptian Museum, Cairo. A friend of Professor Wilson of the British Museum, Wilson said that "He knows more about these old occult books than any other man that I have ever met. If anyone can help you understand what these fiends want with the books, then he can." He then said that he would send a telegram to Dr Kafour, asking for advice.
  • Giza, Saquara and Memphis – Egpyt – Edward Gavigan talked about the Carlyle Expedition’s activities at these sites. – I’ll post more detail later.
  • Ho Fong Imports – 15 Kaoyang Road, Shanghai, China. The crates of mysterious “high tech machinery” from the Penhew Foundation were destined for Ho Fong Imports (according to their labels at least) aboard the Ivory Wind.
  • Lesser Edale – A Village in the Dewent Valley, in Derbyshire. The location of attacks by a monster on the nights of the full moon, according to articles in The Scoop, written by Mickey Mahoney. Nethaniel suspects that this may also be site of the slaughter of a Roman Infantry Cohort in 154AD, also on the night of the full moon. May be the site of origin of the “tentacled fog creature” that attacked the investigators outside the British Museum.
  • Roger Carlyle’s African Girlfriend – Edward Gavigan accused her of being a con-artist who tricked Carlyle, robbed the expedition’s funds and lured them to their deaths in Kenya. – I’ll post more detail later.
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Re: London Clues & Leads

Post by Raiko »

I’m still working on this list, but it’s much more up to date now.
I’ll post the newspaper cuttings from The Scoop in handouts section in a moment.
Hopefully I’ll be able to start getting the campaign wiki back online tonight. :)
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Re: London Clues & Leads

Post by Raiko »

I’ve updated this with some of the clues that you’ve just found. I’ll be using this and the new tomes list to restart the wiki in the next day or two.
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Re: London Clues & Leads

Post by Raiko »

I'll have everything from this thread transferred to the new clues subforum tonight. :)
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Re: London Clues & Leads

Post by Laraqua »

Tewfik's House & Shop
Tewfik's Spice Shop ledger (black book)
Two sandstone vials with caps - carved with the same designs as the frame of the big mirror, a folded black silk robe, a black inverted ankh on a metal chain, a crumbling papyrus scroll, and a black skullcap embroidered with inverted ankhs. The same embroidered design turn out to be on the robe as well.
Is it bad that I listen to this about ten times a day?

Oh, also, check out my new blog on roleplaying and running games:
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