Together in Irem

New York City, 1933.

A man is missing and the girl wants him found. What more do you need to know?

This game will be run using the Trail of Cthulhu (copyright (c)2009 Pelgrane Press).

Moderator: Gaffer

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Re: Together in Irem

Post by Gaffer »

Not just the wind, but other forces tug at their bodies as the three New Yorkers float, suspended by the counterpoised power of the Moon-Tunnel. As they spin slightly widdershins, they see the phosphorescent priest(ess) rage at them. Several of the dog-like creatures leap onto the coping, along with a score or more of other twisted beings. The drumming hammers off-rhythm and the voices gibber and cry discordantly.

Then the leader's arm stretches forth, farther than seems physically possible, and seizes Hirt's ankle!

The man moans, "No. No, no. Noooo..." as he is pulled back toward the rim. He stretches out his hands toward Dex and Delores, his face a mask of anguished pleading.
"Two in the head, you know he's dead." <heh>
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Dexter Ford
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Re: Together in Irem

Post by Dexter Ford »

(Is the leader the priestess, grasping Hirt's ankle, Dex will try to shoot them in the face. If its not the priestess, Dex will try to shoot them in the face.)

Holding his .45 as steady as possible, Dex tries to take aim at whatever is holding Hirt back. "Three shots left...three shots left..."
Dex, still holding Delores' hand, makes a pray to the Almighty and let's out his breath to steady his aim.

Dex's shot after praying to God...
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Delores Brown
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Re: Together in Irem

Post by Delores Brown »

Delores tries to swing her shotgun to bear on the leader but is being buffeted by the wind. She flinches as Dex fires, twisting to see the results.
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Re: Together in Irem

Post by Gaffer »

Dex's bullet can be seen as it leaves the barrel in a shower of sparks, when it has spun about an inch from the muzzle, it accelerates to normal velocity and drills through the center of the gold mask.

The figure ripples and its entire body transforms. Where a willowy, phosphorescent creature of indeterminate gender wearing a gold mask stood is now a hulking, steaming mass of something like jaundiced flesh, rugose and squamous. The hand grasping Hirt's leg is suddenly a barbed tentacle, one of several that sprout randomly from its squirming surface. In the midst of its inchoate form is the mask, which seems more its face than a disguise. From the hole in the mask's center, a wisp of green smoke becomes a billow.

Pandemonium seizes the crowd, whether at seeing their priest's true form or at seeing it injured, or both, is impossible to say. The drumming ceases and the Moon-Tunnel begins to fade. A cold wind lashes the assembly. Several of those standing on the tunnel's rim topple, some back into the crowd, others forward to be rendered into red mist. There is a general stampede for the egress.

The tentacle wrapped around Hirt's ankle tightens its grip and the man cries out soundlessly in pain as scarlet drops of blood whirl away into the void, quickly becoming a stream as blood vessels are pierced by the barbs.
OOC,I think that calls for another Stability roll, Difficulty 4, 6 Points. Delores is at 0 Stability, Dex is at 3.
"Two in the head, you know he's dead." <heh>
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Dexter Ford
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Re: Together in Irem

Post by Dexter Ford »

Dex screams in frustration as the thing appears. He gathers what remains of his control and breathes deeply.

Stability roll,1d6=5

However,barely hanging on to his wits, he tries one last shot at the tentacle.
"Please God, make this work." He glances over at Delores, his free hand entwining in hers, not willing to let go.
He shoots at the tentacle restraining Hirt's leg.

Hirt's last chance shot,1d6=4
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Delores Brown
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Re: Together in Irem

Post by Delores Brown »

OOC,Oh, arse....! [url=]Delores sees the unmasked priestess. (1d6=1)[/url]
Delores sees the creature transform into something beyond human comprehension before her eyes and she opens her mouth and screams... ...
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Re: Together in Irem

Post by Gaffer »

Blasted by what she has just seen, Delores screams and claps her hands over her eyes. The shotgun flies out of her hands. Then she is just...gone, Dex's hand clinging to hers encircles nothing.
Delores,Stability drops to -6, causing a 2 point loss of Sanity.
As before, the slug from the .45 spins from the pistol with agonizing slowness, then whips away, severing the tentacle., which spews a thick cloud of green smoke. The monster seems to visibly deflate. The tough-minded detective blinks and Hirt is no longer present.

A moment later, Dex himself is flying down the rapidly flickering tunnel as it seems to shrink around him. His eyes leak tears from the velocity of his passing and it's not like flying at all. No, he's falling!

But then it's like floating, like a feather on a gentle draft. There is suddenly a bottom to the tunnel, to the shaft, rising to meet him more quickly than he likes.
"Two in the head, you know he's dead." <heh>
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Dexter Ford
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Re: Together in Irem

Post by Dexter Ford »

Dex looks frantically around for Delores. He sees the floor/ceiling come racing for him.
Tucking into the best position to either roll or spread out the impact, he will do his best to minimize whatever damage might happen.
Especially to his already still wounded arm...which was wrenched when Delores was sucked out of his grip.
OOC,The pain, I am sure, will hit anytime soon now...
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Delores Brown
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Re: Together in Irem

Post by Delores Brown »

Gaffer wrote:Blasted by what she has just seen, Delores screams and claps her hands over her eyes. The shotgun flies out of her hands. Then she is just...gone, Dex's hand clinging to hers encircles nothing.
Delores,Stability drops to -6, causing a 2 point loss of Sanity.
OOC: Um, gone where? :?
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Re: Together in Irem

Post by Gaffer »

Check Return to Red Hook.
"Two in the head, you know he's dead." <heh>
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