Scene 13c: Notes

An old house is shrouded in dark rumours and fearful whispers. Its past residents have all had grisly experiences in there, and the few which are able to speak of it will not. Now, pulled in by the promise of money, several investigators try to find the house's dark secret.

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Re: Scene 13c: Notes

Post by zielonobrody »

Dan hits the monster in one of its eyes. It roars in pain and accelerates towards Karl. Dan is thrown backwards in his parachute from the gunshot, he twists and turns and watches the lines get tangled. Slowly they unravel, but now he is a lot further away from Karl.

Karl begins to notice the murky acrid smell as the thing draws near. It extends it's tentacles towards him, the silent maws at their ends full of razor sharp teeth. One tentacle slithers around your waist to grab hold of you. You feel the other appendages start to sniff you as the creature examines its prey. "Slash slash" goes the pocket knife and the hungry mouths roar in unison as you slash the red yellylike creature. Your attacks don't seem to be doing much damage. Suddenly everything seems to slow down as your arms are caught by gelatinous tentacles and a large appendage draws nearer and nearer your belly. First the teeth rip away your coat, tearing through the parachute harness and you feel the teeth begin to slice your skin and begin to dig deeper and deeper...
Karl,PM me when you've read the above and we'll continue.
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Re: Scene 13c: Notes

Post by ImpInTraining »

Dan was quite upset with the whole situation of things. His friends were being slain and there was nothing to do about it. What's worse... he would likely be next. Dangling in the air in a parachute would be like shooting fish in a barrel for that creature, and Dan knew it. He had to get to the ground, where he would have a fighting chance - or at least be able to find more people to help. He took aim at his parachute and shot a couple holes into it so that he would drop a bit faster.
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Re: Scene 13c: Notes

Post by zielonobrody »

As Dan shoots his parachute full of holes, a roar from the creature makes him look back. The creature is untangling itself from Karl's parachute, the man is nowhere to be seen.
Dan races for the ground. It's mostly trees below.

Roll for luck please.
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Re: Scene 13c: Notes

Post by ImpInTraining »

Dan does his best to steer towards an opening between trees... and has a bit of luck finding safe passage.
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Re: Scene 13c: Notes

Post by zielonobrody »

Dan hits the ground hard and feels his leg twist at an odd angle with the impact. You sit up suddenly clutching your leg, only to find it in a cast and yourself in a hospital bed. The door of your room is open, you can hear the doctor making his rounds. You should be out of here in a bit. A bead of sweat drips off your nose and makes you shiver with the memory of the blood dripping monster.

Roll for SAN please.
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Re: Scene 13c: Notes

Post by ImpInTraining »

"Oh dear god, no!" he exclaims as he sees the hideously ugly doctor come in the room...
Sanity roll (although I have no idea why this time) - fail,[url=]Sanity(41) (1d100=91)[/url]
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Re: Scene 13c: Notes

Post by zielonobrody »

Last SAN roll to determine how much of an impact the dream had on you. The dream-lost SAN is hereby restored. you lose 1 instead from the horrible experience of watching your buddies and the pilots be eaten or otherwise horribly killed. Are you sattisfied with the explanation? :)
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Re: Scene 13c: Notes

Post by zielonobrody »

"Let's eat dung, millions of flies can't be wrong." Valdemar Baldhead
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Re: Scene 13c: Notes

Post by ImpInTraining »

zielonobrody wrote:Last SAN roll to determine how much of an impact the dream had on you. The dream-lost SAN is hereby restored. you lose 1 instead from the horrible experience of watching your buddies and the pilots be eaten or otherwise horribly killed. Are you sattisfied with the explanation? :)
I will suffice,The fact that we lost any sanity from a dream already tips me off (OOCly) that this was no normal dream... meaning that either someone (or something) has cast a spell at us, or you're toying with the Dreamlands supplement - which would have been nice to know ahead of time so I wouldn't sound like such a whiny little putz. I would have assumed it was the product of reading the journal, but we already lost Sanity from that... so it had to be something else. I'm sure you realize how valuable a character resource Sanity is in these games... which is why I am highly defensive about losing it unjustifiably. These games never tend to reward enough sanity in return to keep any of the investigators from going stark-raving mad in the end. I prefer to prolong my suffering.
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Re: Scene 13c: Notes

Post by zielonobrody »

Dan,My logic is that your characters didn't actually know they were in a dream, and theoretically neither should you, so until the mystery is unraveled we were going by standard rules. If your character would have gone stark-raving mad in the game within a game I would have definitely gone to the Dreamlands supplement for help. As it was just an episode to keep the game going with the other party far behind and someone hinting at a dream game, I jumped on it remembering that I had read something of the sort somewhere. The scenario is called Fear of Falling if I recall correctly and was used as an interlude for some other game somewhere (it's first run was not a dream ;) ). The creature was supposedly a Star Vampire. Hope I didn't spoil too much fun for you. And don't argue with the Keeper ;) You know you hate "the guy" who knows all the rules and corrects you every time you slip :D As to if the dream is linked to the game, your characters will have to figure it out on their own. Carry on with the game and don't forget to have fun :)
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Re: Scene 13c: Notes

Post by ImpInTraining »

ooc,It was an effective means to keep us going... like a soy-bean filler. Kudos for that. But I will always be protective of my character's Sanity. I've lost more investigators to madness than death. Honestly, losing all that sanity in what could only be presumed as a dream was only serving to make me not want to play the game. I figured if that's the way things were going to go, then my character's livelihood and usefulness in this game is way too short to even bother with. In hind sight, I realize what you were trying to do, and applaud you for it. But just so you know, I wasn't far from just abandoning the game. I've had a few GM's in the past who felt their sole position in life was to put an end to the player characters, and I don't care to be in those sorts of games.

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