Scene 13a: The Chapel of Contemplation

An old house is shrouded in dark rumours and fearful whispers. Its past residents have all had grisly experiences in there, and the few which are able to speak of it will not. Now, pulled in by the promise of money, several investigators try to find the house's dark secret.

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Re: Scene 13a: The Chapel of Contemplation

Post by andyw666 »


Calum looks delighted, "Ah, some interesting archeology at last!" He nods approvingly at Will taking the photo. "Good work Will, I'm sure that will be useful."

Calum will attempt to sketch the symbol in his notebook too. Once he's done that, Calum will start inspecting the area around the wall, and particularly behind it, looking for the rest of a building or chapel.
OOC,Oh Keeper My Keeper, can Calum make an Archeology Roll (skill 68%) or a History Roll (skill 40%) to learn anything about the weird symbol?
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Re: Scene 13a: The Chapel of Contemplation

Post by zielonobrody »

Calum,Only what common sense tells you, that the triangle and eye are commonplace in some religions, and that a similar symbol is on the back of a dollar bill. At least I hope it was in the 20's ;)
Mike heads on and calls after the others when he stumbles on something interesting.
Hey, looks like ruins to me.
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Re: Scene 13a: The Chapel of Contemplation

Post by zerostate »

Will tries to catch up to Mike - the ruins should make a good photograph.
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Re: Scene 13a: The Chapel of Contemplation

Post by andyw666 »


Calum is so excited he has to pause and wipe his glasses to calm down a bit.

"Well chaps, that symbol is not ringing any particular archeological bells with me, but if it's some odd regional church, that's not a real surprise."

"Let's have a look at these ruins."

Calum will head over and start trying to map the ruins in his notebook, keeping out of the way of the camera-work. Once that's done, he'll search through the ruins.
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Re: Scene 13a: The Chapel of Contemplation

Post by zielonobrody »

Prowling the chapel, you find mostly blocks of granite, half-burnt rotted timbers, and ancient rubbish. After a few minutes of walking around the ruins and preparing to take a final picture, Will takes a step back and the three men hear the creaking of what seems to be an old floorboard. What you are standing on must have been the floor of the chapel at one point, but time seems to have overgrown it with grass and you haven't noticed before. There must have been a basement below where you stand. Slowly and delicately you try to reach the safety of solid ground.
Roll,Please roll for [b]DEX x 4[/b].
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Re: Scene 13a: The Chapel of Contemplation

Post by zerostate »

Will tries, but can't keep his balance on the unstable floor.
DEX x 4 Roll,[url][/url]
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Re: Scene 13a: The Chapel of Contemplation

Post by andyw666 »

Oh Dear...,Roll of 100, [b]Calum[/b] always was very uncoordinated.
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Re: Scene 13a: The Chapel of Contemplation

Post by zielonobrody »

Mike,[url=]DEXx4(52) (1d100=45)[/url]
The floor groans and gives way you scramble for safety but it is too late. The fall smashes the air from your lungs and all you feel is pain.
OOC,[color=#FF0000]TBC on Monday probably.[/color]
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Re: Scene 13a: The Chapel of Contemplation

Post by andyw666 »


"Aaaaaaagh!!!! I'm going to die I'm going to die! Aaaaaaaaagh!!!!!"
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Re: Scene 13a: The Chapel of Contemplation

Post by zielonobrody »

OOC,Well at least one of you didn't go down...
Calum,Calum suffers 3 HP. [url=]Falling down. (1d6=3)[/url] You hit the ground with a grunt as you fall flat on your face. The air is instantly pushed out of your lungs and you struggle up gasping for breath. Air comes in short painful gasps, and tears run to your eyes. Every breath is painful, but slightly easier. within a minute of the fall you are breathing passingly well, as if you just ran a marathon. You slowly realize Mike is yelling down into the hole from above. YOu try to answer him but all you manage is a faint whisper. You start to feel a hot pulsing feeling in your ankle apart from all the bruises from the fall. You try to move it, it doesn't feel broken, but definitely at least sprained. YOu might be able to hobble around a bit. The floor is littered with the old floorboards. It seems that this part of the basement was sealed off from the rest, reached by separate stairs now buried under tons of rubble. Within the room are two skeletons dressed in fragment or silk robes. Also visible are a few cabinets and an old, half rotten desk. You also see Will sitting up looking thoroughly banged up, a thin stream of blood is coming down from a cut in his forehead into his eyes.
Will,Will loses 6HP from the fall.[url=]Falling down. (1d6=6)[/url] Bruised and battered, with a thin stream of blood pouring into his eyes, Will decides not to move just yet. Breaths come hard and everything seems in pain. Must have cracked a rib. Speaking is out of the question, unless for the occasional grunt. You start noticing things around you. As you start to pull yourself up, you notice old floorboards litter the basement floor, some lying across your outstretched legs. It's damp, and just a bit of dust has gone up from your fall. You manage to pull yourself into a sitting position, but that exhausts your pain threshold and any strength you had from the adrenaline. You look around. It seems that this part of the basement was sealed off from the rest, reached by separate stairs now buried under tons of rubble. Within this room are two skeletons dressed in fragment or silk robes. Also visible are a few cabinets and an old, half rotten desk. You also see Calum sitting up and grasping his ankle in pain.
Mike calls down from above Hey, anyone alive down there? Hold on, I'm coming down.
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Re: Scene 13a: The Chapel of Contemplation

Post by bandersnatch217 »

Mike Peterson
OOC,I know that you said earlier that we took some "gear" with us when we went into the forest. Any chance that gear included some rope?
Mike jumps back a bit as the floor collapses around Will and Calum. Good Lord! This whole affair seems cursed! He listens to see if he can hear any movement in the old basement and starts to look around for some way to get down there without having to climb or jump. Figuring that any basement would have some sort of access point, he starts to look around the ruins for any sort of trap doors or stairs leading downward.
Roll,[url=]Spot Hidden [55%] (1d100=27)[/url]
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Re: Scene 13a: The Chapel of Contemplation

Post by zielonobrody »

Mike,There used to be stairs leading down, but they are obstructed with a ton of rubble. There should be rope back at the car.
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Re: Scene 13a: The Chapel of Contemplation

Post by bandersnatch217 »

Mike Peterson

Mike frantically searches around ther ruins and discovers and old set of stairs that once led into the church's basement. Unfortunately, the stiars are blocked by rubble. Blast it all! Now what? Turning away from the stairs, Mike runs back towards the car. I think there is some rope back in the car! At least, I hope there is...

Finding the rope in the trunk of the car, Mike rushes back to the ruins, out of breath. He looks around the hole for something to secure to one end of the rope, and after tieing it up, he throws the other end of the rope into the hole. He squints over the edge, trying to make sure that the rope makes it all the way down.

Mike shouts down the hole towards his fallen comrades. Any chance that you guys are going to be able to climb out of there on your own? I don't know if I'm going to be able to manage coming down after you, what with my hand and all...

Mike starts to pace nervously near the hole... Blast it, blast it, blast it... Nevermind, I'm going to come down! Getting a firm grip on the rope with his good hand, Mike slowly lowers himself into the hole. He does his best to hold on with his crippled hand, and slowly makes his way down the rope.
Roll,[url=]Climb [40%] (1d100=83)[/url]
OOC,Damn - three clumsy investigators all falling into the same hole... At least there is a rope tied up leading into the hole, so we might be able to escape...
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Re: Scene 13a: The Chapel of Contemplation

Post by andyw666 »


"Owowowowowowow!!! Damnation and blast!!" Calum wheezes as his breath gradually comes back.

Grief, did anyone hear me panicking? Calum sits up with a groan then puts his hat and glasses back on. He glances around quickly. "Good heavens. This is like finds in Egypt. Although the dead people there are normally a bit more neatly presented."

Calum limps over to Will and looks at him. "Mike! We are definitely going to need some medical assistance down here. I might be able to climb out, but we will possibly have to pull Will up. And Will's hurt his head." I remember head injuries in the war and theye were normally a bad thing.

Noting Mike's efforts to get down with a rope, Calum strikes a match for a bit more light and turns slowly around, having a bit more of a look at the room. "What is this? Some kind of lost tomb? Why are these skeletons here?"
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Re: Scene 13a: The Chapel of Contemplation

Post by zerostate »


Will tries to talk to Callum, but it hurts too much, and just gasps for breath instead.
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Re: Scene 13a: The Chapel of Contemplation

Post by andyw666 »


I know the good doc is going to be better at this than me but I don't think we have the luxury of waiting right now.

Calum starts bandaging Will up with handkerchiefs, neckties etc.

"Don't worry Old Boy, I saw chaps a lot worse looking than you back in France who pulled through."
OOC,Has Calum got enough time and kit to make a First Aid roll? His skill is 35% BTW.
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Re: Scene 13a: The Chapel of Contemplation

Post by zielonobrody »

Calum,nope, not enough kit.
Will's head wound has stopped bleeding and the blood is slowly drying on his face where it hasn't been wiped away. You're slowly coming to your senses.
Mike stumbles down into the cavern having found a rather easy way down with the help of a rope. It seems even Will will be able to climb up with some help when he comes around fully.
OOC,Time to look around, I have no intention of letting you die in the besement of a chapel, there are much worse deaths awaiting around the bend :> Want to speed this up a bit as we're way behind the other party, and I'm practically done with their little episode. bwahaha :>
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Re: Scene 13a: The Chapel of Contemplation

Post by zielonobrody »

The room contains cabinets full of moulded notebooks.
Chained to a rotting desk is an enormous volume bound in animal hide.
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Re: Scene 13a: The Chapel of Contemplation

Post by bandersnatch217 »

Mike Peterson

Mike climbs slowly down the rope, surprised at how easy his descent was. He only lost his grip at the very end, and stumbled slightly as he reached the bottom.

Turning quickly to Will, he found that Calum had already patched Will up very well. Guess you guys don't need my help after all. Calum, you're pretty handy in a tight spot.

With the immediate concern of the health of Calum and Will seemingly under control, Mike takes a look around the room. It's like some sort of secret library down here. This is wonderful. We're bound to find something useful! Mike notices the large book chained to a desk and makes his way straight over to it.
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Re: Scene 13a: The Chapel of Contemplation

Post by andyw666 »


"Chaps, interesting as this all is, I think perhaps we should hide the hole we've made, head over to the hospital and get fixed up, and come back here tomorrow with the others."

"Mike, if you can carry it, perhaps you could bring that big book with you now?"

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