Clues and Information

An old house is shrouded in dark rumours and fearful whispers. Its past residents have all had grisly experiences in there, and the few which are able to speak of it will not. Now, pulled in by the promise of money, several investigators try to find the house's dark secret.

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Clues and Information

Post by zielonobrody »

I'll keep all your findings in this thread, so we all don't have to look for it.

The address is Narrow Lane 34.
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Re: Party Information

Post by zielonobrody »

Clipping from the Providence Insider:

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August 7, 1835
The brand new house at Narrow Lane 34 has changed ownership due to the serious illness of Mr. Nichols. Mr. Nichols, a prosperous merchant of 45 has been hospitalized for the time being and the doctors don't see any chance of him leaving the hospital soon. The doctors have not said what this illness is, but assure us that it's not an easy one to cure, and that Mr. Nichols is in a serious condition. Without prospects of leaving the institution Nichols has decided to sell the newly built house to a Mr. Walter Corbitt, esquire.
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Re: Clues and Information

Post by andyw666 »

From City Hall:

"While glimpsing at the clearly uninterested clerk that's scribbling away frantically at some paperwork, you look through the files. You come to the realisation that these are just civil records, there are only various peoples names on the folders. You manage to find a file on the Macario family. It discusses to whom the care of two of the Macario's children would be given, as the parents have been institutionalized in Roxbury Sanitarium. The children are living with an Aunt in Baltimore, Maryland."
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Re: Clues and Information

Post by andyw666 »

From the library:

"After about four hours and a few breaks and brief chats with Ms. Brunhilda you stumble onto a file in the Providence Business Journal saying that Walter Corbitt, esq was sued by his neighbors who petition him to leave the area

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"in consequence of his surious [sic] habits and unauspicious demeanor."
The article is from June 12, 1852."
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Re: Clues and Information

Post by andyw666 »

At the house:

"You nitice that there is an unusual number of crosses and other Catholic devotionalia all around the room."
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Re: Clues and Information

Post by andyw666 »

At the house:

"There is a strange painting on the wall. The bizarre lines and figures in it make you unsettled."
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Re: Clues and Information

Post by andyw666 »

At the house:

"You notice there are three bolts and two locks on the door."
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Re: Clues and Information

Post by andyw666 »

At the house:

"Karl grunts and sweats as he pries open the boards that were used to nail the cupboard shut. It takes him some ten minutes to get them off. But his efforts seem to be rewarded as inside he finds three leather bound books. Upon browsing through them he finds they are the diaries of one W. Corbitt. There is an address on one of the books' title pages, that suggests he lived here some time ago. The amount of knowledge gathered in them seems to amount into some two days reading time. Skimming through, Karl identifies the text to be English, a bit archaic in some moments. There is nothing else in the cupboard but old cobwebs."
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Re: Clues and Information

Post by andyw666 »

At the Loony Bin:

Mrs Macca

"Upon mention of the house she goes stiff and pales. She starts to shiver more and more with every sentence.
No, please. I'd rather not talk about that. It's what got me here in the first place. I don't... I don't want to go back to those dreadful nights and that horrid thing. She whimpers and turns away from you, shaking.

She calms a little, but is clearly very sad now.
I haven't seen my boys for so long. They don't come to visit very often. They're in Maryland now, that's so far away. My poor Vittorio too. It was after him, I'm sure. That devil thing was after him. Every night, it would wake us and scare us till we were out of breath and it would go away. The horrors we sustained... It left my husband broken in mind and spirit. They took him away, but still the creature came. I coudn't keep up either. They took the boys and put me here. I'm sorry, I need to lie down and rest now. I've told you all I can. I hope you can get rid of it so nobody else has to live through the horror that we barely survived. You can't imagine, those red glowing eyes are forever imprinted in my brain. I'm afraid I'll never be the same.

Mr Macca

"Dan listens in for a while, Vittorio makes no move to change anything he's doing. The muttering is a constant flow of random words. There are a few words that repeat themselves over the minute of intensive listening: face, red, eyes, scared, night, bed, sleep.

Suddenly Vittorio jumps up and starts walking around the perimiter of the room hurriedly. His mumbling continues, every few words a loud sorrowful yelp escapes his lips. He walks around you like you weren't there at all."
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Re: Clues and Information

Post by andyw666 »

Hall of Records:

We have some files from the 1852 case and there is another one from 1866 and the will execution files to be found under the same year. I can point you in the general direction, but you will have to look for them yourself as I have a lot of paperwork.

In general you manage to find just the record of execution of the will after two hours of searching.
The record stated that the executor of Walter Corbitt's will was Reverend Michael Thomas, pastor of the Chapel of Contemplation & Church of Our Lord Granter of Secrets.

You find that the Chapel of Contemplation was closed in 1912, and the Reverend was it's head over it's last years of existence. No clues as to why it was closed in these records though.

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