An Important Gathering (Yuralria and Unulaq)

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An Important Gathering (Yuralria and Unulaq)

Post by DSIGFUSS »

The walk home was filled with a strange mixture of excitement and anxiety. Excitement for the initiation of a new Shaman to the Dorset tribe and anxxiety for the troubling times ahead. The Norsemen were on the move.. They had already conquered the Thule.... Chief Kalituk had assumingly abondoned his post and his people, forcing two of the Dorset tribe's most successful hunters (Faroo and Mannitok) to pursue him. Tornuaq had run off (in the direction of the Norseman) after a weapon that may have corrupted the hunter's mind. The ancient race of shape shifters, the Ijiraat, bearing the mark of the Norse god Loki, had started hunting the Inuit openly on the plains. Alglaki, the exiled Shaman, had returned to give warning to her people that a dark spirit had corrupted the Bear God Nanook and now the Shadow Bear wanders the spirit world for whatever dark purpose.

Unulaq, holding the chieftain's spear, walked in the front with Yuralria and her protector Ogtuk-luk, as was custom. Qannaq and Arrluk rode the two remaining sleds keeping wach for the tribe on its flanks.

When the tribe finally arrives back at the village, it was as if a New Hope had suddenly washed over them. Families embraced and settled back into their hutts to light their fires. Some milled about the village gossiping with each other. Most had smiles on their faces and looked to Unulaq and Yuralria often, pointing and smiling.

Ogtuk-luk grunts.

They seem to think that since they are home, they are all safe. They are fools.

The four Elders walk quickly past the group, and file into the Elder's Hut.
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Re: An Important Gathering (Yuralria and Unulaq)

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Unalaq nodded to Ogtuk-luk. "I hate to agree, but you are right. They seem to have no idea that at any moment the Norsemen can come into sight and come right to our village, or that any of the Ijiraat disguised as a sled dog can infiltrate and attack us from within. We need to be on guard." He looked to Yuralria and said "You are on very friendly terms with young Torngusak. Would it be too much for me to ask of you to take the boy and speak with the Norse man Thorrin to see what he might suggest as a defense against his bretheren?" He turned his head to look at the Elder's Hut and said, "I have to address the Elders... and then I will start looking for brave people to stand watch."
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Re: An Important Gathering (Yuralria and Unulaq)

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"Of course, Unulaq. The boy has proven useful with Thorrin, although I must warn you. He takes no liking to him whatsoever. " Her eyes look sad, and she continues, "Torngusak is just a boy, and has lost his family. You must remember this when he speaks with Thorrin, because to a degree, he holds the man responsible. The last time he spoke to Thorrin, he wound up in tears. If you like, I will speak to him before he goes."

Yuralria gazed about the village and knit her brows together while deep in thought. "Do you think we would be best off moving the village? It might be prudent to move closer to the hills. I must address the elders as well, Unulaq, and given their recent.....difficulty......I feel it best if we go together." She looked up at Ogtuk-luk, then to Unulaq, and added softly, "Sedna is warning us of grave danger ahead. We will need to use our best defenses, and disguising our village is crucial."
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Re: An Important Gathering (Yuralria and Unulaq)

Post by ImpInTraining »

Unalaq nodded, "In that case, the discussion with Thorrin can wait. Let's go speak with the Elders now. We cannot just sit around waiting for our demise like the Thule. We must be proactive." He nodded in the direction of the Elder's hut and started walking, keeping pace with Yuralria. He asked her quietly, "Um... does the Chief walk in front of, behind, or beside the Shaman? I never paid attention."
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Re: An Important Gathering (Yuralria and Unulaq)

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Yuralria chuckles, looking at Unulaq with a newfound affection, "You're not chief yet, Unulaq. You shouldn't worry. And.....I never really noticed. I saw Chief Kalituk in many different circumstances, to which he never seemed to worry about where he stood, or walked, or even if he were wearing clothes." She smiles at him, trying to make light of the conversation. Then she turns to stare at the snow thoughtfully, trudging along towards the elder's hut, "Although I remember the feeling of a new role, how odd and foreign it seemed. If you are chosen to be Chief, Unulaq, it will seem very different for a while. People will treat you quite differently, especially Sashila. But there is no one I can think of that is more fitting."
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Re: An Important Gathering (Yuralria and Unulaq)

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Unalaq blushes at the compliment and lifts up a hand, waving the compliment off, "You are just saying that to make me feel better. I am like a husky pup stuck in the lead dog's position on the sled."
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Re: An Important Gathering (Yuralria and Unulaq)

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Yuralria and Unulaq walk into the Elder’s Hut and find them all seated save for Elder Sikuak who is busy starting the fire.

Elder Kakoratuk smiles pleasantly at Yuralria, his tone having changed quite drastically since last they spoke at the combing ceremony grounds.


We are pleased that Sedna has given you her blessing Shaman. In due time we would like to know what was offered to our people in lieu of our pending crisis with the Norse barbarians.

Elder Makittuk smiled as well… though his friendly nature seemed more genuine than the others. He had always been a strong supporter of Yuralria and had offered Unulaq sound and concerned advice to the hunter since he was just a boy. Elder Makittuk rose and approached Unulaq. He holds out his hand and stares respectfully at the ivory spear in Unulaq's hands.


The chieftain’s spear please dear boy. There is no doubt in my mind that it belongs to you Unulaq, but this must be decided by the Dorset people.
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Re: An Important Gathering (Yuralria and Unulaq)

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Unalaq looked down at the spear in a moment's hesitation. How quickly the position was thrust upon him, and how quickly the Elders took it away. No matter, there were more important things to do than to babysit a whole village of people. He handed it over to Makittuk. "Yes, of course. I did not mean to assume... but someone needed to lead the people lest we remain there, exposed to the Norse fury when they happened upon us with no protections."

He looked to Yuralria and nodded, letting her say her piece first before speaking his mind.
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Re: An Important Gathering (Yuralria and Unulaq)

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Elder Makittuk took the spear from Unulaq and placed it carefully next to the fire. Unulaq may have been slightly surprised that the Elder could hold it for that would mean he would have dealt the killing blow to one of Nanook's polar bear's


You did well my boy. There is no shame in stepping up for your people, no matter the protocol. There are very few left indeed amongst us who've earned the right to hold that spear.

Elder Makittuk sat back down with the other three and waited patiently. Elder Pamiruq shifted slightly as Makittuk held the spear. Both Unulaq and Yuralria could feel the Elder's eyes burning the back of Makittuk for some past regret. When Makittuk took his seat at the Elder line, Pamiruq glared at Yuralria now with a similar intensity.
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Re: An Important Gathering (Yuralria and Unulaq)

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Yuralria bows her head respectfully, nodding in the Elder's direction. Inside she seethed. She hated speaking to the Elders, and enduring their arrogance.

She cleared her throat, looking around the room cautiously, her eyes flickering over Unulaq's nervously. "Sedna.....warns us of the Norsemen. Thorrin is a good man, but they are all not good. We are in dangerous times, and must protect ourselves. We cannot face them openly and win. I feel we must disguise our village, to protect our people."

She looks at Elder Makittuk, for he was the only one she seemed to have a way with anymore, "Sedna has blessed our village, but she has also given us due warning of the norse Witch. The norsemen are divided. Some are good and some are evil. Those that listen to the witch do her bidding, and we must find the witch and kill her. Only then will they leave our homeland and leave us alone. We have seen the Thule village burned to the ground. And Torngusak...the boy...." Yuralria's voice cracks with emotion and she pauses for a moment, swallowing hard, "his family is dead. There are many Thule killed in the fire. We must save ourselves from a similar fate."
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Re: An Important Gathering (Yuralria and Unulaq)

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Unalaq nodded and stepped forward, "I had a plan for how we might be able to disguise our village, but it will be a lot of hard work and we will need everyone capable. If we stack ice in a slanted wall all around our village, then anyone looking from a distance would mistake it for a simple mound. It is not perfect, but it would mean the Norse would have to literally trip over our village to find it at all. It may buy us time to prepare if we have a couple roving guards at a time."
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Re: An Important Gathering (Yuralria and Unulaq)

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Yuralria turned her head to one side as though contemplating Unulaq's idea, "Unulaq, with all my respect, your idea is a good one, but only if we know for certain that the norsemen don't already know where we are. If they know where we are already, disguising will make no difference to our fate. They found the Thule already, and they are only a few hours north. If we move our village, it may be wiser for us. The foothills are best, or even up the mountain a bit, so that we will have a lookout position."

She smiles at Unulaq, "I know it would seem a lot of trouble to pack our things and move everything, but there is still the possibility that Thorrin knows how to contact his own kind."
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Re: An Important Gathering (Yuralria and Unulaq)

Post by DSIGFUSS »

The Elders listen to Yuralria with growing concern on their faces. When Yuralria finishes, the Shaman is surprised at how quickly they come to agree with her interpretation of Sedna’s guidance.

Elder Kakoratuk quickly inquires to the finer details of the combing ceremony.

This witch the goddess warned you about. Where can we find her? How can we hunt her?

To Unulaq the Elder’s are slightly less enthusiastic, but agree that preparations must be made on the tribe’s behalf. As usual, the bitter voiced Kakoratuk speaks on behalf of the four.

Go then Unulaq. Take the Shaman's words to heart... With Klituk’s reckless abandonment of his people, the tribe will be searching for guidance. Put them to work and see for yourself how they respond to your leadership. If they wish you to hold the white spear then you will hold it. For now this council will trust that your interests are for the safety of the tribe. Once we have discerned our next course of action, we will advise you.

Elder Makittuk rises and escorts Unulaq out of the Elder's hut. Once outside the hut Makittuk puts an arm on Unulaq's shoulder.

Speak with your Norse friend. Use the boy! Learn what must be done for yourself and lead our people. There are few who would opose you. Arrluk has slain a polar bear despite what other will tell you. If you wish the spear then take it boy.
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Re: An Important Gathering (Yuralria and Unulaq)

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Unalaq doubted the Norse had found their village yet... for an hour's travel was quite an expanse over the vast tundra terrain. And with nothing to note their position... even if they found it, returning to it might be a bit difficult as well. Still, there was a chance that it had happened.

He looked to Elder Makittuk after his wise words and said, "If I am destined to hold the spear, then let it be gained through the proper means. If Sedna has someone else in mind for such a position of honor, then I will not hold a grudge." He started walking away and said "I will speak with Thorrin. And while I am at it, I will look for more tracks of those strange creatures they use. They are heavy and will show up in the snow and ice well."
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Re: An Important Gathering (Yuralria and Unulaq)

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Unulaq spots Thorrin waiting outside with the Thule boy Torngasak. The boy had quickly warmed up to Thorrin on the long walk home. The two converse quickly in the Norse tongue and smile at each other often.
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Re: An Important Gathering (Yuralria and Unulaq)

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Unalaq walked up to the two and nodded to Thorrin. To the boy, he said, "Torngasak, can you help me? I need to speak with Thorrin about the Norse men. Could you be my voice?"
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Re: An Important Gathering (Yuralria and Unulaq)

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The boy smiles and nods. Thorrin says something long winded in Norse and the boy translates.


Thorrin says he has been waiting along time for this conversation. He wishes to thank you and your brother Tornuaq for saving his life. He thinks of you as a brother and would stand with either of you. He is no longer a Norseman.

Torngusak winces, unsure of whether he had translated Thorrin's last remark correctly.

He has turned away from his people for what they have done to you.
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Re: An Important Gathering (Yuralria and Unulaq)

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Unalaq nodded, and slapped a hand down on Thorrin's shoulder, "Brother, I would stand by you as well. But we can share our feelings about all that later. Right now, we need to find out if this village has been found already by the Norse men, and discuss a good way to hide our people from them. The Shaman has suggested to the Elders about moving the village, but if we do that we risk losing our friends, Tornuaq, Faroo, Mannitok, and our chief, Kalituk. So I need options on how we can stay here and be kept safe." He looked to Torngasak to translate for him.
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Re: An Important Gathering (Yuralria and Unulaq)

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Thorrin nods to Unulaq as the Thule boy translates.


Good! Your friend Tornuaq is in great danger… That knife he took from me was an ancient compass. It will lead the witch Gelga and her Viking soldiers into the mountains for a much darker purpose than slaying your people. The knife had a hold on me as well for a time, but when Tornuaq took it, the scramasax (Viking knife) released me. It favours Tornuaq now, and will not likely give him up for another… save one of your Shamans I suspect.

The Vikings will be searching for the scramasax. Gelga needs it to navigate the mountains in this area, so Tornuaq is safe as long as he holds it. My people will not kill him if he can be of use to them.

As long as Tornuaq stays far from here, then Gelga will have no means or reason to track your people to the village.

Thorrin looks around at all of the Dorset people lighting fires and milling about the village. Torgusak seems to mimic his movements, settling into his roll as Thorrin’s translator.

These fires are not a good idea.
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Re: An Important Gathering (Yuralria and Unulaq)

Post by ImpInTraining »

Unalaq nodded and turned to the others, shouting, "Put out the fires! We cannot expose ourselves!" He ran over and kicked snow and ice on the fire pits. "We are not safe, do not fool yourself. Sedna may have blessed us with her grace, but she will not protect the stupid. There are still bloodthirsty Norsemen out on the Tundra. We do not want to end up like the Thule!"

He looked around, having made a spectacle of himself, and just hoped what he said had sunk in. Then he headed back to Thorrin. "So these cousins of yours, they will not stop until we defeat the Norse. But Yuralria said there were others like you. How can we find them? We can join together and fight the witch."
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