An Important Gathering (Yuralria and Unulaq)

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Re: An Important Gathering (Yuralria and Unulaq)

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One of the Taqriaqsuit tries to prod Yuralria back from where she came.

When Yuralria holds out her hand in seeming friendship, the Shadows whisper to each other. One finally approaches, his spear held aggressively in front of him.

The Shadow Bear will kill you Shaman. And his power will grow and spread to everything in the Spirit World. Go! Run!

Yuralria hears a sudden deafening roar come from further down the tunnel, from where Unulaq had scouted ahead. The Taqriaqsuit turn nervously towards the sound and ready their spears.

Thorrin draws his own sword and stands close to the Shaman. He puts a hand on her shoulder.

Unulaq! What should we do Yuralria?
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Re: An Important Gathering (Yuralria and Unulaq)

Post by trixie »

"Ruuunnnn!!!!" Yuralria wails, then catches Thorrin by the hand. "Hide us please!" She begs of the shadow people, but to what avail she had no idea. Who has ever met a shadow person anyways? Who knows what their talent or world is like.....

OC Yuralria is running back the way they came.
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Re: An Important Gathering (Yuralria and Unulaq)

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We cannot hide you in this place Shaman! You must escape these tunnels. We will hold the bear for as long as we can.

The Shadow then addresses one of his own.

Follow the Shaman. See to it she escapes this place. Show her the side tunnels if you must.

With that, Thorrin, Yuralria and the lone Taqriaqsuit race down the ice tunnel. Seconds after their departure, they hear the cries of the Taqriaqsuit they left behind paired with the painful howls of the Bear God.

They reach a fork in the ice cavern and the Taqriaqsuit stops suddenly looking back.

Give me your spear Shaman... it still has the scent of Sedna. Nanook will follow it.
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Re: An Important Gathering (Yuralria and Unulaq)

Post by trixie »

"B..but I MUST get it back!" Yuralria pleads, handing it over, but still keeping her hand around it, in a moment of hesitation. What choice did she have but to trust these creatures?

"No, please....I can't lose it. It means everything to me!" She says as she pulls it back with her and turns to continue running with Thorrin.
OC Laid is played unless keeper doesn't post right away. YAH baby ;) now don't frickin kill me!
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Re: An Important Gathering (Yuralria and Unulaq)

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So be it.

I will stand against Nanook.

Thorrin spurs Yuralria forward having much more Endurance for the forced march than the Shaman.

Hurry Yuralria! Hurry!

Close behind them, Yuralria hears the Taqriaqsuit squeel in agony as the massive shape of the Shadow bear comes into view swiping through the Taqriaqsuit as if it were made of snow. The Taqriaqsuit's spear and shield drop to the ground as he dissappears into nothingness and the great Black bear continues forward directing torturous growls at the Dorset Shaman.


Far behind the Shadow Bear, Yuralria hears her dear friend Unulaq calling to her.

"Yuralria! Thorin! Come this way!"
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Re: An Important Gathering (Yuralria and Unulaq)

Post by trixie »

"Unulaq I can't!" Yuralria bellows down the tunnel while still running in the other direction (out the tunnel) "Just wake up if you can't be hurt....but I caaaaan!!!!"

She scrambles out in her panic, clawing at the tunnel walls if she stumbles. "Is there a shortcut??!" She begs of the Taqriaqsuit. "Please....the must show me!!"
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Re: An Important Gathering (Yuralria and Unulaq)

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ooc- Your Taqriaqsuit guide just got smashed by the Shadow Bear but it's still a terrifying scene so your reaction makes sense.

Thorrin pulls on Yuralria's shoulder.


Come Shaman! We are alone in this!

Thorrin and Yuralria take off again down the tunnel as the Shadow Bear turns to face some other pressing foe. From the sound of Unulaq's approaching voice it must be him.

Thorrin! Yuralria!

Then suddenly a shadowy arm reaches through the icey wall of the cavern. A deep voice whispers to Yuralria.


Take my hand Shaman.
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Re: An Important Gathering (Yuralria and Unulaq)

Post by trixie »

Yuralria graps firecely onto Thorrin's hand, then with her other she reaches out to the shadow person.

She yells out down the tunnel.
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Re: An Important Gathering (Yuralria and Unulaq)

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The Shadow pulls Yuralra through the wall of ice. The sensation is strange. Like floating through a room filled with lantern oil. She sees Thorrin reaching for her and then bang furously on the ice as his grasp falls short. The ice soon falls way to a side tunnel and Yuralria has to clench her throat to avoid vomiting when she finally solidifies from her Shadowy form she had taken.

The Shadow, still nervously lookng from side to side, pulls on Yuralria's arm in an attempt to move her forward down the side tunnel.

Come we must hurry!
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Re: An Important Gathering (Yuralria and Unulaq)

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Yuralria begins to run at full speed, holding onto the Shadow's hand firmly. "Where does this take us?" She gasps as she starts to pant a little from the exertion.
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Re: An Important Gathering (Yuralria and Unulaq)

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The shadow runs to a another fork in the narrow ice tunnel. These tunnels appear different than the main ice tunnel. The main cavern seemed natural... The smaller, narrow tunnels seemed more chiseled than anything else. The echoes of battle dim and Yuralria can hardly hear the sound of Unulaq's pain as the Shadow bear Nanook tears through him. But she can most definitely feel him. Unulaq's pain rips through Yuralria's heart as if she was strunk herself. She falls to one knee but the Shadow quickly helps her back to her feet.

Your friends will die. You must hurry if you are to learn what you must.

The shadow puts his hand on the wall of the tunnel at the point where the cavern forks.

Now focus. We must shadowslide one last time.

ooc- roll a POWx4 check to summon the strength of Will to phase through the wall.
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Re: An Important Gathering (Yuralria and Unulaq)

Post by trixie »

Ooc Is that a 1d100 roll? If so she passed.
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Re: An Important Gathering (Yuralria and Unulaq)

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Yuralria quickly calms her mind as the shadow advised and the Shaman passes with quite some effort through the ice tunnel. An icey cave opens up before her. A path as clear as the lake in spring opens up in front of her. Three shadowy Taqriaqsuit immediately turn and raise their redy ruby crytal spears at Yuralria. Her guide waves him off and hurries Yuralria down the trail leading to the long lostt Taqriaqsuit city. Yuralria is the first of her people to find this place as far as the legends say. Tall icey spires lined with stairs stretch as high as the eye can see. Higher than most mountains in her land. Complicated structures spheres hang in the air, held by nothing but magic. Yuralria could feel the godesses presence in this place. Her magic was strongly linked here. Black figures move about in the hundreds phasing in and out of existance as they walk through walls of ice in and out of the strange looking spirit structures.


Yuralria's gide turns to her and pulls her forward into the city. His touch seems warm and strangely familiar.
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Re: An Important Gathering (Yuralria and Unulaq)

Post by trixie »

Yuralria gasped to herself. She couldn't help it. The beauty and priveledge were second to none. She stared, mouth agape for a moment, taking the scene in, and her steps slowed as she felt Sedna's presence here.

"It's beautiful, "
she managed to murmur, then followed her guide down the path he led.

Something about his touch was familiar....but whom? She'd never met this Taqriaqsuit before, had she? Or was it Ogtuk-luk....trying to lure her back to reality?
Her heart lurched as she thought of Ogtuk-luk, now saddled with the responsibility of waking Unulaq and Thorrin. Would he know to rouse them? A lump formed in her throat suddenly and amidst the beauty and strangeness of this far distant place, she began to cry.
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Re: An Important Gathering (Yuralria and Unulaq)

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The Shadow stops and looks quizically at Yuralria. He pauses for a long momemt and regards the Shaman. As if he were missing something he had long given up.

Come we must hurry!
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Re: An Important Gathering (Yuralria and Unulaq)

Post by trixie »

Yuralria hurries along after him, wiping at her eyes embarassedly. "Where are we going? Is there someone you want me to meet? Or can the bear come here too?"

Curious how he looked at me.....who does he remind me of? And who do I remind him of? I'm certain I haven't met him before.....have I? Odd....
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Re: An Important Gathering (Yuralria and Unulaq)

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Not someone you must see, but some-thing......

The Taqriaqsuit continues dragging Yuralria through the streets of his spirit world city. Shadow people stop what they are doing and stare facelessly at the Shaman. There are so many of them. Yuralria can see tools in some of their hands similar to those she might find in her own village, but being used in wild and strange ways. One Taqriaqsuit was carving the air with a Thule fishing axe. The air parted and snow gently blows through the opening the shadow had made before she quickly closes it and makes another.
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Re: An Important Gathering (Yuralria and Unulaq)

Post by trixie »

Yuralria finds it hard to walk quickly after him with all the exciting sights. She openly stares, mouth agape at the shadow with the fishing axe. "What is she doing?" She asks, pointing.

Where on earth was he taking her?
"Wait!" She finally says, feeling exasperated. "Where are you taking me? I feel as though I'm following you blindly....what do you want me to see?"
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Re: An Important Gathering (Yuralria and Unulaq)

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The Shadow answers Yuralria quickly and respectfully as he rushes her through the Taqriaqsuit city.

She is learning to make doorways to your world Shaman. It is a precise art and takes centuries of practice to master. Our people consider it a noble profession.

The shadow then picks up on Yuralria's aprehension adn stops to explain.

I am taking you to the citadel of time. Our history is captured there. You can learn what you seek. Few Shaman's have seen it outside our fold.
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Re: An Important Gathering (Yuralria and Unulaq)

Post by trixie »

Yuralria blinks, flabbergasted, and faulters for words. "Ok, I would be honoured." She finally stumbles over the words, in a detached manner. "But one more's bugging me. I feel like you're.....familiar to me? Can you tell me....have we met before?"
Trixie [trik-see] (n) : Name derived from an original character played on Yog
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