The Scout : Unulaq

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Re: The Scout : Unulaq

Post by ImpInTraining »

ooc,[url=]Sanity (53%) (1d100=20)[/url] - whoo-hoo! I'm not a chicken-shit.
Unalaq had had his moments facing off with fierce creatures fighting to the death in his time, but this was definitely the biggest challenge he'd ever faced. He was nervous before as he hid away from the corrupted bear at a distance - but at this range and dead in the bear's sights, Unalaq nearly forgot to breathe and his heart skipped a beat. But it was no time to freeze up. All his experience led up to this point, and he wasn't about to turn away from it and run like a child.

"Nanook!" he called aloud as his voice could carry. "I know you understand me. We have no quarrel. If you want to get rid of this curse, you must fight your urges. Loki is your enemy, not us!"

He stood firm, spear in hand and ready to strike if the great bear lunged forward. His eyes darted around to look for Yuralria and Thorin.
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Re: The Scout : Unulaq

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Corazon joins Unulaq and holds out her own hands.

Listen to him Nanook! You are slave to no god!

Nanook pauses before strinking one of the shadows. It's black claws dripping with sickness, Nanook swats the shadow into nothingness. It's weapon and shield clatter the floor. The bear then turns to look down the hall. It's eyes flashing with bloodlust as it spots its prey. Unulaq can't help but follow it's gaze. He too spots Yuralria and Thorrin for just a brief moment before a shadow pulls Yuralria through the ice wall. Yuralria calls to Unulaq before she phases through the ice.

Waaaaake up Unulaq!

Thorrin chases after her and bangs futilely on the wall.

Nanook goes beserk and swings his massive clawed paws for Unulaq and Corazon.

ooc - roll dodge and actions please.

Unulaq then hears Yuralria shout.
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Re: The Scout : Unulaq

Post by ImpInTraining »

ooc,Invisible Castle is down. Rolled a 60% on my site - failure. - not sure if I'll be able to react, guess that depends on damage.
Unalaq sees the claw coming, but he is too slow to react. "Strike me down if you must... but know that I fight your enemy, Nanook!"
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Re: The Scout : Unulaq

Post by ImpInTraining »

The Inuit warrior braces himself for the blow as the great black bear attacks.
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Re: The Scout : Unulaq

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Nanook swipes three long black claws across Unulaq's chest. The Dorset Hunter recoils in pain (8 damage) as the wound burns its way through Unulaq's blood stream. Unulaq spots Thorrin racing to his side as the shadow bear's strike knocks him to the ground. He raises his sword in an attempt to help his Inuit friend. The blue skinned woman holds her hands out, trying desperately to slow Nanook's bloodlust.

ooc - make a CON x5 check to avoid lying prone and giving up your next turn.
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Re: The Scout : Unulaq

Post by ImpInTraining »

Unalaq is the man,[url=]Con x 5 (75%) (1d100=14)[/url]
Unalaq is no stranger to pain. It is a peculiar feeling, this wound... but he does not succumb to it like a baby to its mother's bossom. He growls and resorts to offense. If the bear is uncontrollable and warped by evil, then it should be put down. "May you be happier with the peace you find from the end of my spear!"

The Inuit warrior thrusts his spear bearing the enchanted spear head (compliments of Thorrin) toward Nanook, the great black bear, staring death in the face fearlessly and striking his target square on the mark.
spear attack,[url=]Spear (72%) (1d100=40)[/url] - damage: [url=]Damage for spear - hope this works... (1d6+1+1d4=7)[/url]
Last edited by ImpInTraining on Wed Oct 21, 2009 9:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Scout : Unulaq

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Nanook roars with pain as Unulaq opens the bear gods stomach. Balck maggots pour from the belly of the beast and writhe on the ice like salmon roe from his nets. Nanook swings wildly, blinded by rage and whatever sickness had taken. His paw passes high over Unulaq's head, yet the hunter knows that would have been the finishing blow.

Unulaq hears Thorrin further down the hall begin to sing. As usual, his voice is as beautiful as the sun but this time the Dorset hunter understands every word as if the bard were singing to Unulaq himself.

An eighth I know: which all can sing
for their weal if they learn it well;
where hate shall wax 'mid the warrior sons,
I can calm it soon with that song.

naudhiz naudhiz naudhiz
n n n n n n n n n
nu na nu ne no
nudh nadh hudh nedh niodh
(nut nat nit net not)
un an in en on
n n n n n n n n n

Nanook turns his dark mis-shapen head, the sound obviosuly enraging the bear god.

Corazon frantically reaches for Unulaq's spear but in her panic misses her mark completely.

No hunter! You musn't!
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Re: The Scout : Unulaq

Post by ImpInTraining »

It seemed the song was having more of an impact than Unalaq's spear. Strange magic, that Noseman song.
ooc,Would I be able to sing the chorus of that song as well? Is that what Thorrin's intending?
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Re: The Scout : Unulaq

Post by DSIGFUSS »

OOC- Not what I intended, but a coll idea.

ooc- roll a Knowledge +15 (bonus since you just heard it) check to remember the song.
ooc- make a Inuit mythos check
ooc- make a luck check as well. Just for kicks :D
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Re: The Scout : Unulaq

Post by ImpInTraining »

rolls,[url=]Knowledge +15% (100%) - so basically anything but a critical failure... (1d100=53)[/url] - good thing he's a smarty. [url=]Inuit Mythos (15%) (1d100=91)[/url] - never paid attention to that crap in school. [url=]Luck (50%) (1d100=50)[/url] - Right on the dot... lucky me. :)
Unalaq begins singing in unison with Thorrin and readies his spear for another attack should the great bear lunge at him again, paying little attention to the blue woman.

naudhiz naudhiz naudhiz
n n n n n n n n n
nu na nu ne no
nudh nadh hudh nedh niodh
(nut nat nit net not)
un an in en on
n n n n n n n n n

He had no idea if it would work, but it was at least a bit aggrivating to the creature.
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Re: The Scout : Unulaq

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Unulaq sings with Thorrin. The style of Inuit throat whistling Unulaq was used to complimented the Norse tongue quite well. Unulaq had no idea what the effect of the incantation would be in the Spirit World but the brave Dorset hunter sung the Norseman's song with all his heart. To Unulaq's surprise, he matched Thorrin's pitch quite well. The Bear had already begun his charge towards Thorrin when Unulaq started to sing. The Bear stopped in it's tracks and sniffed the air. Unulaq could see a smile on Thorrin's face as he kept up the song changing his own tone to better compliment Unulaq.

Now the bear's head moved from side to side growling softly in harmony with the Dorset hunter and the Viking bard.

The blue skinned Corazon put her hand on Unulaq's shoulder.


You have him hunter! Keep it up! I'll administer the tears.

She then reached into a small leather sac she had tied around her back and pulled out a small crytal drooplet. She began to inch slowly towards the entranced Nanook, careful not to disturb the spell that had bound him.

Then Unulaq felt a sudden sharp burning pain in his chest from where the bear had slashed him. Unulaq could feel his body fading quickly.

Corazon reached for him.


Thorrin ceased his song and drew his sword, calling to his friend.


Unulaq! No!

Then Unulaq awakens suddenly in the Shaman Hutt. Yuralria and Thorrin still lie peacefully, sleeping around the dim fire. Ogtuk-luk, however, looks extremely frightended and concerend. He holds a small stick in his hand whose embers burn brightly and smoulder with the smell of burning flesh.

Please post in Ogtuk-luk's thread next please. Please make a sanity check. If you pass, post normally in Ogtuk-luk's thread. if you fail post here that you failed before posting in Ogtuk-luk's thread.
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Re: The Scout : Unulaq

Post by ImpInTraining »

Sanity Failure,[url=]Sanity (53%) (1d100=65)[/url]
- and I was doing so good... Am I supposed to post over there now, or is there something else I need to know due to the failed sanity check?
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Re: The Scout : Unulaq

Post by DSIGFUSS »

You can post over there now. Unulaq just accessed a dark Norse magic that was completely out of his realm of understanding. He loses 2 Sanity. I'll adjust.

And you open yourself up to this dream sequence:

When Unulaq sings the Norse words, he feels the hands of warrior maidens seductively caressing his mind. The sounds of swords and shields clashing in chaotic unison. He sees the eye of a raven as it soars above his soul. Unulaq sees the connection of the Raven to the one eyed man sitting on his golden throne in the afterlife. Unlaq knows it now as Valhalla. Unulaq also feels as though he is intruding. The one eyed man seems displeased with the Dorset Hunter's participation in the Norse Song, yet welcomes him with open arms.

Before Unulaq suddenly wakes in the Shaman's hut The one eyed man says in a hauntingly beautiful voice.

Know how to cut them,
know how to read them,
Know how to stain them,
know how to prove them,
Know how to evoke them,
know how to score them,
Know how to send them,
know how to send them.

I know an eighteenth that I never tell
To maiden or wife of man,
A secret I hide from all
Except the love who lies in my arms,
Or else my own sister.
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Re: The Scout : Unulaq

Post by DSIGFUSS »

OOC- You can post now in Ogtuk-luk's thread. I'll give your opening cue.
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