Captured (Tornuaq)

Moderator: DSIGFUSS

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Re: Captured (Tornuaq)

Post by DSIGFUSS »

The Vikings appear to arguing amongst each other as they point and grin at Tornuaq. One of them pulls out a knife and points to Tornuaq's own blade he still carries in his furs.

Tornuaq's eyes then open wide as the Blueman approaches...

He bends over and lifts Tornuaq's head as he speaks to his men.


Góður vinna mannskapur. Við þörf this einn til fylgja okkur til Asgard mannskapur. en við vilja þörf hans tunga til samvinna fyrstur.

Then without warning he draws a long knife of his own and begins to carve into Tornuaq's shoulder griting his teeth as he draws the Dorset Hunter's blood.

He finishes his cutting and whispers a few Norse words into Tornuaq's ear. Tornuaq mind turns in on himself and the vertigo of the experience makes him nautious. When his head clears he can hear the Viking's words.

The Blue Man steps back from Tornuaq and asks his first question.

Where did you find that knife skraeling?

oc - Please go to Chapter 4 : The Skraeling ( Gaeirmund, Gudrun, Ingvar, Tornuaq)
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