
Technology no longer serves man, it’s man who serves technology with a zombified mass of passive consumers. With earth ravaged by pollution and war, corporations fighting each other using puppet states, nobody seems to remember silly old tales of arcane horror.

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Post by kabukiman »

Player: Mi-go
Name: Charles Vance
Occupation: Solo
Colleges, Degrees: Spent one year at Miskatonic; widely read and self-taught
Birthplace: Night City
Mental Disorders: None yet, but is on the verge of paranoia and technophobia (although he does appreciate certain things that are low-tech to him, even if they might not be so for a modern man)
Gender: Male
Age: 31
Str: 16
Dex: 10
Int: 12
Con: 15
App: 8
Pow: 11
Siz: 13
San: 55-1=54
Edu: 18
Idea: 60%
Luck: 55%
Know: 90%
Damage Bonus: 2D4

SP: 55
MP: 11
HP: 14

Handgun: 65%
Crossbow: 75%
Demolition: 51%
Spot hidden: 70%
Knife: 30%
Axe: 75%
Weaponsmith: 56%
Martial Arts: 50%
Anthropology: 12%
Biology: 16%
Geology: 7%
Natural History: 21%
History: 42%
Law: 11%
Library Use: 45%
Persuade: 25%
Dodge: 33%
Own Language (English): 90%

Residence: In the Low Cost Residencial (an ancient high school who was converted in houses) from the company “Happy Homes”. Your sharing your room with a tech and a runner.

Personal Description: It has always been his goal to appear as steampunk as possible, even if he might have some differences from a steampunk character. He isn’t above having totally useless features to heighten the effect (gauges and keys that do nothing, cuckoo clocks, etc.)
Family & Friends: None, although perhaps a few acquaintances amongst his more tolerant and less modified neighbours

Equipment: modified axe (large one with a weighted alloy blade and a handle made of wood coated in fireproof ceramic to prevent electrocution), retro-engineered revolver, modified arm, cuckoo clock that chimes on the hour (making him look particularly nutty) and a teakettle that whistles at eight in the morning. He can't always afford tea, but he does like to boil his water before drinking it and 1500$.

History: Charles Vance grew up on the Cyberpunk streets like the majority of his generation. Filled with a burning desire to escape them, he taught himself a great deal of seemingly useless scholarly knowledge. He applied as a youth for a scholarship to Miskatonic University offered by a mid-size electronics corporation – and won it. After a year at Miskatonic, he had done well in his studies and was showing great promise even though he had yet to declare a major. He had also become acquainted with the scions of the considerably better off, and was generally enjoying himself, glad to have left his beginnings behind. Shortly before the start of his second year, the electronics corporation that offered the scholarship was bought by a massive megacorporation. When the money stopped arriving, Miskatonic unceremoniously threw him out.
Transformed over night into an utter malcontent, Vance began to dream of bringing down the society he now loathed. Knowing a great deal about history and economics, he blamed the cultural approach to technology of his society for all the problems of the world. In blind fits of rage, he go looking for trouble, picking fights with the most heavily modified people he met. That he survived is proof of both natural talent at combat and that he learned how to fight very well, very fast. Eventually, he managed to eke out a miserable existence from occasional manual labor and dabbling in fighting for cash. As a result of his resentment of technology, his own modifications are a bit unorthodox. He has refused to get a direct brainjack to a processor, but rather has opted for low-tech modifications – albeit ones designed by computers to be superior examples of their technology. These have increased his combat abilities considerably, but are for the most part immune or highly resistant to EMP and hacking attacks. Of course, he still is connected to the nets, but via an archaic method of linkage and a touchscreen that he carries on him.
Recently, he has cooled off a bit, and no longer looks for trouble, which is not to say that he does not often find it. As he has always done, he spends a lot of time reading texts archived deep in the nets which have been long since forgotten by humanity – literature, history, and the totally random. In public, he often mutters with greater or lesser coherence about some aspect of society. Ultimately, he would like a return to cleaner days of living with technology in the hands of scientists only, but he knows such a goal is probably not attainable. Recently, he seems to be trying desperately to find some hope in his situation, and has been heard shouting “Utopia is Dystopia- so Dystopia is Utopia!” late at night.
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Re: Characters

Post by kabukiman »

Player: Mr Handy
Name: Patrick Henry Lee
Age: 37
Sex: Male
Occupation: Netrunner
Current Residence: Night City, California, USA

STR: 8
CON: 10
SIZ: 11
DEX: 15
APP: 8
INT: 14 (Idea - 70)
POW: 12 (Luck - 60)
EDU: 13 (Know - 65) [includes +2 from age]

Sanity: 60
Phobias/Mental Disorders: None
Maximum Sanity: 99
Hit Points: 11
Magic Points: 12
Damage Bonus: +0

Residence: In the Low Cost Residencial (an ancient high school who was converted in houses) from the company “Happy Homes”. Your sharing your room with a tech and a solo.

Appearance & Personality: Patrick Henry Lee is a skinny, nerdy-looking man with straight dark hair. He has a very patriotic streak, and can sometimes be nostalgic for times long before he was born, in spite of his love of technology. It is his hope that the essence of those times can be recaptured while still keeping and improving modern technology, and he uses technology to try to make that happen.

Background: Patrick Henry Lee was born in Virginia in 1993, and he can trace his ancestry back to historical figures such as George Washington and Robert E. Lee, though he is only a distant relation of theirs. He got into computers at a very early age and became an excellent programmer. He moved out to California in 2010, when he went to college at CalTech, and he remained on the West Coast ever since. The high cost of education frustrated him, and he struggled to pay off his debt afterwards. He has always been a patriotic American, and he blames his country's ills on the powerful megacorporations that have come to dominate it. The megacorps use the law as a weapon against their enemies, but they have no regard for it themselves. He longs for more innocent times when the U.S. Constitution was respected and obeyed, and he believes they can come again if the megacorps are brought down. It was this driving goal that led him to use his skills against them and become a netrunner, working in the shadowy underworld to end their reign and set America free.

Family Members: Patrick's family lives back east in Virginia. He has regular contact with his family on the net, but he rarely goes out there to visit them in person.

Equipment: standard deck, a basic processor, a cyber modem link, cyber modem, vehicle link, data term link, 2 interface plugs, 3 programmes (code cracker, hammer, stealth), some toolkits, a pocket tv/radio/phone cell, 1 Glock 17, 80$, Force Shield, replicator
University: bloodhound, betaflatline, filelocker

Skills: (Non-default skills BOLD, Professional Skills ITALICS, Hobbies preceded by a DOT)
Accounting (10%):
Anthropology (01%):
Archaeology (01%):
Art (05%):+1=8%
Astronomy (01%):
Bargain (05%):
Biology (01%):
Chemistry (01%):
Climb (40%):
Computer Use (01%): 61%
Conceal (15%):
Craft (05%):
Credit Rating (15%):
Cthulhu Mythos (00%):+3%=3%
Cyberdeck Design (01%): 26%
Disguise (01%):
.Dodge (DEX x 2): 60%
.Drive Auto (20%): 60%
Electrical Repair (10%):
Electronics (01%):
Fast Talk (05%):
First Aid (30%):
Geology (01%):
Hide (10%):
.History (20%): 35%+2%=37%
Jump (25%):
Law (05%):
Library Use (25%): 40%
Listen (25%): 40%
Locksmith (01%):
Martial Arts (01%):
Mechanical Repair (20%):
Medicine (05%):
Natural History (10%):
Navigate (10%):
Occult (05%):
Operate Heavy Machinery (01%):
Own Language: English (EDU x 5%): 65%
Persuade (15%):
Pharmacy (01%):
Photography (10%):
Physics (01%):
Pilot (01%):
Programming Language: Cybernet++ (01%): 51%
Programming Language: NewJava (01%): 26%
Psychoanalysis (01%):
Psychology (05%):
Ride (05%):
Sneak (10%):
Spot Hidden (25%): 50%
Swim (25%):
System Knowledge (01%): 61%+5=66%
Throw (25%):
Track (10%):
Chip level 1Bio-Basic: 30%:
Chip level 1 Martial art level 1 (Tai Chi Chuan): 30%

Fist/Punch (50%):
Grapple (25%):
Head Butt (10%):
Kick (25%):

.Handgun (20%): 60%
Machine Gun (15%):
Rifle (25%):
Shotgun (30%):
SMG (15%):
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Re: Characters

Post by kabukiman »

Player: Tangerine
‘Rubix’ a.k.a.; Triffod Delaney
Male Human, 22 years old
Height: 170cm, Weight: 80kg

STR 13
CON 12
DEX 16
SIZ 10
INT 17
POW 16
APP 10
EDU 16

Idea: 85
Know: 80
Luck: 80
MP: 16
HP: 11
San: 80

Occupation Skills

Basic Tech (20%): 60%
Cyberdeck Design (01%): 21%
Library Use (25%): 38%
Electronics (00%): 60%
Weaponsmith (01%): 31%
Mechanic Repair (20%): 70%
Pick Lock (01%): 46%
Electronic Repair (10%): 70%

Hobby Skills

System Knowledge (01%): 51%
Martial Arts (Kung Fu – 00%): 40%
Spot Hidden (25%): 45%
Computer Use (00%): 45%

Fist (50%): 60%
Kick (25%) 30%

Chip level 1 and 2: Bargain: 50%

Equipment: Tool kit, scooter, a small garage with lot's of ruined cars and computers that you use the pieces to reconstruct new ones, basic processor, cybermodem link, dataterm link, 2 interface plugs, Glock 17, protector googles, nightgoogles


Rubix is a trim, but averagely built young adult, with average looks. Very deft and calm, he is a quick tinkerer when it comes to anything mechanical or electronic. Mainly taken to fiddling with the hardware rather than the software, Rubix isn’t up to scratch as he could be on using computers and their myriad of programs – though what he can’t click on he can usually substitute with a hardwired bypass. Not very familiar with weaponry (he spent his youth off the streets), he nevertheless has picked up a few pointers or so in an Eastern Martial art from a friendly strangers in his past. More than a few street thugs or hardware junkies have nursed bloody noses, fractured limbs and, in one case, a broken spine.

A little shy to strangers, but friendly and humourous with friends, Rubix can be a nice guy to be around – provided you don’t tease him about his obsession with his Rubix cube (or ask about that crazy looking scar on his inner thigh...)

Residence: In the Low Cost Residencial (an ancient high school who was converted in houses) from the company “Happy Homes”. Your sharing your room with a solo and a runner.

Equipment: Tool kit, scooter, a small garage with lot's of ruined cars and computers that you use the pieces to reconstruct new ones, basic processor, cybermodem link, dataterm link, 2 interface plugs.

Basic Background:

“Home-schooled” by his father, Triffod Delaney grew up amongst machines, gadgets, doodads, watchamacallits and the occasional thingiemajig. For most of his youth, he and his father travelled with a roving caravan of sorts – hired by the Caravan Council as the fix-it men – that travelled between major cities and smaller communities, buying and selling pretty much anything more-or-less legal (the Council weren’t too fussy about previous owners, but steered clear of definite trouble or heavy drugs). Often, they’d join with troupes of performers going to gigs or whatnot, with one Eastern Arts troupe sticking with the Caravan for an entire year.

During this time, Triffod was taught some rudiments in Kung Fu by an elderly Chinese man in return for fixing and “upgrading” his antique Lamborghini (and many other “upgrade” jobs for the other members).

Just after his 21st birthday, as the Caravan stopped over at a small community for supplies and barter, Triffod found out his father’s true past – Delaney Snr apparently was a retired techie from a notorious street gang that went semi-professional, and guilty of the design (and production) of several black-market “Instant Hack” kits. Whilst many of the troupe were out doing their chores (including Trifford – who was at an antique novelty puzzle stall giving a “quote” to the absent vendor’s cute daughter), Delaney Snr’s past finally caught up with him in the form of a nasty bowie knife wielded by a hired runner.

Returning early to the Caravan camp with a Rubix cube in one hand, and a satisfied smirk on his face, Triffod arrived at his caravan home just in time to see the punk step out from the open door, flicking dark blood from his knife.

There weren’t any witnesses to the ensuing events, and Triffod can’t remember or won’t tell of them, because the returning troupe can tell only of what they saw. Next to a mutilated punker-corpse with a disturbing “fresh” tattoo on its thigh, Triffod squatted naked, covered in bruises and seeping blood from a shallow rip in his inner thigh, silently weeping and clutching a bloody Rubix cube and his father’s severed hand…

Triffod eventually left the troupe, the silences and moody outbursts straining tensions. For the remaining year and a half, Triffod ran with some informal gangs, eventually healing enough to begin to live again, helping out with tech or entry, and earning his nickname – Rubix.

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