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Re: Olsen

Post by kabukiman »

O'Banon offers you Olsen a chair (and only Olsen).
-So you have a boat and want's to import some juice, hem? Well, the deal is easy: you make a trip with a small cargo as a test. You receive 10% of the share for this time. If anything happens I don't know you, you don't know me. If everything turns ok, you will receive the payment I usually make- 50%. My business is only juice, I don't deal with powder or meat. You may bring other things, but you can't sell anything in this part of the town without my authorization. Agreed?
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Re: Olsen

Post by welsh »

Luke nods and takes a seat. Bruno remains standing politely a few steps back and manages to look at everyone and no one at the same time. "Fine. I'm not interested in moving into any retail. I deal strictly in movement and, when necessary, recovery. But we need to work out the delivery. How much cargo of juice are we talking about? Do you have a wholesaler you want me to work with or can I take my own business? And finally what kind of money are we talking about on delivery? You want me to move your cargo, ten percent works fine... this time. You want me to purchase from a distributor up north and then take a loss, well that's a different story. I don't mind carrying the risk, that' what I get paid for and why I pack my own heat. Other cargo, we'll talk about at a later date, that's fine."

Luke pauses, to let O'Banon consider. "But there are a few other things that I'd like to clear."

"I understand you want to test my good faith. That's fine." Luke keeps his voice calm and reasonable, "But good faith has to go both ways. Like you, I don't need my name being tossed around, and especially not sold to the cops. My crew is my responsibility, so when they come assure, I assume they are under your protection, if we got business together I don't need none of yours tussling with mine. I'll keep my boys in line if you do likewise, otherwise its bad business for subordinates to make business complicated for their superiors. I assume you agree? I say this only because I want us to start what could be a beautiful friendship, but all good relationships are built on trust."

Luke's voice changes a bit to show his disgust. "Which raises another thing. As I mentioned before, one of my guys got tagged by some local thugs. I've been tracking them down and figured they'd be with some other group working out of some out-of-the-way shit hole of a harbor called Innsmouth, where the locals are all caught up in some whacko religious bullshit. I figure its a big con by some local swindler or drifter to take advantage of the locals, get them to give their money to charity and then move off. But they seem to have muscle enough to move on one of my guys for some ceremonial dagger they want. A swindler willing to bring down a town with muscle makes me think these guys are a mob without any fucking sense of ethics or decency. You run a respectable operation here and there ain't no problem with a fella getting a bit of spirit, but the Irish I know go to Catholic Church, and don't mess around with no fucking pagan bullshit."

Luke pauses, takes a drink, before continuing.

"Now these motherfuckers in Innsmouth, they mess with one of mine without cause. They got the knife without needing to rough him up. That was merely, excessive. Now they got him in that fucking town and God knows what kind of fucked up shit they are going to do."

Luke gestures back to Bruno. "My guys operate simple, we watch each other's back. It's a matter of trust, you understand. So these motherfuckers have got to go. We need to get our boy back and things might very bloody. I tell you this because, like I said, I want our relationship to be built on trust and I think we understand each other that no one, I mean no one, fucks with our crew with impunity. The local cops aren't interested in the matter, which is all to the good, but that puts the responsibility on my plate. Fine. If I need to take that town apart, stick by stick, and burn it to the ground, well... such is the nature of the business we are in."

Luke smiles even as he offers a sly shake of his head, like a man who must do something he would prefer not. But then he looks at O'Bannon with deadly earnest and confidence.

"We have a mutual interest in this town. I figure that this gang is run by some prick who don't mind sending his muscle into your town. Had we not had this conversation, I would be suspicious that my boy would have been taken by some local crew. They don't seem to respect you, or fear you - and in this business that's dangerous. So I figure you have reason to be concerned. I take it that this same crew in Innsmouth might be looking to set up shop here, playing the same scam on a bigger scale. If that's the case, your interests and their interests will sooner or later, come to conflict."

"So my point? I'd like a little cooperation from you on this. I'd like to hear about what you know about this Innsmouth town and the local gang. If you got some interest there to protect, tell me now, least I hurt the wrong people while I look for my boy. I could also use some wheels, ideally a truck and a car, and would look kindly if I could borrow one for your crew. Ideally, something that wouldn't call much attention. Anything else you can offer to help, would be appreciated. But mostly I want to know about Innsmouth if you got local info. There's two families there, named Marsh and Gilman, who seem to be behind this caper and seem to be calling the shots."

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Re: Olsen

Post by kabukiman »

OOC: Don't see the commenteries above as racism, I'm only puting what was the mentality of the time.

When you prounonced "Innsmouth" one of the man says something incompreensible:
-A Dhia dhílis!
Another make the the sign of the cross. Only o'Bannon stays calm.
-Well, you have spoken, now it is my turn. I have my contacts in Canada, so no need to look for someone to buy, it would be too risky. About the justice here. Well, the mayor, the judge, the chief of the police, they are all honest folk. They think live in a world in their imagination- Arkham in a nice city, with few crimes, no corruption problems, no gangs. We and the italians help to live their dream. So no need to bribe them, I actually think it wouldn't work; unstead, we have bribe all the small cops and detectives; it's cheaper and it's actually them who are in the street. Of course if anyone trully crosses the line, they appear and do their job. Usually it only hapens when a new gang wants to make a show, but after a few deads, all we have to do is disapear and let the other guys be busted. So you man can actually get into a brawl and something of that in this part of the city, but avoid the fancy town; and avoid also the south of the city, it belongs to the italians.
We are talking about 1000$ for cargo. The problem is that sometimes some greedy police appear, and you will have to give them something to forget they saw you. Not everyone plays by the rules- he says with a note of sadness- and you can't make more than a couple of trips by monts; the other gangs would be too nervous and think that we were winning a fortune here, and get ideas of moving to our turf.
About you man: I made some inquires, and those guys weren't from here, and nobody seemed to know from where. Now you tell me they are from Innsmouth: that's bad news. Fucking bad news. Have you seen one of them? No? Well, let me tell you. When i see a negro or a chinamen, I see a man. They aren't worth a white, but they are men. Those guys from Innsmouth they don't seem true people... You know that crazy stuff they want to teach in schools that our ancestors were apes? Well, in that case I would say that the ancestors of Innsmouth folk are fishes. Don't laugh. Must be inbreeding, marrying all cousins between them . They have big eyes and smell as fish. And they have that weird cult that is not an ordinary scam to get money. Some crazy stories about them: seems they have lot's of fish in that zone. Well, some fisherman tried to ger fish there, but they were always bad weather and no fish, but the supply of fish to other towns continued by the Innsmouth folk like if they were fishing normally. They also seemed to get gold from some mine.
The Marsh and Gilman are the families who run the place. Never met one of them. Once a months they receive a cargo of juice from independents; they don't want to make deals with important families like us or the italians; to be sincere, superstitious as the italians are,I doubt that they would even accept.Your man is probably as good as dead. And I won't risk one of mines, I'm responsable for my people too. But I can borrow you a truck and some guns if you really want.
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Re: Olsen

Post by welsh »

Luke nods. "That sounds like a square deal to me. A little scratch a bit of grease and we don't got a problem."

"About that Innsmouth crowd, they seem like a fucking a bunch of inbreds. But they are making trouble for my boys, they might feel like making trouble with us. I appreciate the offer about the guns. Guns we got and I appreciate the deal with the truck. If you know someone in those parts that you trust to do business with, I'd appreciate the tip, because it might be worth having a place to lay low if we got to go in heavy. "

Luke smiles, "I have an idea but I don't want you to get the wrong impression, cause, like I said, trust is important. What if I go in with an offer to replace their supply, maybe at a price that is better than competitive. Make it worth their while. Maybe we find out the independents, maybe not. I can get my boy out, I'm done their. Then, I quietly turn the business over to you and they don't need to be the wiser. I get my guy and you can remove the independents and acquire a little more business? If you don't want the business, that's fine too. Like I said, I'm not interested in retail."

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Re: Olsen

Post by kabukiman »

-Seems a nice idea. But never mention my name as long as you stay there. If there is a problem, I don't want to have a fucking group of degenerates asking for me.
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Re: Olsen

Post by kabukiman »

You finally agreed with the details: when you need to get a shipment, the name of the contact, etc. It will be in 3 days, so there is lot's of time. to save Manuel. Olsen and his crew goes to the meeting with Alyssa.
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Re: Olsen

Post by kabukiman »

Your crew goes to little Chinatown. You arrive at Chu place, a small shop that apparently only sells inoffensive products, but you know better; the people near the shop ignores you.
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Re: Olsen

Post by Pickman37 »

Bruno Kirby takes in the sight and sounds of the area but, knows from experience in various ports and his work as a mercenary in the war, that the crew stands out. However, he knows they will be left alone and that the people staring here hold no water against the stares he felt in Innsmouth, which made his skin crawl....

They enter the shop and Kirby immediately seeks out the proprietor...

Explosives would be the best but fireworks will do... He strategizes. Anything that gets those 'fish-freaks' moving!

He moves to speak to the one most likely to be the owner...

"您好你会说英语 ?" ("Hello, Do you speak English?")

Kirby uses the only Chinese he knows and hopes for the best....
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Re: Olsen

Post by kabukiman »

- A small bald chinese appears and answers in a broken english:_
-What can I help honorouble customer?
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Re: Olsen

Post by Pickman37 »

"Good afternoon, kind sir! My friends and I have heard that you are able to procure 'certain' items."

Bruno observes who is present in the store, and who may be paying too much attention, and adjusts the volume of his voice to suit the circumstances before continuing...

"My crew and I are planning a celebration once we leave port and we are looking to acquire some 'fireworks' or something even more potent, if you get my drift. Price is no object. If you could set us up with these items, it would be greatly appreciated. And, again, price is no object. We are not here to haggle and will promptly be on our way after you help us."

Kirby maintains eye contact with the old man and awaits a response....
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Re: Olsen

Post by kabukiman »

He pauses for a moment. Then asks in a low voice.
-What are you thinking about exactly? I have TNT, dynamite. And tratidional fireworks of course. And when?
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Re: Olsen

Post by Pickman37 »

Bruno matches the volume of the old man's voice...

"We have an interest in the TNT or dynamite but unfortunately, we are leaving port in a few hours. Roughly an hour before it gets dark. So, if you are unable to provide the goods before then, we will have to settle on fireworks....unless they would take some time to acquire. How much time would you need, kind sir?"
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Re: Olsen

Post by kabukiman »

-Before dark? That's very short. But I can see what I can do. Come here 2 hours before dark. And for now, you may take some fireworks.
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Re: Olsen

Post by Pickman37 »

"Thank you and we appreciate anything you can do for us. For now, we will take the fireworks and return in a few hours to see if you have had any success. Again, we are very grateful, kind sir"

Bruno and the crew pay for the fireworks then return to the boat with their supplies. At the boat, they perform the necessary checks and maintenance to ensure the ship is ready for the return trip. They also make sure that they have the rope to access the back window of the warehouse, as well as anything else they may see as necessary for this mission.

Additionally, Bruno, Felix and Luke brainstorm about the surveillance mission in Innsmouth and try to recall a deserted building about a block away that could be used to plant the fireworks or explosives for the distraction to hopefully draw the guards away or any other prying eyes.
Kabukiman,I'm not sure if the crew has limited finances but I was playing Bruno similar to how Welsh played Luke earlier in the game where money did not seem to matter much. Hopefully, we have enough cash to finance this. Also, I'm not sure if we should make an idea roll about finding an alternate building to use. During the surveillance, we only checked the building next door to the customs house so I'm not sure how observant we were to spot another abandoned building farther away. I would hate to blow up someone(or thing)'s home lol! If worse comes to worse, we can set them off in a nearby alley.
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Re: Olsen

Post by kabukiman »

OOC: Actually explosives were quite cheap at that time, so it's no problem. You can make an idea roll to see if there was a better building.
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Re: Olsen

Post by Pickman37 »

Bruno attempts to recall another building nearby that can be used for the distraction but, despite his military and mercenary training, cannot recall one....

Being distracted by the mission at the Custom house and the wierdos of Innsmouth may have thrown me off...or maybe I'm getting too old for this. Bruno contemplates... Maybe Alyssa will remember spotting one. If not, we'll have to work on the fly....

After quizzing up Luke and Felix for any other ideas, the crew returns to Chu place at the appropriate time to see if they can acquire the explosives....
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Re: Olsen

Post by kabukiman »

There are 2 costumers. As soon as he see you, he says something in chinese and expel them and close the door.
He takes away several small statues and spices from a corner and push and crate. He open and show you 2 hand grenades and 10 pieces of dynamite.
-With the time you give, it was all I could get- he says in apology.
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Re: Olsen

Post by Pickman37 »

Bruno Kirby raises his hand to stop the old man from aplogizing...

"No...no...kind sir! You have done well and we are greatly appreciative! As promised, we will pay what you like...."

Bruno looks over the stash...

"No, this will do nicely...." He half mutters to himself but loud enough for the others to hear.

Bruno and the crew pay the old man what he requests, as well as a gratuity, then carry the goods back to the ship to await Alyssa's return.
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Re: Olsen

Post by kabukiman »

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