Death Toll

As the afternoon gets underway, the survivors from the T-Bone have been split up. The helicopter group must land at an airfield halfway to Omaha for refueling. Those still on the surface try desperately to defend the motel, while those trapped underground fight for their lives as they search for a way out.

Moderator: Mr. Handy

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Mr. Handy
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Death Toll

Post by Mr. Handy »

During the first two chapters of Zombie Apocalypse, Welsh and I kept a running list of all the characters who died and a short statement for each about how they met their doom. I'll start the same thing here. There may be spoilers for threads in which you do not have characters, so read with caution. In situations where I don't want players to realize that certain characters are dead yet, I will delay adding them to the Death Toll thread until such time as I feel it can be revealed. I'll update this thread as the death toll escalates, so check back if you see a character snuff it.

Current through October 24, 2008:

Airman Luis Mendoza- Lost his footing when a zombified former comrade started eating his helicopter's pilot and it began to plunge to the ground. He barely missed grabbing onto something before falling out to his death.

Airman Amy Janssen- Nearly followed Mendoza out of the helicopter, but she managed to grab hold of a handle only to die in the crash.

Sergeant Larry Hendrix- Died heroically in the crash when he unstrapped himself and went for the controls in an ultimately futile attempt to prevent it.

Randall- Bitten by a zombie rat and doomed to die, he sacrificed himself to seal the hatch to the lab and keep the zombies out before electrocuting himself in the generator room. However, his friends are also now trapped below. Time will tell if they'll be better off down there.

Trooper Bo Richards- Slain in the line of duty while trying to rescue fellow Trooper Erica Spears and Kathryn McCoy from the maniac who had abducted them. Corporal Gardner rolled a grenade down the stairs, and the shrapnel destroyed his brain, thus preventing him from rising up as a zombie.

Trooper Rick Brenner- Killed in the line of duty by the same grenade. His chivalry and courage will be missed.

Sergeant Diane Ford- Mortally wounded by the grenade as well. Kathryn sacrificed her chance at freedom in a failed effort to save her life. A sad end for a dedicated law enforcement professional.

Jim Kerr- His determination to unravel the mysteries of the secret facility under the T-Bone proved his undoing. One of those mysteries came up from the depths and devoured him.

Acting Senior Airman Carlos Duran- His promotion did not last long. He was doomed after being bitten by a zombie during the deadly battle at the motel. Though he survived that, he met his fate in the parking lot when a pack of zombies came out of the grass and seized him, and his comrades accidentally killed him while trying to save his life.

Kimberly the Pharmacist- Made it safely below, but returned to try to save her friends only to be slain by the monster.

Alice the Wandering History Professor- Consumed by the same thing that got Jim Kerr and Kimberly. All of her carefully hoarded knowledge ultimately did not help her.

Bob Larkin - Helicopter Pilot for the National Parks Service- Could have taken off in the chopper, but tried to stall for time and call Corporal Gardner's bluff. Unfortunately, he wasn't bluffing.

Private Simone Dawkins - National Guard Sniper- Climbed down from the sniper's nest in the tower roof and swung through the front doors in an effort to get Gardner. However, he was ready and opened fire as she came in, slaying her with some lucky hits. The distraction did at least allow Erica Spears to escape from him and get away in the helicopter.

Mr. Foo - Motel 8 owner with unusual past- Survived battles with skinheads and zombies, but in the end was also eaten by the creature that got Jim, Kimberly, and Alice.

Trooper Joe Barring- Made it downstairs to safety past the above creature, but bravely went back up to try to save the others. He failed for the most part, but did manage to rescue Max.

Airman Justin Hockey- Separated from his unit and trapped below, he also made it past the creature only to return to fight it and meet his doom.

Duke- Trapped underground and separated from his friends Robert and Both, he too was eaten by the creature that had devoured his companions.

Jenny Cooper- Saved from near certain death when Mr. Foo convinced her to stay at the motel instead of going to see the meteorite, and saved again by Mr. Foo and Stephanie when six runners attacked the motel, she still met her doom underground in the creature's gullet.

Lynne- After accidentally shooting herself and breaking her leg, she also fell prey to the monster that had eaten so many others.

Adrian Owens- Bitten by his zombified mother, the toxins slowly spread within his bloodstream until he finally died and became a zombie himself, putting his father in grave danger.

Baldwin- Lost his mind, then lost his life. Slain by Adrian after he turned into a zombie. Though he had ample warning, he did not act decisively enough and his luck abandoned him.

Willie the camera man- Survived against the odds when he fell through the roof and was mobbed by four hungry zombies, but alas has finally met his fate. Died protecting Kerry from two zombies deep underground.

Corporal Anthony Gardner- Rapist, murderer, and all-around scumbag. Gardner's plan to steal the helicopter fell apart when his comrades turned against him. In a desperate bid to escape the airfield's control tower, he took Erica Spears and Kathryn McCoy hostage, killed three Nebraska State Troopers with a grenade, shot a National Parks Service pilot dead, and gunned down the National Guard sniper who had once been under his command. He still almost made off with the chopper and both women, but Dawkins's sacrifice distracted him long enough for Erica to escape with the civilians in the chopper. Even so, he still managed to abduct Kathryn and flee from the airfield in a stolen police car. Flynn and Alvarez pursued him, but their first rescue attempt failed and cost Alvarez his leg. He finally met his end when Jack Montrose doubled back and took him out with a grenade, freeing Kathryn from his clutches. None of the survivors will mourn his passing, but his player does:

Wallace Red Crow- Bitten by a zombified Lt. Elizabeth Malone in the communications room, he was doomed from that moment forward. Gave his life in an effort to defend the motel against more zombies, and at least was spared turning into a zombie himself. It remains to be seen if his sacrifice was in vain.

Kerry Pierce- She survived several terrifying ordeals that began well before the zombie outbreak started against all odds and faced her fears by returning to a place she never wished to see again. She made it out only to face something even more terrifying, but she held her fire in the belief that shooting it would not help. Now she'll never know if she was right.

Rosie the waitress- Slain by the same monstrosity, she sacrificed her life to give Sally a chance to escape - but will she?

Ms. Foo- Outlived her husband, but not by much. She was also killed by the monster that slaughtered her friends.

Max the dog- Mortally wounded and saved by Rosie, only to die tragically anyway due to the monster's attack.

Ellen Cody- Another victim of the monster, she followed her employers to the grave.

Michael Walters- The sole survivor of an attack by mosquito-like creatures early on, Michael barely escaped with his life only to become this monster's latest victim. But will he be its last?

Airman Steve Phillips- Already doomed to die after having been bitten by a zombie coyote an hour and a half ago, Phillips also gave his life in the defense of the motel against the zombies - right as an even worse threat arrived!

Airman Thomas Cole- Managed to retain his mind, but his body was crushed by the latest threat to attack the motel.

Luke the Hunter- He thought he would be safe on the roof of the motel, but he was dead wrong. His mind was far stronger than Cole's. Had his body been as strong, he might have survived. Instead he has become the prey of an even deadlier hunter than he was.

Airman Igor Malanowski- Also slaughtered by the same monster. No matter how tough he was, he was not invulnerable.

Sergeant Sam Black- Very good at killing targets at a safe distance. While he badly wounded this one, it was far too close for comfort.

Airman Bobby Sheen- Died with the others on the roof. With all of the best marksmen in one place, it was very easy for all of them to be eliminated at once. With him dead, the odds that the motel will stand dropped dramatically.

Acting Senior Airman Manuel Ortega- Wounded by a zombie and then knocked unconscious by a stray grenade, he was helpless when Phillips rose from the dead and started to eat him.

Airman Greg Applebee- His flamethrower failed at just the wrong time and he was bitten badly by a zombie. Though the doctors saved his life, he went insane when he saw the monster and went willingly to his death.

Airman Gordon Cheng- The sole survivor of his unit, Cheng escaped from the missile base where he was stationed only to meet his end somewhere else. Also went mad when he saw the monster, and died alongside Applebee.

Private Julio Alvarez- Decided to do the right thing and turned against Corporal Gardner, risking his life and sacrificing his leg while trying to save Kathryn McCoy from him. He survived, only to lose his life to a shotgun-wielding farmer when he shot the zombie that the farmer's wife had become.

Ernest Granger- Managed to survive the monster's initial attack on the motel roof, only to be eaten by the five people who didn't survive.

Senior Airman Harry Flynn- He too met his fate at the farmhouse like his friend Alvarez, driven mad and then slain by the farmer's zombified wife in spite of the best efforts of everyone else to save him. He had been lucky to survive as long as he did, but his luck finally ran out and even his rabbit's foot couldn't protect him forever in the end.

Clarence Deeds- Survived a grueling tour in Vietnam and led his family and friends out of danger on the morning of the worst day the world has ever seen, only to have an even greater danger than the zombies find him. He died in a failed attempt to bring it down.

Lewie Newton- Killed alongside his wife by the same monster that slew Clarence. He couldn't leave Sue in its path when she froze up, so he stood his ground and took a futile shot with his pistol before he went down.

Sue Newton- Frozen with fear at the sight of the monster that ended up killing her and her husband, she could not even try to get out of its way or blast it with her shotgun.

Joe Soarez- Filled with a berserker rage, he went down fighting against a foe far too tough for him.

Airman Brian Kincaid- Was too afraid to attack the monster with his new machine gun. He went up to the roof and finally took action after it had already killed several more people, but was defenseless against his former comrades on the roof who had been the first ones slain by it when they arose and came after him.

Bill "Tsuba" Black- Went mad when he saw the monster, then was attacked by Cheng and Applebee when they rose up as zombies. Though he managed to avoid their attacks for a while, eventually he got bitten by one of them, and then the monster finished him off.

Jack Montrose- Risked his life to rescue Kathryn McCoy from Corporal Gardner, killing him in the process - twice. In the end he died protecting her from a zombified Alvarez so that she'd have a chance to live.

Javier Ramirez- Was instrumental in making sure that Dr. Hausmann and Stephanie Bridges were able to bring their computer with them on the flight to Omaha, but he did not escape with his life. He perished when he went mad as zombies swarmed the motel, and they devoured him after he was abandoned where he had fallen.

Lt. Angela Blanco- Almost escaped from the motel, but finally lost it when she saw the zombies. In spite of the efforts of Zorie Spooner and Lt. Alan Curtis to save her, she fell prey to her former comrades, now risen as zombies.

Airman Alexandria Mikhalin- She sacrificed her life to stay and operate the communications gear. She went insane too when a zombified Luke came after her. She nearly got away too, but he caught up to her and brought her down.

Lt. Alan Curtis- Was knocked unconscious while trying to get Lt. Blanco out of the motel by jumping off the balcony, then was eaten by zombies while he was helpless. He never lost his mind, but he did lose his head.
Doctor Who/CoC Campaign:
(viewforum.php?f=176)The Terror Out of Time
(viewforum.php?f=191)]The Ninth Planet
The Shadow Over Dunwich
The Brotherhood of Death
The Horror in the Blackout
The Masque of Nyarlathotep

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