
As the afternoon gets underway, the survivors from the T-Bone have been split up. The helicopter group must land at an airfield halfway to Omaha for refueling. Those still on the surface try desperately to defend the motel, while those trapped underground fight for their lives as they search for a way out.

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Z-Day - 2:22 PM Central Time - Airfield 10 miles SW of Kearney, Nebraska
On the tower roof-
As Private Simone Dawkins had watched through her scope, she had heard Alvarez's voice come over his radio: "Corporal and company, be aware that there has been sighted a black man near the northwest corner of the hangar. It looks like he is hiding from something or someone. Just thought you all might wish to know that. This is Alvarez, out."

She had glanced over to the hangar, but could not see the northwest corner due to the building obstructing her view. She had gone back to watching the warehouse again and replied on the radio: "Dawkins here. I can't see that location from up here. The hangar itself is blocking my view."

Gardner's voice came on next: "This is Gardner. I'm heading outside now, and I'll keep an eye out for him. It's probably the doc. Thanks for the heads up."

Flynn had unlocked the warehouse doors, removing the padlock and chain that were securing the handles, while Alvarez had gotten the flatbed truck started. The big State Trooper had opened the doors and stood outside next to the co-pilot.

Dawkins had heard the sound of the helicopter's engine starting up as the co-pilot went into the warehouse, but the trooper remained outside. A moment later, the chopper shut down again. Then she had heard Gardner's voice over the radio: "Flynn, Alvarez, you guys have been gone a long time. Is there any problem?"

"Yes sir," Alvarez had replied over the radio, "uh Bob is inside the warehouse moving the fuel as per ordered but Bo refuses to go inside to help so it will take a bit longer than we thought to get the fuel back to the truck. I figure 10 minutes more. We will get there, I know that you want these civilians on their way safely."

"I'm at the chopper," Gardner had answered, "and I've captured the girls. If you can't get Bo to go inside willingly, tell him we've got them and I'll kill one of them if he doesn't cooperate. Also let him know that Dawkins has his head in her crosshairs, and she'll kill him too."

At that point, Dawkins had taken careful aim at the State Trooper's head, awaiting whatever would come next. Bob had then rolled a barrel of fuel outside and gone back in while Bo loaded it on the truck. After that, Alvarez had pointed his rifle at Bo. The trooper looked up at the roof of the tower, straight into her eyes. He slowly backed into the warehouse, so that he was now out of her line of sight. She couldn't see much of what was going on due to both men being inside the warehouse and the truck blocking her vision, but there was some kind of standoff.

Just now it seemed to have been settled, as the doors slid shut. Flynn looped the chain through the handles while Alvarez got in the truck and drove back towards the helipad.

(Simone Dawkins, if you wish to have a look around now, please specify in which direction you're looking and make a Spot Hidden roll. Because you are wearing a Kevlar helmet, this roll has a -5% penalty. Since your skill is 75%, this means you have a 70% chance. If you succeed I'll let you know what, if anything, you see.)

At the helipad-
Alvarez pulled up near the helicopter in the flatbed truck. Corporal Anthony Gardner stood next to it with his pistol drawn and pointed at the three women. Erica Spears had removed her flight helmet and jacket, and was wearing an olive green tank top beneath it. Stephanie Bridges had taken off her lab coat, and she had on a black sleeveless V-neck blouse under that. She had obviously been crying recently, and her cheeks were still damp. Both of them had their arms duct taped behind their backs. Dr. Hausmann was not similarly bound, though of course she had her broken arm in a sling.

"Good job," said Gardner when Alvarez stopped the truck. "Help me unload the fuel barrel and then hook it up to the pump. I've already searched the women." He scanned the cab. "How come Flynn didn't come back with you?"
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Re: IC-OVER-Prisoners(Dawkins/Alvarez/Stephanie/Hausmann)

Post by Mr Zombie killer »

"Sir, Flynn stayed back to guard the man. I am afriad that the only way they would get into the warehouse is if we pretended to lock the door. They intend to capture this helicpopter. I think Flynn is still on our side but I am not sure. You need to be prepared. They may be on thier way back here now. I say once they show up shoot one of the women, maybe the good doctor here since they say the fate of the world depends on her and that should stop them from doing anything else. So what do you want me to do sir?"
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Re: IC-OVER-Prisoners(Dawkins/Alvarez/Stephanie/Hausmann)

Post by ryansommer »

Dawkins quickly sweeps her scope away from the warehouse, glad the confrontation seems to have been resolved. She focuses in on the chopper again, half expecting to see Gardner acosting one, if not all of the women aboard.
'Keep it together, Gardner,' Dawkins muttered to herself, 'Keep it together so we can get the hell out of here.'
Dawkins then glances back over her shoulder towards the hanger, and the location of the mysterious black man.
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Re: IC-OVER-Prisoners(Dawkins/Alvarez/Stephanie/Hausmann)

Post by Mr. Handy »

On the tower roof-
Simone Dawkins saw Alvarez get out of the truck and speak to Gardner briefly while they unloaded the fuel barrel and hooked it up to the fuel pump.

"This is Gardner," came the corporal's voice over the radio. "We're fueling up the chopper now, and we'll be taking off in approximately twenty minutes. Dawkins, keep your eyes to the east."

Below, she could see Gardner take the pilot by the arm and march her at gunpoint towards the tower. Soon the building blocked her view of them. She could detect no movement anywhere near the hangar. The runways and open ground further west were also empty.

(You may roll Spot Hidden again this round after specifying a direction to look.)

At the helicopter-
"The only way?" said Gardner skeptically as he and Alvarez unloaded the fuel barrel and hooked it up to the chopper's fuel pump. "Threatening to kill a hostage wasn't enough? That's bad news about Flynn being unreliable. I never trusted him anyway, and I'm one step ahead. I've got us another pilot, just in case." He grabbed Erica Spears by the arm. "The fuel will pump automatically until the barrel's empty. I want you to take the other two women in the truck and put them in Warehouse 2. Then call Flynn over and have him help you bring a second barrel out. Then lock the women in - for real this time." He took out his duct tape and taped shut the mouths of Stephanie and Dr. Hausmann, who had horrified looks on their faces. "Can't have them blabbing about our plans, now can we? Once they're locked up, find out for sure which side Flynn is on. If it's not ours, kill him. If the men try anything, you can kill the doctor like you said, but keep the blonde alive just in case. Kill the men too if they don't surrender. After that's taken care of, bring the barrel back and switch the pump when the first one's empty. I'll take care of our lady pilot personally. If I have to kill a hostage, Kathryn is expendable - as much of a shame as that would be. Be careful what you say on the radio, since Flynn will hear it too." He spoke into his radio: "This is Gardner. We're fueling up the chopper now, and we'll be taking off in approximately twenty minutes. Dawkins, keep your eyes to the east."

With that, Gardner took Erica by the arm and marched her back to the tower and through the front entrance.
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Re: IC-OVER-Prisoners(Dawkins/Alvarez/Stephanie/Hausmann)

Post by Mr Zombie killer »

Alvarez watched Gardner walk off then said, "Ladies do not worry. I am on you and Bo's side. I will need to take you over to the warehouse however so that I do not get shot. Once there I will try and distract Dawkins and Flynn if he is on their side and all of us will make a run back for the chopper. But I need to get to Omaha to see my girl and one of the men, I cannot remember which one, offered me his seat so its up to you. If you have a problem with me going with you and helping you now please tell me via shaking your head and I will do what Gardner told me and lock you away. But if I can get out of here with you then nod your head. Well which one is it?" Alveraz then marched them to the truck and pushed them inside the cab. As he got in he looked at them and said, "Well?"
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Re: IC-OVER-Prisoners(Dawkins/Alvarez/Stephanie/Hausmann)

Post by ryansommer »

"Roger, that" Dawkins replied into her radio as she swung her rifle and attention to the east. "You expecting trouble from the warehouse, Sir?" She didn't like that Gardner was leading another female to the tower where he could be alone with her. She'd this happen before. Sure, it was in a past, far removed from where she is today, but she'd seen it before and it didn't end well.
Dawkins is sharply aware that gardner must be expecting trouble from the east as she scans the area around the warehouses.
After scanning the area to the east, Dawkins looks up from her scope and scans the area around and to the north of the hanger with her binoculars.
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Re: IC-OVER-Prisoners(Dawkins/Alvarez/Stephanie/Hausmann)

Post by Mr. Handy »

On the tower roof-
Dawkins heard Flynn speak on the radio: "20 minutes? Okay, any other instruction?"

Gardner spoke over the airwaves next: "Quite possibly, Dawkins. Can't be too careful. Flynn, I've sent Alvarez over to Warehouse 2 to get another barrel of fuel and lock up a couple of the girls. Go over and help him when he gets there."

Peering through her scope, Dawkins could see a small group of people in the distance to the east. There were nine of them, and while they were still over a mile away, they were approaching very quickly. They had various wounds and were obviously like the infected people that had attacked before. She also noticed that the doors to Warehouse 1 were slightly open, though the chain was still looped through the handles.

(At the current range, Dawkins would be rolling against 1/4 skill if she were to shoot at the zombies. There is an additional -5% penalty for aiming at the head, which applies after quartering your skill. Since that skill is 75%, 1/4 of that is 18.75, which is further reduced to 13.75 due to the penalty. This means you'd need a 13 or less to hit, and would only impale on a 1 or 2. Since there is no combat aside from shooting at zombies from a safe distance, there are currently five combat rounds per major update. The M-24 has a 1/2 rate of fire, so you'd only get to shoot 3 times if you wish to. If you do shoot, you won't be able to watch anything else. After the next update, the zombies will be closer and your skill will only be halved.

Also, roll Listen, again with a -5% penalty due to your helmet.)

At the helicopter-
Alvarez also heard the exchange over the radio.

Stephanie's thoughts and heart raced with this strange change of fortune. She nodded vigorously as she climbed into the truck and sat down in the middle of the cab. Dr. Hausmann nodded too, placing her laptop on Stephanie's lap and then climbing in beside her. She closed the door with her good hand and took her computer back.

Stephanie turned her head towards the tower entrance. "Mm-mm-mmh!" she said, her voice muffled by the duct tape over her mouth but her urgency apparent.

(Alvarez, roll Listen, again with a -5% penalty due to your helmet.)
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Re: IC-OVER-Prisoners(Dawkins/Alvarez/Stephanie/Hausmann)

Post by Mr Zombie killer »

Alvarez, as he was climbing into the truck, paused to listen and see if he heard anything. In amazament he realized he did hear something and stopped to think about it. He then climbed into the cab and started the truck up. Making sure that Dawkins could not see him from where she was he reached over and undid part of the tape on Stephene's mouth. "What were you trying to say now?", he asked.
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Re: IC-OVER-Prisoners(Dawkins/Alvarez/Stephanie/Hausmann)

Post by ryansommer »

"We've got nine infected inbound! Moving from the east to our position. Distance is approximatly one mile and closing quickly." Dawkins barks into the radio. "I have a clear line of fire, but it's a long shot. Please advise."
(OOC: Can Dawkins estimate the time it will take for the infected to reach the warehouses which are the first structures to the east? Also, do all of us have indavidual channels to each other or is all communication through a shared channel?)
Dawkins peers back down at the ajar warehose door, looking to see if it's locked. From her vantage point she has a clear view of the door and chain holding it together.
'I don't like this shit one bit' she mutters to herself. 'We need to get the hell out of here and fast'
(OOC: How many people does the chopper hold?)
Despite her helmet, Dawkins is able to detect a sound, carried on the wind.
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Re: IC-OVER-Prisoners(Dawkins/Alvarez/Stephanie/Hausmann)

Post by Mr. Handy »

(The zombies will arrive at the warehouses in about six minutes, or thirty combat rounds. The warehouses are 50 yards east of the tower. You can fire your rifle every other round, which gives you 15 shots minus rounds spent reloading or doing other things. You've spent one round looking at the chain, leaving you four more combat rounds before the next update, allowing you to fire twice if you wish. This is only a minor update, not a major one, so the clock doesn't advance yet. For these first four rounds, you are at 1/4 skill and have a 13% chance to hit a zombie's head. For the twelve rounds following that, you are at 1/2 skill. Since your skill is 75%, half of it is 37.5%, and there is a -5% penalty for aiming at the head, you will have a 32% chance to hit at that point. During the last thirteen rounds you will be at full skill, and your chance to hit will be 75-5=70%. Each hit causes 2d6+4 damage (4d6+8 on an impale, a roll of 1/5 of your effective skill or less), and while it does take 10 points to the head to kill a zombie, simply wounding a fast zombie's head will slow it down and allow you to pick it off at your leisure.

There is only one shared channel between the National Guard people, so anything you say to one can be heard by all. There are other frequencies available, but unless you've prearranged to have the person you're talking to tuned to a specific frequency at a particular time - and you haven't - you have no way to use this to hold a private conversation.

The helicopter holds at most five people.)

On the tower roof-
Dawkins could hear the sound of a car engine being started in the distance to the north, beyond the hangars. The vehicle began moving eastwards. As she focused in on the chain around the warehouse doors, she could see that it was not in fact locked.

"Your call, Dawkins," answered Gardner on the radio. "You may fire when ready. Alvarez and Flynn, since you're heading out to the warehouses anyway, once you're done at Warehouse 2 I want you both to head to the east side of the warehouses if there are any left and shoot the infected as they come. If they get too close, fall back to the truck and use it to lead them away so Dawkins can safely kill them."

At the helicopter-
Alvarez could also hear the car engine starting up to the north and the vehicle moving off to the east. In addition, he could clearly make out the word that Stephanie had spoken through her gag: "Erica!"

Stephanie winced when the duct tape came off, but brushed the sudden pain aside. "We have to save Erica now, there's no time for the warehouse!" she said hurriedly. "Don't you realize what he's going to do to her?"
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Re: IC-OVER-Prisoners(Dawkins/Alvarez/Stephanie/Hausmann)

Post by ryansommer »

"Roger that, sir. I estimate we have about 6 minutes before these rotbags each the tower. I'll try and slow them down, but I suggest we get this bird fueled up and airborn as fast as we can. With all do respect, I don't think we have time to dilly dally in the tower, sir" she replies with stern and cold emphysis on the last sentence.
Taking aim at the first of the infected, Dawkins relaxes her breathing and lets loose with several rounds
(OOC: I made a mistake with invisible castle. I rolled 4 times because I had saw that I had 4 rounds to act, but I did not factor in reloading. I only get 2 shots this round. The rolls are posted here. Would you like me to reroll or do you want to take the first two for for my 1/4 skill shots, and the second 4 for my shots next round? Otherwise, I can reroll my two shots for this round and reroll for the next round)
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Re: IC-OVER-Prisoners(Dawkins/Alvarez/Stephanie/Hausmann)

Post by Mr. Handy »

(I'll take the first two shots for this round and the next two for last round. The first shot misses, and the second hits. Go ahead and roll 2d6+4 for damage. This is also technically a critical hit and could do double damage, though it's more than 1/5 of your skill. Let's see what you get for damage first. If it's 10 or more, then the extra damage doesn't really matter. The next two shots will both hit at 32% skill, but wait until next round to roll damage for them. The last shot will be an impale.)
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Re: IC-OVER-Prisoners(Dawkins/Alvarez/Stephanie/Hausmann)

Post by ryansommer »

Dawkins first shot missed, but with the barrel now warmed up, her second shot struck home from nearly a mile away. Her targets head disappeared in a mist of blood and gore
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Re: IC-OVER-Prisoners(Dawkins/Alvarez/Stephanie/Hausmann)

Post by Mr Zombie killer »

Alvarez quickly thought about it. "Okay, we can go save Erica now." He looked at both of them and said, "I hope I can trust you!" He then got out of the truck and said on the radio to Dawkins, "Dawkins, I am taking the girls with me. I need to go get some more ammo inside the tower. I will leave them outside the tower in your sightline. Shoot to wound if they try to run." He then winked at both girls and said, "Don't run and you should be fine but I am going to need to make this look good so I am putting the tape back on your mouth. Remember I am on your side. I will go get Erica and kill that sob myself if I need to!" He pulled the girls out of the truck and walked back toward the tower entrance.
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Re: IC-OVER-Prisoners(Dawkins/Alvarez/Stephanie/Hausmann)

Post by Mr. Handy »

West of the tower-
Stephanie nodded again. Her smile was invisible behind the duct tape covering her mouth, but her eyes clearly sparkled. Just a couple of minutes ago everything had seemed so dark, but now she had genuine hope. She and Dr. Hausmann did as they were told, standing where Alvarez had instructed them while he went inside the tower. Dr. Hausmann held onto her computer tightly.

In the tower lobby-
Alvarez crossed the empty lobby and soon reached the central stairwell and elevator shaft. The indicator light above the elevator doors showed that it was on the fourth floor.

Suddenly, the fire alarm began to ring.

On the tower roof-
Simone Dawkins also heard the fire alarm go off. The eight remaining creatures were now within a mile and closing fast.

(You've already scored two hits, and the second was an impale. Go ahead and roll damage. The first one does 2d6+4. The second does 4d6+8, which is a guaranteed kill, so that roll is optional. You also get a third shot in the fifth combat round this update.)
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Re: IC-OVER-Prisoners(Dawkins/Alvarez/Stephanie/Hausmann)

Post by Mr Zombie killer »

Alvarez heard the alarm and cringed. He then went running up the nearby stairs with his M-4 at the ready.
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Re: IC-OVER-Prisoners(Dawkins/Alvarez/Stephanie/Hausmann)

Post by Mr. Handy »

On the stairs-
Alvarez raced up the stairs, approaching the landing on the second floor.

(Alvarez, make a Listen roll at half skill since it's hard to hear anything over the alarm. You also have a -5% penalty to the roll due to your helmet, which is applied after your skill is halved. Thus, you will only succeed on a 7 or less.)
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Re: IC-OVER-Prisoners(Dawkins/Alvarez/Stephanie/Hausmann)

Post by ryansommer »

Dakwins cleanly, yet quickly, slid the bold back on her M24, ejecting the spent round and chambered another. This round too hit it's mark but did not down the approaching zombie. Again she deftly ejected the spent casing and fired a fourth time, this round taking the target cleanly in the head. With a fluidity that startles even herself, she racks another round into her finely crafted rifle, takes aim, and fires at wildly approaching infected. One shot, one kill.
" What the fuck is going on down there?" she barks into the radio upon hearing the fire alarm go off. "Do we have a fire in the tower? Cause it really doesn't make my job any easier to have my firing platform burning under me. I've taken 3 targets down and injured another, but we still have 5 very pissed off corpses closing on us rapidly."
'This is not good' Dawkins thinks to herself. 'That letcherous pig, Gardner, is going to get us all killed and Alvarez and Flynn seem to be up to something' Dawkins grumbles, recalling the unlicked warhouse below.
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Re: IC-OVER-Prisoners(Dawkins/Alvarez/Stephanie/Hausmann)

Post by Mr Zombie killer »

Alvarez continued to go upstairs. He tried to listen but he did not hear a thing. However he did slow up a bit and took the stairs at a jog instead of a run.
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Re: IC-OVER-Prisoners(Dawkins/Alvarez/Stephanie/Hausmann)

Post by Mr. Handy »

On the stairs-
Gardner spoke on the radio as Alvarez approached the second floor: "Sounds like Kathryn is trying to fly the coop. I'm on my way to check the fire escape now. Flynn, let me know if you see her from your position. Alvarez, cover the stairs to make sure she doesn't get out that way. Take her alive if you can."

(Alvarez is moving to this thread: Chance Encounter. Stop reading this thread at this point.

Everyone else remains in the current thread.)

On the tower roof-
Dawkins watched with satisfaction as two more of her targets went down and the wounded one began to lag well behind. Only five continued at full speed. She also heard Gardner's response on the radio.

(At this point you must reload your rifle before you shoot again, as you've fired five shots. After that you have enough time to shoot twice. Both times are at half skill, so with the -5% penalty your effective skill is again 32%.)

West of the tower-
Stephanie and Dr. Hausmann remained where they were, watching Alvarez disappear into the stairwell. Stephanie knew they weren't out of the woods yet, but at least there was now a ray of hope in the darkness. Please let Erica hold out until Alvarez can rescue her! she thought. That could have been me up there...
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