IC-OVER-Fly Girls(Gardner/Erica/Stephanie/Hausmann)

As the afternoon gets underway, the survivors from the T-Bone have been split up. The helicopter group must land at an airfield halfway to Omaha for refueling. Those still on the surface try desperately to defend the motel, while those trapped underground fight for their lives as they search for a way out.

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IC-OVER-Fly Girls(Gardner/Erica/Stephanie/Hausmann)

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Z-Day - 2:16 PM Central Time - Airfield 10 miles SW of Kearney, Nebraska
In the tower lobby-
Gardner heard Alvarez's voice come over his radio: "Corporal and company, be aware that there has been sighted a black man near the northwest corner of the hangar. It looks like he is hiding from something or someone. Just thought you all might wish to know that. This is Alvarez, out."

Another voice came on, that of Simone Dawkins: "Dawkins here. I can't see that location from up here. The hangar itself is blocking my view."

"This is Gardner," he replied. "I'm heading outside now, and I'll keep an eye out for him. It's probably the doc. Thanks for the heads up." He strode through the shattered doorway.

At the helicopter-
"Looks like he's packing a pistol," said Erica.

"Not surprising, under the circumstances," said Dr. Hausmann. "I'd be rather amazed if he didn't have a gun."

A man in a uniform with corporal's stripes on his sleeves and toting an M-16 walked out of the tower's destroyed front doors and approached the helicopter. He looked around, but didn't notice anything unusual. He stopped in front of it and smiled at the women. "Afternoon, ladies," he said. "I'm Corporal Anthony Gardner. We spoke over the radio earlier." He looked at Erica. "And you must be Erica Spears. You're even more beautiful than I imagined."
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Re: IC-OVER-Fly Girls(Gardner/Erica/Stephanie/Hausmann)

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At the helicopter-
Erica Spears rolled her eyes at Gardner's comment. "Yeah, that's me," she said.

Gardner looked past her to the rear seat. "Aren't you going to introduce me to your lovely passengers?" he asked.

"These are two very important scientists we're bringing to Omaha," she said. She pointed to each woman in turn. "This is Dr. Brigetta Hausmann and her assistant Stephanie Bridges."

"A pleasure to meet you both." He ran his eyes up and down them.

"Danke, Corporal," said Dr. Hausmann. "We are glad you have the fuel to spare. We must get to Omaha without any further delays. Every minute counts!"

Stephanie nodded as she typed rapidly on her computer. "Yes, thank you," she said. "You have no idea how important it is that we reach Omaha."

"I'm glad to be of service," said Gardner.
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Re: IC-OVER-Fly Girls(Gardner/Erica/Stephanie/Hausmann)

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At the helicopter-
A sudden series of pulses came over the radio. Erica Spears recognized them instantly, and their ominous meaning filled her with terror. Reacting quickly, she started the chopper's engine back up with one hand while reaching for her holster with the other.

But Gardner was quciker. He raised his M-16 and pointed it at her head. "Freeze!" he barked over the rising whine of the rotors, all pretense of friendliness gone. "Shut it down now! I've got a sharpshooter on the roof with your head in the crosshairs, and I can't miss from this close either."

"Oh my God!" cried Stephanie. She pressed the keystroke sequence to save her work and put the computer down gently on the empty seat beside her.

"Nobody make any sudden movements! It would be a shame if any of you pretty girls got hurt. Now, Erica darling, turn off the engine and put your weapons on the co-pilot's seat...nice and slow."
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Re: IC-OVER-Fly Girls(Gardner/Erica/Stephanie/Hausmann)

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At the helicopter-
Erica sighed and reluctantly shut off the engine. It died down and dwindled to nothing as she slowly placed her M-16, her Grease gun, and her Beretta still in its holster on the empty co-pilot's seat.

Gardner smiled. "Good girl," he said. "Now all of you get out and keep your hands where I can see them." He spoke over the radio. "Flynn, Alvarez, you guys have been gone a long time. Is there any problem?"

Erica unbuckled her straps, opened her door, and stepped outside, her hands raised. Stephanie reached across and opened the door for Dr. Hausmann, who got out too. Then Stephanie unplugged and picked up her laptop and followed her, worry on her face.

"Excellent," said Gardner. He motioned to Erica. "Okay, step forward, face the helicopter, spread your arms, and rest your hands on the glass." She glared at him, but complied. He slung his M-16 across his back and drew his M9. Then he kicked her legs apart and began to pat her down with his free hand. She gritted her teeth as he ran it over her body.

"You can't do this!" protested Dr. Hausmann. "You don't understand! We have to get to Omaha!"

"Look, I'm doing you ladies a favor. You fly this bird to Omaha, you'll just get yourselves killed and it'll go to waste. At least here you'll have a chance."

"Please," begged Stephanie, clutching the computer, "it's vital that we get to Omaha with the data we're carrying! We've got the key to ending this crisis, right here!"

"Yeah, right." He patted Erica's rear and then moved on to the jacket of her flight suit, feeling the bulk of the Kevlar beneath. "Take off your helmet, your jacket and your vest, then place them on the pilot's seat."

Erica did as he told her. Beneath her jacket and Kevlar vest, she had on an olive green tank top. Gardner nodded and finished searching her. She winced as he felt her up in the process. He took her rifle and pistol magazines, leaving the ones for the Grease gun in the chopper.
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Re: IC-OVER-Fly Girls(Gardner/Erica/Stephanie/Hausmann)

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At the helicopter-
"Hands behind your back and interlace your fingers," said Gardner. Erica Spears did as she was told. Gardner took out a roll of duct tape and began to loop it around her wrists and lower arms.

"Yes sir," Alvarez replied over the radio, "uh Bob is inside the warehouse moving the fuel as per ordered but Bo refuses to go inside to help so it will take a bit longer than we thought to get the fuel back to the truck. I figure 10 minutes more. We will get there, I know that you want these civilians on their way safely."

"I'm at the chopper," answered Gardner, "and I've captured the girls. If you can't get Bo to go inside willingly, tell him we've got them and I'll kill one of them if he doesn't cooperate. Also let him know that Dawkins has his head in her crosshairs, and she'll kill him too."

"No!" pleaded Stephanie, her heart seized with dread. "Please, don't!"

"Relax," he said. "If everyone cooperates, nobody will get hurt. Your turn, blondie." He pushed Erica to stand over with Dr. Hausmann. Stephanie handed her laptop to the doctor and stepped forward. "Now, off with that lab coat."


"Because I want to see what you've got underneath it, and because I said so, and I've got the gun." Stephanie lowered her head, her lips quivering. She unbuckled the lab coat's belt, slipped it off, and placed it slowly on the chopper's back seat. Beneath it she wore gray slacks and a sleeveless black V-neck blouse. Gardner ogled her, gazing at her chest. "Mmm, you sure are gorgeous. Now, assume the position."

Stephanie complied, and Gardner began to search her as well, sliding his hand over her body. "Hey, watch where you put that!"

"Oh, believe me, I'm watching." He detected the bulge of the 10mm automatic under her blouse. Stephanie trembled as he lifted the fabric to expose her midriff and pulled the pistol from its concealed holster before pulling the blouse back down. He whistled appreciatively. "You've got a nice piece. Now it belongs to me."

"Please, you don't know what you're doing! If you take this helicopter, you're dooming all of mankind! Where do you think you're going to go that it's safe anyway?"

"Warren Air Force Base." Gardner slipped the pistol into his belt and resumed searching Stephanie. "I know it's still operating and secure. I've been monitoring the radio traffic."

"It's not as safe as you think. I've spoken to them. First of all, you'll never get into their airspace. They'll shoot down any aircraft other than their own. That's why we couldn't land there."

"So we'll land nearby and proceed on the ground." He taped her arms behind her back too, then began to load the magazines in her pockets and the lab coat into his pack.

"Like you said, they've got good security. They'll never let anyone in on the ground. They'll assume you're infected and shoot you. And that's not all. The CO is paranoid and becoming increasingly irrational. He intends to launch his missiles, and when he does Warren will go up from a Russian counterstrike."
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Re: IC-OVER-Fly Girls(Gardner/Erica/Stephanie/Hausmann)

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At the helicopter-
"Hmm," said Gardner.

"So you see," said Stephanie, "there's nowhere else safe you can go but Omaha."

"Omaha's not safe. I've heard enough radio traffic to know what's going on in the cities." He finished collecting the ammo and went over to search Dr. Hausmann.

"You don't need to search her, she's only got one working arm anyway."

"I don't take any chances." He rooted through the doctor's purse, easily finding the Beretta and magazines, which he took. "See?" Then he started patting her down.

"You can't blame a girl for trying. Anyway, Omaha isn't like the other cities. There are people surviving there and holding out, and they've started gaining the upper hand. If that weren't the case, we wouldn't be going there. And it's the only place with the facilities we need to finish our work. We're literally only a couple of hours away from putting an end to all this madness. You might be able to fly somewhere else, but unless we get to Omaha you won't be safe there for long. If you do get us there, we can not only make the world safe again, you'd be a hero." Stephanie swallowed her disgust and gave him a bright smile. I know he's got the hots for me, she thought. If it'll help, I've got to use it.

Gardner stepped back over to her and held her chin in his hand, tilting her face up towards his. "You know, you talk too damn much. At least you make up for it by being sexy as hell. Don't get me wrong, Stephanie, I like you. I like you a lot. But I don't believe a word you're saying. I'm taking this chopper to Warren and that's that."
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Re: IC-OVER-Fly Girls(Gardner/Erica/Stephanie/Hausmann)

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At the helicopter-
Stephanie couldn't believe this terrible twist of fate. But we've come so far! she thought, tears spilling from her eyes. We can't fail now, we just can't! "Please," she begged, "I've got to get to Omaha! I'll do anything!"

Gardner leered at her and touched her moistened cheek. "Anything?" he asked, licking his lips.

Stephanie gulped. She knew where this was going, and while the thought went against her very nature, she also knew there were larger concerns. The fate of the world is at stake, she thought. It doesn't matter what happens to me. If there's any chance at all of completing our mission...I have to make the sacrifice... "Anything," she echoed, almost inaudibly.

He gripped her arm. "When the others return with the fuel, you'll come upstairs with me so we can discuss this further."

"Stephanie, nein!" gasped Dr. Hausmann.

"Don't go with him, Steph!" warned Erica.

Gardner glared at them. "I wasn't asking you." He tightened his grip on Stephanie's arm. "I wasn't asking, period."

Stephanie lowered her head, blinking back tears and trying not to think of what was going to happen to her in the tower. She shuddered as Gardner's lips touched the nape of her neck. I can't go through with this, she thought, but I have no choice...

"Stop!" said Erica. Gardner shot her another look. "Leave her alone! If you're going to take anyone upstairs to 'discuss' anything, let it be me."

Gardner looked Erica up and down. "Fine by me," he said, shrugging. He released Stephanie and walked behind the pilot.

"Erica, no!" cried Stephanie.

"It's okay, Stephanie," said Erica. "I can take care of myself."

Just then, a flatbed truck began to approach from the east.

(Stephanie and Dr. Hausmann are moving to this thread: Prisoners.

Gardner and Erica remain in the current thread.)
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Re: IC-OVER-Fly Girls(Gardner/Erica/Stephanie/Hausmann)

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At the helicopter-
"Good job," said Gardner when Alvarez stopped the truck near the helicopter. "Help me unload the fuel barrel and then hook it up to the pump. I've already searched the women." He scanned the cab. "How come Flynn didn't come back with you?"

"Sir, Flynn stayed back to guard the men," said Alvarez. "I am afraid that the only way they would get into the warehouse is if we pretended to lock the door. They intend to capture this helicopter. I think Flynn is still on our side but I am not sure. You need to be prepared. They may be on their way back here now. I say once they show up shoot one of the women, maybe the good doctor here since they say the fate of the world depends on her and that should stop them from doing anything else. So what do you want me to do, sir?"

"The only way?" said Gardner skeptically as he and Alvarez unloaded the fuel barrel and hooked it up to the chopper's fuel pump. "Threatening to kill a hostage wasn't enough? That's bad news about Flynn being unreliable. I never trusted him anyway, and I'm one step ahead. I've got us another pilot, just in case." He grabbed Erica Spears by the arm. "The fuel will pump automatically until the barrel's empty. I want you to take the other two women in the truck and put them in Warehouse 2. Then call Flynn over and have him help you bring a second barrel out. Then lock the women in - for real this time." He took out his duct tape and taped shut the mouths of Stephanie and Dr. Hausmann, who had horrified looks on their faces. "Can't have them blabbing about our plans, now can we? Once they're locked up, find out for sure which side Flynn is on. If it's not ours, kill him. If the men try anything, you can kill the doctor like you said, but keep the blonde alive just in case. Kill the men too if they don't surrender. After that's taken care of, bring the barrel back and switch the pump when the first one's empty. I'll take care of our lady pilot personally. If I have to kill a hostage, Kathryn is expendable - as much of a shame as that would be. Be careful what you say on the radio, since Flynn will hear it too." He spoke into his radio: "This is Gardner. We're fueling up the chopper now, and we'll be taking off in approximately twenty minutes. Dawkins, keep your eyes to the east."

With that, Gardner took Erica by the arm and marched her back to the tower and through the front entrance.

In the tower lobby-
"Come along, honey," said Gardner as he pulled Erica across the lobby towards the central shaft.

"Why should I?" she spat back. "You're not going to kill me."

"No, but I can do even worse things to you." He bared his teeth, and she looked away. "Not only that, but I've got another girl here that I don't need any more. I can do anything I want to her."
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Re: IC-OVER-Fly Girls(Gardner/Erica/Stephanie/Hausmann)

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In the tower lobby-
Erica reluctantly walked where Gardner told her, towards the elevator in the center of the building.

"Roger that," said Dawkins on the radio. "You expecting trouble from the warehouse, sir?"

Gardner then heard Flynn speak on the radio: "20 minutes? Okay, any other instruction?"

"Quite possibly, Dawkins," he replied. "Can't be too careful. Flynn, I've sent Alvarez over to Warehouse 2 to get another barrel of fuel and lock up a couple of the girls. Go over and help him when he gets there." He and Erica reached the elevator. He pushed the up button and the doors opened; the elevator had been waiting here since he had stepped out of it. He pushed Erica inside and stepped in after her. Once within, he pressed the button for 4 and the elevator began to rise.

On the fourth floor-
The doors slid open. Gardner took Erica by the arm and moved her out of the elevator. "This way, Erica," he said. "We'll be leaving shortly, but there's enough time for us to get better acquainted first." He opened the door leading from the stairwell to the hall and marched her through it, letting it close behind them.
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Re: IC-OVER-Fly Girls(Gardner/Erica/Stephanie/Hausmann)

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In the lounge-
Gardner opened the door on the opposite side of the hall from the stairwell and ushered Erica inside. On the other side of the door was the tower's lounge, a wedge-shaped room used for breaks by the tower's employees. There were couches, tables, chairs, and a coffee machine.

Dawkins spoke over the radio: "We've got nine infected inbound! Moving from the east to our position. Distance is approximately one mile and closing quickly. I have a clear line of fire, but it's a long shot. Please advise."

Gardner holstered his pistol, closed the door, and dragged Erica over to a couch. "Have a seat," he said before replying. "Your call, Dawkins. You may fire when ready. Alvarez and Flynn, since you're heading out to the warehouses anyway, once you're done at Warehouse 2 I want you both to head to the east side of the warehouses if there are any left and shoot the infected as they come. If they get too close, fall back to the truck and use it to lead them away so Dawkins can safely kill them."

Erica sat down nervously, watching Gardner like a hawk. Please, she thought, someone get me out of this!

"Roger that, sir," said Dawkins. "I estimate we have about 6 minutes before these rotbags reach the tower. I'll try and slow them down, but I suggest we get this bird fueled up and airborne as fast as we can. With all due respect, I don't think we have time to dilly dally in the tower, sir."

Gardner smirked as he sat down beside Erica. What she doesn't know won't hurt her - and I don't think Erica is going to tell anyone about this after I'm done with her. A rifle shot rang out from the roof, and then another after a pause.

Alvarez came on the radio next: "Dawkins, I am taking the girls with me. I need to go get some more ammo inside the tower. I will leave them outside the tower in your sightline. Shoot to wound if they try to run."

"You're so beautiful, Erica," said Gardner, placing a hand on her knee. She shrank back from him, her heart pounding in her chest. My worst nightmare is happening all over again! she thought, trying to fight against the fear clouding her mind. But she knew that she was trapped, and that nobody could save her. He tried to grab her and pin her down on the couch, but she squirmed free and scuttled back. She lashed out with her leg, sending her foot straight at his groin, but he interposed his own leg and blocked her.

"No!" cried Erica as Gardner prepared to lunge at her again. "Get away from me!"

Just then, the fire alarm began to ring.
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Re: IC-OVER-Fly Girls(Gardner/Erica/Stephanie/Hausmann)

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On the fourth floor-
Rifle shots continued to ring out from the roof.

"What the fuck is going on down there?" barked Dawkins over the radio. "Do we have a fire in the tower? Cause it really doesn't make my job any easier to have my firing platform burning under me. I've taken 3 targets down and injured another, but we still have 5 very pissed off corpses closing on us rapidly."

Gardner drew his sidearm again and pointed it at Erica. "Move it!" he hissed, seizing her by the arm and dragging her back out into the hall. He replied on the radio. "Sounds like Kathryn is trying to fly the coop. I'm on my way to check the fire escape now. Flynn, let me know if you see her from your position. Alvarez, cover the stairs to make sure she doesn't get out that way. Take her alive if you can."

Gardner hauled Erica up to the fire door and yanked it open. While keeping it propped open with his foot, he peered up and down.
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Re: IC-OVER-Fly Girls(Gardner/Erica/Stephanie/Hausmann)

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On the fourth floor-
"Okay, I heard you," replied Flynn on the radio.

Gardner dragged Erica back inside and let the door swing shut. He hustled her back to the stairwell's landing and started marching her downstairs. "Fire escape was clear," he reported on the radio. "Alvarez, guard the stairs at the second floor landing and make sure she doesn't get past you." Even over the ringing fire alarm and the rifle fire from the roof, he managed to hear Alvarez and Kathryn McCoy's voices rising from the stairwell. "Ah, good, you've found her, Alvarez! Bring her upstairs so she can shut off that goddamn fire alarm."
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Re: IC-OVER-Fly Girls(Gardner/Erica/Stephanie/Hausmann)

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(Corporal Gardner and Erica Spears are moving to this thread: Tower of Terror.)
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