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Re: IC: The Streets of Soho - Maksim and Timour

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 7:13 pm
by trixie
"We're leaving without any information?" Timour murmurs to Maks, briefly looking over his shoulder at the oncoming men.

Re: IC: The Streets of Soho - Maksim and Timour

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 5:54 pm
by Raiko
The men begin following Maks and Timour out of the club,
it looks like they mean business. As they reach the exit, Timour
notices another of the inverted ankh necklaces hanging around one of
their necks - the same kind that the bartender is wearing.

Re: IC: The Streets of Soho - Maksim and Timour

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 6:14 am
by Laraqua
"I think we have our current information," said Maksim, wondering if there were any way he could subdue them without violence. He doubted an intimidating stare would work.

Re: IC: The Streets of Soho - Maksim and Timour

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 1:49 am
by trixie
"Do you have any brilliant ideas in that clever brain of yours, little brother? I think we're about to be made meatloaf, if you know what I mean." Timour saunters out of the club, trying to look unconcerned.

Re: IC: The Streets of Soho - Maksim and Timour

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 4:37 pm
by Raiko
OOC,[color=#FF0000][u][b]OOC:[/b][/u][/color]Make a luck roll for Timour (or Maksim) 70% - so equally (un)lucky. I'll wait until tomorrow for one of you to roll, otherwise I'll roll myself and make another IC post. Gotta get this moving again. :) BTW: Laraqua doesn't seem to be online much more than me these days, so I'll NPC Maksim, at least until the whole party have reunited again :)

Re: IC: The Streets of Soho - Maksim and Timour

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 6:23 am
by trixie
OC uhm.....made it but just barely?

Re: IC: The Streets of Soho - Maksim and Timour

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 1:50 am
by Raiko
Soho - some random backstreet near to the Blue Pyramid Club

As they make a hasty exit, the twins spot Tewfik leaving the bar and joining his heavies, some others are also following behind him - they all look angry and ready for trouble.

The pair dodge through some alleyways and backstreets, managing to avoid contact with the men that clearly plan to murder them. They have the distinct impression that Tewfik's men are also heading towards the spice shop, with Caroline, Nethaniel and Gwen probably still inside!

Re: IC: The Streets of Soho - Maksim and Timour

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 11:16 pm
by Laraqua
"Guess we have to go bail the others out before they drown," says Maksim in Russian, clearly enjoying himself.

Re: IC: The Streets of Soho - Maksim and Timour

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 12:36 am
by Raiko
OOC,Hi Laraqua: Great to see you back running Maks. I'll wait for Trixie to post before continuing. Sorry for the slight cop-out with the "escape from the nightclub" scene. I realised that if I play it out in great detail I'd have to put the Spice Shop thread on hold to wait for your two characters. Getting the game moving again is most important for me this week! Of course next week I can get back to killing and destroying sanity!!! :twisted:

Re: IC: The Streets of Soho - Maksim and Timour

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2010 1:42 am
by Raiko
"Ah yes Maks! It is like New York all over again. Time to save the librarians from the crazy people."

The brothers hurry through the streets towards the spice shop, when they finally get within sight of their destination they are just in time to see a truck pull up outside the front door. Men immediately begin clambering out of the back - more of Tewfik's friends from the Blue Pyramid Club.

Peering at the truck from around a corner, Timour says, "We should not have left my hand grenades in New York Maks."

"The others may still be inside, and the car is right over there past the Egyptians. What do you think?"

ooc,There are about ten men in the truck you think. Hopefully Trixie will be back soon, I'll look after Timour till she's back.

Re: IC: The Streets of Soho - Maksim and Timour

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 1:41 am
by Raiko
The rough looking men pouring out of the back of the truck are armed with vicious spiked clubs, knives and one carries a pistol. From the front passenger seat of the truck emerges Tewfik al-Sayed, in his hands are two curious ceremonial sceptres construct from a golden metal - one ends in a crook shape the other in the shape of an inverted ankh.

Al-Sayed surveys the store front as he barks orders in Arabic.

None of the men are looking in the direction of Maks and Timour, although they are currently about one hundred yards away.

Re: IC: The Streets of Soho - Maksim and Timour

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 3:17 pm
by Raiko
Near to Tewfik Al-Sayed’s Spice Shop – Soho, London

The Rukovs see Al-Sayed cross two weird looking metal scepters in front of his chest. There is an almost blinding flash of light – seemingly errupting from Tewfik himself and then the shrill sound of a woman’s scream from inside the shop – Gwen.

Tewfik’s cultists are battering at the shop’s front door, while others head for the arched alleyway leading to the backyard.

None of them are looking this way though, there might be the chance to dash for the car unnoticed!
OOC,[color=#FF0000][u][b]OOC:[/b][/u][/color]If neither of you post within 24 hours, I’ll put your characters into “NPC Mode” to allow me to keep this thread in sync with the Spice Shop one. I hope you both understand. Also you both need to make a [i]SAN roll [/i]for partially witnessing [b]Tewfik’s [/b]spell. [i][b]Sanity loss is 0 / 1d6[/b][/i].

Re: IC: The Streets of Soho - Maksim and Timour

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 7:43 am
by trixie
Timour yelps and makes a jump for the car. He pulls Maks by the elbow.

"Go now!" He barks, while the others are distracted.

OC Sanity check rolled an 89, failed, lost 4 current is now 59

Re: IC: The Streets of Soho - Maksim and Timour

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 3:32 am
by Laraqua
Maksim runs toward the car, hoping like hell that they - like most people these days - left the key in the ignition in case they needed a hasty exit. Hell, he hoped the car even had a key ignition. Those new-fangled inventions made stealing cars so much easier. Oh well, if it was a wind-up car, as he liked to think of them, they'd probably left the engine idling. He tried to listen for the engine, doing his best to keep his mind too distracted to pay attention to the spell. A car could be a mighty weapon when wielded against flesh.