IC: CH2 - LONDON - (Andrei, Maksim & Nethaniel)

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Re: IC: Andrei Zatisov, Alone in London

Post by Maksim Rukov »

For one very long moment, Maksim channels his aristocratic bloodline all the way back through his father and his father before him. Shoulders pulled back, a distinctly unimpressed look in his eye, he draws in a deep breath - somehow making it both an insult and a threat of legal action at the same time - and steps over the threshold.

He peers about the shop, then allows his gaze to rest on the crossbow, an eyebrow arched as if to say: Of course, that's the one flaw in your tale ... Andrei hasn't been here long enough for you to order in a crossbow. Then he gives Nethanial a feline stare.

He attempts to pass through Andrei's space in his attempt to get through the shop rather than scuttling around the gaps. If Andrei holds true, then Maksim will pause a few inches away, give Andrei a shrivelling look only mother's and ex-wives should be capable of wielding, and then move around him, gazing at the rest of the store.
A reckless man's power is but a gun in the hands of a fool.
coffee demon
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Re: IC: Andrei Zatisov, Alone in London

Post by coffee demon »

Andrei backs into the store, and grabs a random book off a shelf, flipping through it intently, as though this is what he was doing before Maksim interrupted them at the door.

As Moore speaks, Andrei closes the front door again, impatiently, and re-locks it. He intentionally avoids looking at Maks, even if it means staring at the floor or the ceiling. There's obviously a lot going on in his head - he seems to be trying to make his mind up about something.

Finally, he clears his throat and speaks loudly, with exaggerated confidence. (even if this means he's interrupting Maks or Moore). "Mr. Moore. Have you heard of something called the Pnakotic Manuscripts?"

He looks furtively around the room after he speaks, as though realizing that his final words should not have been spoken aloud.

He clears his throat again. "I'm looking for a copy of that manuscript."

Andrei sounds completely different than when he first entered Moore's shop. Not only has he completely changed the topic, it seems like he's put on a mask - of largeness, masculinity and confidence.
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Re: IC: Andrei Zatisov, Alone in London

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Nethaniel puts a long boney finger to his temple as he searches the immense index card of books and Tomes stored within the brilliance of his own mind..

Yes Mr. Zaitsov... I am familiiar with the text. Pity though that is... I'm afraid I don't have a copy here, but I know someone at the British Museum library who definitely has a copy. I was planning on getting to that title sooner or later but the ruddy wanker who runs that section hardly ever gives me the keys to the private stacks, so I have to pick and choose me battles. That's where you'll find that one you will.

O.C. - I made a cthulhu mythos roll to see if I've heard of the book. It was on the list of Tomes and stuff you gave me so I assume it was at the library.
coffee demon
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Re: IC: Andrei Zatisov, Alone in London

Post by coffee demon »

Andrei blinks.

"Well. I believe that book holds the key... the answer... I can explain." He swallows. "As I was saying, first, Mister Moore, you must trust me that this is a real danger. Here, Maks, you tell him, tell him what's happened to us in New York. And there's every reason to believe it's going to continue. These murders, for instance! The Egyptian Murderer? No doubt it's the same thing! It will come for you, too, you're connected to this. Do you see? You're connected through Jackson Elias."

Andrei looks imploringly at Maks, hoping for some support, even though he's unlikely to receive it.
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Re: IC: Andrei Zatisov, Alone in London

Post by Maksim Rukov »

"To an extent," says Maksim, making a little gesture with his finger around his ear when Andrei isn't looking. "Though so long as you don't get too involved, you should be fine."
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Re: IC: CH2 - LONDON - (Andrei, Maksim & Nethaniel)

Post by DSIGFUSS »

This Egyptian slayer..?.. Yes I have been noting that headline in the paper as of late.

Nethaniel rubs his chin, pondering the connection and then walks into the back room. He quickly returns with a pot of tea and three small tea cups.

You know... If this cult is following practices and rituals layed out in the Pnakotic Manuscripts, we might be able to more properly track their movements or predict their their next attack based on its principles.

The Bloody Tongue cult is a dodgy cult at best. Lots of smoke and mirrors just like the rest of them.... but if one of its member is following some other ancient and darker Tome, they could be a much bigger threat than previously documented now wouldn't they?

Nethaniel pours the tea and passes a cup to Maksim and Andrei.

Now... you say that these men enter your dreams Mr. Zaitsov? You do know that many cults use psychotropic chemicals for enhancing their recruitment and intimidation methodologies. It's a highly competetive market out there Mr. Zaitsov, many cults have to resort to rather subversive techniques to survive today's market. Even bloody psychopaths have to pay for petrol.

Nethaniel lifts his teaspoon in the air and salutes (in a making fun way)

Cultists of the world unite and all that.....

He then reaches for the sugar and raises a brow to the Russians.

One lump or two?
coffee demon
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Re: IC: CH2 - LONDON - (Andrei, Maksim & Nethaniel)

Post by coffee demon »

Andrei picks up on Maks' comment, and replies with unconcealed impatience and irritation.
Maks wrote:"To an extent," says Maksim, making a little gesture with his finger around his ear when Andrei isn't looking. "Though so long as you don't get too involved, you should be fine."
"I'm afraid it's already too late for Mister Moore, he's had more contact with Jackson than his poor publisher in New York did."

He picks up a cup of tea. The porcelain handle looks far too delicate for his huge hands. He takes a sip politely, then sets the cup down.
Moore wrote:You know... If this cult is following practices and rituals layed out in the Pnakotic Manuscripts, we might be able to more properly track their movements or predict their their next attack based on its principles.
"I agree! I completely agree. We should..." Nathaniel interrupts..
Moore wrote:The Bloody Tongue cult is a dodgy cult at best. Lots of smoke and mirrors just like the rest of them.... but if one of its member is following some other ancient and darker Tome, they could be a much bigger threat than previously documented now wouldn't they?

"Yes! Completely. So you see, then. Mister Moore, I believe the manuscripts really are the keystone to this entire thing. When does the British Museum Library close? Do we have time to visit today?"
Moore wrote:-Now... you say that these men enter your dreams Mr. Zaitsov? You do know that many cults use psychotropic chemicals for enhancing their recruitment and intimidation methodologies. It's a highly competetive market out there Mr. Zaitsov, many cults have to resort to rather subversive techniques to survive today's market. Even bloody psychopaths have to pay for petrol.
Andrei shakes his head through Moore's diatribe - he's not even entertaining the thought of a scientific explanation. "Not this one. This is different."

Andrei is purposefully ignoring Maks.
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Re: IC: CH2 - LONDON - (Andrei, Maksim & Nethaniel)

Post by Raiko »

Dodgy Pages Bookstore - 14 Cecil Court, Covent Garden, London
3:25pm - Wednesday 28th January, 1925

The conversation is interrupted by the sound of the shops telephone ringing.
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Re: IC: CH2 - LONDON - (Andrei, Maksim & Nethaniel)

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Nethaniel eyes Andrei for at least two rings, trying to get a propper read on him.

Does this dodgy bugger really believe he was assualted in his dreams?

o.c. - Psychology : fail.

Nethaniel keeps an eye on Andrei and glances casusally at Maksim as the phone continues to ring. He smiles politley

Excuse me a moment. Hold that thought..

Nethaniel picks up the phone.

The Dodgy Pages.... We don't sell pornograophy..... How can I be of service?
Last edited by DSIGFUSS on Thu Nov 22, 2007 8:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
coffee demon
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Re: IC: CH2 - LONDON - (Andrei, Maksim & Nethaniel)

Post by coffee demon »

Andrei glances at Maksim and takes a deep breath. He watches Nathaniel's face, trying to read his reactions to what he's hearing.
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Re: IC: CH2 - LONDON - (Andrei, Maksim & Nethaniel)

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Nethaniel thinks about everything Andrei had been yammering on about over the last ten minutes and winces when he answers into the telephone

Yes..... owner and proprietor. How can I help you?
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Re: IC: CH2 - LONDON - (Andrei, Maksim & Nethaniel)

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Oh Bollocks........

Nethaniel hangs up the telephone and picks up his tea. He takes a sip, pondering what he had just done.

You did say the killers were Egyptian right Mr. Yaitzov? I knew I recognized the dialect. Oh well... damage done. I'm quite certain they know I'm here. Perhaps we should be leaving post haste now shouldn't we.

Nethaniel picks up his crossbow and grabs a spare quiver of bolts.
coffee demon
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Re: IC: CH2 - LONDON - (Andrei, Maksim & Nethaniel)

Post by coffee demon »

"Who was it? What did they say?"

Andrei is already moving to the rear room of the store.

"Are there any books we need? They might burn your store to the ground. Take what's important, but be quick."
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Re: IC: CH2 - LONDON - (Andrei, Maksim & Nethaniel)

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Oh Bloody Hell...

Nethaniel begins to run to his specialy Occult section as important and valuable title race through his mind. He grabs a large sac and begins tossing in fitting books as he sees them.

He was an Arab! I told him I was.... well me, and then the arse hung up. I'm gonna be so hacked off if these sodding dust buggers burn down my bloody shop!
coffee demon
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Re: IC: CH2 - LONDON - (Andrei, Maksim & Nethaniel)

Post by coffee demon »


Andrei rushes to the back of the shop. He stops for a moment at the back door, and flings open the flap on his satchel. The pistol is buried deep inside somewhere.

He flings open the door to the back alley, keeping watch as he waits for the others. With one hand, he's digging around in his satchel, looking for the gun. If he has time to find it, he'll hold onto it, but keep it buried deep in his bag.

[OC: I won't post any more until Maks does... I don't think we've been presumptuous by posting this much, I hope..]
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Re: IC: CH2 - LONDON - (Andrei, Maksim & Nethaniel)

Post by Maksim Rukov »

"Why now? Why call now?" Maksim asks, following but sounding rather exasperated. "Oh yeah, they just happen to decide to kill you just after you spend a few minutes with Andrei!" He throws up his hands and sighs as though to highlight just how paranoid he thought Andrei was making him.
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Re: IC: CH2 - LONDON - (Andrei, Maksim & Nethaniel)

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Nethaniel places the last text he could think of in his bag

Well.. I certainly see your point Maksim.

Nethaniel raises his crossbow in the air pointing it at neither strangers in his shop.

That would make this a great coincidence then.. would it not. And since I do not believe in conicidences, that would make you two a couple of swindling charlatans, perhaps here to coerce or rob me then? Which is it Mr Zaitsov? Shall we continue to run for our lives or should I empty the register.

Nethaniel smirks at Maksim. Truthfully, he couldn't care why the two were here now in his shop. He only had a few pounds in the till and this show was worth the ticket if that's all they were after. If they were telling the truth and his good friend Elias was dead then he he'd like nothing more than to put this Bloody Tonue cult out of business. The whole thing was terrifyingly entinsing to him. Nethaniel's blood hadn't pumped this hard since his Ivy days at Oxford.
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Re: IC: CH2 - LONDON - (Andrei, Maksim & Nethaniel)

Post by Raiko »

Dodgy Pages Bookstore - Cecil Court, Covent Garden, London
3:32pm, Wednesday 28th January, 1925

It took Nethaniel a few minutes to gather together his most valuable and his most relevant books, and to pack them into bags.

Andrei nervously kept an eye on the alleyway out back, but it remains deserted for the moment.
coffee demon
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Re: IC: CH2 - LONDON - (Andrei, Maksim & Nethaniel)

Post by coffee demon »

Andrei hustles everyone out the back door, barely giving Moore a chance to lock the door behind him.

"To the British Museum, then? What's the quickest way?"

[OC: Curious - did Moore bring his crossbow with him? How's it packed away?]
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Re: IC: CH2 - LONDON - (Andrei, Maksim & Nethaniel)

Post by Maksim Rukov »

Maksim just shrugs.
A reckless man's power is but a gun in the hands of a fool.

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