Chapter the Ninth: Paris

Romantic Horror, London, circa 1800

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Re: Chapter the Ninth: Paris

Post by Victoria Silverwolf »

The decisions being made, the party wraps themselves up in the warmest clothing available. There is considerable snow upon the ground, making for slow progress. A slight advantage of the extreme cold is that there has been little or no melting and refreezing, so that the snow is not icy and therefore slippery.
Rolling against CON for the party. Doctor North = 14, Ivan = 11, Ines = 9, Mister Witherly = 9 [dice]0[/dice]
As the walk continues, a bitter wind blasts the party, inducing shivering. Even the mighty Russian, who is no doubt used to the savage winters of the northerly regions of the Earth, seems to have succumbed to the ravages of Boreas. All of the adventurers save Mister Witherly feel alternating periods of fever and chills, and cough frequently. Why the melancholy cleric suffers no such symptoms is not apparent, unless it be the whim of Nature to spare him.
NB: In this reality, a "cold" (from which the characters are suffering) is truly caused by exposure to frigid weather, and not by animalcules. Consider INT, STR, DEX, and CON to be reduced by one whilst in a state of sickness.
Doggedly, the party continues. A few furtive, scurrying figures are seen seeking such shelter as they can in alleys and doorways. Some of those lying upon the ground will never rise again.

Andre's small shop is not very far, although the journey seems longer than it should. The proprietor has evidently been awaiting the arrival of the adventurers, as the sound of a lock being opened -- a large and rusty one, judging by the noise it makes -- can be heard as they approach. The door opens a crack. All is darkness within.

-- Quickly! Take these bundles! -- he whispers.

Several small parcels are thrust at the party. The man within accepts the payment sent by his cousin and shuts the door quickly.

The adventurers will wish to avoid the attention of the curious.
Rolling against DEX, reduced by one for all but Mister Witherly. Doctor North = 9, Ivan = 8, Ines = 8, Mister Witherly = 9[dice]1[/dice]
An unsuspected cobblestone which is higher than expected, its exact position hidden beneath the snow, causes the sure-footed Gypsy to stumble. The sound is enough to draw the attention of onlookers.

-- They have food! -- someone shouts.

As if they were rats emerging from their nests, a crowd of wide-eyed persons of both sexes appears as if from nowhere. Where can they have been hiding? They are attired in rags, and their cadaverous limbs speak of privation. Yet they appear to have acquired unexpected courage and resolution from the company of their fellows as they approach the adventurers. A few hold a rock or a stick in their hands.
This will be treated as the smallest possible Mob, ten to twenty individuals.[dice]2[/dice]
It is apparent that the party is outnumbered by slightly more than four to one. Will they attempt negotiation, flight, or battle?
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Re: Chapter the Ninth: Paris

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"The food is not ours to give you," says Henry. "We are merely transporting it. I will not allow my fellow man to starve, however. If I pay you a sum of money that would allow you each to purchase food, will you let us pass unmolested?"
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Re: Chapter the Ninth: Paris

Post by SunlessNick »


As Dr North is presumably speaking French, Ines does not know what he is proposing to the crowd - though she will recognise his reasoned and conciliatory tone. She will surreptitiously feel for her knuckle-dusters, but try to look as friendly as possible.
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Re: Chapter the Ninth: Paris

Post by Victoria Silverwolf »

As is well known to all students of the human soul, the intelligence of a mob is far less than that of the individuals of which it consists. Therefore they are more likely to be persuaded through force of personality than reason.
CHA = 9, no penalty for Bad Reputation as the Mob does know Doctor North.[dice]0[/dice]
Unfortunately, it would appear that the starving peasants are not amenable to this generous attempt to win their favor.

-- What use have we for gold if there is no food to buy? -- shouts one. It must be admitted that this is not an unreasonable point, given the disastrous harvest and the extreme weather. -- We must have bread! --

With a low growl one of the Mob hurls a stone.
DEX = 9[dice]1[/dice]
1 = Doctor North 2 = Ivan 3 = Ines 4 = Mister Witherly[dice]2[/dice]
The rock strikes Ivan in the chest. Although the damage to the mighty Russian's body is minimal, it cannot be denied that many sticks and stones may be as effective in the conglomerate as a skilled fighter's blade or bullet.
I'll have each successful blow with a hurled object, stick, or bare fist do one point of Nonlethal Damage to the target. The party may choose to take action while the Mob is gathering such makeshift weapons as are available.
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Re: Chapter the Ninth: Paris

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"Discretion is the better part of valour," says Henry to his companions. "I suggest we make haste and get out of here."
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Re: Chapter the Ninth: Paris

Post by SunlessNick »


Ines does what Dr North says.
The Gypsy is acutely aware that on any other occasion, she would be one of those starving in the streets, and has no wish to fight those who are.
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Re: Chapter the Ninth: Paris

Post by Victoria Silverwolf »

The fleet-footed Gypsy runs at great speed and is able to reach the inn far ahead of her companions.
Ines has the Asset of Fast. All others have the same speed as the Mob; i.e., 9.
It appears that the enraged Mob is able to pursue the other adventurers with the desperate haste of those in fear for their lives. In fact, they stay close enough to hurl brickbats and such hurtful objects; some are so nearby that they are able to strike at their targets directly with their fists.
dex = 9[dice]0[/dice]

5 successful attacks. 1 = Doctor North, 2 = Ivan, 3 = Mister Witherly[dice]1[/dice]
At first it would appear that Fate, which had spared Mister Witherly from the ill effects of the cold, would continue to smile upon him; however, at the last moment that fickle goddess withdraws her favor, and he is struck in the head by a small object. Doctor North and Ivan are both struck from behind twice; whether it be by flesh, wood, or some other substance is a matter of not much importance at this juncture.
1 nonlethal hit for Witherly, 2 for North, 3 for Ivan
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Re: Chapter the Ninth: Paris

Post by SunlessNick »


Realising she has outdistanced her companions, Ines calls to those in the inn - assuming that Miss Davenport or Miss Carrow will be among those to note her arrival, she will caution that there is a mob at the others' heels. "I beg you, be ready to open to the door to us the instant we arrive, and bar it the instant we have entered." (Knowing how much of the food is in the possession of the great Russian, she has no fear that anyone will try to prevent the ladies from doing this). However Ines herself will drop off her own load and go back toward the others, in case she can be of assistance.
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Re: Chapter the Ninth: Paris

Post by Mr. Handy »


Henry leads the way back to the inn as fast as he can.
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Re: Chapter the Ninth: Paris

Post by Victoria Silverwolf »

Encouraged by the fact that their numbers have set to party to flight, the Mob continues its attacks.
Alas! As if their seeming success has emboldened their hearts, the unruly peasants grow more effective in their attacks. Perhaps they are also driven to greater frenzy at the sight of Ines returning to defend her comrades; an act which might possibly be seen as treasonous by those of the lower classes.
Doctor North = 1 Ivan = 2 Mister Witherly = 3 Ines = 4[dice]1[/dice]
Thanks to the Gypsy's quick thinking, the wounded adventurers are able to make their way safely inside the inn. The Mob beats upon the heavy door to no avail, and eventually wanders away.

Although their injuries pose no threat to life or limb, they are debilitating enough, particularly considering the ague- and grippe-like symptoms from which they also suffer, to render the party incapacitated for all but the simplest of activities. This is particularly true of the unfortunate Doctor North; fortunately, due both to his knowledge of the mysteries of the human body -- Physician, heal thyself! -- and the tender ministrations of his beloved, he will be able to recover as quickly as his allies.

During the next several days, when the inn will resemble nothing so much as a sick room, the party may make their plans as to how they might win an invitation to the Grand Ball to be held by His Majesty upon the Feast of the Nativity. The innkeeper, true to his word, and perhaps somewhat abashed by the wounds suffered by the party, is ready to offer the small coach as promised. He also has certain arcane connections with members of a higher class, the details of which must not be spoken, which will allow him to have a letter of introduction make its way to Versailles. Not being a man of letters, he has no suggestions for the exact wording of it, leaving that to the party. Miss Davenport, of course, will be able to render the text in flawless French of an appropriately formal style.
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Re: Chapter the Ninth: Paris

Post by Mr. Handy »


"While the English are not well-liked in France," says Henry, "my being of the nobility will lend me a certain stature, as will my medical and scientific expertise. Perhaps there might be some in the French court who would wish to consult with me, considering the current difficulties France faces. I can pen the letter, though Miss Davenport will need to edit it to make it suitably formal."
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Re: Chapter the Ninth: Paris

Post by SunlessNick »

Victoria Silverwolf wrote:Perhaps they are also driven to greater frenzy at the sight of Ines returning to defend her comrades; an act which might possibly be seen as treasonous by those of the lower classes.

Ines is herself not entirely free of such interpretation of her her actions (though many of those who might see her as traitor would not have granted any fellow feeling to the Gypsy in their turn). Nevertheless, when she has the chance, Ines takes herself off to a secluded corner and offers up a penitent prayer.
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Re: Chapter the Ninth: Paris

Post by Rooter »


Lila sets to translating the letter of introduction.
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Re: Chapter the Ninth: Paris

Post by Victoria Silverwolf »

Transportation being what it is during this time of year, and the wheels of government grinding slowly indeed, it is several days before a reply is received. A minor official, having acquired a disease best spoken of in whispers, is willing to acquire invitations for the adventurers in exchange for discreet medical treatment from Doctor North. If the party will make such haste as is possible to Versailles, they will be welcomed by the official's trusted manservant and the arrangements made, barely in time for the festivities.

It is not to be expected, of course, that the adventurers will have much opportunity to contact their Majesties directly in this manner, being merely a few among many guests who are expected to consider being present within the Palace at all a singular honor; but fortune favors the bold.

The party has a short amount of time to array and equip themselves in such manner as their limited circumstances allow.
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Re: Chapter the Ninth: Paris

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"If Violette DuPray intends to strike," says Henry, "this event will be the time. The only weapons we'll be able to bring will be those that are easily concealed or are part of one's outfit. My cane and Ivan's sword cane should pass inspection. I can bring my Cauteriser as well. Though I have already used it once, there are enough chemicals in the reservoirs for another use. We will need to dress the part, of course. This is the highest of high society, and only the best clothes will do. I can afford to purchase whatever we need, and the tailor who provided our everyday clothes may be of help."
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Re: Chapter the Ninth: Paris

Post by SunlessNick »


"These should be easy enough to conceal," says Ines, indicating her brass knuckles. "There are some who do not even recognise them as weapons at all." The subject reminds her of the gloves designed by Roterstein. "Do you think it would be safe to put these into the fire? They do what was promised of them, but using them will eventually injure the hands. I would not wish to leave them where another might find them unwittingly."
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Re: Chapter the Ninth: Paris

Post by Mr. Handy »


"Yes, I think that is for the best," says Henry. "Knowing Roterstein, they would do more harm than good."
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Re: Chapter the Ninth: Paris

Post by VictoriaSilverwolf »

It will be noted that the gloves burn with a peculiar loud popping sound, a sulfurous odor, and with sparks of many colors, as if they were fireworks. In any event, they are entirely destroyed.

The arrangements are made for proper clothing and equipage. The coach being cramped and no driver available, Mister Witherly volunteers to take the reins and endure the ravages of the chill weather, the others afforded some protection from the elements.
con = 9[dice]0[/dice]dex = 9[dice]1[/dice]
The passengers are able to hear coughing and sneezing coming from without. It appears that Mister Witherly has succumbed to the cold, and will not be in a perfect state of health for some time to come. No doubt this is the reason that his skills as a coachman are not all that would be desired, the vehicle sliding and skidding on patches of ice from time to time, bumping against trees by the side of the road, and so on, causing delays as the party stops to set it on its proper path. By the time they have reached Versailles the coach is in a state of disrepair, and some other arrangement will need to be made upon leaving.

At the Palace the adventurers are greeted by a servant who has evidently been on the lookout for their arrival. They are hastily taken to one of the many small chambers within which are assigned to minor nobles, officials, and hangers-on. Whilst the other remain in a tiny anteroom, close to a modest fire, Doctor North is escorted into the private room of the source of their invitation. It is all too easy to imagine the matter discussed during their interview, diseases of indiscretion being not uncommon. No doubt the fellow will ask for some advice as to the best manner of treatment for a disorder acquired during an unwise assignation.
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Re: Chapter the Ninth: Paris

Post by Mr. Handy »


Henry gets right down to business, inquiring about their patron's symptoms and devising an appropriate treatment.
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Re: Chapter the Ninth: Paris

Post by Victoria Silverwolf »

Drawing a curtain over the exact details of the examination and interview, suffice to say that Doctor North will advise his companions that he may need their assistance in procuring an appreciable amount of mercury, as well as wood from the tree which produces lignum vitae, the gum from this very hard timber being of use in the treatment. (It is a matter of common knowledge that this tree is found only in the New World, so it will be a matter of contacting importers.)

Grateful for his discretion and helpful advice, the patient has provided each of the party with a card of introduction, which will serve as a way to smooth the pathways of social interaction.

By this time the festivities for the evening have begun. Whilst awaiting the arrival of the royals and their most favored friends and relations, those of a lower (but still highly respectable) station amuse themselves in small groups in many rooms throughout the more public areas of the Palace. There are games of skill and chance, upon which fortunes rise and fall. There are discussions of matters both serious and frivolous. There is gossip and flirtation, music and poetry, as well as salons devoted to matters of state and philosophy. The adventurers not being acquainted with any individuals immediately evident, they are free to make use of their cards of introduction to join such gatherings as may seem fit.
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