IC - 23 - Who is Rachel? - Everyone

6.30pm Thursday 11th March 2010, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, England.

A five-year old girl, Regina Balfour, is kidnapped in broad daylight from the Eden Shopping Centre, while her mother’s back is momentarily turned. Left behind is her ladybird shaped backpack, which contained supplies for her insulin pump. She needs her medication to live more than a few days, and her condition will rapidly deteriorate without it...

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Re: IC - 23 - Who is Rachel? - Everyone

Post by Philulhu »

”You had better tell us everything you know,” said Kris firmly. “Specifically, what is Balfour’s planning to do. We know he’s up to something and it’s going to be very bad if he gets to carry it out.”
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Re: IC - 23 - Who is Rachel? - Everyone

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"Do you know of anyone else in the church who was also undercover?" asks Jocelyn. "Who was it that approached you?"
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Re: IC - 23 - Who is Rachel? - Everyone

Post by Silver Priest »

"You seemed rather nervous. Do you fear the church?" Simon asks. "I suspect you've seen enough in it to know that Balfour and his ilk are dangerous. And we fear that danger is imminent. What was your impression of Johnny, would you call him a true believer?" he asks,studying her carefully for anything else she may be holding back.
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Re: IC - 23 - Who is Rachel? - Everyone

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Looking a bit more panicked she says 'I saw stuff...saw some things...things I still don't understand. But I don't know any more than you about what's going to happen. Balfour says there will be a sacrifice, be a reckoning, that the Passover Angela will bring some kind of Armageddon to the world. But I don't know how he intends to do that.'

Asked about anyone else undercover she winces. 'Well, Zac, I didn't know it, but he was recording things. When he was singled out, I thought I was rumbled as well, I thought they'd know what I was, I was terrified. As to who approached me, well, like I said, I was going through a rough patch, I needed the work, I was contacted by someone from the Global News Service, Geraldine, Geraldine South, she sorted a few things out for me, put me in contact with Vince Carthon, he's my editor. I just told them what was going on, in the church, in the investigation. I've seen some of my stuff in their reports by that Julie Thomas woman.'

'Do I fear the church? Look, I've seen some things, I fear them alright. I don't know what they can do but I'm afraid of them anyway. Johnny, is he a true believer? I don't know. I mean, I don't know if he believes in the whole Passover Angel stuff but the church gives him purpose. He's important, he's trusted, he's someone in the church. He's Balfour's enforcer, his odd-job man.'
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Re: IC - 23 - Who is Rachel? - Everyone

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"Julie Thomas has caused so many problems," says Jocelyn. "What we have to tell you cannot end up in the news, at least not until this is all over. We think Balfour does intend to make a sacrifice Tuesday night. He believes God told him to offer up Regina, like Abraham offered Isaac. God told him no such thing, of course, but he believes it. We need your testimony to keep her out of his hands, at least until Wednesday. It's the only way to make sure she stays safe."
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Re: IC - 23 - Who is Rachel? - Everyone

Post by Silver Priest »

"I think we all have," Simon admits, somewhat reluctantly. "We saw the Passover Angel, a sudden hail storm on the motorway... not to mention whatever went down in Lindsay's motel room. I still do not remember all the details." He thinks that may be for the best. "I am quite confident there is a logical explanation for everything, but I've seen enough to know Balfour has access to some nefarious equipment and people, and he may have enough influence to bring this apocalypse down on all of us."

"We appreciate your information, Rachel, and know we shall of course keep it confidential. Have you told Thomas any of the more... concerning elements of Balfour's faith and what you have seen? From what little I've seen of that Thomas woman's reports, they've always been heavily sympathetic towards him. If we could get some of the other side out there it could help us keep Regina away from him for the time being and obstruct whatever it is he's planning."
He adds, supporting Joceyln's point. "Any recordings you have of Balfour that are incriminating could be useful on that front. As for Mr. Zero, we believe he's doing whatever it is he's doing at the behest of the reverend.

"I can tell you we're looking into all this, Rachel, because we believe Balfour is dangerous as well. When all of this is over, I at least have no objection to offering you an exclusive on the case." If he played this right he might be able to get a book deal out of all this. Perhaps Cumberbatch could play him in the movie.
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Re: IC - 23 - Who is Rachel? - Everyone

Post by Philulhu »

”I’d like to take a formal statement, Rachel,” said Kris. “As the others have said, this might be enough to keep Regina out of her parent’s grasp. Otherwise, that young girl could be in serious danger.”
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Re: IC - 23 - Who is Rachel? - Everyone

Post by Mephistophilis »

She gasps, 'Regina? No! I didn't, I didn't know...'

Eventually she answers Simon and Kris, her face hardening. 'I don't report back to Julie Thomas, like I said, my editor is Vince Carthon in London. I don't know what he feeds to Julie but I haven't seen much of what I give them. But they pay well, so I keep on submitting it. Maybe they're planning on a big exclusive, on the Tuesday night, the service?'

'I can give a statement but I don't think I've got anything useful to say. Balfour's a religious fundamentalist, he believes the end of the world is coming. He has some...strange rituals. I don't know what good that will do.'
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Re: IC - 23 - Who is Rachel? - Everyone

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"It may help," says Jocelyn, "as will any recordings you've made. What we really need to do in order to ensure Regina's safety is to find Johnny and convince him to implicate Balfour. Perhaps we can make a deal with Johnny to reduce his own legal jeopardy in return for his cooperation."
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Re: IC - 23 - Who is Rachel? - Everyone

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"I have my doubts that will work." Simon points out. "I'm convinced Johnny is working for Balfour and that's why he's gone to ground. The trouble is, we don't know what he-- they-- are planning. I was hoping you'd be able to contact him for us Rachel, but if that's not possible we're back to square one." He frowns. "I don't suppose you have any idea where he may have gone? Even an off hand mention of somewhere he likes to lay low in the past could prove useful now."

"If you don't have any recordings directly implicating Balfour, my suggestion is you continue to tape him. Perhaps as the date grows closer he will reveal more of his plans to the faithful; if that happens please either contact us or go to the authorities with it right away. The same if Mr. Zero should think to contact you; see if you can't pry anything out of him."

He smiles in what he hope sis a charming fashion. "In any case, you've been a great help, and your cooperation is appreciated."
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Re: IC - 23 - Who is Rachel? - Everyone

Post by Mephistophilis »

'I haven't made any recordings. I wasn't going to be another Zac!' She looks pleading, 'I don't know where Johnny is. He had some friends back in London, he could have gone there. But I don't know anything about them, names or anything. I'll tell you if he contacts me, I will.'
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Re: IC - 23 - Who is Rachel? - Everyone

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"Okay, thank you for your help, Rachel," says Jocelyn. "Your statement may help keep Regina out of her father's hands a little longer."
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Re: IC - 23 - Who is Rachel? - Everyone

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"Aye, you've done well." Simon adds. "Just keep an eye out and let us know if the good reverend does anything suspicious."
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Re: IC - 23 - Who is Rachel? - Everyone

Post by Philulhu »

Kris thanked Rachel and handed her his card with his contact details. ”If you hear from Johnny or anyone else connected to the church, please let us know.”
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Re: IC - 23 - Who is Rachel? - Everyone

Post by Mephistophilis »

Moving here.
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