IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

At long last the Stars are almost Right. Soon Nyarlathotep's plans will come to fruition. Then the world will be changed irrevocably -- but not quite yet. Pesky human investigators have learned much, but can they survive long enough to make sense of what they know?

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Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Post by Raiko »

Menkheper shakes his head sullenly, "No mister, I know nothing about the hotel Ritz."
OOC,This little post has taken me an hour so far thanks to a crappy cellular connection! :(
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Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Post by Raiko »

Menkheper shakes his head sullenly, "No mister, I know nothing about the hotel Ritz."
OOC,This little post has taken me an hour so far thanks to a crappy cellular connection! :(
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Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Nethaniel offers Menkhepper a wry Englisg smile and then calmly walks back into the Ritz hotel. looking for any sign of Elizabeth or Johnnny.
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Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Post by Raiko »

Approaching the entrance to The Ritz, Nethaniel can see that the policemen are checking the identities of everybody before they let them inside the hotel.

As he pushes his way through the small crowd of reporters and interested bystanders, Nethaniel gets within earshot just in time to hear a very well-to-do looking elderly lady take great offense at being treated like "A common gutter-rat!"

She complains loudly that she is close friends with the Chief-Superintendent and that he'll be hearing about this "ridiculous treatment" immediately!

A uniformed police sergeant tries to defuse the situation as he ushers the lady into the hotel, explaining that he has orders to detain some "Russian criminals" in connection with an "unsavory incident" upstairs and that this is all for the protection of the other guests.

There are three other police officers who continue to stand guard.
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Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Nethaniel's heart races at the mention of the Russians. He hopes Maks has the presence of mind to keep a low profile outside. He's fairly confident his time with the others was brief enough to keep him off the suspect list but he still proceeds with caution. Nethaniel takes a few steps towards the front desk and then stops.. He turns and begins to read whatever literature is on the wall. He then takes out his pocket watch and pretends to notice the time.

Turning on both heels, Nethaniel begins to walk back to the Bently before stopping again.

Where's your bloody courage now you limey coward! What would they say at the lodge?

Nethaniel turns back around and marches to the front desk, preparing his ID for the bloody bobbies.
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Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Post by Laraqua »

"Been in Britain long?" asks Maksim conversationally to Yaleesha. He didn't like to leave her stuck in this country with those lunatics running around though he wasn't quite sure how he'd help her immigrate. Besides which, the bloody Jim Crow laws were ridiculous and would see her having to stick to certain sides of the street. Still, better that than dead and there'd hopefully be plenty of Egyptians, or whatever she actually was, to help her settle in to it.
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Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Post by Raiko »

DSIGFUSS wrote:Nethaniel turns back around and marches to the front desk, preparing his ID for the bloody bobbies.
As Nethaniel approaches a constable steps into his path, "Excuse me sir, can I be of assistance?"
Laraqua wrote:"Been in Britain long?" asks Maksim conversationally to Yaleesha.
"Not very long," Yalesha replies sadly, "Only for three years. Now that Ali is dead, this city offers me nothing except for revenge."
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Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Nethaniel steels himself and hands his ID to the constable without being asked as if he had every right to be there.

Yes of course officer.. My name is Nethaniel Moore and I have an appointment with a Miss Elizabeth Downing. She has an interest in rare works of literature you understand.... much like myself yah know. I understand its late but I run a book store up town and I was hoping to move some pages before closing up shop on the morrow. And clients such as Miss Downing... Well.. you understand...

Nethaniel looks around at the scene as if seeing it for the first time.

I understand there's been some sortid business here then ? Well.. that's no concern of mine. A busy body is a bother I always say. Now If I could just check in with the front desk.. I'll be about my book business then won't I.

Nethaniel makes to move past the constable but knows it would be foolish to do so without his leave. He waits patiently and perhaps a little too close to the constable. Perhaps the constable will grow uncomfortable and let him pass. That would be bloody brilliant.
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Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Post by Laraqua »

"Revenge is something I can understand," says Maksim. "I can respect that. If you stick with us, we can help you get your revenge." He wondered what Elizabeth would make of her.

Or Gwen....
Is it bad that I listen to this about ten times a day?

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Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Post by Laraqua »

Piccadilly, London - At The Ritz's Door.
8:54pm - Thursday 29th January, 1925

The bobby looks down at him from his tall height and then gives a short, perfunctory note. "I see, sir. Well, while I wouldn't want to get in the way of any important Ritz business but I regret to inform you that there has been an incident out on the streets and therefore I need to check the identification of anyone wishing to enter." The constable smiles. "It's a routine matter for guests and visitors to the hotel, of course. We're just trying to ensure we're doing our best for London's finest." He seems legitimate. Perhaps this will be easier than Nethaniel thought?

The street is cold with a rather sharp wind that passes readily through Nethaniel's clothing and the streets seem oddly exposed with a number of nearby buildings providing good vantage points over where he stands by the policeman. The streets are almost abandoned at this hour but for passing cars and an old lady out walking a ridiculously small dog.
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Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Nethaniel reaches into his tweed jacket pocket for his wallet and twitches nervously as he brushes up against his concealed pistol. He pulls out his wallet and hands the officer a business card.

it says:

The Dodgy Pages.

Occult Literature and Fine Tea.

Nethaniel Moore - Owner and Proprietor

(Shop Number)

While the officer is inspecting his card. Nethaniel removes his glasses and begins to wipe them with the speed and proficiency of a man who had done this ten thousand times before.

So then if everything is in order my good man, I'd prefer not to keep Miss Downing waiting. I hear she has quite a temperment for tardiness if you catch my meaning. And though I do like a good spanking from time to time and I hear Miss Downing is quite the lookey loo, say no more. I don't think that sort of sortid business is on the docket after the gory affair of tonight's transgressions. Though I wouldn't say no to a good rogering from time to time now wouldn't I?

Nethaniel winks at the officer and considers nudging him in the shoulder with his elbow. He quickly decides against it however and continues to clean his glasses. He couldn't believe what he was saying. Shut up man. For the love of christ.
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Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Post by Laraqua »

"The Dodgy Pages?" he asks, pocketing the card. "I think I might keep this. It seems like a good place to buy books." Then the constable gives him a brief nod and raps on the double doors to the Ritz Hotel. "Wait one moment, please. I'll need to get you an escort. This despicable business ... you understand."
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Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Nethaniel straightens his jacket and fights the urge to clean his glasses yet a third time in from of this particular officer of the law. He waits patiently for his escort and makes idle chit chat with the bobby.

A right fine place to buy books then.. The Dodgy Pages... I couldn't say if it would be your bag or not my kind sir. Do you fancy the occult? Perhaps a good local legends and mysterious folklore bit of fiction then? The Dodgy Pages has it all! These killings have a ring of the occult to them if what I've seen in the papers is true. Perhaps I may be of assistance once things settle down... Perhaps I can shed some light on this little bugger... You know... As a specialist of sorts... I don't fancy running about with you brave gentlemen of the law risking your lives and such for the greater good if you catch my meaning?
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Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Post by Laraqua »

The constable nods. "I think I can understand where you're coming from. Detective work and investigation's a very exciting field these days, what with these murders. Just wait a moment and you might just get a chance to help with investigations."

The doors open and another constable pokes his head out. "What seems to the matter here?"

"Oh, this fellow, Nethaniel Moore, proprietor of the Dodgy Pages occult bookstore is here to see Miss Downing," said the first constable. "He's well aware of the murder that's happened here, to hear him tell it. Please escort him inside to see Miss Downing." The constable's smile turns wry at that last bit.

The second constable gives Nethaniel a very hard look. "Very well, sir, if you'll come with me." He opens the door wide for Nethaniel to enter.
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Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Nethaniel follows the constable in and holds out his own hand.

Lead the way my good man...

As the second constable walks Nethaniel through the Ritz, Nethaniel chatters away nervously.

So a fair bit of villainous mischief going on about the hotel then wouldn't you say constable?
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Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Post by Laraqua »

"Let's keep the discussion quiet til we get upstairs," says the second constable, leading him into an elevator. Once the elevator doors close, the constable gives Nethaniel a wry smile as he presses the top floor button and the elevator doors slide shut. His accent seems to change a little, becoming a bit less posh. "Terrible mischief, right? You seem to know a lot about it. Doubt that fella out there told you that this was another Egyptian killing so how'd you get to know about it? Don't suppose you know where those Russian heroes are from the museum? Best be honest. You'll be in a lot less trouble if you talk properly with me."
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Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Nethaniel holds his briefcase up to his chest in a terribly stereotypically English sort of way. He had no idea the Russians were wanted by the police. The thought of association with a wanted man was terrifying and close to inducing spontaneous vomitization as Nethaniel liked to think it. The last time he was reduced to spontaneous vomitization, Nethaniel was about to have his British ass handed to him by a female debt collector from Austria. Luckily the vomit made her sick and she left his shop without too much damage aside from his ego.

Nethaniel gasps.

Are you mad? Its been in all the papers man...

Nethaniel's breathing increases

These Egyptian killings... And I'm an acquaintance of Miss Elizabeth Downing... She was staying at this hotel when the murder likely occurred. The whole place was buzzing! She rang me immediately in hopes of acquiring a book of similar interests.

The urge to clean his glasses was overwhelming. He would have to drop his briefcase to do so which was more of a security blanket than anything at this particular juncture so that was out of the question.

I don't think I like the tone of your line of questioning... What exactly are you insinuating officer..

Nethaniel looks down at the officer's uniform for a surname.
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Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Post by Laraqua »

Constable Owen.

"Well, I'm sure we can get it all cleared up," said Constable Owen with a nasty smile. "If you'll come right this way, Miss Downing was moved to a new hotel room." The elevator doors open and he gestures to Room 302. "Right across the hall, thank you."
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Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Nethaniel nods.

Of course officer.

The scholarly book keeper did not like the looks of this. Room change? How delightfully absurd. Nethaniel now believed whole-heartedly that Elizabeth was no longer staying at the Ritz Hotel. She must have rendezvoused with the others. This meant that Nethaniel was walking into some sort of hell he was certainly not prepared for. And the cops or at least this particular cop was in on it.

Nethaniel waits patiently for a few seconds. Then, hopefully just before the elevator door closes, pushes out with his briefcase, attempting to catch the officer off guard and knock him flat footed into the hall.
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Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Post by Laraqua »

While the idea was a good one, Nethaniel [url=p://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4136878/]simply lacks the skill[/url] to do anything more than smack the briefcase likely against the man's back. Constable Owen simply grits his teeth at him, taps the elevator button for the doors to remain open and jabs his thumb toward the hotel room door while resting his other hand on his baton. "I understand your anxiety but with a murder in her hotel room she had to be moved to another. Now please, stop this monkeying about."
Is it bad that I listen to this about ten times a day?

Oh, also, check out my new blog on roleplaying and running games: http://stwildonroleplaying.blogspot.com/
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