The Chieftain's Spear (Faroo, Kinaktok, Unulaq)

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Re: The Chieftain's Spear (Faroo, Kinaktok, Unulaq)

Post by ImpInTraining »

Unalaq turns his attention on the zombie to his left (#19) and swings his great bone club with a fury.
ooc,[url=]Unalaq's attack (1d100=12, 1d100=29, 1d8=4, 1d4=3)[/url]
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Re: The Chieftain's Spear (Faroo, Kinaktok, Unulaq)

Post by Midnightlight »

Kinaktok struggles to feet after falling and readies his bow again. The scratch throbs and burns like a raging fire, but he does his best to steady his aim. He fires two arrows almost consecutively, first aiming for the undead creature on his left, then the one on his right.
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Re: The Chieftain's Spear (Faroo, Kinaktok, Unulaq)

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Kinaktok lets loose an arrow and another undead Viking falls at his feet. His second arrow sticks firmly into the next zombie's shoulder as the creature presses it's attack. The zombie scatches at Kinaktok's hides shredding a large piece of the fur and tearing the flesh uderneath the Inuit's own shoulder. (Kinaktok takes 3 damage)

Faroo, in dire circumstances, drives his spear through the head of the closest undead. The beast slumps to the snow as another takes his place, reaching for Froo's throat. Faroo raises his spear and holds the zombie's gnashing teeth at bay. As Faroo struggles with the undead on top of him, a host of zombies finish tearing his sled dogs to pieces; their entrails lay like so many coils of rope in their rotting hands.

ooc- Faroo make a grapple check or take -20% to your next combat check and loose your parry.

Unulaq’s heavy bone comes crashing down on the closest zombie’s head, splattering blackish blood and seawater all over the Dorset Hunter’s furs. Then on his upswing Unulaq knocks a jittering undead attacker aside, preventing its teeth and claws from finding their mark on Unulaq’s flesh.

Across the battlefield, Thorin’s voice reaches each and every ear. His haunting lyrics send the minds of all who hear it reeling and rolling through various levels of terrified bliss. Another zombie falls to the snow made flesh…. his curse broken. The Viking left behind, unlike the first, has more time to react to his surroundings.. He lurches forward onto Thorrin’s legs and grips them tightly, tears of confusion and bewildered dismay filled his eyes. He screamed in horror as the zombies continued their vicious attack.

Thorrin grabs the man by the shoulder and tries desperately to drag him free, leaving Unulaq alone to fend off three of the horrific and hungry creatures As Unulaq bats the first aside, two rake their fingers across Unulaq’s legs trying desperately to take the Dorset Hunter to the ground so they may proceed with their feast.. (Unulaq takes 4 damage)

Thorrin has a panicked look in his eyes as he tries to get his fellow Viking to safety. Unulaq sees zombies heading for his sled dog, attracted to the wild barking. They will reach them soon if the problem is not addressed.
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Re: The Chieftain's Spear (Faroo, Kinaktok, Unulaq)

Post by DSIGFUSS »

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Re: The Chieftain's Spear (Faroo, Kinaktok, Unulaq)

Post by ImpInTraining »

Unalaq kicked free the sled brake and called out the command to get the dogs moving. "MUSH! MUSH!" He let the sled lurch onward without them. He knew he'd have a lot better luck finding some wayward dogs than to bring them back to life after they were half digested.
ooc,let me know if I can still attack during this round.
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Re: The Chieftain's Spear (Faroo, Kinaktok, Unulaq)

Post by Midnightlight »

Kinaktok steadies his bow again and prepares to set loose another small volley of arrows. He aims left, to the corpse in front of him, fires, and proceeds to do the same for the zombie in front of him.
OCC,Is there a limit to my arrows? I'd assume there is. Could I know how many I have? Also, can I forage for arrows from fallen zombies?
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Re: The Chieftain's Spear (Faroo, Kinaktok, Unulaq)

Post by DSIGFUSS »

ooc - yes you may forage for arrows. I'll say you started with 32 arrows. Typical D&D style. Your arrows are mostly made from driftwood and stone or ivory. If you have a weapon skill in bow, that skill is also your bowyer/fletcher ability. You'll need to find a river or coastline to find wood though. Baffin island is the land of flat stones. Not too many trees on the snowy plains. We'll count how many you use at the end of each battle. Give Faroo a chance to post and then we'll move on with your escape from this jibbering Viking hoarde.
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Re: The Chieftain's Spear (Faroo, Kinaktok, Unulaq)

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Re: The Chieftain's Spear (Faroo, Kinaktok, Unulaq)

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Kinaktok's first arrow goes flying over his target's head but the second sinks deep into the eye socket of the zombie to his right. The undead Viking falls back and pulls another to the ground moaning in protest as he tries to find purchase in his death throws.

ooc- Unulaq please roll a sled check and yes you can either attack or parry.

ooc- Faroo, the zombie on top of you will remain so. You can however, still attack without any parry. You will not be able to escape however until the zombie grappling you is killed or you make a successful grapple roll. You are in trouble!

ooc - Is Kinaktok moving?
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Re: The Chieftain's Spear (Faroo, Kinaktok, Unulaq)

Post by ImpInTraining »

Drive Sled - fail,[url=]Drive Dog Sled (49%) (1d100=80)[/url]
Swing Club - success,[url=]Swing big ass bone club (60%) (1d100=17)[/url]
Break head - success,[url=]Club damage (1d8+1+1d4=12)[/url]
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Re: The Chieftain's Spear (Faroo, Kinaktok, Unulaq)

Post by Midnightlight »

OCC,Should I be moving? Could I kneel from my position and fire at the zombie on Faroo? Is there a chance I'd hit Faroo?
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Re: The Chieftain's Spear (Faroo, Kinaktok, Unulaq)

Post by DSIGFUSS »

ooc- Midnight - There is always a chance you might hit Faroo if you fire into open combat. If you miss horribly there is a chance. Though the zombies move slower than normal combatants that chance would be lowered. You can move freely around the zombies as well. There are no attacks of opportunity here. You just move away unless they have you. Then you must succeed at a grapple roll to escape.

ooc- Oh crap Unulaq! Man I've never seen so many failed Dog sled rolls. Nice bad ass club though.

ooc - Faroo we need your next move based on the failed grapple roll.
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Re: The Chieftain's Spear (Faroo, Kinaktok, Unulaq)

Post by ImpInTraining »

ooc: Incidentally, I wasn't so much trying to ride away on the sled as I was trying to help the dogs just get themselves away. So maybe the failed dog sled roll was fate keeping me straight?
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Re: The Chieftain's Spear (Faroo, Kinaktok, Unulaq)

Post by Midnightlight »

OCC,If I could, I'd like to move towards the center of the map. Is that ok?
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Re: The Chieftain's Spear (Faroo, Kinaktok, Unulaq)

Post by DSIGFUSS »

ooc- The failed dog sled roll in this case is to get your dogs under control so they can move according to your will. Since you fail, the dogs will react according to their own instincts.

ooc- So now Unulaq, could you please make a luck roll to decide the fate of your poor dogs. Lol

ooc- Yes Kinaktok can run wherever he likes. If he runs past a zombie there is a reduced chance that he will be able to hit you as you move past. A very reduced chance. They are slow!
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Re: The Chieftain's Spear (Faroo, Kinaktok, Unulaq)

Post by Midnightlight »

Kinaktok ducks his head and runs past the undead, towards the rough middle of the circle.
OCC,Kinaktok runs in between 14 and 15 and runs toward the center of the picture.
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Re: The Chieftain's Spear (Faroo, Kinaktok, Unulaq)

Post by ImpInTraining »

Poor dogs,[url=]Luck for dog sled (1d100=80)[/url] - failed.
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Re: The Chieftain's Spear (Faroo, Kinaktok, Unulaq)

Post by Ash »

Faroo fails to grapple so he reaches for his knife and stabs the nearest zombie.

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Re: The Chieftain's Spear (Faroo, Kinaktok, Unulaq)

Post by DSIGFUSS »

ooc - Zombies 21 29 and 30 move in on Unulaq's dogs.
ooc- Zombies 19 22 and 23 are still attacking Unulaq
ooc - Zombies 15 swings at Kinaktok
ooc- Zombies 24 and 27 move in to attack |Kinaktok but will not attack til next round.
ooc- Zombie 26 attacks Thorrin as he attempts to drag the confused resurected Viking to safety
ooc- zombie 4 attacks the newly resurected Viking soldier
ooc- zombie 4 attacks the newly resurected Viking soldier
ooc - Vikings 32 33 and 34 move in towards Unulaq's sled.
ooc - Vikings 27 28 and also move into Unulaqs sled

ooc- Zombies 1 and 2 try to bite Faroo. They now both have a hold on him.
ooc -Zombies 10, 18, 25 and 31continue to feast on Faroo's dogs

Kinaktok ducks under the slow swing of the closest zombified Viking and into the open snow between the two separate undead hordes readying his bow to fire a volley. Two zombies already commited to Kinaktok lumber behind the Dorset tactician but fail to close the distance before Kinaktok raises his bow.

Unulaq swings his bone club in a fierce arc smashing the head of the closest zombie as if it were a hide water skin filled with blood and sea water. The undead humor splashes over the snow and the zombie falls limp at Unulaq's feet. As Unulaq finishes his swing he can't help but see the horror that unfolds about his sled team. Three zombies tear into his lead dog, ripping into his stomach and pulling free the tangled fleshy ropes within. Two dogs leap to their pack leader's defence but their teeth tear at skin that holds no strength and inflict damage to the undead attackers. Another dog whines with fear as three more approach the canine smorgasborg. The dog's reins are now so incredibly tangled that any forward movement on their part would seem imposssible. Then Unulaq is quickly reminded of the danger he is in. Two zombies reach for his throat. One gets caught on the bedding and supplies stacked onto his sled but the other bites down on his left arm. Unulaq takes 3 damage.

Thorrin begins to drag the healed Viking away from the slaughter as he cries out in his native tongue. A zombie falls to the snow and bites hard into the Norseman's calf and holds the leg with a vice like grip, salivating bile and unearthly spittle as he climbs his way up the Vikings chest. Thorrin drops his comrade and draws his sword singing in low rumbling murmors.

fehu fehu fehu
f f f f f f f f f
fu fa fi fe fo
of ef if af uf
f f f f f f f f f

Meanwhile two zombies clawed at faroo, trying to sink their teeth into the Dorset hunter and tracker. Faroo stabs his bone knife into the neck of one, doing little to harm the creature. The second bites down and through Faroo's furs finding purchase on the meat of his shoulder. The pain is hot and sharp. Faroo takes 5 damage. Faroo's own dogs are now fodder for the zombies ahead of him. Their yelps die quicky as the four zombies tear them apart and in a state of clumsy euphoria begin to suck the marrow from their bones. More appear to have joined the feast as the line of zombies from the west smell the blood and approach to ease their hunger.

ooc- I'll put up another map tommorrow.
I need combat rolls for everyone.
Unulaq has 2 zombies on him. Soon to be 5 on his dogs. ( 1 is dead and 4 are freaked out)
Kinaktok is open in the center. There are two zombies charging him but will not get to attack Kinaktok to next round.
Faroo has two zombies on him. In order to escape you must make two successful grapples. You can still stab with your knife.
Faroos dogs are gored!!!! :evil:

Kinaktoks dogs and sled seem to be untouched though the dogs are definitely panicked.
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