Monday Sep 4 - Hudson Street Station

New York City, 1933.

A man is missing and the girl wants him found. What more do you need to know?

This game will be run using the Trail of Cthulhu (copyright (c)2009 Pelgrane Press).

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Re: Monday Sep 4 - Hudson Street Station

Post by Langdon »

OOC,so what's the plan? We hanging around to learn about the Suydam case, or are we heading to the apartment? What of Langdon's good/bad cop idea?
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Re: Monday Sep 4 - Hudson Street Station

Post by FrankyEsposito »

Dexter Ford wrote:I have never heard of it, even though from the looks of the file and the date, its old news. So what does it have to do with our current case?
I stand and start to pace. There's so much to tell -- and most of it impossible to believe.

"Like I said at the Deli, Alphonse Hirt was quite interested in the Suydam case. Back in the spring he requested the files from headquarters. You know many civilians that do that, Dex?"

I keep pacing. I take out my notepad reluctantly, not in the least eager to relive Malone's tale. "Suydam was a student of Kurdish folklore." When that doesn't ring a bell I turn back to Ford. "Those books you found, about the Yezidi and Devil Worship? The Yezidi are Kurds. Alphonse Hirt was studying the same crazy things that Suydam did." I hook a thumb in the direction of the file. "You don't need to read that to know that things didn't work out too well for Suydam."

I whip through my notes, working up to a frenzy. I don't want to do this. I don't want to think about what goes on in Red Hook. But here I go.

"I interviewed Thomas Malone, the lead detective on the Suydam case. He's retired now, lives up in Rhode Island. Nervous. Real nervous." I reach over and thump the case file a good one. "Malone left quite a bit out of his report. And I can't blame him a bit. Some of the things he saw..." I stare out the door as my voice trails off. I'm not going there; that room is closed.

"That necklace that "Marlene" Hirt was wearing? Moons on it, right?' I look at Langdon, knowing that he got a damned fine look at it. "One of the things that Malone heard them chanting, the night that all those buildings collapsed in Parker Place? 'Gorgo, Mormo, thousand-faced moon.'" I let that sink in for a second. "That sound like a coincidenece to you? I don't believe in coincidences, do you?" The last bit is aimed at Dex. Whatever he is now he used to be a cop, and cops just don't believe in coincidences.

"Something about Lilith and a bridegroom, too. It's in my notes here, somewhere. Malone also told me about a book seller who was helpful -- a shop near the Pratt Institute, in Brooklyn. Maybe after Langdon plays 'good-cop/bad-cop' with "Miss Hirt" one of us can pay a visit?"

Exhausted, I collapse into my chair. The game is afoot.
Last edited by FrankyEsposito on Fri Mar 26, 2010 11:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Delores Brown
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Re: Monday Sep 4 - Hudson Street Station

Post by Delores Brown »

Delores sits watching Franky, worrying a nail. "The book I read mentioned the Yezidi," she says, "I don't think they were nice people - they were involved in black magic and they were persecuted as a result." She shudders - "I'm a modern girl," she thinks to herself, "what am I doing getting involved in this?"
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Re: Monday Sep 4 - Hudson Street Station

Post by Langdon »

OOC,I thought I already posted something similar to this, but it seems not to be here...
"Detective, are you really trying to say that this woman is some sort of devil-worshiper? Or that she's after Alphonse for some nefarious motive? Maybe that she's the demon Lillith after Alphonse to be her Eartlhy husband?" I let out a nervous chuckle, then gulp.

I berate myself mildly, If I don't believe this, why am I still terrified?
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Re: Monday Sep 4 - Hudson Street Station

Post by FrankyEsposito »

"What I'm saying, Mr. Vilas, is that there's more under Heaven and Earth than I can explain." Ain't that the truth? "And I don't need any books about devil worshiping to know that dame's up to no good."

I check my watch. "Is it time to go meet up with 'Miss Hirt' yet? I feel like arresting someone."
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Dexter Ford
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Re: Monday Sep 4 - Hudson Street Station

Post by Dexter Ford »

Dex listens to everything that has been said, glad that Esposito seems to have finally opened up with some of what he found. He nods in agreement. "I think its time to allow Langdon's little charade to be carried out. And if Miss Hirt is a devil worshipper of sorts, perhaps its time we put an end to her little escapades." For the first time Dex is glad that he is wearing his crucifix, as any good Irish Catholic lad taught by Jesuits should have around his neck. Throughout it all, he never completely lost his faith.

Sotto voce to Langdon. "You sure have an eye for the dames. Devil worshippers, hmmmm...." and then aloud "and Langdon, I have your back. I am sure Esposito or I will be happy to play good cop to your bad cop. Or vice versa."
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Re: Monday Sep 4 - Hudson Street Station

Post by Delores Brown »

Delores was lost in thought, thinking about what she'd heard (and already running potential headlines through her head). She'd wanted more excitement but now it was here, she wasn't so sure any more.

She shuddered and looked up. "Let's get this over with, shall we? I don't like this case - I want to get it sorted and I can get back to covering weddings and cats stuck in trees."
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Re: Monday Sep 4 - Hudson Street Station

Post by Gaffer »

A knock and a young uniformed patrolman sticks his head in the door. "Everyone decent?" he grins before he spots Delores and his face falls, " Sorry, Ma'am. Esposito, kid's here with those sandwiches you ordered."The clock on the wall says noon as the kid comes in and Esposito shells out a couple bucks for four ham sandwiches and four cups of coffee.
"Two in the head, you know he's dead." <heh>
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Dexter Ford
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Re: Monday Sep 4 - Hudson Street Station

Post by Dexter Ford »

Dex grabs a sandwich and a cup of coffee, eating a few bites and chugging back a few slugs of pitch black joe. "All right then, I'll drive anyone who wants come along with me. Langdon, did you drive in that jalopy of yours?" A smile plastered to his face, knowing that if anyone is driving a jalopy he is. "I think Miss Hirt deserves are full attention and we deserve some answers."
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Re: Monday Sep 4 - Hudson Street Station

Post by Langdon »

I smile at Dex, "Yes, Jamison brought the car. Shall we?"
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Re: Monday Sep 4 - Hudson Street Station

Post by FrankyEsposito »

"Now hold on a minute there, professor. We need to make sure we've got our playbook straight. Dex, I think you should play the bad guy. No offense, but I'm just too good looking. Langdon, just act like you're nervous, and a little dizzy with the dame. Capische? Miss Brown, just be out intrepid reporter, tying to get the scoop. Except we've already got the scoop, so you should keep your eyes and ears peeled for anything hinky. Well, anything hinkier than usual with this dame."
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Dexter Ford
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Re: Monday Sep 4 - Hudson Street Station

Post by Dexter Ford »

Dex nods at the detective's suggestion. "I can play the bad cop. Not that I am a natural at it, but I can certainly make do." He glances at Langdon and Delores, suspecting he knows the answer. "Is anyone else packing heat? I mean in case things get more hinky than any of us expect?" Dex visibly winces at using the same words Esposito just used.
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Re: Monday Sep 4 - Hudson Street Station

Post by Langdon »

"I'll just do what I always do, make it clear that I'm looking out for the best interest of the fine citizens of ... and you know the rest. And I'm not "dizzy with the dame" as you put it. I just think you're painting her to be some sort of malicious would-be evil-doer and we just don't have the evidence to support that!" I smile softly and wink. "Something like that, right, Detectives?"

"And, no, Dex, I don't have a gun."
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