The Chieftain's Spear (Faroo, Kinaktok, Unulaq)

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Re: The Chieftain's Spear (Faroo, Kinaktok, Unulaq)

Post by DSIGFUSS »

ooc - These zombies are slow, so everyone gets their regular attack. Faroo gets to attack twice and parry once, since he never had to make a sanity check and has the surprise on the zombies.

ooc- Unulaq.. 1d100, 1d100, 1d8, 1d4
ooc - Faroo... 1d100, 1d100, 1d8, 1d4
ooc- Kinaktok. If you are using your bow. 1d100, 1d100, 1d6, 1d6

For those people not used to rolling for combat. The first 1d100 is to strike under your weapon skill. The second 1d100 is for parry using your weapon skill %. The next number is the damage and the last number is for your damage bonus. you might want to check to see if I guessed it right. If you are using a bow there is no damage bonus but you get two shots and no parry. Just two strikes and two damages. I have you roll everything at once to cut down on the back and forth. OK?

ooc- who had the chieftain's spear. I think Kinaktok has it. If you are forced into melee with the zombies.
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Re: The Chieftain's Spear (Faroo, Kinaktok, Unulaq)

Post by ImpInTraining »

ooc,Little confused. Guess I need to roll again? I mean, I forgot to parry last time, but the numbers you're giving me are different from my character sheet. For the bone tip spear it should be 1d6+1 (+1d4 for damage bonus)... is that incorrect? Or am I suddenly using my club? Which would be 1d8+1 (+1d4 for DB). Whatever it is, if you want to roll it for me, I'm cool with it. Like if you want to speed things up (if even just for this round).
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Re: The Chieftain's Spear (Faroo, Kinaktok, Unulaq)

Post by DSIGFUSS »

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Re: The Chieftain's Spear (Faroo, Kinaktok, Unulaq)

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Faroo lunges forward in an attemopt to reach his Dorset brothers only to be stopped by two zombies intent on devouring his brains. He thrusts his spear forward and throught he head of one of the undead Vikings. The creature slumps to the ground as if the un-life had suddenly failed him. The second zombie to Faroo's left reaches for the Dorset hunter's neck , but Faroo bats the slow swinging rotting hand aside with the blunt end of his spear.

Meanwhile, across the hoarde, Unulaq rushes in to help Faroo while Kinaktok lets loose his arrows. The first arrow barely find purchase and the second bounces harmlessly off the undead’s mummified skin. Then Unulaq crashes into the zombie line as the group swarms around Faroo. His massive whale bone club smashes against the brittle skull of the closest Viking zombie. The impact sends red-green splatter in all directions as his undead victim falls to the snow.

ooc- - Unulaq's rolls

Thorrin, his gleaming steel sword at his side begins to sing.

A sjötti ÉG vita : hvenær sumir en vildi skaði mig
í rún á a rakur tré rót.
á hans höfuð einn munu ljós
en ills af en bölva þessi hann gestur á minn.

kenaz kenaz kenaz
ku ka ki ke ko
kun kan kin ken kon
ok ek ik ak uk

As soon as the words cross Thorrin's lips a zombie close to Unulaq drops and turns to human flesh. The Viking looks blue and bloated as if he had recently drowned.

ooc- Viking zombies only attack at the end of the round if they were adjacent to you at the end of the previous round. They are slow uncaring assholes.

ooc - Imp you were totally right about the numbers being wrong. I guessed and guessed wrong. I rolled for you but in general I prefer my PCs doing their own rolling to keep the idea that we are playing a game alive. If you are away I will roll. Just let me know. This time I totally didn't mind cuz of the confusion that was all my bad.
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Re: The Chieftain's Spear (Faroo, Kinaktok, Unulaq)

Post by DSIGFUSS »

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Re: The Chieftain's Spear (Faroo, Kinaktok, Unulaq)

Post by DSIGFUSS »

ooc- actions please gentlemen!

Unulaq now has two adjacent zombies.
Faroo -3
Thorrin -0

So whatever zombies are left of those zombies adjacent now will get an attack at the end of the round.
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Re: The Chieftain's Spear (Faroo, Kinaktok, Unulaq)

Post by ImpInTraining »

It had been a long time since Unalaq had to worry about being attacked en mass. He knew, however, that he was quickly in danger of being surrounded if he continued forward to close the gap with Faroo. He decided against it and started backpeddaling to get closer to Thorrin and Kinaktok. He swung his mighty bone club again at the nearest zombie, but his retreat distracted his intent on attacking.

Unalaq's attack. (1d100=79, 1d100=95, 1d8+1=3, 1d4 =1)
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Re: The Chieftain's Spear (Faroo, Kinaktok, Unulaq)

Post by Ash »

Faroo feeling outnumbered backs up onto his sled, swinging his spear as he goes to fend them off.

Aghhhhhhhhhhhhh (1d100, 1d100, 1d8, 1d4=[98], [68], [8], [1])
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Re: The Chieftain's Spear (Faroo, Kinaktok, Unulaq)

Post by Midnightlight »

Kinaktok falls back to his sled, even though it's a meager distance between the two undead closest to him. He readies another arrow, aiming it at on undead
Zombie #5
. He readies an arrow quickly and releases it, letting it fly. As it hits, he readies one more arrow, and aims at undead beside the one he hit, letting it fly as soon as he has it aimed.
Sorry for making everyone wait. On with the game! Also, in case you were confused.

Arrow 1 = Zombie 5
Arrow 2 = Zombie 6
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Re: The Chieftain's Spear (Faroo, Kinaktok, Unulaq)

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Faroo slashes wildly with his spear, cutting into rotting flesh but finding no purchase in his attack. For every arm or shoulder he wounds the zombies press their advance. The Dorset Hunter hops onto his sled, his dogs barking wildly to free themselves from the tethers that hold them to the sled. Faroo’s dogs had met these creatures before and had not fared well. Their eyes were filled with fear and Faroo was certain they would flee if they were released.

ooc- Faroo is on his sled. If he wants to go he must make a successful Sled roll.

On the other side of the Horde, Thorrin’s voice, beautiful and terrible as the Arctic sea, sings as his sword arcs and weaves about him. A zombie falls to the snow and reverts back to its human form. The Viking man looks up to Unulaq as he falls in front of the Dorset hunter. He was not blue and wrinkled as a drowned man might appear, but was alive.

Unulaq swings his club wide, surprised by the sudden resurrection of the Viking and his club just grazes an approaching zombie inflicting no significant wounds that might slow the creature down.

Kinaktok lets loose two arrows, the first sinks deep into the skull of the closest undead. Being no more than a few feet from the arrows release, the zombie’s feet actually lift up into the air and lands still onto the snow trailing blackish blue blood in its wake. The second arrow plants itself inside the next closest zombies chest. The zombie flitters about for a few seconds before falling onto its side and spewing out more than few gallons of brackish salt smelling water. The zombie does not move more than few inches after it falls, though it seems to stare off hungrily towards the sea.

Then the zombies push forward. As Faroo retreats for his sled, three zombies lunge for whatever flesh they can sink their teeth into. The first trips over a fellow zombie and hasn’t the presence of mind to correct himself. It tumbles onto the snow only be trampled by those zombies behind. The next two move closer to Faroo but Faroo pushes one back with his spear. The third Viking zombie sinks his teeth deep into Faroo’s shoulder just as he mounts his sled. (Faroo takes 6 damage -3 for fur armor) = 3 damage.

Attack on Faroo:

Thorrin backs up to the sled alongside Kinaktok. Zombies rush in from all sides. The now human Viking crawls towards the sleds but is torn apart by the undead mass. He calls out for help but his cries only last for as long as his throat remains clear of rotten teeth and broken nails.

Unulaq backs up towards the sleds as well as the mass of zombies closes in. Two zombies swing wildly but only one connects just barely breaching Unulaq’s furs. (1 damage)

Attack on Unulaq:
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Re: The Chieftain's Spear (Faroo, Kinaktok, Unulaq)

Post by DSIGFUSS »

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Re: The Chieftain's Spear (Faroo, Kinaktok, Unulaq)

Post by ImpInTraining »

Unalaq was in a state of disbelief. Was this how it was to end? Devoured by dead Vikings? He gave a quick glance to Thorrin encouraging the Norse man to keep it up, before he turned back and swung his mighty club for another attack. "Faroo, run!" he shouted.
ooc,[url=]Unalaq's attack / dodge / damage (1d100=8, 1d100=98, 1d8=2, 1d4=1)[/url]
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Re: The Chieftain's Spear (Faroo, Kinaktok, Unulaq)

Post by Ash »

sled (1d100=86)

Faroo tries to sled out of there and fails so he makes an attempt to Parry further attacks

parry (1d100=68)
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Re: The Chieftain's Spear (Faroo, Kinaktok, Unulaq)

Post by Midnightlight »

Kinaktok readies another arrow, aiming it dead center at one of the zombies closest to him. Letting it go as soon as it's cocked, hereadies another arrow and aims it down at the one next to it.
Roll 1 = Zombie #3

Roll 2 = Zombie #4

This is not looking good?
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Re: The Chieftain's Spear (Faroo, Kinaktok, Unulaq)

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Faroo tries to get his sled team moving but his dogs are too distracted by the wave of zombies closing in all around them. The sled lurches forward and crashes into a large lump of rock and ice.

One zombie bites down hard on Faroo's furs but can't sink his teeth past the Dorset's armor. Another claws at Faroo's arm but the hunter pushes the rabid Viking away with his spear. The third flail aimless as Faroo sled begins to move and finds nothing but air as the sled lurches forward. With dogs barking furiously the zombies begin to move towards them instead as they had done before when Faroo last encountered them.

Unulaq swings and his whale bone club smashes one of the zombies heads like a baby seal pup. Thorrin keeps singing and another zombie falls to the snow, another blue and bloated man in its place.

Kinaktok lets lose his first arrow and a zombie drops at his feet. The zombies are now right in Kinaktok's face and the hunter finds it difficult to draw his final arrow. he lets it loose, but a zombie scratches at his arm sending the arrow flying off above the hoarde. (The zombie digs deep into Kinaktok's skins and tears at the hunter's furs. ( 3 damage)

ooc - Faroo make a luck check. If you fail your sled turns over. Zombies 25 18 and 10 are eating your dogs. Zombies 1,2 and 9 are now adjacent to you.

ooc - Unulaq - zombie 17 is on Thorrin, and 19 and 20 are on you.

ooc- Kinaktok - if you want to continue fring your bow you must make a DEX x5 check. zombies 4 and 16 are on you.
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Re: The Chieftain's Spear (Faroo, Kinaktok, Unulaq)

Post by DSIGFUSS »

ooc - I'll update the map on Monday when i get to work. I have it on my comps there.
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Re: The Chieftain's Spear (Faroo, Kinaktok, Unulaq)

Post by DSIGFUSS »

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Re: The Chieftain's Spear (Faroo, Kinaktok, Unulaq)

Post by Ash »

Faroo prays
luck (1d100=66)

He attacks the zombie nearest to him. Zombie 9 to his right.

Spear Thrust.

Rahhhhh (1d100, 1d100, 1d8, 1d4=[44], [12], [5], [4])
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