The Deep (Tornuaq and Yuralria)

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The Deep (Tornuaq and Yuralria)

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Tornuaq sinks slowly in the freezing waters of the arctic lake, a dull smile on his face. He hears the Viking call out to him from above the ice but his determination to keep the knife from the invaders and that cursed blue skinned abomination, kept him calm and at peace with his fate.

His vision quickly blurred in the freezing waters. A dark shape slowly snaked towards him, his claws spread wide in predatory fashion. He knew it was one of those black scaled monsters. The Qallupilluk... The Child Snatchers... The Dorset tribe of Inuit hunters had told tales of the child snatchers that kidnapped Dorset children that wandered too far from their mother's loving arms. Why these Qallupilluk are attacking men now was completely unknown to Tornuaq.

Tornuaq knew there was little he could do to fend off the Qallupilluk. The cold waters beneath the ice was his territory and Tornuaq was the prey.

Then through the fading sunlight, Tornuaq saw a splash of water come from the hole in the ice above. A small figure holding a long spear panicked as the coldness quickly took over all control she though she had over her own body.

The spear she was holding began to glow and Tornuaq could feel the familiarity and connection with this person so strongly that it sent ripples of heat and exuberance through his very soul. It was Yuralria and behind her, unbeknowst to the Shaman was the Qallupilluk, claws still outstretched for the kill.
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Re: The Deep (Tornuaq)

Post by Andrew »

Tornuaq's eyes grew wide with not only shock but panic as he saw the Qallupilluk come straight for Yuralria's back. He raced towards her, hoping he had enough time to reach her and spin her around. He doubted he could save them both from the attack but if he could shield her with his body and take the brunt of the attack she could swim away... where did she get that magnificent spear?
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Re: The Deep (Tornuaq)

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Initially Yuralria doesn't notice the black scaled Quallipuk swimming behind her. Her concern for Tornuaq outweighed any of her natural senses.
As Tornuaq swam to meet and warn the Shaman, Tornuaq became suddenly aware of how much trouble he had gotten himself into. His breath was short liverd and the pulsing cold was shooting wave after wave of panic through his already troubled mind. But Tornuaq could feel warmth coming from the Shaman's spear. It warmed his body and his heart and gave him strength.

As Tornuaq reached Yuralria she put his cheek in the palm of her hand and embraced him to share her warmth. "Tornuaq!" She pleaded out of heartbreak, then leaned in and kissed him, warmly, sweetly, slowly breathing out so that he might survive these angry depths.

Then Tornuaq suddenly had the clarity to control his actions. The Quallipuk was no more than a whales length away when Tornauq pointed frantically at the black scaled beast behind them.

ooc- actions please

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Re: The Deep (Tornuaq and Yuralria)

Post by Andrew »

Tornuaq opened his eyes feeling the warmth upon his skin. For a moment he thought he had succumbed to the darkness, thought he had died but seeing the face of his beloved Yuralria he knew that not even the gods would taunt him in such a way. 'How? How was she here?' He thought to himself and as the warmth enveloped him and her kiss made his pulse quicken, the sound of it like a summer thunderstorm in his ears, he knew she was real, knew he was alive and she was actually here in these frigged waters with him. He also knew that death was descending on them as well.

His energy renewed by his love somehow being here and the kiss she bestowed upon him, Tornuaq spun so that his back was to the Quallipuk and pushed Yuralria away. He drew the knife that the Norsemen wanted so badly, twisted his frame and swam for the Quallipuk. He might still die down in these depths but it would no longer be a death with no purpose. He was a Dorset warrior and he would protect a fellow villager, the shaman, the love of his life, with his life. His death would buy her time to get free... if it came to that.
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Re: The Deep (Tornuaq and Yuralria)

Post by trixie »

OC Yuralria will cast Warrior's Mark....I forgot to write down if I need to roll to cast it. Pm me if so.

]Tornuaq adds 3 to strength
]4 to dexterity
5 to constitution

He also gets an extra 3 protection (absorbs 3 damage) and his speed is doubled.

Yuralria watches fitfully from the sidelines as Tornuaq swims closer to the beast.

She returns her gaze to Tornuaq and as he swims past, she grazes his face with her hand, leaving colorful markings blazing over his forehead and cheeks.
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Re: The Deep (Tornuaq and Yuralria)

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Tornuaq is suddenly filled with the power of his ancestors. He hears the cariboo cry as a spear thrusts though its heart. He hears the sound of a polar crashng to the ice as chieftains from tribe's long dead hold the white spear high above their heads. Then he hears the voice of Aningan the moon and the song of Malina the sun. In unison they both cry!

Destroy Him!

Destroy Him!

ooc - your turn first Tornuaq...
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Re: The Deep (Tornuaq and Yuralria)

Post by Andrew »

Tornuaq's heart swells in his chest as the power of his ancestor's flows through him, the voices of Aningan and Malina echo in his mind and most importantly of all, having his beloved down here with him. Pulling the only weapon he has, Tornuaq grabs the daggers hilt and inverts it in his hand so that the blade is pointing down his arm for faster slashing/stabbing motions. He swims for all he's worth towards the Quallipuk trying to stab it through the eye.
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Re: The Deep (Tornuaq and Yuralria)

Post by trixie »

OC Rolling?
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Re: The Deep (Tornuaq and Yuralria)

Post by Andrew »

OOC: Right, used to Dark and Moody where most of the DMs roll for you... Since I'm not sure all what you want me to roll I rolled 6 times: 23 15 28 4 47 85.
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Re: The Deep (Tornuaq and Yuralria)

Post by DSIGFUSS »

ooc- Just one 1d100 roll will do. I’ll roll damage. All you have to do is specify where you hit which you did in this case. Damage might be weird from time to time…

Tornuaq drives the Viking scramasax deep into the Quallipuk’s eye. As the knife pierces the vitreous humor, the Quallipuk’s eye explodes in Tornuaq’s face and yet another vision is forced on the already scarred Dorset Hunter.

Hundreds of black scaled Quallipuk’s drag huge blocks of stone into the mountains with heavy black chains. Giant blue skinned men wearing thick metal armor whip the Quallipuk’s as they pass shouting at them in a language Tornuaq recognizes as Thorrin’s native tongue. The Quallipuk that Tornuaq had just stabbed pulled hard at his chain until he and several others of his kind had finally dragged the huge stone into place at the base of a statue.

The statue was a one eyed long bearded man with lighting in his hands and ravens on his shoulders. High above the statue was a mountain that the knife had already shown him, but Tornuaq had failed to recognize from the north side. From this vantage where the Quallipuk’s seemed forced into slavery by the blue skinned giants.... the mountain’s name was clear to Tornuaq and most of the inhabitants of Qikiqtaaluk (Baffin Island).

The knife pointed to Mount Nimik

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Re: The Deep (Tornuaq and Yuralria)

Post by DSIGFUSS »

The Quallipuk seemed just as shocked as Tornuaq to have the vision replayed before them. He reached up where his eye once was and snarled back at the hunter. Black blood flowed from the creatures empty eye socket like a long snake under the water and both combatants knew that the Qaullipuk would be dead soon. The Quallipuk's one good eye focused in on the knife and he reached out desperately for it.

ooc- Roll dodge or strike Tornuaq. Yuralria you get an action as well.
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Re: The Deep (Tornuaq and Yuralria)

Post by Andrew »

OOC: Rolled to dodge. 34.

Seeing the Quallipuk grab out for the knife and knowing it wouldn't take long for it to pass, Tornuaq let himself drop out of reach.
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Re: The Deep (Tornuaq and Yuralria)

Post by trixie »

With Tornuaq out of her direct line of vision, Yuralria grimaced with determination, knowing full well she had a clear shot at the beast. She gripped the norwhale spear tightly, feeling its weight, and aiming carefully.

This thing has got to die.

She paused for a moment, feeling somewhat unsure. If she missed after all, this creature may just steal her spear. She bit her lip at the thought of it. After all, it was keeping her alive under the water....she couldn't breathe without it.

She furrowed her brow and threw it with all her might at the Qallipuk.

OC God I hope that's a hit.
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Re: The Deep (Tornuaq and Yuralria)

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Tornuaq let's himslef sink even further into the icey depths as the Quallipuk's clawed webed fingers reach desperately for the knife in the Dorset Hunter's hands. Tornuaq twists and turns and the half blind and bleeding Quallipuk misses with every reach.

Then to the hunter's surprise a long grooved ivory spear plunges itself through the monster's chest. It's eyes widen with disbelief before it convulses and flots limp above him.

Urgency now begins to take over as the danger of the Quallipuk passes and the very real threat of drowing and hypothermia begins to pound on Tornuaq's senses.

ooc- Tornuaq - Roll Conx5 or pass out. And actions please.
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Re: The Deep (Tornuaq and Yuralria)

Post by Andrew »

Conx5=70, rolled a 66.

Tornuaq's eyes went wide for a moment as the spear tore through the Quallipuk's chest but his brief moment of surprise was suddenly turned to despair as he realized he was going to drown and with Yuralria here with him that was just not an option anymore! With that he began racing for the surface as quickly as he could swim and hoped beyond hope that the vikings were gone.
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Re: The Deep (Tornuaq and Yuralria)

Post by trixie »

Yuralria tries to yank the spear out of the Qallipuk's chest, her face contorted with fierce determination.

OC Has it lost its magical powers to allow us to breathe and stay warm in the water? Also, do I need to roll to free it or can I just say I do it?
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Re: The Deep (Tornuaq and Yuralria)

Post by DSIGFUSS »

OOC- No, sorry that was just for Yuralria, Tornuaq shared it for a bit cuz of the kiss but he must get to the surface ASAP. The kiss and the warriors mark gave him the adenaline and energy to fight. Now that the danger has passed he is out of air. Still strong and quick as a horse though. lol Yuralria can still be under the water.

ooc- Yuralria make a Strength x5 check to pull the spear out of the Quallipuk.
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Re: The Deep (Tornuaq and Yuralria)

Post by Andrew »

OOC: He does seem to make the rolls that count! So far...

As he raced towards the surface, he couldn't help but look back. With all the strange and interesting things going on in the last few days, he could help but wonder if Yuralria was really there or if she was a figment of his imagination or maybe Malina and Anningan were helping him out in some way. He hadn't heard from them in awhile and if Yuralria was really there, he needed to tell her how the Sun Goddess and Moon God were conversing with him.
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Re: The Deep (Tornuaq and Yuralria)

Post by trixie »

OC Really? Seriously!!!! Spill the beans! lol Made that roll, 27

Yuralria yanks the spear free with all her might and is relieved to feel secure once again with the power of Sedna safely in her hands. She closed her eyes for a split second in relief.


She opened her eyes quickly and started to kick to swim up to the surface. He could only see the shadow of his legs where the light dispersed around them. He couldn't breathe or survive without the spear....
Trixie [trik-see] (n) : Name derived from an original character played on Yog
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Re: The Deep (Tornuaq and Yuralria)

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Tornuaq breaks through the thinning ice that had already begun to freeze over the hole he had fallen through into the frigid water. He gasps desperately for breath and pulls himself out of the hole. His muscles tense as the cold nearly incapacitates him. His second time in the cold waters in so short a time was just too much for the Dorset Hunter. He shivered wildly and could feel the heat draining from his body. The godess Malina was not here to warm him this time.

ooc- roll a CON x3 check to talk. CONx2 check to move. CONx1 check to walk. (1 roll.. ie if you make your conX1 then you can walk, move and talk. CON x2 = move(crawl) and talk.. conx3 = just talk... >conx3 = total muscle seizure.)

Yuralria breaks through the ice hole just moments after Tornuaq and crawls onto the solid ice beside the Dorset hunter. The magic of Sedna's spear keeps her warm and the water slides off her like seal skin.
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