An Important Gathering (Yuralria and Unulaq)

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Re: An Important Gathering (Yuralria and Unulaq)

Post by DSIGFUSS »

The Shadow shakes his head to Yuralria.

I do not think so. I have been with the Taqriaqsuit and part of the Spirit World for hundreds of years now. My life in your world ended long before you were born.
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Re: An Important Gathering (Yuralria and Unulaq)

Post by trixie »

"Really?" Yuralria replied, still following his lead. "You lived in my world? That is very....interesting. And unbelievable! Was it in another form? Did they invite you hear afterwards and make you one of their own?"
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Re: An Important Gathering (Yuralria and Unulaq)

Post by DSIGFUSS »

The shadow stops again.

I was Thule..... We all were... Thule or Dorset or one of the First people to settle your homelands. Those that crossed the ice bridge at the dawn of man. We were all me or women. Still are in some sense. I empathize with Yuralria. You have troubling times ahead of you. I was still a part of your world the first time, the black wolf escaped his bonds.
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Re: An Important Gathering (Yuralria and Unulaq)

Post by trixie »

"Oh! The black know then? Tell me please! Tell me what happened to you!" Yuralria looks at him quizzically.....that would explain the odd looks he had been giving her....the fact that he was once human made her realize that.
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Re: An Important Gathering (Yuralria and Unulaq)

Post by DSIGFUSS »

The shadow holds Yuralria's hand as he tells his tale.

My name was Agloolik and I hunted the Fenris wolf as a Dorset tribesman when last the great black wolf showed himself in our lands. I died destroying the beast. We fought atop one of the largest mountains on this island. Mount Tyr, the gods call it. Named after the white god that lies dead within it's rocky walls.

ooc- roll Idea.

ooc- roll listen

ooc - roll sanity check

ooc- sorry for all the rolls. lol
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Re: An Important Gathering (Yuralria and Unulaq)

Post by trixie »

Idea 80 passed
Listen (40) rolled 38 passed
Sanity 58 rolled 20 passed

Yuralria can't help the electric feeling of the shadow holding her hand. He wasn't human, and yet it was so wrong for anyone to touch her, that it sent warm tingles all throughout her. She couldn't help herself, she found her thumb stroking his hand absent mindedly, and her other hand toyed with his arm, dragging a finger up and down his forearm.
dsigfuss wrote:My name was Agloolik and I hunted the Fenris wolf as a Dorset tribesman when last the great black wolf showed himself in our lands. I died destroying the beast. We fought atop one of the largest mountains on this island. Mount Tyr, the gods call it. Named after the white god that lies dead within it's rocky walls.
Yuralria arched her brows in wonder, "You fought and died? How.....valiant.....of you."
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Re: An Important Gathering (Yuralria and Unulaq)

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Agloolik quickly pulls away as Yuralria responds affectionately to the sahdow's touch.

I am sorry Shaman, it has been so long since I have seen a Shaman. I forgot myself. You are not to be touched.... Please forgive me.

As Agloolik retreats, Yuralria remembers her time during the combing ceremony and a vision she had concerning a Dorset Hunter named Agloolik.....
As Yuralria takes the comb a rush of memories flood her mind. Memories of her people... Past Shamans, elders, hunters, and families. She recalls deeds performed by her people in Sedna's name for good and evil. Then one memory slows and Yuralria finds herself watching a Dorset Hunter climb the face of a mountain. Snow falls all around Agllolik as he pushes himslef up the cliffside, the chieftain's spear on his back.
His hand finally reaches flat ground as he pulls himslef up to a small plateau near the mountain's peak. Yuralria can feel Agloolik's ehaustion as he finally stands and views his surroundings, panting from the climb.
His eyes widen as he takes it all in. All around him, Agloolik saw statues of men holding swords like Thorrin's and suited in even heavier armour. They looked so real, as if they might come alive. Yuralria could feel his heart pounding inhis chest. Hundreds of carved rocks, perfectly fitted, form walls and corners so sharp, Agloolik was afraid to touch them. It was a garden like none she had seen. A path of massive flat square stones lined end to end made a path that led into the mountain. Two stone collums marked the entrance.

Agloolik gathered his courage and then followed the path holding the chieftain's spear out in front of him. As he approached a Black Wolf emerged from the dark tunnel. The beast stood taller than Agloolik and Yuralria felt the hunter's courage quickly fade as his mind rolled with fear and despair.

The Wolf then opened his jaws and through long sharp teeth he spoke to Agloolik. Yuralria could not hear the beast over the pounding of Agloolik's heart. The wolf moved closer continuing his rant and Agloolik just stared in horrified disbelief. Then fear turned to anger and he raised his spear shouting at the top of his lungs.


That's not true.... That's impossible!

The wolf laughs...


Now Die!

His Black hair stands on end before he lunges at Agloolik. Agloolik stabs his spear deep into the belly of the wolf and beast howls in pain. Both the wolf and the hunter then tumble over the cliff side......

Yuralria comes out of her trance and Sedna is smiling down at her, cradling the Shaman in her arms like she would her own child.

Do you see?
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Re: An Important Gathering (Yuralria and Unulaq)

Post by trixie »

Yuralria's eyes widen and she steps back in disbelief. "You''re him! You met that awful creature....I saw you....I saw it all! Sedna showed me your pain.....I could hear your heart beating wildly! Tell me what happened to you!"
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Re: An Important Gathering (Yuralria and Unulaq)

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The Shadow that used to be Agloolik lowers his head, almost shamefully.

Sedna showed you this? I am humbled... The great Balck wolf I later learned was named Fenris survived the fall. So did I, but without the use of my legs. The wolf was arrogant and told me that there was a spear in a chamber at the top of the cliff that could be used to kill him. The Odin's spear, Gugnir... And that the spear had a brother.... Wanatom... the chieftain's spear.

Fenris challenged me... that if I could climb the cliffside and retrieve the Odin's spear, he would offer his throat as payment for my deeds.

The Fenris wolf is a liar and a beast. He has no honor to hold his words. Without food or water or legs, I climbed the cliffside for five days. When I reached the top, the Fenris wolf devoured me. I have been in shadow ever since, having prooved myslef worthy to the Taqriaqsuit. My spirit may still linger in your world but this place is my home now
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Re: An Important Gathering (Yuralria and Unulaq)

Post by trixie »

"You are a hero, Agloolik, whyever would you be ashamed!" Yuralria fought back tears at the moving story. "There are strangers here in our land now. I think the Fenris wolf is from their world. They must be evil people to have such a beast amongst them. They have already burnt a village down."
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Re: An Important Gathering (Yuralria and Unulaq)

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Agloolik nods, agreeing have heartedly with the Shaman.

The wolf continued to kill my people for years because of my failure. It wasn't until a stange whiteman named Tyr bound the beast that its murderous rage was stopped. I failed my people... it has been long since I have thought on such things. It pains me Shaman...

Yuralria's heart is suddenly filled with pain and sadness. She reaches instinctively for Agloolik to support her. She would have surely fallen if the shadow was not there. At first she believes the pain comes from Agloolik's tale and that she is simply reacting stongly to his story.

She quickly realizes, however, that the pain washing over her is coming from where the Taqriaqsuit were practicing opening dimensional gateways into the real world with their carving axes. The sadness and fear was beating her down as if the feelings were solid enogh to be spears aimed staright at her heart.

Agloolik holds Yuralria upright

Wht is wrong Shaman? Is it the Shadow bear?

ooc- roll spot Hidden
ooc- roll Cthulhu Mysthos
ooc- make a Sanity check
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Re: An Important Gathering (Yuralria and Unulaq)

Post by trixie »

OOCSpot hidden rolled a 6 (38)
Inuit mythos rolled a 41 (60)
sanity rolled a 1 (58)
That's a big ol success on each one o' those.... :D Rolled on D&M....follow the link for all three

Yuralria doubles over in anticipation. What was it about those knives.....were they cutting her from the other side? It couldn't possibly could it?

"Oh....I'm feeling weak.....hold my hand!"
She begs of Agloolik.
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Re: An Important Gathering (Yuralria and Unulaq)

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Inuit Mythos check- Yuralria recognizes the feeling. It is the feeling one shares with a loved one. Often, when a loved one is in pain or dies, their other half can sense the pain across long distances. Shaman's are extremely suceptible to this. They feel the pain of their people. Her people have simply been at peace for so long that she had forgortten the feeling. This ability seems to be enhanced in the spirit world and the pain is nerve wraching. She is handling it well though (see sanity check results)

Spot Hidden check - Yuralria spots one of the gateways that one of the shadows is cutting. In the portal she sees Tornuaq running across a lake of ice. The ice is thin and Tornuaq falls through. Yuralria can feel the presence of a dark spirit chasing him under the ice through the murkey frigid water.

Sanity check - you get back some sanity for the critical sanity check. Yuralria is tkaing this one like a champ. The supernatural stuff going on does not even phase her. She is a rock.
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Re: An Important Gathering (Yuralria and Unulaq)

Post by trixie »

"Tornuaq!" Yuralria calls out, and her voice cracks in heartache. "We must help him! Let me through! I need to go through that entryway....he needs me!" She bolts for the hole the shadow had carved in reality and attempts to clamber through.
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Re: An Important Gathering (Yuralria and Unulaq)

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Agloolik grabs hold of Yuralria's hand just before she charges for the portal. When she breaks free, she is holding a clear blue crystal covered in runes similar to those she saw scribed on the Ijiraat's that attacked her and her people. She hasn't the time to examine the crystal as she leaps through the portal.

The shadow formerly known as Agloolik calls to Yuralria as she leaps from the spirit world into her own snowy lands.

The answers you seek are in the crystal. Simply.....

Agloolik's words are cut short as Yuiralria slips through the portal in her worried state.

A flash of cold bites at her skin as she plunges into the frigid waters. Her spear immediately begins to shed light and warmth and Yuralria finds herself breathing the water as if Sedna herself had offered the Shaman her own lungs for the task.

She looks down and spots Tornuaq sinking to the bottom of the figid lake with a peaceful expression on his face. He seems to have quickly come to terms with his won fate and is awaiting the enevitable darkness to come to him.

ooc- spot hidden.
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Re: An Important Gathering (Yuralria and Unulaq)

Post by trixie »

Oc Spot hidden successful

Yuralria paws through the water desperately, with a twisted knot of anxiousness deep in the pit of her stomach. Was he already dead? The look on his face made her believe she was already too late....

What had the shadow wanted to tell her?
She glanced curiously at the crystal before swimming up to Tornuaq. She put his cheek in the palm of her hand and embraced him to share her warmth. "Tornuaq!" She pleaded out of heartbreak, then leaned in and kissed him, warmly, sweetly, slowly breathing out so that he might survive these angry depths.

"Are you in there!"
she begged again, wrapping her arms around his solid shoulders, and kicking her legs to pull him up.
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Re: An Important Gathering (Yuralria and Unulaq)

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Please post in Chapter 5: The Good the Bad and The Eskimo: The Deep (Tornuaq and Yuralria)
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