Saturday Sept 2 afternoon

New York City, 1933.

A man is missing and the girl wants him found. What more do you need to know?

This game will be run using the Trail of Cthulhu (copyright (c)2009 Pelgrane Press).

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Dexter Ford
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Re: Saturday Sept 2 afternoon

Post by Dexter Ford »

Dex snaps his fingers. "Delores, the book shop owner where I got all these tomes mentioned that Hirt had a contract with some editor or agent about his book he was working on. This is New York City, but how many guys could there be that specialize in something outre like this? Weird tales, mystery cults, stuff from the pulps, et cetera. Do you think you might have a way to find out who the editor or agent that Hirt hired could be? That guy might be able to give us some definite clue as to what Hirt was working on in particular. It would seem if Hirt is getting finished with these books, that he might have been close to being finished on a rough draft."

He glances at his wristwatch. "The door man goes off duty at 6 or so. He mentioned that there wasn't a night guy, so I might do some things until 7, then mosey down to Hirt's flat and see if I can't let myself in. I am open to some company."
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Re: Saturday Sept 2 afternoon

Post by FrankyEsposito »

I very carefully ignore Dexter's comments about letting himself in to Mr. Hirt's apartment.
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Re: Saturday Sept 2 afternoon

Post by Langdon »

Fully realizing this could seriously jeopardize my career, but too enthralled by the concept of the hard-boiled detectives I so avidly read about, I clear my throat.

"ERmm... Mr. uh... Ford." I dig through my briefcase and pull out a blank building inspection form <Preparedness + (Bureaucracy or Law) spend?>. "It's certainly no police warrant, but if there's damage to Mr. Hirt's apartment that renders his occupancy unlivable, he is entitled to due recourse according to the law."

I can't look at Dolores. Her duty to the press, to inform the people, to report on the rampant corruption in the government... I was never one of those. Until now.

<Because this course of action - providing documents to facilitate Dex's less-than-legal entry of Mr. Hirt's appartment - goes against one of my pillars of Sanity (Those in power have a duty to those they serve) I'd be willing to take a Stability or Sanity test if needed>
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Re: Saturday Sept 2 afternoon

Post by Gaffer »

Langdon wrote:<Because this course of action - providing documents to facilitate Dex's less-than-legal entry of Mr. Hirt's appartment - goes against one of my pillars of Sanity (Those in power have a duty to those they serve) I'd be willing to take a Stability or Sanity test if needed>
<ooc - As I read the rules, "violating" a Pillar of Sanity doesn't call for a Stability test, as violating the Drive or damage to a Source of Stability would. If I'm mistaken about that, I'd make the difficulty only 2. His action, though irregular, is in the interests of finding out the truth about Hirt's disappearance and research, which may be of vital importance to the wider public.>
"Two in the head, you know he's dead." <heh>
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Dexter Ford
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Re: Saturday Sept 2 afternoon

Post by Dexter Ford »

Langdon wrote:Fully realizing this could seriously jeopardize my career, but too enthralled by the concept of the hard-boiled detectives I so avidly read about, I clear my throat.

"ERmm... Mr. uh... Ford." I dig through my briefcase and pull out a blank building inspection form <Preparedness + (Bureaucracy or Law) spend?>. "It's certainly no police warrant, but if there's damage to Mr. Hirt's apartment that renders his occupancy unlivable, he is entitled to due recourse according to the law."
"Call me Dex." He glances down at the building form and files it in his notebook after carefully folding it in thirds, like a letter to be placed in an envelope. "It might not come to this sort of subterfuge, but I do think if the police aren't going to use their powers to directly seek access to a missing man's apartment, then a concerned citizen could always just...see if the door were accidentally left open. But this document might come in handy...Langdon, was it? You know, you could just come along and make sure that we had a reason to be in the building. Gas leak? Boiler inspection? Rodent problem? Illegal immigrants...hell I'd even argue communists if it came to it. We'd need a good story if some beatcop took a quick looksee, but with a friend on the force, well that won't be much of a problem, now will it?"

He taps the top of his pad. "I could make an inquiry with my friends in the Treasury Department if it came to, but I would prefer to keep the Federal authorities out of what is a simple missing person's case. Admittedly an odd missing person's case, but calling in those favors aren't warranted just yet."
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Delores Brown
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Re: Saturday Sept 2 afternoon

Post by Delores Brown »

Delores places her hands carefully over her ears with a wry smile on her face. "I'm not listening guys, you carry on with your plans. I'll just turn up with a snapper so if it goes wrong, I'll get an exclusive." She pushes her food plate away, and dabs her mouth with a napkin.

She looks at Dex. "Books and papers aren't exactly in the same ballpark but I can ask around and see what I can find?"
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Dexter Ford
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Re: Saturday Sept 2 afternoon

Post by Dexter Ford »

Delores Brown wrote:Delores places her hands carefully over her ears with a wry smile on her face. "I'm not listening guys, you carry on with your plans. I'll just turn up with a snapper so if it goes wrong, I'll get an exclusive." She pushes her food plate away, and dabs her mouth with a napkin.

She looks at Dex. "Books and papers aren't exactly in the same ballpark but I can ask around and see what I can find?"
"Understood, but you probably have the easiest contacts to get in touch with someone in the book trade. I am sure there is someone on staff who might be writing a book, the next great novel, you know what I mean." He looks at the books then back at Delores. "I'll take a look through one or two of these tonight, but would you mind glancing through one of them? Your choice."

Then glancing at Langdon. "You ready to go give Mr. Hirt's apartment a quick looksee?" Regardless of the answer, Dex will look at the policeman among the group. "You are, of course, welcome to come along and lend some official authority to this caper. Unless you have something else you think should be done?"
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Re: Saturday Sept 2 afternoon

Post by Gaffer »

With eating, talking, browsing the books and so forth, you've consumed much of the afternoon -- as well as sandwiches, cole slaw, pickles, some dessert and several cups of coffee. It's almost four o'clock. Outside, it's sunny and about seventy degrees. Inside, the temperature's a bit chillier, waiters and countermen giving you sour looks, since you haven't ordered anything except refills for the past hour and they want to start getting ready for the dinner crowd.

<Will each of you declare your plans for the rest of Saturday. Do you want to set your next meeting? Does everyone know how to get in touch with the others, if necessary.>
"Two in the head, you know he's dead." <heh>
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Delores Brown
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Re: Saturday Sept 2 afternoon

Post by Delores Brown »

Delores pulls the books towards her and skims through the pages of the book on top of the pile. "I'll take a look at these tonight and let you know what I find." She turns and glances out the window before turning back and looking at the sour faces of the waiting staff. "I think we may have outstayed our welcome, gentlemen, judging by the looks we're getting. Shall we arrange to meet up tomorrow then I can get on with reading these?"
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Re: Saturday Sept 2 afternoon

Post by Langdon »

<will post tomorrow, jsut got back from vacation>
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Re: Saturday Sept 2 afternoon

Post by FrankyEsposito »

The man just can't take a hint. I tried to look the other way, but he insists on rubbing it in my face. I stand up, spilling half of my Coke in the process, and let him have a piece of my mind.

"Damn, it Ford." I cringe inside at my own coarse language. I'll apologize to Miss Brown later. "Maybe you've been private too long. Hell, maybe that's how you G-Men do things down in Washington. But it's not how we do things here, not it my city. You want to get in Hirt's apartment? Give me one shred of evidence -- something I can take in front of a judge -- and I'll knock his door down myself. Here in New York we don't go busting into a man's home just because his sister says we should. You know why? Because the last time I checked, not being at home on a holiday weekend ain't a crime. And all we've got is the word of some twist who you're quick to point out ain't even the man's real sister?

I can't see my face but I know it's on its way from red to purple. I turn my attention to Langdon. "And you -- you think about what this could do to your career? Or do you want to shuffle papers for the rest of your life?"

I sit back down, hoping that I haven't made too much of a scene, or at least that none of the crowd will recognize me. I need a drink and the remnants of my spilled Coke aren't going to cut it. "We're going to do this by the book, ladies and gentlemen, or we're not going to do it at all. If I hear of any mysterious break-ins or a 'surprise rodent inspection' at Mr. Hirt's apartment, anything hinky at all, and I will haul the both of you in and let you cool your heels for the rest of the weekend, savvy? I ought to do it right now and save myself the grief."
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Re: Saturday Sept 2 afternoon

Post by Gaffer »

A heavy-set man in a white shirt and bow tie comes from behind the counter and hurries over to the table.

"We got a problem here, folks?" he asks, "Cuz if so, I suggest ya take it outside. I don't wanna havta call the cops, okay?"

He stands, glaring pugnaciously at the three men.
"Two in the head, you know he's dead." <heh>
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Re: Saturday Sept 2 afternoon

Post by Langdon »

I laugh nervously and hide my trembling hands beneath the table. "No problem, here. Just got a bit heated, that's all."

To the other men, particularly to Detective Esposito, "Look here. You can't go shouting like this in public. I appreciate your desire to do your job and to do it by the book. I truly do. I suppose I got carried away with this investigation stuff. But you know, what am I to do? Here I am a city official, bound by paperwork and red tape and a swarm of politicians whose sole purpose in life is to get one leg up on the other guy... look, I'm just trying to do us all a favor, to do that woman a favor, to help your man here," I cock a thumb at Dex, "do his job and investigate this disappearance."

I straighten my jacket, clenching my lapels tightly to keep my fingers from shaking. I slowly put them on the table and stare harshly at the detective, "If you want everything done by the book, Detective, get me a copy of your book or give me some suggestion of what to do. I'm not a professional investigator, I'm a city facilitator. I help our citizens live comfortably and our city officials do their jobs. If you've got a task you need me for, here's my card." I slap it down on the table as I get up.

"Good day, Sirs. Miss." I give a brief nod to all at the table and begin to walk out of the restaurant, leaving a couple loose coins and crumpled bills on the table to cover my lunch plus tip.

With my back to the group I take a deep breath. Easy, Langdon. He's right. Don't lose your job over this. I know you're frustrated. You're always frustrated. You can't do much in your position. Not for these folks. Not for yourself either. Maybe it's best to let them go.
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Dexter Ford
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Re: Saturday Sept 2 afternoon

Post by Dexter Ford »

Dex waits for Esposito to finish his rant, but before he can respond, Langdon says his piece. He quietly takes a deep breath or two, and then looks at the detective as Langdon stalks out. <I'll use my Cop Talk for the following information. That and my relationship with Captain Boyd.>

"Detective Esposito, maybe you have a point. Just maybe I was pushing you to do something." Dex is calm, his voice deep, reassuring, but also with an hint of the interrogation ability he learned on working for the government. "I don't care about the rumors the force has about you. I don't care if you think they are true. I want your help, officially, and you keep throwing roadblocks in this investigation. Your past doesn't define who you are, unless you let it. Sure we all have things we would rather forget, but we either let them run our lives or... You used to be a good cop, but now they give you shit like this. I'll respect your wishes and do this by the book. But if someone dies because of this, because you are afraid to do your damn job, then I will make sure you can't hide this time around."

He looks at Delores and nods his head. "Pardon the language, Miss, but I am going to go after Langdon and see if I can calm him down. If you need me, you know how to reach me." He tosses a $20 down on the table. "At least our erstwhile employer can help pay for lunch. I'll find Langdon and give him his money back." He scoops up the money and heads outside to try and track down Langdon, tipping a finger to the brim of his fedora as he exits into the afternoon.
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Re: Saturday Sept 2 afternoon

Post by Gaffer »

Dexter Ford wrote: He tosses a $20 ten-spot <ed.> down on the table.
<I've amended this to be closer to 1930s reality, but even with tip, it's probably twice as much as necessary. Franky or Delores can keep the change, or split it.>
"Two in the head, you know he's dead." <heh>
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Re: Saturday Sept 2 afternoon

Post by FrankyEsposito »

Big tipper with someone else's cabbage. "I'm still a good cop, Ford. That's the problem." Talking to his back will get me nowhere, of course.

"Can I walk you somewhere, Miss Brown? I'm heading back to the station house to make some more calls. It's not easy finding all these 'roadblocks' I keep throwing up."
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Re: Saturday Sept 2 afternoon

Post by Lammomedes »

Dex races out to the street to see if he can spot Langdon. He can't be too far ahead, can he?
If he does, Dex speaks loudly: Langdon, wait up. Don't let the detective get to you. Do you still want to go and check out Hirt's apartment building, even if we don't go into his apartment? I am not much for one sitting on a case when the clues are there, staring us in the face. Maybe we will even stumble into this false sister dame and get the real scoop on who she is and what she thinks she is doing in all this.

If Langdon says yes, Dex will head for the subway and the nearest train heading to Hirt's apartment. If Langdon says no, then Dex will try to convince him to come along, but ultimately will head off himself. He will realize when he is on the subway car that he grabbed only one of the three books in his haste to leave the restaurant/deli.
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Re: Saturday Sept 2 afternoon

Post by Gaffer »

Dex, you and Langdon both have your cars with you. Let's say you grabbed Devil Worship: The Sacred Books and Traditions of the Yezidiz by Isya Joseph. At 224 pages it'll take him about 5 hours to read. It's fairly modern in language, but pretty mystical and obscure in style.

Delores, that leaves you with the other two books. Adventures in Arabia: Among the Bedouins, Druses, Whirling Dervishes & Yezidee Devil Worshipers by W.B. Seabrook. At 346 pages it will take you about 6 hours to read, as it's written for a general audience. An Inquiry into the Religious Tenets of the Yezeedees by George Percy Badger is only 54 pages, but will take you about 3 hours to read, due to its mid-19th century style and fragile pages.

Franky, I'm assuming you don't want to read either one.
"Two in the head, you know he's dead." <heh>
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Delores Brown
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Re: Saturday Sept 2 afternoon

Post by Delores Brown »

"I'll walk with you," says Delores to Franky as she picks up the books. Accepting the change from the man by the till, she heads for the door. She studies the dustjackets of the books as they walk alone the pavement. "You think that we'll find some answers in here?" she asks Franky as they walk.
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Re: Saturday Sept 2 afternoon

Post by Gaffer »

<So Langdon, does Dex catch up to you on the sidewalk? Are you going with him to Hirt's apartment building.>
"Two in the head, you know he's dead." <heh>
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