The Scout : Unulaq

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Re: The Scout : Unulaq

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Nanook slows slightly but continues pushing forward. At the pace they have been running Unulaq knows the Shaman and Thorrin cannot be too much further down the cavern.

ooc - Unulaq roll Persuade and Spot Hidden.
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Re: The Scout : Unulaq

Post by DSIGFUSS »

The Shadow bear slows slightly at Unulaq's words but continues pounding forward snarling and dripping black sludge.

ooc- roll a Persuade check and a Spot Hidden Check.
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Re: The Scout : Unulaq

Post by ImpInTraining »

ooc,[url=]Persuade (15%); Spot Hidden (78%) (1d100=78, 1d100=98)[/url] - lousy... I blame you for waiting so long the virtual dice grew cold.
Unulaq frowned, knowing the art of persuasion was still not a strong point. He'd make a terrible chief one day. The whole thing he uttered sounded so fake... that even he rolled his own eyes. "Yuralria!!!" Unulaq shouted. "RUN!!!"
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Re: The Scout : Unulaq

Post by DSIGFUSS »

ooc - Roll dodge.
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Re: The Scout : Unulaq

Post by ImpInTraining »

ooc,Maybe you should be rolling for me... cuz I suck. [url=]Dodge (50%) (1d100=74)[/url]
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Re: The Scout : Unulaq

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Unulaq barely notices a shadow shaped figure pass through the adjacent cavern wall. It holds a large shield and spear tipped with a long sharpened crystal (like the ones they found littered on the cavern floor.) It slashes at his the Dorset Hunter and Unulaq is helpless to evade him. Fortunately, the spear glancesoff Unulaq's knee and the hunter's forward momentum keeps him from taking any significant damage.


Unulaq notices that three more shadowy figures pass through the walls and into the cavern ahead of them. Two more from behind. All are armed with the crystaline spears

Neither the blue skinned woman nor the bear god slow down as Nanook trounces forward, black sludge worming and dripping with every pounding paw.

ooc - roll DEX x6 or trip then post action please. Also please make an Insight check.
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Re: The Scout : Unulaq

Post by ImpInTraining »

OCC,Somebody loves me today... made my Dex check, [url=]Dex x6 (84%) (1d100=53)[/url] - and a critical success on Insight![url=]Insight (5%) (1d100=1)[/url] Yuralria called them Shaman Killers. I don't suppose I know anything about them - but I have to wonder why they are attacking me if they target Shamans. Maybe since I am here, they just assume... or maybe since only Shamans come here and die at these things' hands, Yuralria assumed they were Shaman Killers, and not just blood-thirsty beings eager to kill anything in general.
Unalaq noticed the spear when it hit his knee and hop-jumped to keep his balance. Quickly he scanned the area with the mind of a warrior / hunter and looked for a good place where he might be able to defend himself on two or three sides to keep them from surrounding him. With his spear in hand, tip still enchanted by Thorrin, Unalaq prepared to fight against the odds. "Nanook! This is what you smell... right here!" He shouted ahead and hoped to be convincing, because he wasn't sure if he was going to be able to take so many of them.
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Re: The Scout : Unulaq

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Unulaq finds what he's looking for. A small twist in the ice cavern left a narrow shelf jutting out from the side of the wall. The blue skinned woman stops with him looking nervously towards Nanook. She readies herself in an agressive stance, her finger nails extending from her hands forming long black claws.

Nanook has her scent. Is there a Shaman with you?

Three of the shadow men quickly close in on Unulaq and the blue skinned woman.

Unulaq watches the bear charge through the shadows, trampling them beneath his weight as if they were children. The Shadow bear continues on down the ice cavern towards Yuralria and Thorrin.

ooc- Unulaq suddenly realizes that these shadow men are not Shaman Hunters. He remembers tales of the Taqriaqsuit. A race of shadow people, normally peaceful, that live both in and out of the spirit world.

See Link ... 7df#p31174

ooc - Make an Inut Mythos check and combat actions please. 1d10, 1d100, 1d100, 1d8, 1d4.
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Re: The Scout : Unulaq

Post by ImpInTraining »

ooc,[url=]Inuit Mythos (15%) (1d100=76)[/url] - Fail. Not sure what the rest of the dice were for ... if you meant for me to roll them or whatever. [url=]Random dice throws? (1d10=8, 1d100=7, 1d100=18, 1d8=4, 1d4=4)[/url] Plus, I need to understand a little better what is going on. There are three of these shadow people attacking both the Blue-Skinned lady and myself, or we have three apiece? And the ones that Nanook is barrelling down... I'm assuming since he's well ahead of me, these are just extras.
Unalaq moved to the narrow shelf for defense, not sure if standing near this blue woman with the suddenly sharpened claws was safe. He responded to her, "I was hoping to fool him into giving up his chase. Yuralria doesn't deserve to die." He watched as these shadow people closed in. "Guess Nanook is no fool. What do the Taqriaqsuit want with us? They're supposed to be peaceful."

He held up his spear to hold them at bay and asked one that faced off with him, "Can we talk? Must we see this through with violence?" He is set for full defense, giving them the chance to attack first if parlay failed... but he would not attack them unless they provoked him.
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Re: The Scout : Unulaq

Post by DSIGFUSS »

ooc- sorry combat rolls was what those dice were for. Never thought you'd try to talk your way out. You can use them if things go to blows cuz the first 1d100 was a critical. There are only three total on you both. They passed through the cavern walls. Nanook trampled the extras.. lol

It seemed the shadows were about to strike when Unulaq satyed his spear. One steps closer... His crystaline spear to the ready.

The Shadow Bear must die. He has brought plague to this land. You run with the Shadow Bear do you not?
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Re: The Scout : Unulaq

Post by ImpInTraining »

"I run after the Shadow Bear, he goes to kill my shaman and friend. I hoped to sway him from that. Nanook was once a great white bear. He has fallen ill. What he is now ... that is not him. Something has corrupted him and even the Inuit... something I believe that comes from a land far away and goes by the name of Loki," Unalaq responded - his eyes darting from one creature to the next. "Please... let us pass. We must save my friends."
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Re: The Scout : Unulaq

Post by DSIGFUSS »

The shadowy figures look to one in other with little expression the Dorset Hunter could notice.


Then you will help us kill him child of the Frozen Rain? And what of the Shaman Hunter?

The blue skinned warrior hisses and steps closer to Unulaq. Her fingernails lengthen a few inches more.
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Re: The Scout : Unulaq

Post by ImpInTraining »

"You're the Shaman Hunter?" Unalaq questioned the blue lady. His eyes narrowed. "I don't want to fight any of you, but if it is necessary to save my friends, I will do what I must."

He levelled his spear toward the blue-skinned one and prepared do what must be done, waiting to see her reaction.
ooc,If she moves to attack anyone (especially me), then I will attack her. If she elects to talk, I will listen - guardedly.
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Re: The Scout : Unulaq

Post by DSIGFUSS »

The Shaman Hunter frowns at Unulaq but keeps her claws out and to the ready.


I am Corazon....I have vowed to protect the Bear God during hsi time of blight! This world can ill afford to lose another of its creators. I mean your Shaman no harm hunter! We have already lost the Cariboo and now these shadows intend to kill the Bear? Blasphemy! What would you do Hunter? What next? Shall we kill the Sun and see what happens?

Unulaq hears Nanook roar off in the distance. Corazon seems very unsettleed....
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Re: The Scout : Unulaq

Post by ImpInTraining »

"Corazon, I am merely a passer-by of this world. We came to see about putting an end to things... for all the unusualness going on revolves around the coming of the Norse men and their witches... and their twisted god, Loki. We should pull together right now, not fight each other... put our own differences aside while we chase off the true enemy. Can we work together," he turns his head to look at the shadow men as well letting them all know it was a joint question, "or shall we first kill ourselves off so that Loki and his witches have an easy-going of it all?"
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Re: The Scout : Unulaq

Post by DSIGFUSS »

The shadows seem to take Unulaq's words to heart as a long silence passes between them. The silence is broken by another defening roar from Nanook followed by the voice of Yuralria screaming at the top of her lungs.


Yuralria's voice echoes off the cavern walls. She must still be at least a few hundred meters away.

The Shaman's call causes all three Shadows to turn their head nervously down the tunnel. One turns back and answers Unulaq.


Then what of the bear? If he feeds on your Shaman, her magic will fuel the blight. More will be infected by its evil.
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Re: The Scout : Unulaq

Post by ImpInTraining »

"Then we must not let that happen. We need to keep Nanook at bay. If anyone can cleanse him, it's her." Unalaq turned toward the sound of Yuralria's voice and started running, hoping the others were falling in leagues with him. "Yuralria! Thorin! Come this way!" he called out to his companions.
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Re: The Scout : Unulaq

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Unulaq races to catch up with Nanook. He hears the others following close behind. In short time he reaches a section of the cavern littered with spears and shield. Black blood crawls across the icey floor in large shivering pools.

The trail of black blood continues on down the cavern.

The Shaman Hunter Corazon stops beside Unulaq before turning back to one of the Shadows.


Your shadows are no match for Nanook. He will hunt and kill the Shaman...

One of the Shadows bends down and dips his spear into the pool of blackened blood.


No Corazon! Nanook bleeds deeply. He can be killed.
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Re: The Scout : Unulaq

Post by ImpInTraining »

Unalaq continued to run forward calling out "Yuralria! Thorin!" He frowned at all the blood laying about, but it seemed true. Perhaps the evil that had taken over the great bear was leaking out?
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Re: The Scout : Unulaq

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Unulaq, Corazon and the three shadows sprint towards the terrible sound ahead of them. Unulaq hears Yuralria call out to him.

Unulaq I can't!"

Just wake up if you....

Yuralria's words are interrupted by the defening roar of Nanook as Unulaq and the others nearly charge headstrong right into Nanook. The massive infected bear stands on his hind legs and raises his claws high. On the floor are no less than five spears and shields the shadow men had been carrying. Nanook had killed them all and was deep in his battle frenzy.

Nanook roars at the approaching warriors and tiny black squirming magots fly from his mouth and wriggle...



ooc- roll a Sanity check to keep your cool.

ooc- I finally found a good pic for Nanook.
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