IC: Scene 2 - A business visit

An old house is shrouded in dark rumours and fearful whispers. Its past residents have all had grisly experiences in there, and the few which are able to speak of it will not. Now, pulled in by the promise of money, several investigators try to find the house's dark secret.

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IC: Scene 2 - A business visit

Post by zielonobrody »

Sunday, March 12, 1922
Providence, Rhode Island

You meet outside the house after saying your goodbyes. It's getting colder still and you guess it's about a 15 minute walk to the designated address. You walk hastily to be out of the cold as soon as possible, the pleasant hum from the wine still in your head slowly being replaced by the need for warm tea.

You finally make it to your destination. The lawn is visibly well taken care of even in the dim light of dusk. The house is old and large. A lonely light is on inside.
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Re: IC: Scene 2 - A business visit

Post by zielonobrody »

Dan Marrison

Dan stops short of heading up the path to the front door and turns to the others, "Well, I've not had the opportunity to allow someone else take the lead in some time now. Ain't got a good people-skill, you might say. I tend to get the answers I want one way or another though. Don't suppose this is one of those times I would shine. So why don't one of you do the honors?"
"Let's eat dung, millions of flies can't be wrong." Valdemar Baldhead
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Re: IC: Scene 2 - A business visit

Post by zielonobrody »

All Dan hears is a nervous chuckle from one of his companions. They're all staring at you blankly. It flashes through your mind that they've never done any serious investigation. It seems as if they're a bit afraid.

OK, I'll knock, but you talk, says Mike and knocks on the door before Dan can reply.

I sort of remember I wrote I'd be hijacking your Investigators if you don't answer within two days of my last post. It's been three days already, so I'm moving the game forward.

You hear some sounds from the room where the light was on. A few seconds later the light by the door turns on and an older man opens the door slightly and peers out.

Do I know you people?

He's wearing a nice house-robe and slippers, evidently slowly getting ready to go to sleep.

"Let's eat dung, millions of flies can't be wrong." Valdemar Baldhead
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Re: IC: Scene 2 - A business visit

Post by zielonobrody »

Dan Marrison

Dan tips his hat to the man, "Pardon the late-night intrusion, mister. We heard you have some sort of house with strange activities going on within. Was wonderin' if maybe we could offer our services? You want the house investigated? We're your men... and lady."
"Let's eat dung, millions of flies can't be wrong." Valdemar Baldhead
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Re: IC: Scene 2 - A business visit

Post by zielonobrody »

Oh. How convenient. Please come in. He opens the door and you all scuttle in quickly out of the cold into the house. He motions for you to enter the salon, that is full of armchairs. A lamp is on beside one of them and the fire is crackling. You take your pick of the armchairs and install yourselves in them. Your host takes his place by the lamp. The light shining from above his head distorts his features and he takes on a mean look.

In case you don't know who I am, the name's Donald Kolberger. Let's cut straight to the cheese, shall we? Some time ago I bought a residence in the city center, it was a bargain. There were stories about it being haunted or something but I don't believe in that stuff and the price was too good to be true so I bought it. I need someone who can finally clear the house of it's infamy and prove that it's not haunted so the gossip stops and I can rent it again.

He barks a cold laugh, tilting his head back so the shadows play sinister games on his face.

And if it is haunted, get rid of the darn apparition.

He laughs again, but stops when he notices nobody else is laughing.

I can offer your party 10$ a day and 50$ bonus when you prove it's not haunted. That sound good?
"Let's eat dung, millions of flies can't be wrong." Valdemar Baldhead
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Re: IC: Scene 2 - A business visit

Post by zielonobrody »

Dan Marrison

Dan looks to the others for any objections, then (assuming he gets none) stands and extends his hand, "Sounds like we have ourselves a deal." After shaking the man's hand, Dan asks, "Can you tell us, has anyone particularly pointed out any certain portion of the house as haunted - or is it all generally haunted equally? Where there any stories you heard that might aid in our investigation? And also, do you know the history of the house... who owned it in the past and what their trades were?"
"Let's eat dung, millions of flies can't be wrong." Valdemar Baldhead
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Re: IC: Scene 2 - A business visit

Post by zielonobrody »

Donald Kolberger

I seem to recall someone telling me that the last residents, the Macario family, didn't want to enter a certain bedroom on the top floor of the house. Some two years ago, the husband was taken away to the local Sanitarium. A few months later the wife shared his fate. The kids were taken to some aunt I believe. I haven't been able to rent it since then. I hear they were babbling about some ghost with fiery eyes. News got around and nobody will come near the place. That's why I need you to clear the house of any suspicion. There's no such thing as ghosts! He resumes his laughter.
"Let's eat dung, millions of flies can't be wrong." Valdemar Baldhead
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Re: IC: Scene 2 - A business visit

Post by zielonobrody »

Pearl Wealstone

"A ghost with ... firey eyes did you say Sir? Upper bedroom. Were there any other phenomena in the house, such as cold spots and the time honoured "things that go bump in the night?" Asks Pearl, a look of concern on her face.
"Let's eat dung, millions of flies can't be wrong." Valdemar Baldhead
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Re: IC: Scene 2 - A business visit

Post by zielonobrody »

Donald Kolberger

I don't know much more frankly. It's just the one bedroom that nobody wanted to go into that I know of. You'll have to find out the rest of the hokey stories by yourselves.
"Let's eat dung, millions of flies can't be wrong." Valdemar Baldhead
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Re: IC: Scene 2 - A business visit

Post by zielonobrody »

Dan, Psychology: 51
ImpInTraining,[b]Dan[/b] gets the feeling that his host is being a cheap ass. If this is so important to him, he might pay more.
"Let's eat dung, millions of flies can't be wrong." Valdemar Baldhead
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Re: IC: Scene 2 - A business visit

Post by zielonobrody »

Dan Marrison

"Well, nothing to worry about, Mr. Kolberger. For the price of $10 a day and $50 bonus each, we'll be sure to get to the bottom of this conundrum," Dan says with a foxishly sly grin. He could tell the guy was low-balling the group, and figured he'd see what he could do about getting a more respectable fee. He turned to the others in the group and said "Just one bedroom to worry about, should be a snap."
"Let's eat dung, millions of flies can't be wrong." Valdemar Baldhead
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Re: IC: Scene 2 - A business visit

Post by zielonobrody »

Donald Kolberger

Clearly shocked at the price, Kolberger holds out his hands in dismay Now wait a minute. That's a bit steep. I can settle for half that and 50$ up front for expenses. OK?
That seems a more reasonable price for a man that is constantly whining about a house that he bought for cheap and can't rent it. This would mean everyone get's 5$ a day and a 25$ bonus at the end of the job with half the bonus up front. Seems like easy money...
"Let's eat dung, millions of flies can't be wrong." Valdemar Baldhead
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Re: IC: Scene 2 - A business visit

Post by zielonobrody »

Dan Marrison

Dan furrows his brow and takes off his hat to rub his head, "I don't know... I'll have to confer with my colleges here." He turned and faced the others, calling them all close for a private conversation huddle as he whispers, "I think this is a reasonable fee. We should take it. Any objections?"
"Let's eat dung, millions of flies can't be wrong." Valdemar Baldhead
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Re: IC: Scene 2 - A business visit

Post by zielonobrody »

Pearl Wealstone

"I agree." says Pearl, though she casts a worried look over Dan's shoulder before returning to the "huddle" before continuing;

"He seems to like the colour of his money to my mind - and reluctant to see it go elsewhere I doubt we'd get that much more out of him myself."
"Let's eat dung, millions of flies can't be wrong." Valdemar Baldhead
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Re: IC: Scene 2 - A business visit

Post by zielonobrody »

Dan Marrison

Dan nodded to the others and turned about to Kolberger and sighed, "Ok. It will have to do. I guess NOW we have ourselves a deal." He folded his arms and tapped his chin thoughtfully, then said, "We'll need to know the address, and a key would be nice."
"Let's eat dung, millions of flies can't be wrong." Valdemar Baldhead
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Re: IC: Scene 2 - A business visit

Post by zielonobrody »

Kolberger smiles and shakes Dan's outstretched hand vigorously, clearly happy that he got off cheap. You think to yourselves: He's probably thinking there's not a very good chance of us getting this done so he wants to spend as little as possible.

He scuttles away in his slippers and soon returns with a key and an address on a piece of paper. He bids you good night and ushers you out the door saying he needs to get some rest and asking you to return when you finish. Only just before he shuts the door do you remember that he was supposed to pay up front and Mike manages to get his foot in the door. Reluctantly Kolberger brings the money and locks the door without another word.
"Let's eat dung, millions of flies can't be wrong." Valdemar Baldhead

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