IC: Chapter Two- The Death of a Sea Captain

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Post by Henrik »

"We appreciate that we can borrow some of your precious time, Lieutenant O'Meara. The Starkweather-Moore expedition has so far been a disaster, full of unfortunate events. Some of us begin to believe that these events are not just coincidences. So far we haven't been able to prove anything, and I sincerely hope that we never will... We are curious of an old case of yours, concerning the death of a Mr. Lexington. I'm sure that you have seen his daughter figuring in the papers. Could you tell us something about the case?" Olof turns to Jack for moral support, he's not sure that receiving any information about a police case is legal.
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Post by Decrepit »

Well, that was ... blunt, Jack thinks, glancing at Olof, but sometimes blunt is good. O'Meara may be a straight enough dealer to respect that. For the moment, Jack just sits back to see what happens.
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Post by Raiko »

NYPD Headquarters – 240 Centre Street, New York
11:15am - Wednesday 6th September, 1933

O’Meara laughs, “Well you don’t beat around the bush do you Mr Eriksson

“I can remember the case fairly well, because of the wealthy victim and Miss Lexington’s unusual claims I guess. I don’t see any problems discussing it with you; the case is long since closed.”

“As I recall Acacia was quite convinced at first that her father’s death was the result of a robbery. She claimed that a rare book had been stolen from her father’s library and that the robber had killed her father; but all of the evidence clearly pointed to suicide. There was no indication of a break in or a struggle, Lexington’s handgun was still at the scene, and powder marks clearly indicated that he’d shot himself.”

“She told us that the book, an original manuscript of The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket by Edgar Allan Poe, contained several additional chapters that were never included in the published novel for some reason. Anyway a day or two later, Acacia located the book, and withdrew her claims. Case closed.”

O’Meara shrugs, “I’m not sure what this could have to do with your two Expeditions though,” he looks straight into Olof’s eyes and asks, “Now what are all these unfortunate events that you mentioned?”

“Because during a murder case, I never believe in coincidence.”
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Post by Decrepit »

"It's all mostly just rumor and guesswork," Jack says. "That's partly why I'm--we're--here talking to you now, and at significant risk to our status as members in good standing of the expedition, I might add.

"Look, Starkweather's in a snit about Lexington. He sees her behind every corner, behind every mishap, great and small, that happens to the expedition. Me? I'm not sure what's going on, either, but I don't like conspiracy theories. I also don't like ending up dead, so I was hoping that you could tell me something I hadn't already read in the papers.

"But if you don't have anything more than that about Lexington and her father, I'm not sure we can really help each other here."

Jack waits, hoping this might goad O'Meara into tipping his hand, assuming that there was a hand yet to tip.
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Back to base

Post by Steerpike »

Mcraven tells the cab to head to the docks

"Look Isugtag, we need to play carefully here. Starkweather has not been playing straight with us on a number of things. We make ourselves busy at the docks, talk to some of the guys there, put in some calls to the hotel and get the others over here. Away from starkweather, away from the press. We got a lot to talk about"

He slouches in the crumpled leather of rear seat of the cab and stares out to the rain swept streets.
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Post by Mister Juan »

After reading the letter over a few times, forehead filled with deep wrinkles, the Inuit had handed it over to McRaven.

His reaction had been rather similar to his.

"I agree with you... Something is not quite right with all this. Too many things that shouldn't happen, are."

Isugtag flicked open his tobacco box and started filling his pipe again.

"I had a dream about our expedition." said Isugtag in a low, almost whispered voice.

His eyes seemed unfocused, as he kept filling his pipe in an instinctive manner... as if the motion was calming him down.

"I was drifting along a large white plaine... White and cold as far I as could see. Lonely fields of white that have not been passed by man or beast. I saw the moutains. I saw the Miskatonic Range. Even in the distance, their giant shadows casted darkness all around me. And then I felt it. Something haunting. Something alien."

Grey Wolf stopped in his tracks. He looked up from his seat over to McRaven... looking him straight in the eye.

"Something is waiting for us there William. Something cold. Pitiless and ancient… I know it. I can feel it in my bones. "
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Post by Henrik »

"Well, we have been checking the expedition equipment during the last few days and it seems that many things have gone missing or are broken. I might just be my imagination. According to my experience half the job in engineering is to figure out why stuff isn't working and the other half is fixing them. But... we had that coincidence with the madman who wanted to kill Starkweather so I would not be surprised if he had took the liberty of destroying and stealing a few essential things. I can't prove anything though, so let it just remain a theory."
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Post by Steerpike »

McRaven can't help supress a shudder at the Indians words, holding the mans gaze he says softly

"If anyone else had said that to me, I'd have laughed in their face, we need to get to docks and soon"

He leans forward so he can speak to the driver

"Hey mack, can you drive faster? this is something of an emergency"
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Post by BlackGoat »

While still taking in his surroundings...

"Well, I suppose we just look up everything by Poe until we come across our desired title, then hopefully we can get some Info on the possibility of a duplicate, or even article on this 'unique' piece."

While rubbing his chin with his index and thumb...

"Best to also look up anything written about Poe, inspirations for his works, and pissibly find out if he often made unique works with text not including in the circulated editions, or if this particular title is entirely more unique than we had primarily understood. I just question what could be so significant in that unique piece that would cause such a commotion."

Sean now looks to Gunnar.

"That's just my take, do you have any suggestions?"
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Post by OrionUK »

"Good thinking Nils, I hadn't thought of that aspect of the situation - we will play it your way for a day or two and keep our eyes peeled at all times"

James is dedicated to getting to the bottom of this and will do whatever it takes to find out what is happening.
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Post by Raiko »

NYPD Headquarters – Centre Street, New York
11:16am – Wednesday 6th September 1933

“Look I appreciate you guys coming to see me, so here’s what I’ll do.”

“The Lexington case was too long ago for me to remember any better off the top of my head, and I doubt that it has anything to do with the current case, but I’ll get someone to dig out my old notes. If you come back here tomorrow Jack you can look through them and follow things up yourself.”

“As I said, I doubt that there’s a connection, and I can’t spare any of my men to look into Acacia. Her lawyers would just get in the way anyway, so you’re welcome to use my old notes yourself, so long as you come to me with any evidence, I’ll get real angry if I find anyone obstructing a murder case. Fair?”

Pier 74 – New York
Lunchtime – Wednesday 6th September 1933

Mcraven and Isugtag’s taxicab pulls up on 12th Avenue outside the gates of Pier 74. Beyond the small group of reporters and the locked gate, they see Callum, James and Nils walking into the security office.

[OOC: I need to make a few rolls before I can post again for Sean and Gunnar – This will have to wait till I’m at home]
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Post by Decrepit »

Without being entirely sure what he's agreeing to but realizing that he's nowhere on his own at this point, Jack says, "Fair enough. You fellows just have to be careful, though, not to ruin my position with Starkweather.

"I'll be back tomorrow."
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Post by Henrik »

As they were leaving. Olof asked Jack: "O'Meara was unusually cooperative. Is it common that the police opens their archives to non-policemen in America?"
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Post by Decrepit »

"It's not all that common," Jack says, "but O'Meara probably needs some inside information as much as we do. I have to admit, I'm worried about entangling myself with the police and Starkweather--being a sort of double agent even--but Starkweather and Moore have kept critical bits from us.

"I assume that I can trust to your discretion in all of this." It's not really a question, but it's not hostile either, exactly.

Without waiting for a reply, Jack says, "Let's head back to the hotel, see what's up with the others."
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Post by Raiko »

The Amherst Hotel – New York
11:45am – Wednesday 16th September, 1933

When they arrive back at the Amherst, Jack and Olof find that most of the others have gone to the docks.

New York Public Library – New York
1:30pm – Wednesday 6th September, 1933

Sean picks up a copy of The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket to loan, and with Gunnar sets about researching any information about a longer version of the book.

They don’t find any information about the “missing chapters,” and as this was the only novel that Poe wrote, it is difficult to judge whether the abrupt ending was Poe’s style. Sean does however uncover one strange news item, an Arthur G.Pym of Nantucket was one of thirty victims listed in a Huston Riverboat Fire, the article is dated Wednesday May 16th 1838, just a few weeks before Poe’s novel was published.

I forgot to make the rolls on Invisible Castle:
Sean McPhearson – Library Use (25%) = [12]
Sean McPhearson – Luck(70%) = [38]
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Post by Steerpike »

McRaven pays the cabbie and pulling up the collar of his coat against the wind and rain, pushes his way through the throng of reporters.
Hoping that Isugtag is keeping pace, he heads for the security station were he saw the others go.
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Post by Decrepit »

"Shall we head for the docks then, Olof? We could try to find Starkweather or Moore, but I can't imagine what use they'd be to us. I feel as if we need to check in with the others."
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Post by Raiko »

Pier 74 – New York
Lunchtime – Wednesday 6th September 1933

Jack and Olof’s taxi arrives at Pier 74 just in time for them to see McRaven and Isugtag shouldering their way through the reporters.
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Post by Charles Graves »

Graves enters the Commissioner's office and shakes his hand warmly. "Excellent to see you again old chap. Unfortunately, as you are well aware our expedition has befell yet another tragedy since our last meeting, with the murder of Captain Douglas. As the party's physician I am responsible for the health and wellbeing of the whole expedition so I was hoping that you may be able to shed some light on both murders - An 'Ivy League' / 'Oxbridge' meeting of minds shall we say." He smiles warmly, hoping to put the policeman off his guard."
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Post by Decrepit »

"What's been going on, gentlemen?" Jack asks as he sees McRaven and Isugtag. "Olof and I just came from the hotel, and we heard nearly everyone was here."

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