The Fungi From Yuggoth

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The Fungi From Yuggoth

Post by Caporegime »


As some of you may know I'm fairly new to this site, having recently joined Mr Handy’s 'Space Oddity' game and looking to get involved in Welsh’s new 'Mountain Man' adventure, I'd also like to try my hand at a bit of keeping.

After recently digging though my brothers old RPG books I've managed to get my hands on 'The Fungi from Yuggoth' and feel it has great promise. I appreciate most people cite 'Day of the Beast' as the better reprint of the campaign but I'm afraid I don't have the book, so good ol' 'Fungi' it's going to be. I hope the game to have quite a gritty feel and in places be pretty horrifying, involving plenty of investigation and opportunities for character growth and interaction. Combat will be deadly although I'm not a fan of killing investigators without them deserving it. Lastly I like to use lots of visuals and handouts and also prefer the keeper to do most of the die rolling when playing on message boards (although publicly, via invisible castle) as I believe this helps things keep moving along a little slicker.

I'm looking for a smallish group of 4 (or so) investigators who would ideally be able to post daily (although I do appreciate people have real lives too) as I would like to keep the game fast paced and ticking over nicely. The game starts in the middle of 1928 around the New York area, although investigators could easily be living anywhere in Eastern America and of pretty much any social standing. The only caveat is everyone needs to somehow be acquainted with Mrs. Irene LeMond, a widower who lives in a rural area near Buffalo, New York. You know Irene to have one son, Paul LeMond who is another link that may be built into player’s backgrounds to help with the plot hook.

Please post any initial interest below, with a quick concept and an idea of how you are connected to the LeMond's and we can then work together via PM to incorporate this seed into your investigators background.

I can begin the game as soon as we have enough people.

The adventure beings with you all receiving the following telegram

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Dave Syrinx
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Re: The Fungi From Yuggoth

Post by Dave Syrinx »

Hi, Caporegime! And ouch! I´m preparing a sceanrio based on the one you´re about to run. A Cthulhu Now scenario called "At your door". So I´ll wait to launch it till after your game has finished. That being said, I´d be happy to play, but will have to pass as I´m currently researching the material for running "At your door".
I´ll make sure to stay in the shadows, to catch some of the goodies from your game. Good luck!
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Re: The Fungi From Yuggoth

Post by Caporegime »

Hey Syrinx,

Thanks for the words of encouragement! I've never played 'At your Door' but I didn't realise that it was similar to 'Fungi from Yuggoth'? I'll be glad to have you reading along though.
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Re: The Fungi From Yuggoth

Post by Dave Syrinx »

At your door is set in the 1990´s and some of the characters from Fungi of Yuggoth make a reappearance. I´m not going to throw any spoilers away here, so I´ll accept the permission to lurk ;) .
If you need some information on any of the stuff for your scenario, I can be of help. I have another supplement for the game. PM me about any innformation you need extra material on. I´ll do my best to help out.
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Re: The Fungi From Yuggoth

Post by ryanaudino »

Hey Capo,
I'd be interested in taking part in your game if we can get a group together. I think I'd like to play some kind of intellectual from the Providence area, but I'd need to think about my concept some more. Are there any specific types of characters you had in mind?
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Re: The Fungi From Yuggoth

Post by Caporegime »

Hello Ryan,

I'd love to have yo on board! As for your investigators occupation, I'm quite open to anything you wish to play as the adventure I have planned doesn't requires anything specific. As an 'intellectual' you could play anything from and architect to a zoologist and everything in between. Being acquainted with Irene LeMond is the only prerequisite. I've also deliberate given very little detail about Irene other than her living in Buffalo, this means I can mold her past to fit with any suggested links people come up with.

As for a little more information on the planned campaign. The Fungi from Yuggoth is a fairly lengthy story, although I don't believe it's anything like as long as 'masks' or 'Horror on the Orient Express'. Globe trotting will certainly be present (so language skills may prove useful, although I'm not saying which ones) along with mobsters, monsters and insane cultists, all in all, a classic Call of Cthulhu romp!

I'm quite lucky in having access to a decent number of CoC supplements, so if you need any help with occupation skills etc.. please don't hesitate to ask.

I look forward to seeing what you come up with,


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Re: The Fungi From Yuggoth

Post by Roryn »

Is this game open to anyone?
If so may i take part?


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Re: The Fungi From Yuggoth

Post by Caporegime »

Hi Roryn, yep the game is open to all comers. I'd love to have you on board.
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Re: The Fungi From Yuggoth

Post by kouchpotato »

Sounds cool. I'm in.
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Re: The Fungi From Yuggoth

Post by Caporegime »

Great, next step is to either post a character sheet or just a brief concept is fine at this stage. Let me know if you need any support.
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Re: The Fungi From Yuggoth

Post by Dondero »

Hi there

I'd be interested in playing in this if you've room for another! Basic character concept - illiterate handy-man employed to do odd-jobs around the house for the Le Monds. I don't intend for the character to be stupid, just not having had the opoprtunity to pursue a formal education,maybe dealt a couple of bad breaks in life, etc. Got more of a logical mind rather than being a thinker. I'm thinking a middle-aged family man on the lookout for legal means to keep his household above the poverty line. A practical man, keen to get stuck into things and get his hands dirty.

I'll flesh out more of a background later this week, let me know if you think would be a good fit!

Thanks :)
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Re: The Fungi From Yuggoth

Post by Caporegime »

Hi Dondero,

Certainly an interesting concept, I don't believe I've ever had an illiterate investigator before. With that said I think it would make a great change and I'm confident we could make it work.

I would rather steer away from the character being a full time employee of the LeMond's, but the neighborhood handyman who does a few hours a week would make a good fit for what I had intended. There will also be quite a substantial reward available, which from what you've fleshed out so far, sounds like it would be quite a draw for your investigator.

I've PM'd you a little more information about the LeMond's as you're likely to be a little more familiar with the family than others may be.

Let me know if there is anything you need.
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Re: The Fungi From Yuggoth

Post by Dondero »

Thnx for the PM's, Capo. My character, Cal Carter - labourer and neighbourhood odd-job man is good to go!! I'll keep an eye out for the green light!
The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed.
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Re: The Fungi From Yuggoth

Post by Roryn »

Ok so here’s the idea for my character, this is the first time iv done anything like this so please tell me if i need to add more or change anthing ect....

Friedrich Anselm (Freddie) son to an English mother and German farther living in Munich life was tough after the Great War only 15 in 1918 had lost both his farther and his grandfather. Seeking a better life his mother fled to America, taking Freddie with her in hope of finding the American dream.
life however turned out tougher than expected unable to find work they lived a life of poverty, Until a friend from Freddie’s mother from the local church parish was able to get Freddie’s mother a job with a rather substantial pay packet allowing Freddie to get a good education.

When hearing of his mom’s good friend’s troubles, Freddie saw it only as his moral duty to help her in her time of need just as she had helped his family in their own.

As a man Friedrich Anselm is rather sympathetic towards those who are worse off than him and is always looking to help some way. He is however rather ignorant to the fact that some people may not agree with him some times, but will always see logic after a short argument.

also do i need to role the charecter sheet?(i have a copy of the rulse book so that is not a problem)
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Re: The Fungi From Yuggoth

Post by Caporegime »

Hey Roryn,

Sounds good to me, I like the idea of 'Freddie's' personality. It should make for some interesting roleplaying.

What were you thinking of for his occupation? Based on the other applicant's we have so far I feel we could probably use an academic sort. Next step is certainly a character sheet. I'm happy for people to roll the attributes themselves as I'm not too precious around this, but let's not make any super hereos with all 15+ stats. If you need any help then drop me a PM. You may also find that Byakee (an investigator generator) makes things a little easier, but it's by no means necessary.

We currently have 3 people (including yourself) who don't seem too far off being ready to play. I would like one more before we get started, but with any luck we can get underway next week or so.


Slots still open - Please post interest below.
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Re: The Fungi From Yuggoth

Post by kouchpotato »

Do you have anything definitive written about Paul? I was thinking about a friend of his who was an author conscripted into the Great War with him, they survived and stayed friends, gradually drifting apart until my character got this letter.
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Re: The Fungi From Yuggoth

Post by Caporegime »


I do have Paul fleshed out pretty well but at this stage I'd rather not give out too many details as he's pretty integral to the plot.

I can say that he didn't actually serve in the Great War but if you're looking at linking into Paul LeMond I can say he did travel for many years in his late teens and early 20's. During this time Paul could have conceivable travelled pretty much anywhere on the globe (at least I can build anywhere into his background). Maybe your investigator met Paul on his travels, spending a month or two with him. Perhaps your character was researching a book or something similar?

I'd like to refrain from anyone knowing Paul too closely, but having met him and 'hitting it off' is a definite possibility.

Does this help at all?
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Re: The Fungi From Yuggoth

Post by kouchpotato »

Sure, that would work. I'll write up the details later.
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Re: The Fungi From Yuggoth

Post by kouchpotato »

Here's my character background.

Simon Wells, a young man from Hamilton, Ontario, was one of those 47,000 Canadians to be conscripted and actually sent overseas to fight in the great war. His youthful innocence was blown away during the battle of Vimy Ridge, along with hundreds of his fellow soliders. The mud, the trenches and the death took their toll on his mind, filling his sleep with the faces of the mangled dead. Surviving the war with only a minor shrapnel wound, Simon returned to Canada disollusioned about his country and life. Despite writing over a thousand pages of his experiences in the war, only two of his books were ever published. Depressed, and on the verge of financial ruin, he used the remaining funds to travel to Europe and see for himself what he and his countrymen had really accomplished with their sacrifice.

It was there he met Paul LeMond, a young man travelling the world. They talked at length, accompanying each other for a month and a half and giving Simon the inspiration to write his best selling tale The Case at St. Irving. He returned to Canada, but moved to Boston, embittered over his conscription. He and Paul visited each other occassionally, but soon their contact consisted of a card at Christmas only. Two more novels were published, and Simon was a moderately rich man. Two hours after recieving the telegram, he was on his way to the LeMond's.
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Re: The Fungi From Yuggoth

Post by Ged »

Hi Capo,

I'd like to join the game if I may. I'm a work now so I'll work on my character concept at lunchtime and post a bit more then, but I'm thinking ex-cop who is a bit rough round the edges and possibly given a desk job then pensioned off after becoming somewhat disturbed by 'thing's he has seen on the job.


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